Minutes - 03/27/1973 - Board of Trustees2 V JADE OF OAR aRoaK MINWES OF March 27, 1973 MEWING CALL A. Roll Call The regular meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Clerk Fricek administered the official oath of office to newly appointed President George B. Howell. All trustees were. present. I i READING OF MINM ES Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Rushee. That the reading of-the minutes of the regular meeting of March 13th, 1973, be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted subject to the following correction: Item VIT -D - Delete "Howell" from -kee" and add as an "Abstainer." Voice vote - all in favor, So ordered. III ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, VARIATION, PLATS, ETC. A. Oak Brook Regency Towers - Parking Variation Ordinance S-274 Each trustee was provided with a copy of a proposed ordinance granting a variation on property commonly knoanc as the South- east corner of 22nd Street and Route 83 to permit aide yard parking. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the reading of the proposed ordinance be waived and that Ordinance S-274 be passed and ap }proved by the village board. Roll C&..1 Vote: Ayes - Trustees Boachen, Congreve, Hayes, O'Brien, Ruah and President HowrelL. yayes - Wone So ordered. B, Corporate Plaza Unit it - Rezoning Ordinance S -275 Each trustee war provided with a copy of a Proposed ordinance rezoning territory in the south Portion of Corporate Plaza Subdivision Unit 11 from R -4 to ORA -1. Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the reading of the proposed ordinance be waived and that Ordinance 5 -275 be passed and approved subject to the inclusion of "together with all other lands lying within Corporate Plaza Subdivision Unit II re-- �-*ded as Document No. R -72 -46895 DuPaSe County, Illinois, between "territory and "shall" in the 18th line of Section 1 of said ordinance. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Baschen, Congreve, Reyes, O'Brien, Rush and President Hovell Mayes - none So ordered. Each trustee wn& provided with a vropoaea ordinance setting Fortis mules, mgu1arionb and atundards to reguLate and fontroL construction in p+ahlic rights -of -gray and all Bawer; seater distribution, btr o-t and driveway approach construction in the Village of Usk, Brcmk. Ehgineer Dunkirk advised that it told be neceL t.ary to formally approve certain sections of same in order ro facilitate the Po=rtal processing of permits for the newly arnt. i red water systemo , Mrs • Margaret Thompson .;poke foc the floor and rtKnested that _the board efforvt additional time for conbideration of this ordinance and speciftcally objected t.n Subseetton to of Section 2 of Articl a Vi _ 3p° 27,173 Cont' d . , _* , age, lIi OROINMCES , RESOLUTIONS, WC, *Continued) 4 C. Jose h Ha Rush - Setback Variation Ordinance S -276 Each truster: was t rovided with a copy of a r mposed ordinance granting a variat: ors on t)n�pvrt.y ! ucated ;a,o, roximately V10 feet We-at of curve cn L'pring Road near York Road to Hermit the relocation of a bpsn w Liiln Vitae cn foot caiee yard renuirement and to pemil.t tit ma_ , t. enance of thr-ne nor: es on said property, Trustee Gongreve moved -- seconded by Trust_e Baschen... That the reeding of the proposed ordinance be waived and that Ordinancs S -276 be passed and approved by the vi'liage boards Roll ^ail Vote • Ayes -- Trustees Baschen. Congreve, Hayes, 09 Brien and President Howell Nayes - None Abstainer - Trustee mush So ordered. V. Reuben H, Donnet1t2 Coro, - Resubdivision Plat Each trustee was provided with a copy of an excerpt from the March 26th, 1973 Oak Brook P Lan Comm iss ion Minutes recommendin* the approval of thy} Reuben R. Donnelley Corporation Resubdivision subject to wricten documentation ab stated therein - Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes.., That the FUniben if D nnelley Corporation Resubdivision Plat be approved subject to the plan commission's recommendation and that the appropriate village official$ be authorized to affix their signatvrea thereon: Roll Call Vorp : Ayes - Trustees Baschen, Conpreve, Hayes O' Brien, Rush and President Howell Naveg -- None So ordered E�, WT - TOPICS lesolution 22nd ana Springy Each trustee was provided with a copy of a resolution *+ro- viding for an anpropi- iation of $100.000 from Motor Puel Tax Funds for the improvement of 22nd Street: fr.3m P.Mite 83 to Salt Creek and Spring Road from 22nd St,x eeL to 300 feet north of H AMpr R >aaa , Trustee Hayes moveci - seconded by Trustee O'Brien—, That the resoIU L ion provlding for an aporopriatlon of $100,040 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds fnr the Interconnection and imprnvAWat i, #f traffic cout:rol sigralc and street improvemen 4 , urt 22nd S r ree t and Spring Road be approved and dcaignaced &it Section 7CS: Roll Call Vut ?, Atres - Trustees Baschen, Congreve, Hayes, O'Brien. Rush and President Howell Nayes - None So ordered F. Oak Brook FL U is Vorlk s Construc t ion Ordinance - S-277 Each trustee wn& provided with a vropoaea ordinance setting Fortis mules, mgu1arionb and atundards to reguLate and fontroL construction in p+ahlic rights -of -gray and all Bawer; seater distribution, btr o-t and driveway approach construction in the Village of Usk, Brcmk. Ehgineer Dunkirk advised that it told be neceL t.ary to formally approve certain sections of same in order ro facilitate the Po=rtal processing of permits for the newly arnt. i red water systemo , Mrs • Margaret Thompson .;poke foc the floor and rtKnested that _the board efforvt additional time for conbideration of this ordinance and speciftcally objected t.n Subseetton to of Section 2 of Articl a Vi _ 3p° 27,173 Cont' d . , _* , xxI TV V Ira f,ze Page 3 ORDINANCES, RMriLUTxrM, ETC. (Continued) F, nek Brook Public Uorks Coustruetiem Ordinance - 5 -277 (Coat ed. Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee r4ngreve... That Articles 1, 11, 111, VI, Vill, IX, X snd XI be avvroved subject to the deletion of Subsection B, of Section 2 of Article API and that this ordinance shall be known as Ordinance S -271. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Basacben, Congreve. Hayes, O'Brien, Rush and president Howell Kayes - None So ordered. G. Illinois Mnicival Retirement Fund Each trustee was provided with a copy of a proposed resolution designating We. Laverne J. Skale as the ''Authorise! Agent" of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund= Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee mash.,. That the resolution designating Mrs. Laverne J. Skate as "Authorized .Agent" of the Illinois Municioai Retirement Fund be approved. Voice vote - all In favor. So ordered. OLD BUSINESS A. Eneusiom of President Deana RmiwLatioft Each trustee was provided with a cony of a letter tram President Samuel Dean, dated March 19th, 1973, reauesting that his resignation date be changed effective fro® 12:00 Noon, March 21st, 1073, to 12 :00 moon, March 27th. 1973. Trustee Baschen moved. - seconded by Trustee Gottgreve p . . That thz change in date of President Dean' a resignation be made a matter of record. Voice Grote - all in favor. So ordered. B. eak Brook Official Flaw ... The background color of the proposed Oak Brook flag was changed to white from blue,, Mrs. Margaret Thompson object d to the color of said flag, and Manager Urbausen offered to meet with Mrs. Thompson regarding thie matter, NEW BUS INESS A, Amua 1 rlean -Uo De Each truster oms" trovided with a cony of a arovosed oress releswe designating May 12th, 1973 as cleats -uo day in Oak Brook, Managot r Urhausen a«ivised that the name procedure would be follovad ns vks d.xte at rhib same time last year. Trustee Rush muv-;_�,d - seconded by Trustee Aayes n . . That the date of May 12th, 11079, be approved as oak Brook's 2nd Annual Clear -Up Day. Voice vote - all to favor, So ordered, MAR 2 7 1973 V NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Page 4 B. Position of Public Worm Superintendent Each trustee was provided with a memorandum from Manager Urhausoen, dated Match 23rd, 1973, advising the persoanel and Salary Administration Coamsittee °s recomn ation re- garding Mr. Floyd Wilson's assuming the duties of Public Works Superintendent and being responsible for both the Street. Road and Bridge Department and the Water Department. Trustee Congreve =roved - seconded by Trustee Baaschen... That Mrs Floyd Wilson be appointed Public Worki Superintendent at an annual salary of $17.000; and in addition to the base salary, that Mr. Vilson be given the snort of up to $500 to cover his moving expenses from Chicago Heights and that his vresent car allowance of $1W a month be continued until he moves into an area closer to Lhe village at which time the board will consider the purchase of a vehicle for his use. Roll -Call Vote_ Ayes - Trustees Baschen, Congreve, Hayes. O'Brien, Bush and President Sowell. Nayes - None So ordered, C. Village Manager Vacancy Trustee George Congreve, Chairman of the Personnel and Salary Administration Committee of the village board advised that his committee had received a total of approximately thirty applicants for the position of village manager and will probably have a recommendation in this regard within two weeks. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Bpachen... That in the interim. while the Personnel and Salary Adminis- tration Committee is considering a reolacement for the position of village manager, each department head may contact Mr, Urhausen or the trustee Who is directly re- sponsible for his department a d that all major purchases be checked by Trustee O'Brien wetkly, Roll Call Vote.: Ayes - Trustees Baaschen, Congreve, Hayes, O'Brien, Rush and President Howell. Hayes - None So ordered, D. 1Q73 -74 Corporate Operating Budget Manager Ur:4us$en submitted a status report in regard to the village 1973 -74 corporate operatitV budget and advised that draft copies of same will be forwarded to board members on Friday„ March 30th,, 1973. E. Samuel E. Dean Resolution - R -136 President Howell read a resolution commending Samuel E. Dean for his vast service with v.-he village Trustee n'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Raschen. , That Resoli: t ion 136 be passed and approved by the village board, Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. F. James N. Urhauben Reeoluti.on �- R -137 President cell read a resolution commending James N. Urhau,sen for his past seLvice with the village, Trustee C- ,%rreve moved - seconded by 'Trustee Baechen... That Resolution 137 be passed and apo roved by the village board. Voice vote all in favor. So ordered 3127 /73 W ` ♦x ". _ ' - .`Yrc ' r _ " ,;4 i �a ^Jar'1TA, 4 ' ' ` . . ' ..� •gin Pi Page 5 V MW =MBS (Continued) s ' Q. Join "g tm* -%Ka- _Resolution R -138 Manager Uxhau-sen read a resolution c=wGVdjtjg John n9tan" Nsgm for his past service wits► the village.; Trustee Hayes moved - seconded Trustee Y4; b'9 Vic... That Resolution 138 be passed and approved by the vilisge P' board. Voice vote - all in favor. Be ordered. R. Lo a B. Frieek Resolution h -139 Mww,ger Urhausen read a resolution comending Iorrsine S. ptieek for her past semi°° with the village. Trkwtee Rayed moved - seconded by Trustee Congreve... That Rr.solutfon 139 be passed and approved by the village board Voice vote - all in favor. go ordered. VI AFB President Howell adJourned this meeting at 9:20 P.M. ; la . ne S. Prioek $11 age Clerk 3/27/73