Minutes - 03/26/1968 - Board of Trustees0 . T VI L.LWE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF March 26, 1968 I ROL% CALL The meeting was called to order at 8:07 P.M. by President Dean. All trustees were present. II READING OF MINUTES Trustee Rusin moved - aeconded by Trustee HeyeP... That the reading of the minutes of the regular meetingg of March 12, L968, be suspended and that they be accepted or submitted. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. III ORDINANCES, RESOWTIONS, VARIATIONS, AME1 mNTS, PLATS, ETC. •+. a n H. A derson Resolution R -82. President Dean read a resolution aommanding W. John M. Anderson for his faithful service to the village in his capacity as a member Of the Plan Commission oP the Village of Oak Brook. Trustee Roseman moved • seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That Resolution R »82 be approved and adopted by•the village board. Roll Aall Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean. Nayes None. So ordered. B. Oak Brook Devela went Com Preliminar Plat - Soutb Oak Brook. Mr. Bill Does, Oak Brook Development Company presenters a prupoped preliminary plan for the area bc•inded approximately by Oak Brook Road, Route 83, 35tb Street, York Road grid Salt Creek, to be known as Oak Brook • South. After discussion, Mr. Dope soap requested to present a letter outlining any propoped variations. IV OLD BUSINESS A. Wtgd l Wa9d e. 7ruetee Hayes reported that all efforts to enforce Miss Mendel to clean her property of debris have failed to date. After discussion, President Dean requested Attorney Bowers to study zhis matter and report to the board at their next regular meeting. 8. Brook Foxest-Sch"I cite -Park District Trustee Howell, reported that his comittee had met sod due to Legal ramifications, requested that thin matter be tabled until the next regular board meeting. s . . r 3—V f 7— P 0 Pa ge 2 C. Oak Brook Utility Rate Increase President Dean acknowledged receipt of Letters from Mr. Maynard Larkins, President of the York Woods Community Assoeiation, Mr. Paul W. Weber, President of tbn Yorkpbire Woods Property Owner. Association and mr -. Lou Couper, Secretary of the Oak Brook Civic Association, alt requesting village assistance to petition the Illinois Commerce Commirrion for a rehearing on the rata inrreare proposed by the Oak Brook Utility Company. Attorney Bowers requested that this matter be brought to executive eessionx and President Dean directed that it be tabled until after the regular meeting terminated. D. Solicit=or Licenses Attorney Borers reporrea on his findings regarding soliciting within the village. President Dean requested Attorney Bowers to submit his recommendations for amending our present ordinance for further control of soliciting. F. Fire and Police Committee Re qrt Trustee Barton reported that the Fire and Police Committee had formed two subcommittees. Trustees Barton and O'Brien would 4eol with routines matters regarding the pollee department and Trusteea Roseman and Howell would serve, in the acme capacity for the fire department. Trustee Roseman moved . seconded by Trustee Howell... That Chief New be authorized to ardear the moving of the present fine siren to village praperty at a tort not to exceed $616.00 and the inFtallati.on of air conditioning in the living quarters of the fire department not to exceed $945.00. Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, Roseman and Rueb. Noyes Trustee O'Brien and President near. So ordered. V \EW MISI ,Ss A. Windsor Drive Ynrk LJoode Traffic Hazard President Dean read a letter dated hareh 18, 1960, from Mr. Petex E. Hateas of 9 Windsor Drive, requesting that action be taken in regard to a hazardous traffic situation. Trustec. Hayes reported that at the present time there is s 30 wile speed limit on this street and that the proposed amendment to the traffic ordinance which is now being drafted will incorporate a 25 mile an hour speed limit. The police department ban, since this letter was received, give:i extra surveillance at this point and will cont'!nue to do so. B. Plan Commxsa� ion t,ecotamendatiRr: TxaaffiG Bngneer President Dean acknowledged receipt of a letter from Plan Commission Chairman Swain, doted March 21st, 1968, regarding the hirith- of a traffic engineer lira to develop a long- range plan for I-raffic flow in the village. After Aiscusri,on, President Dean requested Trustee Hales to discusQ thi- matter with Chsirman Swa;e. 3/26/58 .... • 3 -J6Lel 0 Page S V NEW BUSINESS (Continued) C. Refund of Bu ldin Permit Pee President Dean reed a memorandum from Mr. John P. O'Grady, dated March 18, 1968, requ,,eting the refund of a building permit fee which was paid on a Lot not suitable for building. Trustee Howell moved b seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the building permit fee of $154.60 and the cash bond of $LOO.00 be refunded to Mr. O'Grady. Roll Call, Vote: Ayes - Trurtees Barton, Mayes Howell, O'Brien, Rossman � hush jnd President Dean. Mayes - Notre So ordered. D. Plan Commission Recommendation: Ordi a rce Amendment re ardin 1 1.fr President Deem read a Letter of r0coma adation from Plea 00=issi6n Chairman Swain, dated March Ust. 1968, regattliog Section ll, Paragraph B, Subparagraph 7 of the Villaage sot4ing ordinance. After discuerion, !'resiident Dean requested Truakee Rueh to wank with Attornay Borers oa rev>i,sing the presaft Ordinance so as to incorporate all recommadatione at on.e ti►ow. VT ADJOURN' Preaident Dean adjourned this meeting at 10 :37 P.N. 4' t4a� Lbrraine P'rieek ` Villege Clerk 3/26,%8