Minutes - 03/22/1966 - Board of Trustees'V--- T-7
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The meeting woo called to order at 4*00 P.M. by Viltoge Fraoident
T. A. Mobtman. ALL trustees were proaoftt,
Trustee Boas moved - se-condiad by Truatea Bart*n...
That the reading of the minutes of March 144 *ad Sth, 19660 be
susponded and that th-v. M1311tca be secapt*4 and hoorave4 an
submit ted.
Voite Vote • 6&t to f0vor, So ordorao.
A. R�5
Trustee 013riao moved recorded by TrualWot Royer,,.
TIvat the R-S seettoa of the Proposed ordiaxnc@ he remov4*#1
trao the ordift8fte book nnd from tte ja&p,
RV- COLL Vote: Ayas - Truataas'Hayap, Howalt and 0*8rielt
Mayes - Truateas Barton, Havey, Rosa ms"card
Prevideat NohLman. 4 t tom. 1
$U" zo-Aal-AIA-4
Trurit0a O'Brien movfd - seconded by ustet R000man...
`bat the coning district boandary line# be the middle of
the street with the exception *f atftA hfFhw&Y# *ad totLwayo
in Whith CQ&e the zoning dthtriet Lines wItt ht the rightaf-
way tines.
Voice vote - all in favor So ordnrad.
G. jargjr ad
Trustee Havey read a restrictive covenant in regard to the erne
of Varger Road an an access to oRA-t property which was signed
by all Property owners with the exception of Mr. Oven,
D. Adapting c Pry gosed.-Ook Brook Zoning,. Awepftknt
Mr. Norman Steenhof presented the final approved chahges
regarding the ordicence ItseLf and the to•repponding map.
Said changes were all unentmousLy approved by the board.
Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Bayer ,
That the vitLage board adopt this proposed ordinance; and
on behaLf of the president and the board of tru-tees,
expressed appreciation to the Oak Brook Zoning Board of Appestp,
the Oak broolt Plan CaLmission and the many interepted citizens
who diLigently and f-,,mp4_-tentLy worked toward the ftnaL adoption
of this ordinance.
ROLL CALL Vote: Ayes - Trustee& Barton,, Harvey, Heyetto Howg1j,
OtOrten, konswen and President Yahtwan.
Hayes - None So ordered.
"+ego 2
A. � � t ��, »����� Corner �� et IC 1 t rfiel,d
Preeident N'nhtman read notice from the DuPage County Zoning
Board of AppaAla st;atin. that there �rouLd be a publia bearing
in Room 2 of the LombAr Park District Coma "ity Building,
433 Moat St. Charr loo Road, Lombord Ittiftoie, on loreh 31t 196d�
at 7;30 P.M. to conai4ar the reeaf ing of property ioeatftd can ttie
northeast corner of Mayers and Buttarfield Roado from R-3 M
Single Family residence C #-striet to U-4 .r Service Miotriet.
PreeWant Nobtman also read a reeotutirn prepared by Village
Attorney Bowa►re atating that the Villoge of Oak fyrook goos on
record as op" #inn thin reeteeeii reati,on of Paid vraiw -rrty.
Trustat Havoll moved - seconded by Treatte sswan...
That the vWage board adopt this R00aluti+on R-08 app6aing
the reelaseifioatigft from -S to B -h of proprarcty (seated on
tho northeast corner of fty*ra ani SutterfULd goods.
RaU f OLL Vot:ot ayes - Truat4o@ Sortlort, Hovey* Hayes* Havall,
O °Brierft, Roar n and Proa. Mablmen.
Nayea - None So ordered,
Be aL +�� a din tb ire Ion gyp.. d
Preai.dent Moblvan read is letter froze Villoge. Attorney Bearers,
dated March fi, 1166, regarding the atat,story provieione
gnvera ng too par;tit ons whie :b vere rr+eceivsd from the pollee
epsrtw4ot by the viLl mga aterk..
Truntes Barton moved - secondad by Trustees HoweLt.'�
That tha villager board adopt the or+dtnanc* ` N� o C a
special election to be held on the Ust day of May, 1961, for
aubmission to the voters of the Village of oak Brook of the
question an to the adoption of Article I of the XtLiaois
Pension Code pertaining to the creation of a Police yenalon
Roll CaLl Vote: A,yee Trustees Barton, Have y, Hayes, Howell,
O'Brian, Rosawan and sr. Uhlman.
Hayes Hone So ordered.
A • V � 1�1s $ kla k 1, Orvue s iC�xchase C.'t+�tr�ta�a�.�'...��:r
Trustee O'Brien moved - eeeconded by Trustee Hayes...
That the village board apErove the first annual payment of
$25, OOt CO to the Butler Company as per Lho contract for
the purchase of the village hall and adjoining property.
Roil. COLL Vote: Apes Trustees Barton, Hervey, Hayeer, Howell.,
O'Brien, Roseman and Prim • Moh1man .
Mayes None So ordered.
B. Engineerin con-tract
Trustee O'Brien reported th* used for an amandment to our
ordinance which would Stipulate toes to be charged for
engf0teviOg inspection# mdse within the village. The village
engilitear will report at the treat board owating to regard to
tbeese; fees.
Sf2S /66
_ 1 r j t C ira - r • r r 19 - •'yia is ^ a r • ry u•r 1:1 r- r
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V FIVANCIA o (Co quad 1 1 6P60 •444 �
�. tad e' � C®m a►sat�,o�a
Trustee O'i Brien moved - secoaaded by Truatee Hoynes...
That the village board approve the psy gat of $25.00 per
day for each ,budge thait will serve at the speeiaL election
uaa X" 219 1966.
Roll. CAL Vote: Ayes » Ttustoas $srtOt1p Havel►, Hayegt HOW0110
O'BrUCA, ROG$=IP- sod mss. Mobkmon.
waayeaa « Nona do ordered.
A. Con a t rr' a a �►aar " Cash good
The Oak brook lleeulapatnt Cornpsaaay +sand ViLIaZO huiLd tog Inspector
Pearson amented the DOW for a contr tors cleat -up bored.
Trustee Ravey movod .. seconded b,v sbse IhMeLl. ...
et the ViILogo Attofte baa inat ated to draw an ordiaarace
:431CRO& atins that c coah r►ad of $LO► be posted by all
cantrrutox mi prior to the 16 6409 of a bee tding
pare mit.
Voice vote - all in tivoar. . So ordered.
Trustee Stanton moved seacondeo by Trustee HgVey...
That the TILLaage Attorney be Instructed to prepare a contrs►at
and the Wassary dominate to advertises the police lock -up
project for bids,
voice vote - aaall, in favor. So ordered.
4111 pig 'AAA
�. IMIV.Qd Firahotiasae 810e tens
Trustee Ross man moved N jecond4ea by T°aaetee iloveLL...
That the village age board vgivae tho Ix Pita of adverrtieing
gor bids 6a the Firreho�ra 81AeO:Lp era I ovaa�nt
to the ®s ages of ltty work '49%Z14261"", amy d6soW
necessary for this project; aid fit -tie opcatratiat be awarded
to Hobert FLait�tiraaanaa, SasiLde�r$' a not to aamad $34400.00.
ROLL Call Vote: Ages - Trustees la rtoo FUM . uayea, �t wol if
0levies. a n and ;rag. Mobimtt.
sarye-V - Same ordered.
b. Police DeagrgE nt COooeraz
Fire Chief Edward F, now emno4ed the Oak Brook polices Departmat
an their baandliaag of the recent tare ea►Lte vithio the vittggea.
He expressed appreciation for. this exca,ll int cooperation.
'�'n LY }'1 \t ix +l t5r; r......... �i 15 Sri 1\a�..LI
IX VIUAUE MLL *Soo,,, 41
A. Pro oasaaal Paaark� L.
Trustee HowaLL moved • seconded by Trustee Ol ftrj*n .. .
That the villa1:1,orovement board al tocaate the sum of $d t OOd to develop a parking Lot and that this the incorporated in
the specifications for the goad Improvement con►traet.
Roll Call Vote: Ayer, - Trustees Barton, Hovey, Hayes, Nova lLq
Q 8rtwn, Roasman and ro#. Mohtmen,
NaaVe as - None go aer4ered .
8 Q ',,,, Has Z, +aaztd Orrouagd s Hit r or `!�
Taruoatee Howaail moved - seconded by Trustoo ftroa...
That the board authorine Wight and ado. to pray orire p r+elteinar�
ptanas said sketches # at a cost not to oxeso $1#000.00* for t as
village hall Improvement project,
Roll 0aal.L Vote: Ayes « Trusteos Darton* Hovey, Nayse, Ro wo>!_L4
O'brimt Rons n and Pros. Hohloan.
1Neyea 'Name do ordered,
A. 5 cio1 Ma ti iAas daa aa: a~h _2St
The board unanimously agreed to caul r apaeciat meeting on
Mondaayv March 28th, x,966, at 7:30 P.M. :�a►r tine purwo of
discussing the utility services of Onk 16rooU and the budgets
for the coming year.
D. Garbage- >! as osal Ratas
Trustee. Roanian suggested that all trraanoblood garbage diaaposaal
awMaanies be requested to forward than vUlaa a *tor% vtth their
present rates* any rata increases since their frastReb(se was
�av►antod and any Changes in rates contemplated. it was u naani ely
18a -ided that the vi t a geR eLork write aassm and request st this
a. hn ineerin ite for Polar Jnaa egt,Joaa : C ft"al'1bb'Mfsoft
Mac. P. warner of Wight and Co. advised the Bard that there my
be a possibility of an inspection tee to be charged to Oo n-
weaaLtb Edison Covapaany for the inspection of l.igbt poles, Install-
ed along the tollwaay. President Mohlaaan Witt contact the
indiV duanLs concerned and report to the board at a later date..
D. Rotatt® #23 and 31st Street
The boated unanimously agreed to hold the agreement which was
previously approved as the State DivLslon of Hi, hwz4yaaa is
V rep►aring additional ienfox�tiora Lai regard to this read
A. Morthepatern Illinois VAtro olitan Area PLa9anaain G',a ti saaie�ta ire: es
It was unanlwousLy agreed that the ViLlege of Ook Brook BEd not
support the above nmraaed commission.
Trustfts Haow 811 moved - seconded by Ttt°uaatee Kayeaa..
That thiaa meeting be adjourned.
Voicaa —*tee «a aaaLl to favor.
R '
This agtl% adjourned at L1:25 P.M.
t, to
ftepeatf u Lly a ubmitud Y
Lorraine 3. Frigek
V.D. Laa,ge C_ Lerk.