Minutes - 04/12/1960 - Board of TrusteesApril 12, 1960 Y66'.80T. 1itj
The meeting of the Board was opened by Mr. Mohdmn at ?13n P.M,
Boll was called with everyone but Mr. Krueger present.
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.
W. Oven submitted the financial report for * e month of mare,,
and filed a copy with the clerk.
The following %ills were submitteds
West Suburban Tire--------- - 00
Puller Service station....— 42.48
Butler Cominay (rid. Bond) 20.0n
John Allen Ford 91.00
S. L Healy 2a� 8Oc
After inspection by the board the bills were apnraved for
On as motion by Mr, O'Brien And seconded by Mrs. Peyton the
financial report was approved no read, Motion carried.
On a motion by Mr. O'Brien and eeoonded by Mr. carley Mr.
Owen was ant prised to spend $58.00 for the purchase of a
Tarco Municipal Accounting System. Motion carried.
Mr. R. B. Wight gave a report on progress being made on
the purchase of building permits, with tiro permits having►
been sold to datel one to the Donnelly Co., and one to
the Baden Comstruction Co.
A protest ,was vdiced by Mrs. Frank Adamaites and Mrs. Tralanewskt
concerning the MaeIntosh prioerty rezoning. Mr. Mohlman asked
bat for proof that Wheaton Zoning of this property was mis-.
represented to the hoard. Slid board would reconsider rezoning
If proof was forthcoming.
David Ott gave police report for month of March, The court dates
being changed from the lot and 3rd Tuesday of each month to the
2nd and 4th Monday of teach month.
Office Ott broug t to the attention it tale BoR-d, the need for a
new squad car. It was discussed tally and o "face Ott was asked
to submit all pertinent info,mation in writing at a special meeting
to be held April 14.
David Johnson of the Illinois Bell Telephone C'. af4uainted the
board with an Unspecified Term Franchise for the Villege of
Oakbro6k9 which would provide 4 lines for Village use. 3ach
Franchise would be $36.00 which includes monthly rate service,
and equipment, but excluded toll calls.
Mr . O'Brien made a motion that perusing negotiations ith the
Bell Te.Leph -)ne company for the Franchise the hoard autborizes
Installation of 2 lines and 4 stati( ns 1 line for the Village
of Oakbrook and 1 line for the Police Atation, each line to
have an extension.
Mr. Carley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Peyton gave a progress report on Village signs.
On a motion of Mr. Calhoun, seconded by Mr. Carley t'•e meeting
was continued until Thursday, April 14, at 7 :30.