Minutes - 02/09/1960 - Board of Trusteesqp
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February 9, 1960
The meeti -q was called o irder by PreslAent MOhlman at
7:30 F. M.
Roll vas called with Mr. Krueger, Mrs, Penton, Mr, Calhoun,
Tier. Carley, and !fir. Mohlman presents
The January loth minutes were read. and the January 19th
continuation minutes were read and auproved br the board.
The Village Clerk read a letter from Mr. Maher, representing
the Butler Cimpany requesting a change in the zoning of
the York goods area from R 1/2 to R 1, also a change in the
zoning of the area bounded both east and west by Route 83 and
from R 1 to R 1/2. Mr. Maher filed with the Village Clark
two maps of the York Woods area with legal descriptions plus
two neaps of the area bounded both east and west by R ^ute 83 and
le #al descriptions. Mr. Maher further requested t1+a t the Village
Board re:;ommaend these zoning changes to the Village Plan
Commission. A copy of both maps along with a copy of Mr.
Maher's letter of recommendation ielll be *"orwarded to both
the Pima Commission and the Zoning Board of Anne.,als.
Mr. O'Brien took his place at the Board table at 8:On P.M.
Mr, Mohlqan read a letter concerning a declaratory ludgment
&etion entitled, "Anne L. Rchatze v. Count•r if DuPage, etal."
involving the property on the Northeast courser of Movers and
Bul-twfield Roads. Plaintirf desires to reverse the decision of
file County of DuPaga th -ough its Zoning Board wherein it denied
plaintiff's request for change in the zoning of her property
from residen *ial to business.
Mrs. Pevton made a motion that the Village Clerk direct a latter
to the Plan Commission re,c,+mmendi a teat the change in zoning
f -om residential to b,Ysiness not be granted. Second -d By Mr.
Krueger. The voting: Aves - -Mr. Krueger, Mrs. Pevtgn, M-. Calhoun,
Mr. O'Brien tan Mr. Carley, and Mr. Mohlman. Aves - -6, haves --.0
Motion carried.
Mr. Calhoun made a motion, seconded by Mr. O'Brien that any
petitions not aeter' upon b- the Village Board by t-e time of
the February 9 meetcing, and any subsequent petition be referred
to the Plan Commissian. :Potion carried unanimously.
Mr. Owen read the treasurer's reoort for t'-,e month of January
and filed a copy with the Village Clerk. lilts
for the total amount of 0794.41 vaer-m submiLted. A mot'on
was made by Mr. O'B-ien and seconded by Mrs. Pevt-+n that the
treasurer's report be approved and t e above bills eaid. The
motion was vasse4 by t',e *)oard.
Mrs. Pevton was asked by the board to semi a -+so if i- a V11 iacre
of Oa B -ook to the irfice of t "e Colint - 'Ughwav Commission
shiwfng the limits of the Village of Oak Book so Vie Righwav
Commission can ietermine where to place Vi' lase signs.
A motion .-as made to c -)nti nue the Fogv*uary 9 meeting until
February 18 at 7:00 P.M., Mr. Kolar to be so notified.
Moti -)n see -niel by Mr. O'Brien. Motion carried,