Minutes - 03/02/2005 - Board of TrusteesMINUTES OF THE MARCH 2, 2005 SPECIAL
Village Clerk Linda Gonnella announced that in the absence of Village
President Kevin Quinlan she requested a motion from the floor to appoint a
Temporary Chairman.
Motion by Trustee Zannis, seconded by Trustee Korin, to appoint Trustee
Aktipis as the Acting Chairman of the Special Village Board meeting. VOICE
VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Korin and Zannis. Nays: None.
Motion carried.
Chairman Aktipis stated that this is a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
called by Trustees Aktipis, Korin and Zannis. The meeting was noted by
communicating directly with Assistant Village Manager Jeffrey Moline to
whom he suggested that on behalf of himself-and Trustee Zannis that they were
calling a meeting and that he would also hear directly from Trustee Korin
through e -mail which occurred through his understanding.
The Special Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was called to order by
Chairman Aktipis in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Butler
Government Center at 7:35 p.m.
Village Clerk Linda Gonnella called the roll with the following persons
PRESENT: Trustees Stelios Aktipis, George T. Caleel, Susan Chase Korin,
Elaine Zannis, and Asif Yusuf.
ABSENT: President Kevin Quinlan and Trustee John W. Craig.
Trustee Asif Yusuf arrived at 7:45 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given. Chairman Aktipis stated that the first item
on the Agenda would be a motion that the meeting was lawfully called by
giving 48 hour notice to Assistant Village Manager Jeffrey Moline at the
request of Trustee Zannis, himself and directly by Trustee Korin and that
meeting was notified on the same day with an agenda provided by the Village
Manager and the Village Clerk which everyone has received in a timely
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2. Motion by Trustee Zannis, seconded by Trustee Korin, that the Special Meeting
of the Board of Trustees of March 2, 2005 was a properly noticed meeting.
VOICE VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Korin and Zannis. Nays:
None. Motion carried.
President Quinlan was absent from the special meeting.
A. A Motion to Engage an Investigator for Review of Work of the Village
Attorney as Outlined in Motion Passed by the Board of Trustees at their
Meeting of February 22, 2005.
Chairman Aktipis stated that after the Board reviews this matter and if a motion
is presented on the floor then the Board would ask Attorney James Figliulo to
present a proposal relative to his possible engagement by the Board of Trustees
and by the Village of Oak Brook to carry out an investigation.
Motion by Trustee Zannis, seconded by Trustee Korin, to direct the Village
Manager, on behalf of the Village, to contract with James R. Figliulo for
investigative services pursuant to the engagement which will be provided to the
Village Clerk at the rate set forth not -to- exceed $15,000 for the scope described
in the February 22, 2005 motion adopted by the Board of Trustees and that the
Village Manager issue payment of a deposit against future hourly billings of the
investigator in the amount of $15,000 at the time of delivery of the signed
James R. Figliulo addressed the Board that he has spoken briefly to the Board
of Trustees today regarding this matter and he has reviewed the minutes from
the last Board meeting. He indicated that he is a principal and President of a
law firm in Chicago concentrating their practice in litigation and dispute
resolution. He remarked that he is an experienced trial lawyer and understands
that the Board is interested in an investigation to determine the propriety of
conduct by the Village Attorney in connection with certain litigation. He has
not reviewed the underlying litigation but he is prepared to review any
materials that may be supplied to him to evaluate the propriety of the conduct
and whether the scope of authority of the Village Attorney has been exceeded
in connection with pending litigation. Their hourly rates are higher than what
they would be charging for the municipal work for and they are prepared to
proceed at $250 an hour for his time and $200 for his partner Mark Porter
whose resume has been supplied to the Board of Trustees.
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Chairman Aktipis pointed out that none of the Trustees or himself have had any
previous business association or client /attorney association with him. He
indicated that he did not know of his existence until a few days ago. Mr.
Figliulo has been provided with the motion passed by the Board of Trustees and
he has received no other information that in anyway would bias or prejudice his
position in terms of this investigation. He explained the reason Mr. Figliulo
had been invited to the Board meeting that the Trustees wanted to make certain
of two things:
1. If there is an issue for which Attorney Kubiesa needs to be investigated, that
the Board does not proceed without having an adequate investigation of the
facts in all fairness to him by an independent party and he is a highly
qualified independent party.
2. The Board does not want to proceed with any other action against the
Village Attorney unless there is a basis for that and they want the Village to
be protected and that is really the basis for which the Board has asked him
to participate in that investigation.
Mr. Figliulo explained that he understood that he would not take any action at
all or necessarily recommend any action at this time. His understanding is that
he will investigate the facts and circumstances primarily relating to a particular
piece of litigation and any other matters that have been referred to this agenda
or minutes of this meeting and determine, based upon their investigation, there
is any basis for concern or further action and be acting solely as an investigator
and consultant in that regard.
Trustee Zannis asked to add to the motion that the Village Clerk produce a type
written verbatim transcript of the closed session meetings of April 13, 2004 and
May 25, 2004 that deal with the DuPage Housing Authority litigation and
provide the investigator those` transcripts.
Trustee Korin asked Mr. Figliulo if he had seen the motion that the Board
passed at their last meeting outlining the scope of the investigation. Mr.
Figliulo indicated that he has a copy of the agenda but that is all that he has of
the meeting. He suggested that. he came to the meeting with ignorance of the
facts but an open mind without really any knowledge of the law firm involved.
He does not know the Village Attorney or his firm nor does he know what the
underlying facts are of the litigation. He does bring to this assignment
substantial experience in litigation including litigation involving law firms,
lawyers, governmental bodies, claims by and against governmental entities. He
brings experience to this but he has a clean slate with respect to knowledge of
the underlying dispute or any of the relationships that may or may not exist.
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Trustee Korin inquired if this endeavor would take a month, two months or six
months. Mr. Figliulo indicated that he did not know the time frame as it
depends on the volume of work involved, as he has been asked to limit the time
spent based on his hourly rate not -to- exceed the cap. He is prepared to do so
therefore, he would try to understand the scope of the issue, the volume of
relevant material that he would need to review and then figure out how he could
best address the most important concerns within the budget that has been
Chairman Atkipis stated to let the record show that Trustee Asif Yusuf entered
the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Trustee Korin inquired if Mr. Figliulo would provide some outline. Mr.
Figliulo stated that he would initially provide a simple engagement letter that
would recite what he basically stated at the Board meeting without doing any
extensive study. The first step would be for him to collect whoever is providing
him information that maybe relevant to the scope of the assignment. He would
try to understand what that material is and figure out what is the most efficient
way to understand it and make whatever analysis he would need to answer the
Board's questions. It would be helpful if he had a person or group of persons
designated to answer questions during the scope of this process without wasting
time or energy.
Trustee Zannis asked if Mr. Figliulo would provide a written document or
summary of his opinion. Mr. Figliulo explained that he would provide a
summary, as it is necessary for him to understand the nature of the problem,
digest the important material and first report verbally to the Board or to an
individual what he perceives as the problem. It would include his preliminary
review of the circumstances, how does the Board want him to proceed, how
much time has been spent, how much money it has cost and how should the
matter be finished. As again he reiterated it is difficult for him to estimate as he
does not know what is the litigation and whether the Village Attorney has been
handling the litigation appropriately and in the best interest of the Village.
Village Clerk Gonnella asked to speak at this point. She indicated that she has
contacted Attorney Stu Diamond of Ancel, Glick and Diamond regarding the
request of the Village Clerk to provide verbatim transcripts of closed session
minutes to the investigator. She explained that in his opinion, which she did
not have in written form, that it is violation of the Open Meetings Act to release
verbatim closed meeting minutes to the investigator.
Chairman Aktipis stated that this was the motion that Trustee Zannis put
forward and he asked Mr. Figliulo whether if the Board of Trustees released
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any confidential information to him would that be protected. Mr. Figliulo could
not answer that question. He would like to review this further as he is aware of
their firm and he would like to understand the basis of this. He indicated that
he would not want the Board of Trustees to submit to him anything that would
jeopardize the confidentiality of information without having the opportunity to
determine the answer of his question. He stated it would be inappropriate and
not a wise thing to do.
Chairman Aktipis suggested that no information be released to Mr. Figliulo
until such time that the Board of Trustees is confident that the confidentiality of
that information relatively to the closed meetings is not compromised. Mr.
Figliulo stated the Board could provide him public information to get him
started such as the information of the lawsuit, any particular positions that have
been publicly taken that the Board considers to be questionable for him to
review. This is public information that he assured the Board of Trustees could
not compromise any confidentiality. Private information or if anyone is
asserting that they may jeopardize confidentiality then he recommended that
this be reviewed more carefully.
Chairman Aktipis requested Trustee Zannis to amend her motion that those
transcripts are prepared by the Village Clerk as soon as possible and made
available to the Board of Trustees and any further dissemination that would
occur after proper legal advisement.
Motion by Trustee Zannis, seconded by Trustee Korin, to amend the motion.
Trustee Zannis asked for a clarification that the minutes be transcribed and
given to the Board of Trustees and then the Village Clerk will seek further
clarification and if appropriate will be released.
Trustee Korin stated that she thought these minutes were already transcribed.
Chairman Aktipis indicated that in the letter that Village Attorney Kubiesa sent
the Board on Friday that this requires an expenditure of funds and he would
await the veto of the mayor before he does this. The Board is reiterating this
today and the mayor will have to veto this to the next regular Board meeting on
Trustee Zannis asked if President Quinlan would veto this based on funding or
based on an opinion. Chairman Aktipis stated he would veto this based on
funding in the letter. Trustee Zannis again requested that the Village Clerk
receive a legal opinion from Mr. Diamond regarding the release of closed
meeting minutes.
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Chairman Aktipis asked Trustee Zannis to restate her motion at this time.
Motion by Trustee Zannis, seconded by Trustee Korin, to direct the Village
Manager, on behalf of the Village, to contract with James R. Figliulo for
investigative services pursuant to the engagement which will be provided to the
Village Clerk at the rate set forth in the amount not -to- exceed $15,000 for the
scope described in the February 22, 2005 motion adopted by the Board of
Trustees and that the Village Manager issue payment of a deposit against future
hourly billings for the investigator in the amount of $15,000 at the time of
delivery of the signed contract and direct the Village Clerk to provide a type
written verbatim transcript of the closed session proceedings of April 13, 2004
and May 25, 2004 that deal with the DuPage Housing Authority litigation and
to provide that to the Trustees.
Trustee Yusuf indicated that there is somewhat of a cloud over these
proceedings as to the legality of them therefore, it is his intention to abstain
from any votes taken with that regard as he wanted to make that clear to
everyone sitting there. Chairman Aktipis stated that it is duly noted.
Trustee Yusuf further stated he had never spoken to Mr. Figliulo and asked if
there is any background information on him and his law firm. Chairman
Aktipis stated it was faxed to him. Mr. Figliulo indicated he had material to
give to Trustee Yusuf in this regard. Chairman Aktipis called the question.
Ayes: 4 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Korin and Zannis.
Nays: 0 - None.
Abstain: 1 - Trustee Yusuf. Motion carried.
Mr. Figliulo explained that he would prepare a brief letter that sets out his
understanding of the scope of the assignment and he would appreciate it if there
was a person designated, on behalf of the Village Board that could be the
Village Manager who he could communicate with respect of organizing
material and handling it as efficiently as possible. Chairman Aktipis asked if
there would be any objection that the Village Manager would be the contact
point. Trustee Zannis indicated that she did not want the Manager in the middle
of a dispute as it has been difficult enough for him and she does not want to
burden him. Chairman Aktipis asked who she would suggest. Trustee Caleel
suggested that Trustee Aktipis be that person and the Board of Trustees
concurred with this request. Trustee Caleel recommended that the Village
Manager also be included. Chairman Aktipis stated that Manager Boehm will
be kept informed by him of the proceedings. He then asked if there was
anything further. Mr. Figliulo indicated he had nothing further as again he will
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prepare a letter to be sent to Trustee Aktipis to distribute to whomever will be
incorporated into whatever file or motion the Board has in this matter. Then he
will try to identify the public material by talking with Trustee Aktipis that he
believes will be most relevant and have a copy made for him and within a week
or ten days to at least have a preliminary discussion of what he thinks are the
issues, if there is other material that he needs to review to please have it given
to him if confidentiality issues have been determined.
Trustee Zannis asked when Mr. Figliulo anticipates the Board would receive
the contract. Mr. Figliulo commented that the contract will be forwarded
Motion by Trustee Zannis, seconded by Trustee Korin, to direct the Village
Manager to sign, execute and return the contract by the end of the week to Mr.
Trustee Korin asked if that would include Mr. Figliulo's description. Mr.
Figliulo explained that the letter will be a couple of paragraphs and he will
attach the minutes from the February meeting which he understands sets out the
general scope of the issues and then they will move forward as discussed
Chairman Aktipis stated that a motion has been made and seconded, is there
any discussion. Village Manager Boehm asked for a clarification if it also
includes the fee. Trustee Zannis stated that it did include the fee. Manager
Boehm asked if the budget was going to be amended to include the $15,000.
Trustee Zannis stated however litigation fees have been handled to date.
Manager Boehm indicated that it would be taken out of the normal legal
litigation. Mr. Figliulo stated it was his understanding that this would be an
investigation and consulting assignment.
Chairman Atkipis suggested that this should be under a different budget.
Manager Boehm explained there are other line items but not under legal.
Trustee Korin recommended the Board's Contingency Fund as the Board
concurred with this recommendation.
Chairman Aktipis asked for a roll call vote on the motion.
Ayes: 4 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Korin and Zannis.
Nays: 0 - None.
Abstain: 1 - Trustee Yusuf. Motion carried.
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Trustee Yusuf stated once again for the reasons stated previously he would
Chairman Aktipis stated the Board appreciated Mr. Figliulo's involvement and
spending this evening explaining the manner in which he would undertake the
services and he would look forward to hearing from him tomorrow.
B. Clarification of Previous Motions Creating and Authorizing the Work of the
Ad Hoc Audit Committee
Trustee Korin stated that the original motion creating the Ad Hoc Audit
Committee was unanimously passed on September 14, 2004 in which part of
that motion provided that the Committee submits its report to the Village Board
within thirty (30) days. Due to numerous obstacles including not receiving
invoices to be reviewed until mid - November of 2004, the Committee was
unable to submit its report to the Board within the thirty (30) day time frame.
Also the original motion creating the Ad Hoc Audit Committee was
unanimously amended on January 17, 2005 to provide the Committee with
broader latitude to report on issues that came to light during its review. The
amendment to the original motion was made in part because discussion by
Board members, statements by Village President Quinlan and Attorney Kubiesa
that the appointment by Mr. Kubiesa and his firm would be budget neutral, to
determine if the appointment of Mr. Kubiesa was budget neutral the Committee
must compare Mr. Kubiesa's legal fees to those incurred by the Village's
previous attorney. Finally, because the Committee must analyze billings from
the current attorney and the prior counsel to determine budget neutrality, the
Committee may gain insight into another matter as well. The current Village
Attorney is a member of a firm while our prior counsel was an in -house part-
time attorney. The Committee may also report whether the Village obtained a
greater benefit to hiring a firm on an hourly basis as opposed to having an in-
house part-time attorney.
Motion by Trustee Korin, seconded by Trustee Aktipis, to clarify the previous
motions creating and authorizing the work of the Ad Hoc Audit Committee by
granting additional time in which to submit its report, up to and including
March 22, 2005; and be authorized to compare the legal fees of the current
attorney and the prior attorney to report on whether the appointment of the
current attorney and his firm was indeed "budget neutral" and whether retaining
an attorney in a firm provides a greater benefit to the Village of Oak Brook as
opposed to hiring an in -house part-time attorney.
Trustee Caleel asked if Trustee Korin was asking for additional time. Trustee
Korin explained that yes she was asking for additional time and that the Board
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probably knows that the issue of indemnification arose with the Committee
members. The clarification pointed out here was recommended by the
attorneys according to the Committee by IRMA. The points further clarify the
report. The Committee does have scheduled an Ad Hoc Audit Committee
meeting tomorrow evening to approve minutes and to ratify the report. The
Board of Trustees should receive the report on Friday and therefore the motions
that were previously asked to be placed on the Tuesday Board meeting can be
discussed and make any motions the Board chooses to at that time.
Trustee Yusuf stated it appears that the scope of what the Committee is doing is
more than the Board originally planned. Trustee Korin explained that this is
part of the discussion and comparisons that started on day one and the
Committee received a legal opinion that it is a good idea to put it out there and
state that is what the report will contain.
Trustee Yusuf indicated that it seems that Trustee Korin is asking the
Committee to make some decisions that the Board of Trustees should be
making as to whether the Village has an in -house part-time attorney. Trustee
Korin stated the Committee is not making any decisions. They will present the
Board with a report of information, analysis and recommendations. The Board
may then choose to take those recommendations or ignore them. It is up to the
Board as to what they want to do with that information and if the Board feels it
would be best to change our Village Code, ordinances, policies or practices.
Trustee Yusuf stated he understood that the final decision is the Village Board's
but when this was started, he thought it was to review the fees and determine if
there were any discrepancies, irregularities or anything out of the ordinary
happening. He looks forward to seeing the results and reviewing the
recommendations. He would not want to take anything away from the Board's
independent role of coming to their own decision on what direction the Board
should be heading from now on. Trustee Korin reiterated that the report has
recommendations and the Board could choose to adopt them, change or ignore
them. There was a lot of time put into analyzing the information and the Board
was under the impression that bringing on the Kubiesa firm would be budget
neutral situation and it wasn't as invoices were coming in and the budget was
escalating. It was imperative that the Committee review Mr. Kubiesa's firm's
fees versus what the Village has done in previous years as the comparison is
included in the report.
Trustee Yusuf commended everyone for their work on this project but he stated,
in terms of looking forward, the analysis is fine but he is a little uncomfortable
with recommendations being made and what form they are being made as he
believes it is the Board's decision to take the analysis and information
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processed, and make their own decisions. There is nothing precluding him from
doing that and assigning an appropriate level of weight to the
Chairman Aktipis interjected that this is a report presented to the Board of
Trustees. It is essentially a sub - committee that has put together the work of
analyzing issues that are of interest to the Board. The Board may adopt it or
reject it and at that time Trustee Yusuf as a Board member will have full
authority to voice his opinion in one way or another. At this point, the Board is
merely putting the foundation of getting that report approved.
Trustee Yusuf offered that the Board may do that and he does not want to be
repetitive as he will save his further comments until after the report is
presented. Trustee Caleel stated the Board is just going to receive the report
whether the Board accepts it or not as that comes at a later time.
Trustee Korin again reiterated that the expectation is that the report will be
ratified by the Committee tomorrow evening, placed in the Board's packet on
Friday and then on Tuesday there would be a motion to adopt the report. By
adopting the report, it does not mean that the Board is enacting every single
recommendation. Those recommendations would have to be enacted separately
item by item.
Trustee Caleel called for the question. Chairman Aktipis asked for a roll call
vote on the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE:
Ayes: 4 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Korin and Zannis.
Nays: 0 - None.
Abstain: 1 - Trustee Yusuf. Motion carried.
Trustee Yusuf stated once again for the reasons stated previously he would
A. A Motion Directing the Village Attorney to Recuse Himself from any
Further Issues Concerning Matters He or His Law Firm Have an Interest
Trustee Korin read that the Village Attorney failed to comply with the direction
of the Board that came from the last Board meeting of February 22, 2005 in
creating an ordinance by the date of February 28, 2005 authorizing the
engagement of an investigator. Also the Village Attorney has provided no
justification for his failure to meet the direction of the Village Board. The
Village Attorney was directed to prepare an ordinance that would have
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subjected the Village Attorney and his firm to an investigation concerning his
performance, professionally and ethically and that the Village Attorney did not
do so despite the Village Board's direction.
Motion by Trustee Korin, seconded by Trustee Zannis, that the Village
Attorney refrain in the future from providing advice or opinions to the Board or
any member of the Board concerning any matters in which the Village Attorney
or his law firm have an interest including but not limited to the contract with the
Trustee Caleel asked for a clarification. It reads that the motion directing the
Village Attorney to recuse him from any further issues concerning matters he or
his law firm have an interest. If he has an interest, he must recuse himself
rather than give the Village Board an opinion that favors his position.
Chairman Aktipis stated he wanted to make certain that this is offered as an oral
motion and that the Village Clerk is directed to really make a transcript of that
in terms of reviewing the recordings of the meetings.
Trustee Yusuf stated he had no objection to that motion other than the fact that
once again he must abstain this evening. If this matter were presented Tuesday
at the Board meeting, in all likelihood he would be in favor of it.
Chairman Aktipis stated a motion has been made and seconded. If no further
discussion, he asked the Clerk for a roll call vote.
Ayes: 4 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Korin and Zannis.
Nays: 0 - None.
Abstain: 1 - Trustee Yusuf. Motion carried.
Trustee Yusuf stated once again for the reasons stated previously of the legality
of the meeting he would abstain.
B. Motion to Direct James De Ano in Consultation with the Village Manager
to Conduct an Investigation
Chairman Aktipis stated the motion to direct James De Ano will not be
presented at the meeting. In the absence of any other item on the agenda,
Chairman Aktipis asked for a motion to adjourn.
Motion by Trustee Caleel, seconded by Trustee Zannis, to adjourn the special
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6. meeting at 8:15 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.
s /Linda K. Gonnella
Linda K. Gonnella, CMC
Village Clerk
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