Minutes - 02/23/1971 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK
February 23, 1971
The regular board meeting was called to _order at 8 :02 P.M.
by President Dean. All trustees were present.
Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman...
That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting
of February 4th, 19710 be suspended and that they be
accepted as submitted.
Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered.
President Dean welcomed Scout Leader Frank Dvorak, who, in turn,
introduced scouts of Troup 76. Scout Sykora presided over a
meeting of scout trustees at which time Scouts Cooner, Homll
and Wood presented their eagle scout merit award project.
Mr. Tom Wason of the Oak. Brook Bank presented a check to
Scout Sykora for the scouts work at the October horse show.
The Scouts were theta taken for a tour through the Oak Brook
police and fire departments.
A. A. W. DeJons Sa.d+m yard/Stabl e Variation Reoueut
President Dean read a letter from Zoning Chairman Rhodes,
dated February 3rd, 1971, recommending approval of Mr.
DeJon)s's request for a variation. After discussion, the
following motion was made.
Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the village board approve the recommendation of
the aotsing board and grant a variation of 74 ft (from
90 ft. setback requirement to ZO ft.) with the following
conditions: That the stable be removed in the event that
(a) Mr. Wong sells off any of his property, and (b)
the owners of the adjacent property to the west should
at any time in the future object to the stable in wr ting
to the village board of trustees. ,
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell,
O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and Pros. Dean.
Mayes - None So ordered.
B, Proclamation - John Kinsella Day R -117
President Dean read a proclamation designating Sunday.
March 7th, 1971, as JOHN KINSELI A DAY, which was unanimously
approved by the board.
C. Bak Brook Utility C a
President Dean directed that this matter be continued and
that a special meeting; be held at 6x30 P.M. on Tueeday,
March tad, 1971, at the Oak ]rook Fire Department.
Page 2
it. XeM Lane Subdivision Street Acceptance
President Dean read a letter from engineer Dunkirk, dated
February 19th, 1971, recommending that the board accept
Merry Lane subject to the deposit of an addifAmal $900.00
in the escrow account by the subdivider and his placing a
contract for the replacement work we deem necessary.
Trustee Rossman moved , seconded by Trustee O"grien...
That the board approve the acceptance of Derry Lane
subject to the conditions enumerated in Engineer Dunkirk"a
Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trus *ee Hayes,..
That this matter be tabled until the ne_nt regular meeting
of the board to provide time for the subdivider to comply
with Engineer Dunkirk's recommendation.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell,
O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and Pres. Dean.
Napes - None So ordered.
B. Receipt of Phase II Traffic Report
The village board formally acknowledged receipt of Phase 11
of the Traffic Report submitted by Crawford, Bunte, Roden,
Inc. The report was approved by the plan cemmission and
the village board unanimously agreed that it is an e=ellent
study. Trustee Rush suggested that Crawford, Bunte, Roden,
Inc. meet with the board to discuss the immediate improve-
ments recommended in their report.
C. Oak Brook Fire Station Igo. 2
Trustee Howell gave a brief resume of the progress made
the fire committee and the village board its regard to the
Proposed Oak Brook Fire Station No. 2.
Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Congreve...
That the board authorize the addidanal retention of
Holabird and Root to design the construction details
and take bids on the proposed facility in accordance
with the design and development stage which has been
completed to date.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Cougreve, Hayes, Howell,
O'Brien, Roseman, Rnsh and Pres. Dean.
Nayea - None So ordered.
A. Authorization to Take Bids - Police ]Portable Radios
Each trustee weq provided with a copy of a memorandum from
Administrator Vrhausen, dated February 12 1971, requesting
authority from the board to seek competitive proposals for
..our portable police radios with 75% of the cost being
borne by the village's Illinois Law Lnforement Cammissior.
Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee
That Administrator tTrhau ®en be authorized to talcs bids
on the purchase of tour portable police radios.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve,, Kayea, Howell,
O'Brien, Rossman, lbah aed Prey. Dom.
Mayes - none So ordered.
l "ale 9
VI BgW BUSMW (Continued)
B. Village Election CandidetQe_
Each true -tee was provided with a oopy of a ®eftosmndn® ft em
Clerk Fricela, dated February 19th, 1971, regardsqg petitions
received and riling dates together with a sample ballot for
the villago olection to be held on April 20th, 1971.
C. Suil.dix r Code
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Trustee Rush recommended. that the village board review
the nuPege County Building Code for Multifamily Buildings, ;
effective June 6, 1960. President Dean directed that
copies of this report be forwarded to all trustees.
President Dean adjourned this meeting at 9:55 P.M.
Lorraine B. Frieek
Village Cle