Minutes - 01/28/1969 - Board of TrusteesVag-66T- VILLA= (W OAK BROOK MINUTES oar NEXT VILr.A� Gr &p A nD NiL�'it�G - USDA Y January I _ 28. 1969 FEB I Z 1969 I ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. by President Dean. All trustees were present. 11 RING OF MWUTES Trustee O'Brien moved w seconded by Trustee Hayes... zbaat the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of January b4, 1969, be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted. Voice vote - all in favor. Say ordered. III ORDINANCES, RIESOIUTIONS, VAREATX , PLATS, ETC. A. Forest Unit V o Final Plat b.l MA14AIii�r�7�A � ■.A ■� '.imat. x Rush moved r aeconded by Trustee He)-es... That the village board approve the final plat of Brook Forest Unit V and that the treamrer and clerk be gat thoriaed to affix their s igoature s thereon m*ject to the receipt: of the proper bond and inspection fees. Roll, Calf Vote: Ayes o Trustees Barton, Hayes, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean. Kayea Trustee Rowell. So ordered. B. oR..D_:CoC R ..Ra in t�.�.2M 1 t.0 1-ft Isouth of T L ww Has President Dean read Letters from W. Francis Newcomb, President, Board of Bdoestio►n, School District #f52, dated January 22, 1969s, and Mr. Veyne S. Doran, General. YAnager, Oak Brook Davelopaanent Company, dated Januaryy B2, L969, reWding this rezoning ra- s�st. Ater disatkaaion, the folles lax notion was made. Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Tg%atee Roseman... That the request of the Oak Brook Development Company for resonift the ORA »i area ioadiately Woot of Route 83 and Saixtk of the " Tallway to R-4 be approved. ROLL OaLL Vote: Ayes - 2 stees. Bartons Hayes O °Brieas, Rom ma ne Rash and President Dean. Naayea - Tinotee Rowell. Be ordered. C. 0.5-Pica- - Oak fr�k South ix - 1lacelia�oi = Plant 4* 11.�■1 1 r ql�� ■■q. ■�.�IY■tlY�■■■gOA ■ql.l �■ ■ Id���. Iftstee O'Brian moved m seconded by Trustee Barton... That Attorney Uatavermaagt furniaab the Plan Commission with a written opinion concerning private roads and access to canna for a clarification of thlEe situation ssd that the pr*LWnwy plat of Oak brook math II be resubmitted to the Plan Comission for their recoawm adatioQ as to wbetba r the road should be private and , if so; what form of - covenant or easemnts should be recomnmded. ROLL Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton. RWes, Rowell, O = Brian g Reaasaa:an, Rusb and President Dam. Reyes -- Bon So ordered. 0 1' all —69 0 P� III ORDIRMCES , RBSOLOTIONS (0ontinW -ad) C. O.B.D.Cord - ask Brojkftuth 11 - fteLftfgaE: 11at MatLe Trustee Runde moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien,.. T%aat the Place Co®iass$ ion discuss the possible aslimin- ation of the m altipLae adjoining flag Lots With the Oak Brook Development Company as recome ended is their Letter to the beard dated January 22, 1969. Roll Ceti. 'dote: Ayes . Trustees Barton, Hayes Howell, O'Brien, Rueb and President Dw4u. Sayan Trustee Reesman. go ordered. D. V s 0,0 p Vo • IL.2 ��1��..er.�.�w� a�a _ -at Kax Each trustee was ftrulahed with as copy of a Letter from W. Wayne S. Doran, General Manager, Oak Brook Development Compzny, dated Jafwary 24, 1969. After discussion, than following motion was made. Estee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee HoweLL... dear Comwz rce PLagsa III final plat approval be tabled until the proposed rtaff is study Ls available. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trwsjtees Barton, Hayes Hwell, O'Brien, Rush and President Dean. Navas - T , ;stee Reesman. Bo ordered. B. t M Ira sore a Paari,at Ordinance a wL7ia. onw� nino.�s..p �..�..C.' Bad trustee was provided With a copy of a proposed ordinance granting a variation to Mr. Robert %&wh ayraae, reducing the aide yard re4miremeants from LA feet to LO meet on property located at 3940 Spring Road. Trustee Rayoea moved - seconded by Tutee Nowell... That ordinance S-176 be psesed and approved by the wiLlaaege board. ROLL CaraU Vote: Ayes m Ttaateas Barton, Hayes, Rowell, O'Brien, Bosseen, Rah and President Denim. Hayes ° None So ordered. F. Tower Drive - S t r encca - v$- L� Each trustee team provided -with a copy of as proposed as3rdina me naming a street to be known an Tyr Drive located aek the ea &t side of the Rapiataan Cbrporation south of Qeramk Road. Tutee Hayes moved - seconded by Treastee Raab... That Ordinance 3d177 be passed and approved by the village board. ROLL Call Vote: Ayes m Trustees Barton, Rm7es Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean. Neyes .. Done So ordered. 0. Ord ittamaae led„ $. 0�� ..9° ' rat � tom' a3 11rSaDr m a- - 1,.�,... Each trustee was provided with a copy of a proposed ordinance auxudlaf Ordinance 0-40, Subparagraph c) of Parafropta 2 of Ssbsect_on 8 of Section vi, to correct a printer a error. Trustee Rush moved w seconded by Trustee Hayes... Tbat Ordinance Q-•99 be grinned approved by the vi.LLage board. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trusteese Parton, Mayans RmeaL1, 015rien, Rossaman, Ruda end President lean. Hay* as � Nam So ordetvd . 1/26/69 0 1, qt4dj 0(d 1 0 I l ORDIMMM, RLSOUMONS `+boatimxed) �. ordf e e adi �� -► g i� d � � o - e 8�1 Each treates was provided with m copy of a$ proposed ordinance amending Ordinance 9 -91 to iucl%We the Bank of YoAtown as an approved depository for the corporate funds of the viLLag+e. 'ustee. O'Brien moved seconded by Trustee Rosawn... "chat ordinance S -178 be passed and approved by the village board. Roll Call Vote: Ayes .. Trustees Barton, Hayes RowelL 0119 rfen, Roesaaan. Rush and Presid;nt tl;;n. Hayes .. Psone So oard d. 1. Ordinance Providin 3-year term for Pla liss a ®e tom Each trustee was provided with a copy of a pro4oased ordicaance =ending Ordinance 0m5 starting that all appointments to the Oak Brook Phan C oumiss ion steal. L be for a t irm of three yews. Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That Qrdinaace C -100 be passed and approved by the village board. Roll CaLL 'Voice: Ayes -• Trustees Barton, Rayea: H0 &11, O'Brien, Roseman, Rash a" pre lldeett Dean. Nayeat w None So ordered. J. Election Ord- inence m S -t 9 Each trmetee was provided with a copy of the proposed 1969 election ordinance announcing that there wiLA be a regular electlar. to the Village of Oak gook to elect three truatees for four -year term on April IS, 1&69. Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trestae Rush... That Ordinama 5-179 be passed and app -oved by the village board. Ro1L CaLl Vote:: Aysm « Trastees Barton, Hayes Howell, O'Brien, Rossman, Rush and President lean. ye s : o Rom So ordered. K. Fir tion Coe Ordinance G-10L Trustee Rowell, read o propoved ordinance adapting a fire pre - vention code eseribing regelatfens ruing eoWitione hazardous to life and propasrty• from fire or explosion, and establishing a bureau of faire prevention and providing officers therefore and defining their pme rs and duties. Trustee Howell moved - ser .,dad by Tmatee Rossman... That Ordinance a -LOL to passed and approved by the village board. Roil Call Vote: .Ayes - Tmeteee Barton, Hayes Hvmtl, 01arjen, Roseman, fish and President Mesa. Hayes m FAMe So ordered. 1/28,69 0 . tv OLD 0311L 14-14q 0 Page 4 A. Yaditoun Cro$9BRe W. A. J..Iohainkne cht precented an enginearing report on than storm drainage for the ginger Creek ftbdivision. After &LsR:.4ion, President Dean sapdorte3d that Trustee Mayes and himself would contact the Singer Creek Ranowneral Aasociatim regarding their proposed . evetaasnt and wamtd report to the b ,. d as B- Spring .Bed IMeLavanal Engineer Berner prevented as atudy and Location plat of Spring Std. and Wizek Curve. after discussion, it was derided that Traefte Mayes study this matter further. C. Revision of ZODIRS ?MR Trustee Barton moved .. seconded by Trustee Ro. mm... That EnSimer Owner be authorized to prepare an offf is iat current zoning cap at a cost not to emeed $375.BO. Soil. Call Votes: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes KaeLL, O'Brien, Rosaman, Rueb and President Dean. Reyes -None Sep ordered. D. VVUL&Ke .. IeVetor Truates DoaeLl provided each trustee with a vlUdge administrator Job description. Each trustee was requested to contact Mr. Novell with their thous and suggestions. V M WSINUS B. Fire F At- Swann of Fires Prevention Trustee Mmall advised that U. Ringer is jLn the process of setting up a biream for inspections, ate. and ttwt spece will be needed for this operation Lim the fire depa rtm aat. aatee ALL moved - seconded by 7tetee O'Brien... fta* an amount not to exceed $,29000 be approved for the exy Situ re of providing office &pace &Rd egnIp ent to operate the ts>:ream of fire Prevention. Roll Cali Vote: Ayes - TrUatees Barton, Rayea HaveLl. O'BrIeo. Rosman, Rush and Pareslznt lease. Ne"s _ NaaQe So ordered. C. Poiicee t i & Trustee Dart" Moved .. seconded by Iftetee O'Brien... that the aeppointme-at of Miss Jana Ch1upse as clerk-steno, be epporoved by the eiLLaage board effective Jammmy 20th, 1969. UIL C ®LB. Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Reyes Rovelg, 093rbo, Roseman, IWwh and President Dean. Hares -- eta go ordered. VI ADJOURNOW President lean adjourned this Mating at LL:L0 P.M. L /za/69 Lorraine R. Friaeek Village Clam