Minutes - 02/22/1966 - Board of Trustees°&C!A A
V0. e0T.M1Q.
The meeting we- - %LLed to order at S:LO P.M. by Village President
T_ A. Mohlmaa. All Yrustess w!'.re present.
Trustee 01 B rite moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes...
That the reading of the minutes of February 8, 1966, be suspended
and that the minutes be accepted and approved as submitted.
Voice vote - all. 1. in favor.
So ordered.,
L. Dra ear d ftamer ElMost for Pexmiscion to erec t
President NoblZen read a hatter from Mr. Asymand R. Steals,
I ro ject Manager of Drapar and Kr r4 requesting "rmimajon
to erect a temporary sign at or near the nortbweat co rna 1. arf
the Intersection of Spring Road and 22nd Street.
Tmatee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee Howe L L .. .
That a temporary permit be granted to Draper and Kromer
to erect a sign w.1th adheres to the viLlaage zoning
ordleance for a period not taro e=eed one year.
voice vote - alt in favor. So ordered
2. i arr El etric SZZ��L
Trustee Havell and Building Inspector Pearson reported an their
shady regarding an asuxiLiery eLeetrie supply. Due to the
complexity of thfs install •tion, this comittee has several
pLaans under study before a recomandation can be made.
1. ILLtn ®is ate #83 and 3Last Street
President loh1man and Trustee Mayes reported can their meeting
with Mr. Romeld bold of the OuPage County Highway Department.
The bard viewed the county's pLaans for an overhead bridge at
Rotate #83 and SLst Street.
Trustee Hayes moved -- saconded by Trustee Howell...
That these plans be studied by the village englueer for
recomendations to the board.
voice vote &L1 f n favor. So ordered.
2. Traffic . t.- York and 31st Street
Preliminary Plans for thin traffic light instaaLl.aatfon were
reviewed by the bard. It was unanina6usly agreed that Trustee
Hayea obtain more information regarding this project and report
at the next reguLar board meeting.
a��a -rte
Page z
1. �oasval for escn i„ tu for Nortwgiare luniverefty Cmarre
President WhIman read the request of Chief Siudzinaki for the
release* of $75.00 to cover aVanaes for Officer ,Ianik ubt ettendjasg
a Traffio %w Entorcemevt Couree at 'Northvestern Univere ty from
March 7 through Yhorch 25th.
Trustee 019riea moved ., +setondeu by Trustee Ha yeas...
That the suss of $75.00 be paid to CffieAw Ja DIV to cover his
excpensec in regard to the above training course.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Maaavey►, H aye as . Howell,,
O'Brien, Roseman and President Xahlmasn.
Naye s - None Say Ordered.
2. Fire and Police Cot mission Act
Ttnj.jtee Barton explained that the flare end poLi.ee commirsion act
requires full, tin* fir& and police employes of the wMage to It
under the juriadi.ction of a commission which woutd be appointed
by the village president ul.th the advi.ss and cousent of the board-,
and that the commission would contrceL the hiring and tither personnel
probLeaas of the police and fist&: departments. It wouLd provide the
means for appeal,& for policemen which affor4aa a certain amount of
employe job necuritry.
is act beceomse compulsory and automatic when the v$Ltaaag®e population
reaches 5,000. Trustee Barton felt that this not was premature for the
Village of Oak Brack at the present ti m. The board unsatmously
agreed to table their decision as to the support or non-support of
such an get.
3. p'ool fee Peasaa Toro Fund
The police pension fu.Id act also wilt be compulsory and autmatie
orhen the �-Ill.r°gv, reaches the puputation of 5,000. It offers seeuirty
and would &u,.arstt good quality neap The village would budget an
aaddi,tionasL U.5% of the present police salaries to cover thip item.
Trustee Barton moved . secon -Led by Trustee Hayes...
That the village board fay *or the adoption of the Police Pansion
Act in the event that a petition for such are act is riled.
Voice mote - aat b 1 in favor. So ordered.
?- -vrl Fir8lou Sleegin
Trustee Rossman moved seconded by Trustee Howell...
That the village engineer draw a set of pietas and aspecif iayaaationaa
for sleepLng quearore>ras in the firehouase for thebD ®rd °as approval.
Rol k Call. Vote: AyeG Trustees Barton, Hervey, Mayes, Howell,
O'Brien, egossman and Pres. Moh1ma n.
Nasye s None So ordered.
Trustee Roaasmnu reported that chaste for both the aaaerfol fire
equipment and Phe pumper were. delivered and that the serial equipawnt
should be delivered aometime during Noy and puMmr apprcKiwatftty can
May Lst.
Tvm —tie Barran moved - e--,t wa -ded by Estee Roseman a wit
apt the board's - oppointed cnmi ttee should cnntinm to
of s4v the overoU probLem regarding iftill -bier, wit that
thn ;W.taga a€: orgaey ba .inatr eted to oppose' the i 1�01a�n
of the V:� Lka gre of Oak �a.•oot id the Oak Brook Unitary Dietriet.
'mice vote .. all in favor. 30 Ordereda
2. 0Utt,;!rfi0Ld Pico Protection Dintrict
K wxu...rwy.+tnl�L�ywf ttlGiam vnyw, vau •W_aaa��l•vu•�vaW�Mwa�wWb..hl �� +4.'u.w,•Nt YMW�'h
Attorney Rwoers x omorted tnaat the Oskbrook Center agreed to
he pven4ounLy diacualc?ad agreement heween 'fie Oakb*a **k Center
and the V11toge 0.,91Z Conk Brook r*ga; ding the payotwent of the bsoud*4
of the nutterfieW Fire otentl�h District.
Pra,z.v--e O' Drier ns ov d net- ,oadod by Trustea Minot...
716 at Village Attorne .0.
each ract for the hoard O o approval to regard 0.,6 thia agroteman ;
with the Oakbrook Centex.
volik--a vote - MLI In gaavor. So order-ad.
W lit end Oqqvaw
v Na ire ,&aria . yes
' sateen O'Brien aqd Hovey will meet w th ViUrm& gngineer
Wight rogarding Vit-Re contract.
4 Oak are
F \W4+'iWaMM. e+N.. nwlgi.A,t
It uaan tznnatmously ag ead to heve a sp eciat boord weed€ g oe
'Necdaayp VArch R ®t, 1966. at 7 30 P,M. at the village ha tj to
ftaathar discuo v the proposed son-a.r g eadadvatut.
,stee hayea coved - aaecon&4 by Trustee
` h.pt thC4.sMMti0& be adjamrned.
Volce vote - &U in favor.
r ULIaage Meru