Minutes - 02/25/1969 - Board of Trustees1 ROLL CALL Ii III mmus CW februar9 2S . L969 AT VILA AC711. BOARD STING - TUESDAY BAR 1 l 1969 '.Cne meeting was called to order at $a00 P.M. by Estee O'Brien. A,LL trustees were present. President heart Togs absent. °?'ruatee Rossman moved - seeonded by Trustee Rumb... 1,h at President Dean's appointment of Trustee O'Brien as President Fro Tam be approved by the village board. Voice vote all in favor. So ordered. 'Trustee Hayes =ved seConded by Trustee Roscm an .. . 7ha3t the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of February Uth, 1969, be euspended and that they be accepted se submitted. Voice vote -- all in favor. So ordered. ORDIMMSS, RESOLUTIONS, VARIAT102M v FEATS, ETC. A. O.R.1D.Co. Commerce PLaaa_ III _wfinol Mt On Janua$v 28, 1969, the village board tabled the above subject until the proposed traffic study eoneerning this area became avrai table. Each trustee was provided with a copy of this study at 8 :00 P.M. this chive. Trustee Barton moved -- seconded by Trustee Howell... That the action taken in Jawary be reconsidered and that this subject be placed on the agenda of the next regulai meeting on March 11th, 1969. Roll Call Voice: Ayes -• Truatees Barton, Heyes, XcnmLt, Roseman, Rush and President L'roTm O'Brien. Mayes •- Wone So ordered. B. ®moo. 'ILLino a Bell TeLeebone,Cq. .. eclat Use Pea�uit This matter was also tabled on Jamiary 28tb until the proposed traffic study became avaiLabLe. Trustee Barton mwtd - seconded by Tmatee Bove LL .. . That this matter be tabled uotit the next regmLar board meeting on R3arch Llth, 1969. Roll Call motes Ayes Trustees Barton, Hayes, limaLL, kuah, and President Pro O'Brien Mayes -- Trustee ftesuen. Be ordered. C. Pa acotto„&ra neis Annexation Reaueste � u. cpwrNr.r.w.rr.+b..i wrr .....rm..s. rsa+sR.r Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Estee Hayes... That this matter be referred to the Platt Comatission for their recoma eadation. aol1 Catl Vote: Ages - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Rowell, Rosawn, Rxish and President ProT m O'Brien. Hayes w Bone So ordered. Page 2 I I1I ORDIMM9 RESOWTIOIS, (Contimmd ) D. TeiL Trees Subdivision Plat - Unit 11 Trustee Roesman moused seconded by Trustee Reyes. _ . Mat the T&LL Trees Stbdivi lion Plat - Unit 11 be approwed and that the president: pro -tam and clerk be authorized to affix their signatures thereon. RoU Call. Vote; Ayes .. Trustees Veyes, Rt+eemon, RuA and President Pgo -Tem O'Brien. Reyes .- Estee Nowell Absteiner - Trustes Parton So order -ad. A. Po ice and Fire - Review Trustee Barton reported that the Lire and Police comftttep are 2 ?e00 :uii.:1g the 0-01101sing salary ad jaastmeents to be made effective E4e7 lot in respect. 1-.4 firs and police officers. L. For full. -time firemen and police officers, a general sa3 ary increase of 127a; 2. For fuV.E. -time firemen and police officers, a revision in the salary steps for each rank so as to pnvkit the top rate to be reached in three 7e&r8j r&ttkQr ball four yearn as at present '�. For police dfficers who axle reeoired to attend court an official business an their days offs, a half day's pay if such business ra ses a half day or -lase, or a full clay's pay if suph business rewires ire Sian a halt dray in ettandance at court,' instead of a flat $7.00 allowance as 'is praaently thie case. Wusree Rartoft moved - ase6nded by TtUatee Rowell, "%Qt tile ral.ice and Fire chiefs be sw horized to submit new salary schedule refl,ecULM the above ch.2ages or aub. Mlssion to the viLlsga board for official. approv `_ Roll Ca L Vote: Ayes - Trustees Mrtoa, Hayes, howeXL, R:ssaM0,; Rush aed President Pro• -Tem 4 *Rrieca. mayes . none So ordered. l3 . Met we P�ae Talc A�..d it An audit report vas received from the Department of Public York$ and Building$ covering the receipt and disbu Teem of Motor Fuel Tax F.nd a for the VULate of Oak Break for the period beginning -xanuery l., 1967 and ending December 3l, 1967. V on Bust-NESS A. Plan nom° n i;or� stattgn'�: Trustec flat *eLl, r6POrted that a aubcemittee of Wustees Barton, Rush t and himselif reeom Brad that PLan Commission cheirmata ftaie be authorized to contact %he Q6jkraL Ptanaft and Resource ConsuLtants to provIde a aw pro oaat etaver a Ada of the village as deseribed by the camittee for �vjgea bo®rd review. President Pro -Tem € "Brien regeaated that the reviled traffic and compreheasive plan propesa le be pl&ad on the, tgreh Uth meeting agenda. R/25/d9 V OLD BUSgMSS (Continued) fge.2 3�. R006 COO Z in Peerd Netice #2236 ,- lout a aMt. A proposed resolution objecting to the abm dweloperit to be forwarded to the County Board of ftpervisars was resented to the board by Attorney Unver=gt. Estee Rush wiLL amend the hearing regarding this Proposal and this subjeet will ngai n be reviewed an March It when the Mtter of vending a Legal objection to the county board of supervisors will be diacuaGed and voted upoi�. It was the consensus of the board ::hat no one member of the elected or appointed Official* can act as opolsesmsn foss the village v thout board authority and President Dean is the official ep*esmnU of the Village of Oak Brook. C. Sell Ceneuaa A ape2ia . census ygor the purpose of bex.efiticg the village in ,carord to the amOunt of motor fuel tax received from the state, is being planned w£•wh?n a few mouths. it was suggested that the vit.t.age aEsociationa be contacted for vc;uateere. Appli. cants ma t be 18 years of age and prepared to worts eight hours a day for from five to tern dugs. President Pxoo*Tem O'Brien ? equested the prese to pubLicime this need for vyolunteersa. D. We. C. l.. Hauesea h_- Mosquito Control Each trustee was provided with c iestione received by Wa. tauseeim. an from various locax and state govermwtal agg.n0 ,ea regarding mosquito abatement. It was unanimously, decided that President Dman write to the DuPage qty Health Department and State of 111inoia, Department of public ftaltho req meting a field survey. E. td. S_ .Conklia PLam Go�ission Resi - - - Platt Commission Chairmen Swain advised tha board that Mr. W. S. COUklin h ®a again requested resiowticn froM the Oak Brook Plan Oonniesion. Trustee Lartcon movt d a seconded • bq Estee Howell... 7hs : Fes^. COnklin • s resignation be reluctantLy accepted and that the village attorgay be instructed to draft a resoLutioc. com end g 1&. Conklin Lor big service to the comMmity as a member of the Plan Cotdesf+aa. Voice vote d all in favor. So ordered. `Lmsatcs Rossman recomm tided that aLL trustees be reeqWsted to submit sMGQted nsmes to President Dean to fill this vacancy. Estee Rush suggested thot the CanCUS eomittee be contacted for suggested name as the have recently interviewed resideaf& who are interested and willing to serve the coamanity. r. O,�itiaL_ C ®mpre'henaliye Plan Mee - W. swaaiea •....a...�o Plan Commission Cheirmsn Swain presented a tentative map showing approximately the area between Roosevelt Road, Trim State ToLlway, Ogden Avenue and Main Street showing the pro• posed zoning cstegovieas f::_� areas outside the limits of the village. st+ee veil molted m seconded by Truster Damon... Thsts the-Plan C01=188ion be authorized to bold a pubUx bear. fng at the earliest legal date that they can arrange for the purpose of considering a comprebeasive playa zoning map. Voice vote - aLt in favor. 8o ordered. 2/25/69 Of V OW BUSXMS (Eoatinaed) page 4 a t ee Rush reported that these bad been a serious accident on one of ttae curves of Spring Road whi ah caused t� deaths. 0 Trustee Rush moved -- seconded by Trustee Barton... That the toad and Bridge Department, Police Department, and Off Seer Janik, who has been involved in village traffic prob- lemas, foiLm a committee to investigate pos sibLe solutions to making spring Road safer. Voice vote - all in favor., So ordered. V1 lew BUSINUS A. sated Revision to Ordin ce 0-60 - OE in-&LIdgg Sggee. Inspector Peirson, lby memo, requested the board to consider a proposed revision to Ordinhnce 8 -60 regarding * ;Efice parking space requirements. it was umaanfmously decided that this re- q e:a3t be forwarded io the Plan Comfssion and Zoning Board for recommandationss . B. Fire Ins ation Bureau �atee Howell reported that Fire Prevention Bureau of the Villages hae now beta. a ettvated and will have- an "open house" for any Interested residents on April 8tb, L9699 from fa1S to 7:45 ]P.M* C. India Alert Each trustee was provided with a Copy of a Letter addressed to Preaideant Dean from Mr. Arno C. = FiLeacen of the DuPage Ufe Under - writers Association requesting official enaorseement of the, bbdic Alert Foundatiem. Chief Siudzina ,#,reQuested to fnveatigate th$a organization and report to the boaartl:"waas D. Moatee: Coasr�cnea A copy of Hpuse Bill No. 11 1 re 3rding trustee empensation was furnished to each trustee. It was una im usLy decided that no action be taken. countz For, eat, Presser Land Aq' gixis Xach trustee was provided with a copy of a letter address ed to Pfteldemt Daa3om from Mr. Frank Beet, President of the Yorkabize Woods Property *mars' Association, dated February 18, 196910 re• questing ang the viLlaaage to fox ally endorse forest preserve use of propekty- edntigueauas to the eastern bobhdary of Yorkshim Woods. Estee Howell moved seconded by Trustee Ronameu... That the village boarrd endorse this use of this particular property and that President Dean be authorized to write vests; appropriate lettat to the DuPage County Forest Preserve Ca iasasion Voice Vote . all in favor. So ordered. FIY ADJOURIBIRIT Traetea bell moored - seconded by Trustee Rush... That this meeting be ad jDu d . Voice vote - au to faavcw. So ardmred. This meeting astd jawne4 at 10:00 P.M. limas g. i+ssak V11UP clerk