Minutes - 03/25/1969 - Board of TrusteesV 68- '8*"T'_ M111J
M$mm5 Oy
Moro L5 a 1969,
Tiie m.:-wting was called to order at 5 :00 P.M. by President Dean.
ALL trustees were present except Trustee Howell.
i'rustea O'Brien moved - seconded by Tkustee Hayes...
That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of
March 11th, 1969, be suspended and that they be accepted
as submitted.
Voice vote • all in favor. So ordered.
A. Elmwood Hureiaan i�omet w S�pecfAY. Z1ee I�ttjttest
...s....a .r.a..w.. .+s+e...+r...�s�....r..wn .ruon.�.elr..snm w.a m..r...r►
Each trustee was provided with a copy of a Lattitsr of reeomend-
ation from Plan Commission Chaairraet: Swain o dated March 19, L969.
Trustee Rosssmao moved - seconded by Trustee Ruab...
That this request for special use be granted as submitted
and that the village ettorney draft an appropriate &rdin agree,
ohich stipulates that the off - street parking in the front yard
be effectiveLSy screened from view.
Roll Call Mote: Ayes - T- ustees Barton, Kayra, O *Brien,
Rosemaut, and Bush
mayea a President clean
Absent r Trustee Rowelt So ordered.
B. n,OU. Brook Both & Tennis Club Special Use Ordinance S-L81
Tmtstee Barton moved - seconded by Tkusttee Mayes. , .
That Ordinance S -18L be granted as presented.
RoU Cali. Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Hayes, O'Brien,
Rossman, Rush, and President Decals.
Hayes a Bone
Absent Trustee HoweILL So ordered.
C. O.B.D.Co.lConwerne Plaza
Trustee napes moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the vilLage board adopt the fitwl plot without access to
Harrge>r Road.
Trustee Barton asked the chair f" s point of order. The chair
then rated that the previous motion and second thereto wen out
of order and the chair tbereupon entertained a new motion.
Trustee Barton moved v seconded by Trustee Reesman...
That the viticage board accept the agreement between the Chicago
Title & Trruot Co. as trustee under �ast Bo. 46540, and O.B.D.Ca.
beneficiary of said trust, owners of LatW described herein, and
-he Village Board of Trustees, as meeting the conditions set
forth to the previous action of this board In approving e
Plana Subdivision III. and authorizing the recording of the
Subdivision Plat and Agreemat.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Rayea, Rosman, Bush
and President Dean.
Bayes - Trustee O'Brien
Absent w Rxostee Roue Ll So ordered.
'k s'f Oatitt Ydia�IO S, t'ESOLU LONS, VARIATIONS, (Continued) Page 2
111 ,noi s Lely. Telephone Go. w iat Use Ordinance 82
tja! - provided vi.th a copy of a proposed ordinance
�•�i_acitlg z sp cfal use ne!.•mit pursuant- to M?diftatce 0•.60 tor
a ie�.hot c: t�. °.i1F3f�� rs: ot� building and equ, pment in an OEtA.1
ll 4a: i.c'c c0utl o12' Larger Road and east of Spring Road.
I-u:,tee RIM!' moved - aeconded by Estee Hgyreg...
s nt OHinanen S - -182 be passed and eppa oved by the village
R0 11 Call Vote:: Ayes - Trustees Barton, t1eyes,. Rossman,
Rush and Prevident Dean.
ayes - Trustee d' Brien
irustec Barton ivtnred Aecended by Trustee Roseman...
Ti; ant oa Page 2, Sec i; i.t -n 3, f0110e1ing the word ''only" on
thg Sth litre that thn iollowing he added: "in the preservation
of lift or propevtyll.
Voice Vote W x,,11 in favor. So ordered.
E. O. B . D.Qo . /Dronk Fore .w VI Prey,irriinrery Ptat
wvueeea M `
That this matter be tabled and that the vi19 age attorney
write a letter to Commons-iselt:h Edison as suggested in
PLaIt Commission Che.Lrmen Swain' a letter of iarth I9, 1963.
4AW-01 Be or ez ad •
Ea et (Qak Brook SgMth v $y�
Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by !Jlrustee Hayes...
That this satiates be tabled.
Voice •n,Votep�- all in favor. So ordered.
0eit.DVCoJ,,LU Qii� ViSZ� Presentation
�+�MOaMmapw�u LfR& �- _µpWPrmww�. sen
W. Bill. I'ltran Qf Lhe Oak D rook Development Company edmibi.tited s
reap and proposed pLen for the extension of Spring Road between
3Lat St- and 22nd St. and their auggested plan for developing
the land bounded by Spring Road, 22nd St., Route 83 and 31st St.
11w. Dean asked that copies of this tap be made avai Lablae to the
Ti":sitee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Rassma...
'fiat this matter be tabled for further steady end consideration.
Voice Vote - aLl in favor. So ordered.
Sanaba Sans E1 tab p ftg(tLutio' 90
All trustees were given a cops Of Resolution R -90 which to
opposed to S.S. #186.
Trustee O'Brien moved ,- seconded by trustee Rush...
Thstt Resolution R-90 be adopted opposing Sensta Bill no. 186.
RoLL CaLl Vote: Ayea w Wngtees Barton, Hayes; 0 *Brrien,
Rraesmea, Rat, and President Dean.
Mayes - None
Absent - Wustee HmelL 8o ordered.
3 /25/69
Page 3
A. aaffLe Idght
ALL U%otees were provided with a copy of Letter of March 4, L969
written by village engineer Berner re Service Contraet for
Traffic Lights at 31st and York Road. Aloes furnished was a copy
of Contract from Pinner Electric Co., SrooUfteld, ILLinois, out.
Lining aeesr:vsces to be rendered in this contract.
Trustee Hayes moved - see onde l by Trustee Barton...
That they board of t- Tusteas accept this contract with Pinner
Electric Co.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes 4 Trusteez Barton, Hayes. Roalamen, and
President Dean
Nayes p Ttvatee s 0*Hrien and Hush
Absent o Trustee Howell So ordered.
Trustees were issued a suwery of the activities of the Fire
Prevention Bureau, headed by Lt. Ringer, for the month of
Trustee Roseman moved - Seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the board of trustee& authoViSe payment in the mount
of $325.00 and that 3t be Listed ' on the March bftLe with
an asterisk beaidee it to 3udiftate payment made an %web 279
Roll Celt Vote: Ayas - Tmeteas Barton, Hayes,, O'Brien,
Rosanne aught and President Dean
Nayres y Hone
Absent a Trustee Howell. Be ordered
Associate AKnaieaa - Mama
Ttuatee O'Brien moored « seconded by Trustee Barton,...
That effective May 1, 1969, that the Village Treasurer be
bonded for the aaaam of $150,000 and effective April 21, 1969.
th ,t the Village Claris: ba bonded for $9,000.00 as mist fortb
in State statute.
RuLl Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes O'Brien,
Roasmang Rush and PreaLdeant Dean.
Mayes o Rose
Absent - Trustee Howell So ordered.
D. A oval f ftgral Planning CopaLs .o.�g
Each trustee waa provided with a copy of the above contrret
for aaftdy.
Trustee kwtoA Ui*Ved • seconded b7 Trustee Roseman... F
That contract be approved and that the appropriate VILIaage
officers affix their n gnatureaa thereto.
Roll CaaLl vote: •Ayag Tft6tee Haarte®n, Hayes, Rows mah and
Mayes TrUstee O'Brien and Prresident Duo
A as�eet�t 'buaatee'Hot+ Ll So wderedd
1`7 FINANCIAL (Continued)
Page 4
�. wovai Crawford to Roden 1=. C tract
Trustee O'Brien moved a seconded by iivatee Heyess...
That the village board adopt the above mentioned Resolution
and k4reement .
Roll G&IL Notre: Ayes R Trustees SartoB, Hayes O'Brien.
Roseman, Bush and PresldZmt Head.
Hayes None
Absent w Trdatee Howell So ordered.
T tea OtBriett moved seconded by Trustee Barton...
'xhct the proposed improvement ccnsisait of a traffic rstu4y and
shoLl be designated sash Section 4-9 C.S. and that $5,900.00 for
'sane improvement of said section be appropriated from the
manicipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tact funds.
Rota OaLl Vota: Ayes - Trustees Rush, Hayes, O'Brien,
Resgsman, Rush and President Dean.
Noyes w None
Absent .. S,`ru tee Howell So ordered.
A. C ariflertio of AWet, R ht-g • was"3
village attars ay is to conduct ar shady to investigate and
report back to -the board.
A. Street &M +Chant& - Chaval, Drive
The residents saLong the private road, Donate Brae, requested
the name of this road be chattged back to Ch vral Derive.
President Dean referred this to the Plan Commission for their
B. ftg&eeted Reviss$ E-37 - Fire U .10 "ats
.2n--a d$tscre
A d N seconde by Tru as Ra a.
of� 4s tte to d. tee h Stn th a
aaatt of aL that he f chic should evLew ay P no
Pr A to s a as p t to e k f sadeq f hyd ntss.
Vo sa a .. LL in aver. S ordered.
Copies of Letters from Sherwin J. K*=Lik and John Heidrich
requesting pemission to plaint 4oaeee numbers on curbs were
furnished to the trustees.
President Dean stated that similar requests were not granted
lost yasar and its order to be conssiatsssAt old write theae two
young man to that effect.
President Dawn adjourned this meeting at LO.-15 P.M.
LaaVerne J. Skate
Aching Clerk