Minutes - 01/31/2005 - Board of Trustees2.
The Special Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was called to order by
President Quinlan in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Butler
Government Center at 7:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Village Clerk Linda Gonnella called the roll with the following persons
PRESENT: President Kevin M. Quinlan, Trustees Stelios Aktipis, John W.
Craig, Susan Chase Korin, Elaine Zannis, and Asif Yusuf.
ABSENT: Trustee George T. Caleel.
IN ATTENDANCE: Richard B. Boehm, Village Manager and Kenneth
Kubiesa, Village Attorney.
a. A Resolution to Approve an Attorney to Represent the Village of Oak Brook
in the Elmhurst Builders Case
Mr. Quinlan explained that a resolution has been prepared by Trustee Aktipis
and that the Board of Trustees has just received this document at the meeting.
Trustee Aktipis explained that the matter he is presenting before the Board of
Trustees relates to the appointment of an attorney to represent the Board of
Trustees relative to the Elmhurst Case vs. Oak Brook. He stated there are issues
that he would like to address before discussing the resolution. He commented
of a letter or a memo that Attorney Kubiesa provided the Board dated January
27, 2005.
He explained that he was in court on Thursday, January 27, when Attorneys'
appeared on his petition to intervene and disqualify the Kubiesa firm from
representing the Village in this particular case. Attorney Kubiesa was not
present and contrary to what Attorney Kubiesa has stated in his letter, the Judge
did not rule that Attorney De Ano's appearance was proper. His attorney
advised the fudge that it was his belief that the Village Board was meeting
tonight to consider whether Mr. De Ano would be retained to represent the
Village in the Elmhurst case. The Judge suggested, and the attorneys' agreed,
that the case would be continued for one week to determine the Board's
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3. decision. In the interim, Mr. De Ano may file his appearance. His attorneys'
have obtained the transcript and that he believes the transcript will reflect the
two sequences of events, which are not what was represented in the letter that
Attorney Kubiesa wrote on the matter.
He further commented that Attorney Kubiesa suggested that the Board has no
right to approve the appointment of Mr. De Ano. The only basis for the Village
President to appoint Mr. De Ano without Board approval would be in the form
of a temporary appointment. Temporary implies that Mr. De Ano would be
replaced at some point and the Village ordinance permits temporary
appointments for only thirty to sixty days, with the President renewing after
thirty days. He questioned what would be the point of the Village President
appointing someone on a temporary basis, and then having that attorney be
replaced in thirty to sixty days with a permanent attorney
He stated that President Quinlan had not made an attempt to propose Mr. De
Ano as an appointee. This matter was not discussed with the Board of Trustees
of the possible impact of Mr. De Ano involved in the Elmhurst Builders case
relative to his more important representation in the Village vs. the DuPage
Housing Authority litigation.
Trustee Aktipis suggested that Attorney Kubiesa filed papers in the Elmhurst
Builders case in which he admits that Trustee Aktipis may be personally
implicated from a liability standpoint. He stated that Attorney Kubiesa filed
these papers, without Board approval, which are factually wrong. He remarked
that it is only due to the Village Attorney's action that he was forced to enter
into the Elmhurst Builders case.
Trustee Aktipis suggested that Attorney Kubiesa did all the reviews on the
request for water near the site proposed for Elmhurst Builders. He should have
recognized that his advice was substantially deficient otherwise the Village
would not be defending a lawsuit that Attorney Kubiesa thought he would
easily have been able to dismiss. He suggested that the Board would need an
independent investigator to examine Attorney Kubiesa's actions relative to the
Elmhurst Builders case and the advice he rendered regarding the settlement of
the Housing Authority case.
Trustee Aktipis indicated that he was upset that the Village President has
already assigned Attorneys Kubiesa and De Ano to comment on the defense
and indemnification of a Trustee, when the request has not been made formally.
As a result of his being involved into the Elmhurst Builders case by Attorney
Kubiesa and his actions, he has advised the Board of Trustees of his intent to
seek idemnification at some point. It is not certain that the request will be made
to the Village. This indemnification could come from Attorney Kubiesa and his
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3. firm in an issue that Trustee Aktipis will have his attorneys to determine and by
the courts.
At this time Trustee Aktipis indicated that he is only proposing a resolution that
will address the issue of who will be representing in the litigation of Elmhurst
Builders. He asked Village Manager Boehm to read the resolution in its
President Quinlan then responded to Trustee Aktipis' request. He stated that it
was Trustee Aktipis' request to have Attorney Kubiesa and his firm removed
from the Elmhurst Builders case. He clearly stated that any litigation that
comes before the Village is supposed to be handled at least initially, not fully,
by the Village Attorney. This is clearly outlined by State Statue and what the
Village Attorney's job is in representing the Board. Attorney Kubiesa is the
Village Attorney who was unanimously elected by the Board of Trustees. He
noted that it was Trustee Aktipis' request that the Board was to meet tonight to
discuss supposedly in closed session but again Trustee Aktipis requested to
have it in an open session. He suggested that this case in all likelihood would
have already been dismissed without Trustee Aktipis' interference in holding
up the Village Board's ability to do so.
President Quinlan commented that it is on the record that Trustee Aktipis was
to supply the President and the Board his concerns as to why Mr. De Ano
would be inappropriate representation for the Village in this particular case.
He indicated that there would not be another attorney without his appointment
and the Board of Trustees approval unless it's done so through temporary
appointment. He inquired as to why the Board does not have the information
that Trustee Aktipis was defending so vigorously at the last Village Board
Trustee Aktipis responded to President Quinlan with the following comments
that he made at the last Village Board meeting that Mr. De Ano has some
serious conflicts of interest. He suggested one reason is that Mr. De Ano is
potentially a witness in the case of Elmhurst Builders and he has been involved
as the attorney in the DuPage Housing Authority case. He believes that these
reservations existed not only by him but also with other Trustees. He further
believes the resolution that he has presented to the Village details the reason for
which Attorney Kubiesa cannot make the appointment
Trustee Aktipis suggested that Mr. De Ano is a temporary appointment is an
absurd way to move. He asked why the Board would give the case to someone
who would have the authority to handle it only for the 30 -60 days. He
recommended moving forward as rapidly as the Board could obtain an Attorney
that would handle the case on a permanent basis with the approval of the
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3. Trustees.
President Quinlan inferred that if Trustee Aktipis had not interfered in this case
that it should have been dismissed a week ago. He stated that he has made a
conciliatory gesture toward Trustee Aktipis' request if he could show just cause
as to why Mr. De Ano should not be representing the Village.
Trustee Aktipis stated that he would not continue to engage in an exchange that
has no real purpose other than an attempt to accuse him for something that he
believes he needs to do to defend himself. He suggested that the Village
President has put him and certainly the Village Attorney in a precarious
position where he could have encountered legal liabilities, personal liabilities,
while acting in good faith and upon the President's instructions and the
instructions of this Board for the benefit of the Village. Namely, trying to
resolve an issue in which the Village was trying to negotiate. He suggested that
the Village Attorney, instead of following his statutory duty to do what he is
instructed to do by the Board; has chosen to file an affirmative defense in which
he attempted to implicate Trustee Aktipis in the matter that could be damaging
to himself personally.
President Quinlan remarked that Trustee Aktipis is welcome to take actions on
his own personal time, with his own personal money that is necessary.
Village Manager Boehm noted that this is a sixty -day temporary appointment
and asked what is the likelihood this case would be resolved within those sixty
days. He suggested that if the case is completed in two, three, four or five
weeks that it really is a moot point.
Trustee Yusuf remarked that he thought the Board had a pretty good agreement
to go into closed session to discuss specifics of this question of a potential
conflict of interest or other circumstances that would preclude this. He would
have welcomed it and would have looked at the facts with an open mind. Now
the Board is not going into closed session, which was the purpose of this
meeting and he commented that it would have been nice to know this ahead of
time and to leave it on the agenda. He remarked that the Board could have
chosen not to go into a closed meeting but at least the Board would have an
option. He suggested that he does not think it is appropriate to go into details in
open session and that a think closed session is the place for it. He stated that he
would need to review this further and maybe ask the Village Attorney some
questions. He stated that the Board deserves a reasonable amount of time to
digest the information and make a decision.
Trustee Aktipis replied that the reason of the Open Meetings Act has been to
protect the community. It was used to limit closed sessions in matters that
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3. could be aired in public and not hidden from the residents. He believes that
many municipalities have abused that possibility and have discussed in closed
session's things that should see the light of the day. He did not see anything
here that may create any liability for the Village. Open discussions of how the
Board will deal with this case need not be hidden from anybody's sight.
President Quinlan asked Trustee Aktipis to show him some legitimate reason,
privately or openly, which backs up his suspicions that Mr. De Ano is not
proper representation. He offered Trustee Aktipis to provide him the
information and he will consider it.
Trustee Aktipis stated that President Quinlan received the information on
January 28t1'. President Quinlan responded that it was just given to him.
Trustee Aktipis indicated he had sent the information to Attorney Kubiesa on
January 28'1'. Again, President Quinlan stated he had just received the
Trustee Craig explained that he attended the winter carnival yesterday and
spoke to various people in the Village and the general opinion of the people is
that they are sick and tired of some of these proceeding, on both sides. He feels
that there comes a time when one must compromise and politics means coming
to a compromise. He has two more years in his term and he likes the word
conciliation and compromise. He remarked that he wants all these lawsuits and
bickering to end as the Board is not making any progress either way and the
Board needs to think about working things out that will be acceptable. The
Board needs to think about what's best for the Village of Oak Brook and this
may not be it.
Trustee Aktipis responded that if the Board were to approve Mr. De Ano to take
over the Elmhurst case, the Board is compromising his ability to act for the
Village in the Housing Authority case. As the Trustees know, the Board has
been very happy with him as he is an excellent attorney. He stated the reason
why the Board is discussing this today is because the Board does not want to
compromise his ability to represent the Village in that particular litigation by
dragging him into litigation in the Elmhurst Builders case.
Trustee Craig read a portion of a letter that Mr. De Ano sent today regarding
litigation. Trustee Korin interjected that this should not be discussed at thist
time as this refers to on -going litigation. Trustee Craig reiterated that he can't
understand why Mr. De Ano is not being considered.
Trustee Zannis asked Village Manager Boehm read the resolution.
President Quinlan explained that he would not take action on any legal
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3. proceedings on behalf of the Village without properly digesting it and having a
realistic discussion with the Village Attorney.
President Quinlan asked for a motion to continue this matter until the next
regularly scheduled Village Board meeting to allow Village Board members,
including the missing member, to have time to read the material and ask the
appropriate questions as is the normal practice of this Board.
Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, to continue this matter to
the next regularly scheduled Village Board meeting to allow the Board
members, including the missing member, to have time to read the material and
ask the appropriate questions as is the normal practice of this Board. VOICE
VOTE: Ayes: Trustee Craig and Yusuf. Nays: Trustees Aktipis, Korin and
Zannis. Motion failed.
Village Manager Boehm was asked to read the resolution.
WHEREAS, the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court for DuPage County,
Illinois, upon the motion to disqualify the Village Attorney filed by Trustee
Stelios Aktipis and following the agreement of the Village Attorney, entered
order permitting the withdrawal of the Village Attorney and the appearance of
James DeAno subject to confirmation by the Board of Trustees, as may be
necessary, or to Mr. DeAno's and Trustee Aktipis' consideration Mr. DeAno's
position as a potential witness; and
WHEREAS, the Village Attorney should not represent the Village, the
Board of Trustees or any member of the Board of Trustees in the Elmhurst
Builders litigation and the Board of Trustees has also determined that it is
possible that the Village Attorney should not represent the Village, the Board of
Trustees or any member of the Board of Trustees in the DHA litigation; and
WHEREAS, the Village Attorney has informed the Board of Trustees
that he believes the President temporarily appointed Mr. DeAno to serve as
attorney for the Village in the Elmhurst Builders litigation and the Board of
Trustees disagrees with this selection because Mr. DeAno may be a witness to
material fact in relation to settlement efforts in the DHA litigation that
purportedly gave rise to the Elmhurst Builders litigation; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that the Village
Attorney failed to act in a fashion that was promised and for which he was
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3. authorized in defending the Village in the Elmhurst Builders litigation; and
WHEREAS, as a consequence of the Village Attorney's failure to act as
promised and as authorized, the Village Attorney has created a conflict within
the Board of Trustees and within the Village that may have placed the Village
at a disadvantage in two lawsuits, namely the Elmhurst Builders litigation and
the federal litigation captioned DuPage Housing Authority v Village of Oak
Brook, the latter of which remains pending in the United States District Court
for the Northern District of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees relied on the advice of the Village
Attorney in determining how to attempt to negotiate a settlement between the
Village and the DuPage Housing Authority and the Forest Preserve District of
DuPage County in the DHA litigation and the Board of Trustees authorized one
of its duly elected trustees, Stelios Aktipis, to act in a coordinated fashion with
the Village Attorney in the Village's best interests to pursue a course of
settlement recommended by the Village Attorney and concurred in by the
President and the Board of Trustees; and
WHEREAS, the Elmhurst Builders litigation involves a claim that
purports to arise as a direct consequence of the Village's efforts identified in the
foregoing recital; and
WHEREAS, the Village Attorney was not authorized by the Board of
Trustees to file an answer and affirmative defenses in the Elmhurst Builders
litigation; and
WHEREAS, the Village Attorney previously committed to file a motion
or motions to dismiss the verified complaint in the Elmhurst Builders litigation
based on his professional opinion that the case seriously lacked merit; and
WHEREAS, under Village Code, § 1- 5B- 2(A)(C)(E)(F)(H), the Village
Attorney represented the Village, the Board of Trustees and members of the
Board of Trustees between January 1, 2004 and through the time of filing the
answer and affirmative defenses on December 22, 2004; and
WHEREAS, on December 22, 2004, the Village Attorney filed a verified
pleading under penalties of perjury that contained an answer and affirmative
defenses and he did so under his signature without consulting the Board of
Trustees or each one of the members of the Board of Trustees; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees believes that the Village Attorney was
representing the Village, the Board of Trustees and individual members of the
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3 Board of Trustees in the Elmhurst Builders litigation and in the DHA litigation
and that he was doing so with the assistance of Mr. DeAno who served as the
Village's litigation attorney in the DHA litigation at relevant times; and
WHEREAS, a member of the Board of Trustees, Stelios Aktipis, appears
to have been implicated by the second affirmative defense (the truth of which
defense the Village Attorney has sworn to) despite his status as a client of the
Village Attorney; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has considered a December 28, 2004
communication from the Village Attorney in which the Village Attorney has
stated that Trustee Aktipis should consider retaining personal counsel and the
Board of Trustees believes that the only possible basis for this suggestion could
arise from the Village Attorney's filing of the second affirmative defense; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has reviewed the second affirmative
defense, proceedings in prior Village meetings and the invoices of the Village
Attorney and it believes that there is a high likelihood that the Village stands at
risk by reason of the Village Attorney's filing of the second affirmative defense
in a fashion that includes two allegations that drive a wedge between the
Village and a member of the Board of Trustees who was authorized to attempt
to settle the DHA litigation along with the Village Attorney who acted
simultaneously with the member in taking all steps; and
WHEREAS, on a matter that is not one of a temporary nature, the
President of the Village has taken action to refer the question of defense and
indemnification of a Village Trustee in relation to litigation when the matter of
such defense and indemnification was not formally presented and when the
issue concerning such defense and indemnification is not one that the Board of
Trustees deems to be temporary; and
WHEREAS, despite the qualifications of this attorney to respond to the
President's inquiry, the Board of Trustees will not participate or authorize the
delegation of this responsibility to said attorney because the attorney is the
Board of Trustees' preferred attorney in the DHA litigation; and
WHEREAS, the President made no effort to seek the advice and consent
of the Board of Trustees prior to assigning tasks in addition to the DHA
litigation and Mr. DeAno's appointment on a temporary basis can only survive
for a maximum of 60 days by ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wished that the delegations by the
President cause no further interruption or confusion in the DHA litigation by
placing Mr. DeAno in a conflicted position with respect to either the Village or
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I Stelios Aktipis, but the President and Village Attorney proceeded to place Mr.
DeAno in such a position and further complicated the representation of officials
of the Village in doing so; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees and each of its individual members
continue to rely on the services of James DeAno in relation to the defense of the
DHA litigation; and
NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved by the Board of Trustees of
the Village of Oak Brook, DuPage County, Illinois:
Section One. Retention of James DeAno. The Board of Trustees hereby
ratifies the prior retention of James DeAno in the DHA litigation but expressly
limits and prohibits Mr. DeAno and his law firm from (a) handling the defense
and any other claims that may arise in relation to the Village's interests in the
Elmhurst Builders litigation other than, during the period of temporary service,
to file and argue (i) a motion for judgment on the pleadings and (ii) a motion to
dismiss with prejudice the second affirmative defense (unless independent
counsel appointed with the advice and consent of the Board provides a basis for
retaining the defense), (b) further handling any communication concerning the
Village's obligation to defend and indemnify Trustee Stelios Aktipis and (c)
handling any other matter which might create a conflict of interest in Mr.
DeAno's representation of the Village and the members of the Village's Board
of Trustees in relation to the DHA litigation.
Section Two. Direction to James DeAno. The Board of Trustees
authorizes and directs Mr. DeAno to fully disclose all facts and knowledge he
has concerning and in relation to the second affirmative defense in the Elmhurst
Builders litigation, in relation to the two statements of fact contained therein
and in relation to the Village Attorney's verification under 735 ILCS 5/1 -109 of
the filing of the answer and affirmative defenses. For Mr. DeAno's reference, an
attorney from Kubiesa, Spiroff, Gosselar & Acker PC was involved in the
services referenced in the firm's invoices for File 77590, subfile 007M, invoice
28412 (this invoice states "Talk to J. DeAno - review letter and e -mail from to
and to R. Boehm "). The Board of Trustees requests that Mr. DeAno provide a
copy of all invoices pertaining to the DHA litigation
Section Three. The President is requested to submit for confirmation
appropriate names, firms and qualifications to the Board of Trustees for
consideration as the Village's representative in the Elmhurst Builders litigation
on a non - temporary basis. As noted above, Mr. DeAno will not be one of them
as a result of the Board of Trustees' desire to continue his services without
interruption or conflict in the DHA litigation.
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Kevin Quinlan, President
Linda Gonnella, Village Clerk
President Quinlan remarked that the resolution sites historical facts and goes
into great detail. He suggested that the Board needs some time to review this
document, as it is unreasonable to ask the Board to vote on this immediately. It
would have been more appropriate if the Board had received this on Friday or
could this wait until next Tuesday.
Trustee Craig concurred with President Quinlan's remarks. Trustee Korin
commented that the original intent of tonight's meeting was to discuss three
other lawyers who could possibly represent the Village. In principle, it was
agreed. She asked if the Board is still agreeable, then make a decision or a vote
to see if there's alternate legal counsel who the Board would be willing to
appoint to handle this issue. If it doesn't get carried to another meeting, the
proceeding in Elmhurst Building litigation may continue and hopefully be
resolved as soon as possible. There appears to be some conflict with Mr. De
Ano. If there is any conflict, it's in the best interest of the Village to look at
outside counsel and have them represent the Village.
President Quinlan offered to submit by Friday three alternative attorneys to
represent the Village in this case even though he still doesn't know why Mr. De
Ano has a conflict. In order to resolve this issue he will agree to this.
Trustee Zannis stated she believes the person that is most in the spotlight by a
liability perspective is Trustee Aktipis. Trustee Aktipis commented that the
judge is hearing the case Thursday and the issue again of whom Mr. De Ano
represents will be there. This resolution is to confirm the Board's appointment
of him in that litigation and expresses the Board's interest to prevent him from
becoming involved in the Elmhurst Builders litigation that will compromise his
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3. position. Also it directs him to provide information that will be necessary to
clarify the point as to what Attorney Kubiesa has done. He offered that if the
Board wishes to dispose of all the Whereas in the resolution and concentrate on
Section One, Two, and Three and pass this as a resolution, he will be satisfied
to wait until some other time. This would certainly qualify who will be
representing the Village on Thursday as there will be no question that Mr. De
Ano cannot represent the Village at this time.
President Quinlan reiterated again that he would supply all available attorney
names by Friday.
Motion by Trustee Aktipis, seconded by Trustee Zannis, to approve Sections
One, Two and Three of the Resolution. ROLL CALL VOTE:
Ayes: 3 — Trustees Aktipis, Korin and Zannis.
Nays: 3 — President Quinlan, Trustee Craig and Yusuf. Motion failed.
Trustee Aktipis appealed the vote because he thought that Trustee Craig wasn't
clear about what was being voted upon.
President Quinlan stated that Trustee Atkipis could not appeal because it was
on the motion to approve it in its entirety. The Village Clerk has the record of
what was being voted upon and in the motion that you made, Trustee Craig cast
a no vote. There is no appeal.
For the record, 65 ILCS 5/3.1 -40 -40 requires that all ordinances, for whatever
purpose, and all resolutions or motions (a) to create any liability against the city
or (b) for the expenditure or appropriation of its money shall require the
concurrence of a majority of all members then holding office, including the
mayor. The same requirements apply to a village. In a village with a president
and six trustees, totaling a board of seven members, at least four trustees must
concur on the proposition, or three trustees and the president
b. An Ordinance Approving A Contract for Investigative Services
President Quinlan announced that the Board has had no advanced notice of this
until the document was handed to him at 7:30 p.m. this evening. He
commented it was the most "piss- poor" way of doing business that he has ever
seen. He remarked that at least three Trustees had to have prior knowledge in
order for this to be put on the agenda of what this item was and what it was
about. He is highly disappointed by the conduct of the three Trustees. He feels
this is not good business and this is ambush type business. This is ridiculous
that Trustee Aktipis wants the Board to consider this without having any prior
knowledge or the chance of doing any investigation on it.
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Trustee Aktipis responded that the Board has to keep in mind is that civility and
proper manners are part of this Board. He feels that President Quinlan's
expressions made are making a mockery out of the dignity of the Board. He
asked that President Quinlan refrain in the future from attacking anyone in that
President Quinlan asked that Trustee Aktipis supply the Board with information
in the future for proper consideration so the Board does not have to spend a lot
of excess time at a meeting.
Trustee Aktipis replied that since President Quinlan is so concerned about the
manor in which this previous resolution was disseminated, as a courteous to the
Village President, he withdrew the second item on the agenda. He offered to
postpone it until the next Village Board meeting on Tuesday so the President
has plenty of time to review it to his satisfaction and hopefully the other
Trustees will have the opportunity also.
Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Yusef, to adjourn the special
meeting at8: 25 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.
s /Linda K. Gonnella
Linda K. Gonnella, CMC
Village Clerk
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