Minutes - 02/08/2000 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes FEBRUARY 8, 2000 UNOFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED AS WRITTEN ,/OR AS AMENDED _ BY VILLAGE BOARD ON FEBRUARY 22, 2000 1. MEETING CALL: MEETING CALL The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Bushy in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7:33 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was given. 2. ROLL CALL: ROLL CALL The Deputy Clerk called the roll with the following persons PRESENT: President Bushy, Trustees Butler, Caleel, Craig, Kenny, McInerney and Savino. ABSENT: None IN ATTENDANCE: Stephen B. Veitch, Village Manager; Michael A. Crotty, Assistant Village Manager; Dale L. Durfey, Jr., Village Engineer; Bruce F. Kapff, Information Services/Purchasing Director; Robert L. Kallien, Jr., Community Development Director; Richard A. Martens, Village Attorney; Ruth A. Martin, Library Director and Bonnie Sartore, Bath & Tennis Club Manager. Trustee Kenny arrived at 7:53 p.m. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS & OPEN FORUM: ANNOUNCE. & FORUM Joe Fullan, 122 Timberview Drive, Oak Brook, addressed the board with his concerns relating to the library project. He stated that he wanted assurance that the design concept would not be compromised, as he believes that endangering the woodland design would be harmful to gaining additional public support. He reported that the members of the Friends of the Oak Brook Public Library, of whom he is a member, donated $100,000 to the Oak Brook Library Foundation so that quality materials would be selected that are needed to fulfill the design. President Bushy indicated that there was an exchange of letters between the Village, the architect and our value engineers, Harbour Contractors. When only bits and pieces of information are taken from those letters, perhaps out of context or with a lack of full understanding of the issues currently on the table, it can be construed by some that there is reason for some concern. The Village Board remains deeply interested in, committed to, and is fully responsible for the Oak Brook Public Library. She indicated that the village is not in VI/L�LAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 1 of 9 February 8, 2000 "70 agreement with all of the architect's ideas, and that costs must stay within the $5 million budgeted. Village Manager Veitch indicated that there have been some difficulties with completing the final construction drawings, but is confident that the project is back on track. He concurred with President Bushy that the architect is frustrated with the finite budget and that the Village is not as deferential towards the architect as the architect as he might prefer. He stated that they are hopeful to have the construction drawings soon from Mr. Carow so Harbour Contractors may review them to update their cost opinion. President Bushy indicated that as public officials, the Board is obligated to see that a fine, functional building is constructed within the budget of $5 million. She indicated that a public meeting will occur in order to allow residents the opportunity to view the final construction drawings at a Village Board meeting when the Trustees will also see them. Nancy Hayden, 8 Natoma Court, Oak Brook, stated that she has been a resident of Oak Brook for 11 years and has been a board member of the Friends of the Oak Brook Public Library for 10 years. She indicated that many of her concerns were addressed by President Bushy, but wanted to convey her concern that the delays in the library construction may create a loss of enthusiasm for the project. She commented that she was eager to see that the project would be moved along in order to begin construction in the spring. President Bushy indicated that she agreed with Mrs. Hayden, but stated that delays were created by litigation involving the library project. She noted that when construction begins, the Foundation may receive additional donations. She remarked that the Village Board shares the frustration with the delays and has been working hard to continue the library project. Trustee McInerney provided an analogy between the Village of Oak Brook and the Oak Brook Park District. He indicated that the referendum for the library project was approved, but the Park District's referendum was turned down. As a result, the Park District's project might not have gotten the kind of attention to detail that some would have preferred. He commented that he wanted to be a part of a Board that would be proud of the design and Carow Architects not only provided an aesthetic design, but also included ideas that could provide cost savings through time. Trustee Caleel affirmed that many people worked hard to raise approximately $750,000. He understands the impatience that some residents may be feeling in regards to the project, but unfortunately litigation created many delays. He also agreed that once the project begins, people would see something physical that they might want to donate funds to the library. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 2 of 9 February 8, 2000 R Trustee Savino stated that he understood the frustration that residents feel with the delays in the library project. He reiterated that the litigation created numerous delays. He affirmed that the Board is committed to building a library and pointed out that they did not back away from the project when the cost rose from $3.5 million to $5 million. Trustee McInerney indicated that he had wanted to address articles in the Illinois Municipal League relating to E- commerce, Y2K, and unfunded mandates. He indicated his concern regarding what municipalities are obligated to do as a result of statutes that include unfunded mandates. He indicated, for example, that the actuarial study conducted on the Firefighters' pension fund costs was approximately increased six times more than what legislators had initially indicated. President Bushy reported on bill U.S. House Resolution 2372, the "Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 1999," which would permit landowners and developers to bypass state courts and local planning commissions and city councils and take their land use grievances directly into federal court. By circumventing administrative procedures at the local level, land use disputes would be in court at a far earlier point in the process, which may create more frequent and expensive litigation against local governments. She indicated that this would result in another unfunded mandate and that zoning is traditionally a local option and should be maintained as such. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Caleel, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 25, 2000 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. 5. OMNIBUS AGENDA: All items on the Omnibus Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Omnibus Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Omnibus Agenda. Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Caleel, to approve the Omnibus Agenda. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Butler, Caleel, Craig, Kenny, McInerney and Savino. Nays: 0 - None. Absent 0 - None. Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 11 Page 3 of 9 February 8, 2000 MINUTES BOT 01/25/00 APPROVAL: A. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Approved Omnibus Vote. BILLS - $268,822.44 B. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL FOR PAY PERIOD ENDING PAYROLL- JANUARY 22, 2000: Approved Omnibus Vote. $357,618.13 (gross) C. CHANGE ORDERS: None. D. PAYOUTS: 1) PATRICK ENGINEERING, INC. - PAYOUT #2 - TIMBER TIMBER TRH TRAILS /MERRY LANE DRAINAGE STUDY - $9,235.96: MERRY LN Approved Omnibus Vote. DRNG. STUDY 2) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES, INC. - PAYOUT #16 - '99 PAV. PRJ. 1999 PAVING PROJECT - $1,394.96: Approved Omnibus Vote. 3) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES, INC. - PAYOUT #4 - 2000 2000 PAV. PRJ. PAVING PROJECT - $3,887.78: Approved Omnibus Vote. 4) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES, INC. - PAYOUT #27 - '97 PAV. PRJ. 1997 PAVING PROJECT - $147.58: Approved Omnibus Vote. E. REFERRALS: 1) O'DONNELL (344 FOREST TRAIL) - VARIATION - SIDE O'DONNELL YARD - REFER TO ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 344 FOREST TR MEETING OF MARCH 7,200 : Approved Omnibus Vote. VARIATION F. AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS OR PROPOSALS: 1) 2000 CRACK SEALING PROJECT: Approved Omnibus Vote. 2000 CRACK SEAL. PRJ. 2) FIREWORKS - 2000 INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION FIREWORKS - AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT: 2000 IND. DAY Approved Omnibus Vote. 3) PARKING /TRAFFIC CONTROL - 2000 INDEPENDENCE PARKING DAY CELEBRATION - AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE 2000 IND. DAY CONTRACT: Approved Omnibus Vote. G. ILLINOIS SAINT ANDREW SOCIETY - 2000 HIGHLAND ST. ANDREW GAMES AND SCOTTISH FESTIVAL: Approved Omnibus Vote. 2000 GAMES 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS AGENDA: None. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 4 of 9 February 8, 2000 11 7. ACTIVE AGENDA (Items For Final Action): A. APPOINTMENTS: No Business. B. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: No Business. C. AWARD OF CONTRACTS: 1) 2000 MFT PAVING PROJECT: Ten Competitive Sealed Bids were received on January 26, 2000. The recommendation is that a contract be awarded, subject to staff review, to the Lowest Responsible Bidder: James D. Fiala Paving, 6015 South Lenzi Avenue, Hodgkins, IL 60525, based on the unit prices submitted, for an estimated total project price of $557,531.67. The low bid is approximately 3.2% or $17,261.67 above the consulting engineer's estimate (James J. Benes). The principal reason for the bids being above the engineer's estimate and budget is the price of asphalt, which is driven, in large part, by the price of oil. The 1999 unit price was $29.00 per ton. The engineer's estimate for this project was $30.00 per ton. Bids ranged from $31.00 to $42.00 per ton. Fiala's bid contains a unit price of $35.00. Prospective bidders were required to be IDOT prequalified for this work. Funds in the amount of $500,000 have been budgeted in the MFT Improvements Program for this work. Should the final cost of the work exceed $500,000, a supplemental appropriation from the MFT Fund balance may be authorized by the Board. Trustee McInerney asked if the asphalt and oil could be awarded to two separate vendors. Village Manager Veitch indicated that the unit price is per ton and installed. He stated that due to the nature of this contract it would be difficult to divide the items of work. He remarked that if the bidder underestimated the cost, they are obligated to honor their bid. Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Caleel, that a contract be awarded, subject to staff review, to the lowest responsible bidder: James D. Fiala Paving, 6015 South Lenzi Avenue, Hodgkins, Illinois, 60526, based on the unit prices submitted, for an estimated total project price of $557,531.67. ROLL CALL VOTE: VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 16 Page 5 of 9 February 8, 2000 2000 MFT PAV. PRJ. Ayes: 6 - Trustees Butler, Caleel, Craig, Kenny, McInerney and Savino. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. 8. INFORMATION & UPDATES: INFO & UPDATES: A. VILLAGE PRESIDENT: vLLG PRES President Bushy indicated that she has been working on sales tax issues regarding e- commerce. Letters were sent to Representative Hyde and Biggert, who have districts in Oak Brook. Letters have been sent to Senator Fitzgerald and Durbin and State Representative Jim Durkin who is State Chairman of Senator McCain's campaign, also received a letter. Senator McCain is adamantly promoting no sales tax on internet purchases. President Bushy spoke with Mr. Durkin regarding the serious problems that municipalities are facing with this issue. The Metropolitan Mayor's Caucus, Economic Development Committee met this morning and she shared her concerns with the Chairman of the RTA, as this issue would affect RTA's income. President Bushy reported that she would be going to Springfield to meet with the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs to make a preliminary presentation along with two other mayors which would later be presented to Governor Ryan regarding internet sales tax income issues. She reiterated that the issue she is addressing is in regards to internet sales tax. There is a congressionally mandated three -year moratorium on this sales tax. Senator McCain and Representative Kasich have proposed that this be a permanent moratorium. President Bushy indicated that this would create a hardship on the Village in meeting expenses. She stated that the decrease in sales tax revenue would reduce commercial rents and eventually real estate values. This would also reduce the funds to other local tax jurisdictions that acquire funds through property taxes, as a result of the diminishing value of property. President Bushy indicated that, in addition to discussing her concerns with Durkin and other representatives, she is trying to set up a meeting with someone from the area who has been named Chief Financial Advisor to the Senate Banking Committee before he leaves for Washington. B. VILLAGE MANAGER: VLLG MGR Village Manager Veitch reported that the Metropolitan Mayor's Caucus Electric Reliability Task Force is launching a project with the VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes N Page 6 of 9 February 8, 2000 city of Chicago, Commonwealth Edison and the United States Department of Energy to coordinate emergency planning at the municipal level. As a short term- measure and for summer preparation, they want to jointly identify the areas on the electric system that are at risk so that Commonwealth Edison and local government can be prepared for potential problems. The task force is also monitoring improvements that Commonwealth Edison is making to the distribution system. Village Manager Veitch reported that thousands of feet of underground plant have been replaced in Oak Brook within the last two years due in part to the prominence that the Village has had in this regional effort. He indicated that the total number of outages in 1999 will probably be about half of what they were in 1998 and believes that the numbers will continue to head in the right direction. Village Manager Veitch reported that the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met and approved two promotions in the Fire Department. He reported that Lieutenant Robert Cronholm was promoted to Captain and Firefighter Thomas McEllin was promoted to Lieutenant. These promotions are occasioned by the retirement of Captain Joseph Kovarik. He reported that the swearing in ceremony would occur the following morning at 8:00 am in the Boardroom and invited everyone to attend the event. 9. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS - LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS: DEPT RPTS - A. Community Development LIAISON Trustee Savino B. Finance, Information Services & Purchasing Trustee Caleel C. Intergovernmental Relations Trustee McInerney D. Library & Community Events Trustee Butler E. Public Safety Trustee Kenny F. Public Works & Engineering Trustee Craig G. Village Clerk Deputy Clerk Furman H. Village President President Bushy Departmental Reports were discussed and accepted. 10. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS (Final Action Not Anticipated): A. RECOMMENDATION - EXTENSION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT SPEC. USE - PEABODY MANSION (1717 W OAK BROOK ROAD): 1717 OAK BROOK The third amendment to Ordinance S -841, approved on February 23, 1999 (as Ordinance S -926) which extended the special use permit for the Peabody Mansion expires on February 13, 2000 if occupancy VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 7 of 9 February 8, 2000 permits have not been issued for buildings on the property. To date, occupancy permits have not been issued. The Forest Preserve District was reminded of this provision and has responded with written request for a one -year extension. The District has recently re- assumed control of the facility and has retained a design firm to plan renovation of the facility. Staff sees no reason to object to a one -year extension and recommend Board approval. If the Board concurs, it would be appropriate to authorize the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance for consideration on February 22, 2000. Motion by Trustee Savino, seconded by Trustee Kenny, that the Board approve a one -year extension for a special use permit for the Peabody Mansion (Mayslake Landmark Conservancy) which is located at 1717 Oak Brook Road, and direct the Village Attorney to draft the appropriate ordinance. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. Trustee McInerney indicated that he was concerned that the owners and licensees did not have the funds necessary to complete this project, and came before the board on numerous occasions with various promises. He remarked that it was time that this project be completed. President Bushy indicated that the money they now have is public money. She indicated that this looming property is troublesome to the residents in Trinity Lakes as they are wondering what is going to happen with this property. Trustee McInerney indicated that the applicant came to the taxpayers to request money to acquire the property and that they should be held accountable for making it available for public use. Trustee Caleel stated that the referendum passed for $75 million to buy properties of open land, yet this property doesn't appear to be open land. He indicated that there was information in the newspapers regarding assisted living on the other side (the Friary), which would take additional public money and yet not serve the purpose for which the original referendum was promoted. He commented that the Forest Preserve District has not kept faith with the taxpayers. President Bushy stated that she didn't see a reason to turn down the extension for an additional year. It is worthwhile that the District VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 8 of 9 February 8, 2000 rol understand that there are concerns, especially for the residents within Trinity Lakes. Trustee Savino noted that there were many conditions included as part of the original special use permit. He asked that the ordinance be reviewed to see that these conditions remain in effect. Village Manager Veitch indicated that ownership and control would need to be reflected appropriately in the ordinance. Trustee McInerney commented that what has been promised has not occurred and reiterated that this is not open space as Trustee Caleel discussed earlier. He stated that they should be held accountable. Trustee Caleel asked what would occur if the Board did not approve the extension. Village Attorney Martens indicated that the applicant would have to seek alternative relief and start over. President Bushy explained that ultimately it is public funds that would be spent. She stated that the Village Attorney would need to ensure that the applicant meet the original conditions placed upon this permit. She noted that it was the District's responsibility to ensure that public safety concerns are addressed and that the building is safe to be occupied by the public. 11. OTHER BUSINESS PERTAINING TO VILLAGE OPERATIONS: None. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Caleel, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individuals who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, The Village's ADA Coordinator, at (630) 990 -5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. ATTEST: Linda k. Gonnella, CMC /AAE Village Clerk BOT020800 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 21 Page 9 of 9 February 8, 2000 ADJOURN