Minutes - 02/13/1962 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes of February 13, 1962 I ROLL CALL F the meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by the Village President, T. A. Whiman. atoll call war; taken; all Trust ,-< being present, except Mr. Dahmlow. II FINANCIAL - Special Mr. O'Brien moved, and Mr. Calhoun cecond,ed the following motion: That the Village President be 6sthorized to arrange for additional funds to finance the `tillage of Oak Brook for the month of February, 1962. Roll call vote: aye; - 6; nays -- 0; absent - 1 So ordered. III READING OF M111UTES Mr. O'Brien pointed out that tha arrival time or departure time of a Trustee (if other than the general meeting time) should be noted in the ntinutes. T'nerefore, the January 9, 1962 Minutes - page 5, Section VI should include the notation that Trustee Carley left the meeting at 10:15 PM. This notation to be noted between subheadings "C" and ''D ". Mr. Owen moved, and lair. Rossman seconded the following motion: That the Minute: of the Meeting of January 9, 1962, be accepted as submitted and corrected above. Voice vote: all in favor So ordered. IV ORDINANCES And RESOLUTIONS A. Subdivision Regulations ry0 Messrs. P. Larson and J. Bloo..� of Carl Gardiner &. Associatef appeared before the Board for the purpose of discussing and clarifying specific points of the Proposed Subdivision Regulations currently under consideration by the Board. Areaidant Mohlman stated he would like to follow this discussion period with a meeting of Village Trustees and the Plan Commission on Tucsday, February 20, with the hope that th.; Subdivision Regulations could be put into book form and ready to submit for approval at the March Village Board meeting. Note; Trustee Dahmlow arrived at this meeting at 8:27 PM. President Mohlmsn re ^d a letter from the Public Service Ctsapany indicating suggested revisions to the Proposed Subdivision Regulations - particularly with respect to underground facilities in certain areas, and the per - mission for overhead f3tilitier on main thoroughfares. 2 /13/62 '`i3 v��s �' ' � _ - z.'_ T+ t � _ "' + ''ti 1 r+e Fk •_... _ r irft_� t rl(i"' IV ORDT "CES and 1tAOUMO ( timed) � rf B. Vending Machine Ordinance -r Mr. O'Brien reported that he had contacted the villages of Bellwood, Hillride, Maywood and Broadview regarding this type of licensing, and submitted sa report to each Tru. tea for further conFideration. Specific action • � as deferred until Village Attorney Bower,-,r could render an opinion. C. Cab CQmgany W. Kenneth Pu e,4 , Sr. of the Du Page Cab Company and Mr. Dempse,• of E7 a oast Cab Company were present at this meet;.a . Batch as$ured the Board they would be interest.�d in bai.ng licensed to operate in Oak Brook - even tho more thatt oue company be Licensed. Board ,action was deferred to tha, February 20, 1962 meet- ing to per . -c a meeting between Mr. Rossman mi,d Mr. Boners to determine mates, ass. to be incorporated into the ordinance to be considered by the Board on February 20, 1962. Mr. Carley suggested that the Captain of Police also meet with Mr. Possman and N-. Bowers to go over the ordinance relative to taxis. D. Liauo7 Ordinance - Closing Hours (S -40) Relative to closing hours, Mr. Owen moved, and Mr. Rosman seconded the motion to adopt.... An ordinance amending an ordinance regulating the sale of alcoholic liquor within the Village of Oak Brook, DuPapr- County, Illinois, pa.-Ped And approved the 17th dny of June, A.D. 1958, as amended. Roll call vote: ayeu - 7; nays - 0. So ordered. E. Leave-of-absence/Rank - David Ott Mr. Calhoun moved - and Mr. Rosman seconded the following motion: That David Ott be-placed as a Detective in the 'c:eserves and be grunted a one year's leave -of- absence as requestef. He would serve no Ionger in the rank of Captain, and will hold the rank oP "Detective" in the Reserves. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. V ANNEXATIONS A. Pending Annexations Relative to pending annexationF (namely Woodriee Estates, Yorkshire Woods, and Medipon Street AnncxAtinn), Mr. O'Brien stated thet it appeared tha Villagge Board has several prior considerati*ar before positive ^ction could be taken on further annexationF. { 1. Financial 2. Organizational problems 3. Determining what the value of the proposed Annexa- tions tould mean to the Village, as well as to thy property owners pet'iticning. (Continued on Page 3) 2/13/62 ,, YNp r� va,, ., »a ':i?,4 (;" s,0 z, i',' . ,^ ,J.� �ip.,c _, "- ,`htr ^'rF a "i ,+N! "x�...ir .V= j - rt � rx ,r J:. ^h, I -, i " 1, I' h ",% _ F tdr .'�..,, f 7�7" r•`i. •i, i�l�^ i•. ry 1;. ,r,t. %,t ~' _ � � � ". I J rr � ' ' 7`i . '•`� + =�'; • •',!, t+ �i , •i' i rx , � tr•'" _ _ _ . - r ,� ri , � > � � _ C hIT_J�t .Lr'y J _ ` , t__w _ _ n i -' _ _ ' ` � — F AMMMUOYS (coi ntl ) A. Pe,ira -exatio, nos (continued) Mr. O'Brien did not believe that any action should be taken until the three aforamentioned points were resolved (and recommended withholding Board action on annexations until ?une, 1963). VI FINIAL A. Trear carer Is Re22rt Village Treasurer Van Dyke presented a report for the month of Jar+}uir; ; 1962, shoring "cash on deposit" at the end of tae mk,ath of $5w760.48. Said report attached to these minutes Mr. Owen m ,ved,, and Mr. O'Brien seconded the motion that the Treasurer's report be accepted as read. Voice vote: all in favor So ordered_ B. Approval of Sills Mr. Van, Dyke presented the bill -P for January, 1962, totaling $6,324.70 for approval and payment. Said report att l.ched to thieve minutes. Mr. O'Brien moved, and Mr. Owen seconded the motion that the bills be paid as read-by the Village Treasurer. Roll call vote: ayes - 7; naye - 0. So crdered. C. In..... urance All Trustees were given a copy of a summary of insurance policies currently in effect for the Village, including the Police Department Note: Mr. J. Rowers left the meeting at 10:10 PM, V11 REPORT OF O"ICUS A. dice De-2artment L. ate o�rt Captain Siudiinski presented the report of the Polies Department activities for the month of Januatr, 1962. Said report attached to these minutes. 2. Rtnuest for Per,.>nnel and Eauioment President Mohlmm read a very co"lete report and covering letter from Coptain Siudxins'kL outlining his recoowndatious for the personnet, personal, equipment, and uniforms, at, well as officat equipment imwdiately required for the Poltea Departments also pro ected salary scale and fringe benefits for ill Police personnel through the rank of Lieutenant. President WhIman, explained that he and Mr. Carley had mat with Captain SiudaiosAi; the previous evening, and they were of the opinion that five patrolmen ehoul,d be put on at this tise in the ralarp bracket as previously rand is low of $5,6+00 kor a man without prov!aua **perienc c) , and the preference 2/13/6 (Continued on Page 4 ) e A en — — - - - — mil 4JrY- u .)•`a. - r n ° i i -!! +i 7v�ni n7i .rr ` �S iS "fr2 rr .0 Nf J4l ri '1^ • iili. r-.t i - vl r1' I�ryi r r� ^I'll < �u�y u'vr ♦ ' n I ' 'r v " J r- Lbin -.IY _- 'Ir �4 •'}rr _ _ 4 �r1 2/13/62 . d1I REPORT OF OFPICERS (continued) A. Police Department (continued) 2. Request for Personnal and Equipment ( continued) CI'�L�1 would be to obtain men qualified in the $6,000 bracket. Ee Kni-ther indicated he would like- the Board's appr.r. -a'' on the over-all program ;ead . 4 req��ests �s - �lliaed by "eptain'-SWxineki,''per. ticuln..ly with respect rw change of uniforms, Department equipment, manpower requirements, and salary and frilLge benefits. Following considerable diccuesion of the over -alt progrUL and r* toArements between &card Membe:re and Captain Siud- .inaki to assure adequate protection consist,—at t,i:-1, tha financial position of the Village, Mr. Ro4-:_;•.i- anted, and Mr. Oren reeonded the following: Move r.._ir t',,N: Felice Force requesteil by Mr. Si. -d_ tor_ - ki (conEitting of five men betide himse.l) and tne?_r equipment, be approved at the starting s^laries ini�;catcd in accordance with their e::_��r;.c�tce , b �t with other details regarding attc:aal i ncv-ease s , sick leaves. etc. being dercrmiapd at a later date. Roll call vote: ayee - 6; nays - 1 (E. O'Brien); So ordered. Mr. O'Brien complimented Captain Siudzinski on his excellent report. 3. Police Radio President Mohlman read the proposal from Motorola regarding the Base Station radio. Mr. Owen moved, and Mr. Rtossman seconded the following motion: To authorize the negotiation of a contract with P.I.C. and Motorola C4=mications and Electronics, Inc. for a base station radio., antena, and allied equipmant as proposed February 12, 1962.. , the P.I.C, equipment Portion (toter, ate,) to be an outright purchase. and th=± equipment from Motorola io be on a lease- purcha - -c apeeWnt at outlined - the total for both P.I.C. and the Motorola% portion for one year not to exceed $1 800. Roll call vote: ayes - 7; nay- - 0 So ordered 4. Daewrfter For Polite De argent Tabled until February 20, 1962, 5. Burglar Alarm W-tem President Mohlman requested Laptain Siudzinski give a recoeca endation to the board on February 20, 1962, relativa to the advisability of permitting Signal Devices B ,Alarm Co. to int- °all a burglar alarm in the O %k Brook. Pbiice DepartMat at no eo &t to the Vill,ap for zither installation or waittteasnce. this proposal was empl *steed to the Board by Mr. Arthur Coates of Signal Devices, and Mir. Arthur 2A3162 Path, A. V. Pruh Co., the manufacturer of the equipment. 5, .ef `�v� e Y _ - - _ n _A_f1 • _ 5 2/t3/RR Z . __ f A r i , — _I: _ i ivj,i �'�' ,- - � • , __iry , II! 1, /��+ _ , I + ! v r, r • yr F, ,v _ V'I REP&T (0 t IC0.3 ttontjnuedi r it u A. Police arty *"cojii -, uwd� T 6. Elizabeth hirphy - Status Tabled. To be consid wed at either the February 20 or ?March Board rrtt tirg. B. Building Report I. Mr. Frank Pear$on prt_-gaatPd the- Building inspector,' i', ,' ° report for the, month I f January 1962., '- 1962,, copy of vhirh , _ is att'chad -to these, min 1 uter, , $1,344.37), , 2. Mr. Pearson , a4vised that th,a Electrical Co'�ei� ion , held a meeting on February S, 1962, and` i£ in the process of adopting the Chicago Electrical Code with some mcdif�ientione to meet the needs of the Village Of Oak ke oc.k . ;:gay expect to have preliminary work completed toil moath, and place an ordinance before the Board tar adopting. 3. Plumbing Code is being devaloped - similar to the pattern followed for the Electrical Code. 4. Mr. O'Brien raq._ested Mr. Pearson to advise Mr. Wight that the Board we -Nelld appreciate his attending the Board meeting in March to discurs 'e discrepancy in his-fee. VIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Finane al Report - R. Dolan Tabled until meeting of February 20, 1962, B. Library Space Tabled until meeting of February 20, 1962. IX NEW BUSINESS A. Proe2sed Commi.ssionin jL of 'Lwc� Sear. Roebuck Security Men _ Messrs. Errl Hitlis and ?-,hn Dolan nppenred before the Board, indicating th--ir willingness to serve in the Oak Brook Rcsarve Police at no cost to the Village, thereby being authorized to make arrests, ete. within the Confines of Sears - Roebuck, should the oecarion *ruse, It wag agreed that Captain Siudzinski would diseurr this with Mr. Bowers relative to how this should properly be done. Note: Mr. Calhoun left the meeting at 11:50 PM. X SPECIAL MEETING M:. O'Brien moved, and Mr. Carley seconded the following motion: To have a special meeting of the Board of Trustees an February 20, 1962 - 7 :30 PM - Oak Brook Village Full, for the purpose:. of C"Jecussing: p A. cab aril iin,nc e ' B. Subdivision IQegulattone FIAR >� .ie1� Post - R. t'tolaat Ltbr my Space E, Vinding Machines _ P. Any other business that should rightly come before ' this Board. Voice vote: Carried So ordereol ¢Z ` a .° w�..4� t !Si,L tfKLLl 2/13/62 6. XI ADJQUII*MNT Mr. Carley movaA - and Mr. Dihmlcw eecon4ed the motion - that this meeting be ad jeurne e . Voiee vote-- all in favor So ordered The meeting ad jcurned at 12 :00 Midnight. ReFpectfuily Pubmitted, Hclen De Witt Village Secretary ATTEST: quilt es PO'Brien lags Clerk 2/13/62 . .. -----'------ .- - - dw 4 4--ot -4- M-40s,4; A. 73t 33 gI 7. O"u; 113 A All f CA 7 Jr ` - -' ~~ . ;&xZ �/ off - �L- - ''-' - - - -- ' . ^ PO Ll VERIA-a"TAR _ _- `'f w r T 'F ""? - w<<` .s.� , " e��R � �zs_..�y''� "_f.}u =�:, •F..a}..,r's�,:s�w taF.a _.i i�ci'- 'fri.: iwsa'.:= r�. =i��_. c.u�#t 'i:z'� }1:r �L�;.rsr= °= �,'_ -��-r w0t, C41 r iLLAGE OF OAK BROO __ IN 0 18 Month of juxery -- 196Z MM 2M.NSM (inside Village) This Month This Yre To Date Last We To Date PE F OFF Auto Theft Burglary- Larceny Others TOTALS (major offenses)---- (b) DISPOSITION OF ABOVE CASES: Cleared by arrest lInsolved XXX Pending Dismissed by court 2. MINOR OFFENSES (inside Village) (a) TYPE OF OFFENSES: Speeding (court summons) 38 -8 38 Other traffic cases (court summons)- 46 46 TOTAL TRAFFIC CASES Lrunk and disorderly---- Disturb.ing peace Other offenses TOTALS (minor offenses) (b) DISPOS111 ION -OF_ A?= CASES: Cleared by firies 2, no. Cleared by Imprisonment Unsolved ar uncol lei ctible xx x Pending- -- .- - - --4-- -' xxx Cleared by other means 6 DiSMiS3cd by court .J. L41SCELLANEOUSg Unlocked doors in Bit. no. Dog bite case s, no. Lost children Other miscellaneous Traffic accidents, total no. 3 Property damage only, no. 3 Personal injurys no. persons Fatalities, no, 4• 2WHIMAMs Total squad car mileage Calls outside VIllags A a a �N A A I Lei r O 00 yv "It 0 A oft to .� °Q 0 y, rr ® a a A � 3 0 4d A to � 0 h Do i. '� P P' 1y ~• A p V a v •a� J3 r a �s 0. c, a� _c J�m wT. N LAW #so ri f e s 1 ' IL Ong 0 4v Ile �til Somme o