Minutes - 02/06/1973 - Board of Trusteesn 1•r „1�; VILLAGE. V. OAK BROOK m1luns nF February 6, 10,7 3 spec ;A L mr& e l MEWING CALL A, Roll Call The apecial meetinwaa called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Pres ec n Mean. Alli. trustees were present II VILLAGE CLEM RESIGNATION Each trustee was Brovided with a memorandum from Mrs. Lorraine E. Fricek, rotating that ber resignation be effective May let, 1973. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Basehen.n That the resignation of Mrs. Frieek be regretftlly accepted and that a vacancy in the poscition of village clerk be declared as of May isL, 1973= Roll Call. Vote: Ayes - Trustiet-b B ischen _ Congreve, Hayes , - Howell s O'Brien, Rush and President Dean, N ay es - Nom So ordered., Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Howell,, That the village board extend the filing date of petitions for the election of a village cleric to February 1.91h, 19730 Roll Cali Vote: Ayes - Trustees Baschen, Congreve, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Rush and President Dean, 1 C l OAK BROOK Ul' LL1 TY C04PANY Each trustee way; provided with a cony of a vroDosed agreement by and between the Oak Brook Utility Cotnnan7 and the Village of Hinsdale and Hinsdale Sanitary District for the purchase of the utility, company, After diboussion , the followirW mot. ion was caade ,, Trustee. Howell mewed - seconded by Trua-t:ee Rush That the village attorney be directed to revise that port -ion of the conrract concerning the non- otm'petitive cl ause with regard to furniuhi•ng water in the village to the effect that the village 'have t:xcluui. a sights to furnish water service within the w--il l.age boundaries in the some manner that the ffinsdalr. Sanitary District would have exclusive rights to furnitih never service within the village boundaries and that the reviaion be prebent•c-d to the Hinsdale Sanitary District for their coiwAirr. rncc- Ral.l Ca IL 4„t, e� Ayes - Trustees, B:abehen , C:ongreve., Hayes, Hrwell, O' Brien. thssh and President; Dpan ,. ..aye;s -- None So ordered, President Dean adjourned this tinting at 7-.45 P H, Lorraine L.. Prieek Villagt Cleft