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Minutes - 04/22/1969 - Board of Trustees
INtal .(0 49 V015"BOT-MAJ NEXT 'PILLAGE BOARD VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MEETI rrii - T711J S)DAY MINU72� OF MAY 13 1969 �pr�.l. 22 L 964 1 ROLL CALL The mertiag eras c a1Led to order at 8:40 P.M. by President Dean. All trusrees ware present. 11 REtaORIG GF 141IMTES Trus 4,ze O'Brien wavc:i , seconded by Trustee Rush ... That the reading og the minutes of the regular aaeeting of April 8th, L969, be suspended and that they he accepted as submitted. Notre vote a L' in fAvor. . So ordered. ill ORDINAMES, RESOLUTION, VARIATIONS, PLATS, ETC. . Lt aaod NuE as LM Home 0, naan� ce S L83 I-resident Dean Tend a proposed ordinance granting a special use permit 2or a nursing home to be erected of tae northsoet corner of HidWes: Roar) and 22nd Street. A landscape plan marked "Zxhi.'bit All was oubmitted by the petitioner. Trustee Rassman moved r• seconded by Trustee Barton... Thmt O din nee S. -).83 be r salted and approved by the village board. ROIL Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayea, Howell, O'Brien, Roasman, duets and Pyres. Dean. Waye s _ None So otrdbred . Trustee 0 "Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Rosstman... 7ha t the Butler-- Mohlman Subdiviaion be approved by the village age board and that the village clerk and treasurer be OtlthOIL'ile;d to rffix their signatures thereon. Veice vote ••- aLL In favor. So ordered. B. a gas t (Oak Brook South 11) Pyrelfmiaary_ Plat rrweC raaanmr.'S. wMhrwswrw. ra -ea• _ Attorney Unverzatg't resorted that he had met with the development Company, Engi.near Darner and Trustee Rush and that this, comitttee had iagread to a reF34riction appearing on the final plat. :gay. Unverzagt read a letter he received gram Mr. Ralph T. HolWan, attorney for the Oak Brook Development Company. dated Alwil 18, L969, stating that the development compare would be ogre-table this notation appearing om the finel plat. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Rossman... That srhe, presliminary pleat of Hunter Trail goat be approlred subJect to the inclusion of the following paragraph on the final plat: "Based on the records of the U.S. Coant and Geodetic Suurvev, the maximum flood state of Salt Creek ftt this Subdivision occurred in the year 1954. Using that maxim= flood state as a reference, the following Lots its this subOivision May he subject to flood risks: Lots 2, 3,, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, LS, 14, 16, Ll, 2L and 47.1' 1.011 Call Vote; Ayes 7rrn$tea as Barton, Hayes, Howell, Rossamn , bash and P-ee. Dean. Nmyes w None - Abstainer — Trustee O'Brien So ordered. III ORDINAMES, RMOLVTION , VARIATIONS, PL&TS, ETC. Page 2 C. William Re Watagg -- Peocluti n R-- 1. President Dean read a resolution co me riding W. William R. Watson ror his efforts in behalf Of the village of Oak Brook an as member of the Oak Brook Plan Commission. Trustee Rosamaan mewed - seconded by Trustee Barton... That Resolution R-91 be paased and approved by the village board. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. D. Notgr Fuel Tax: Resoluti n or Street Waintenance. Ucb trustee ws�s provided with a copy of a proposed resolution requeRting the appropriated sum of $2,500.00 to be uase.l for the anaaintenaance and energy coats of four signal Lased and sixteen regular street Lights. Trustee Hayes mover? -- seconded by Trustee Rush... That the village board approve the resolution requesting $2,500.00 from Mctor Fuel Tax funds for the ail a'terlance and energy costa of foaer signalized and sixteen regular street lights, 4nd that the village clerk be aautikorized to affix her aignoture thereon. Roll. Cal' Vote: Ayes - Trustees Bevton, idaayrae, Howell, O'Brien, Ressman, Rush and Pros. Mean. Naayea - None So ordered. B. RLection Canvas Reggigtion R-92. fM .47r.�a Clark Fr ieek reed the election results from the official tally ashee%:a. President Dean read the proposed resolution stating the s l.eetion of O Sorge Congreve, Edward lC. +0 +Brien and George D. H ®Well as village tr4eteas fox, four -year term x. Trustee Hayes moved - rea:onded by Trustee Rush... That Revolution R-92 be passed &rid .approved by the village board. Gott Call Vote: Ayes -- Trunteas Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roasemen, Rush one Pres. Deaa®. Mayes m None So ordered. IV OLD Busiff-as A. Plan COmmise ota A o nt „.Robert L. Lsaaoke. President twee recommended than Mr. Robart L. L zgkm be appointed to serve oa the Oak Brook Plan Com iseion. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Bertoi.... 7 baat the village board approve the president e as recomendaotion and appoint Mr. Robert L. l[L:mpke as member of the Oak Brook Plan coaemission to fill the vacancy of Mr. William S. Conklin. pbL1 Call Vote: Ayeaa Trustosas Barton, Hayes,, Hemp11, O'Brien,, R018m8n, Rash and Pres. Dean. ryes -- None So ordered. B . 10—M.o -. Dr„l I as 8 r 2reek. President Deasy read as letter from the Ring kr Greek Conua lty Aaaaoe. ation, dated Apsril. Lli 1969, request gg the willege's cooperation in a drainages over�nt on Saybrook tons. Trustee Bsertan mowed -- seconded by Thistee Howell... �a /g2 /i9• IV 01D Bit SIMS {Continued} Pegs 3 B. Yorktown Drainage inger C (Continued) Tlitt Engineer Bmrner and Trustee Hayes study this matter as to the procedure to be followed and %�zpor4 to the board fo�° final apps ^oval. r Roll Catl dote: Ayes - Truste=es Barton, Hayes, HowalL, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and Poe a . Dean. Hayes -- Nona So oardeared . C. Village dministra or Trustee Barton moved W seconded by Trustee KowaU... That ea village administrator be employed and that it be Air. James Urhausen at an annual eatery of $14,000.00 effective June. 1st, 1959. Roll Call 'vote: Ayes - Wusteeas Barton, Hayea; Howell, O'Briep, Rosseap, Rush and ftes. Dean. Nayes W Hone St. ordered. D. Fire Chleaf Uqueatep Rowe l l meveed 4 second _d by Trustee Rush.., That Arthur IL. Mee be employed as Chief of the Oak Brook .fine M paatmen4 at an annual salary of $13.000.00 effective May let, 1959. and t1aatc he receive roll benefits accorded to a L L members Of the police ®aid fine department. Roll CaLl Vote: ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Havet.19 O'Sr$ea, Roseman, Hush and Pres. Dean. dayes - done 3o ordered. S. Fla Chgef 1;dward P. New Trustee Howell move) - seconded by Trustee Boasman... Than, in recognition of his Long outstanding rtervice to the viLLage of Oak Rrook, Chief New be appointed honorary fire chief on a lifetime basis. Voice dote ell in frvor. . So ordered. F. KWpS of F=ire_ Sitatioa. W usteex Howell mid - seconded by Trustee Otbrien.. . That the village attorney be requested to draw an appropriate resolution naming the Oahe Brook Fire Station the "Bfraerd P. Now Fire Station.', Voices vot=e - all in favor. So endeared. G. Police &04 Fire &Lnarer Schedule ,.amine Such trastee was provided with the following salary sehedule: gjak Ste ' 6 W. .8 L L eSr L.Lears 3, Zgers Sergeant $203 $211 $2U $ x $ ass Patrolmen $164 $170 $Lai $L83 $L90 Clerk Tftp$st $LOf $LOS $114 $UI $ x TYUateee Barton moved'- seconded by Tnurta* O'Brien... That the above salary scheduLee be adopted eefle et$va with the first pay period in lay. R@LL Call Vote; Ayes Trustees Bartep, masses, B eLI, O'Brien, , Rush aged des. ice. it fu ft mays Ilona So order. iV OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Page 4 �i.tot�or .V.Zire Chief. Salary Barton moved W aeconded by Trustee Howell— That the onlary of the honorary fire chief be increased to $2,600,00 for the fiscal year starting May Lt 1969. Roll CaLL Vot,, : Ayer Hayes L. Police Chief Sa1al Tru■stree Barton roved That the annu&L SaL $14,500.00. Roll CaLL Vote: styes 1Taye s IVustees Pi. -rton, Hayes, HoweLL, O'Brien, Rossman g Rush and Fres . Dean. None So ordered. - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... iry of the police chief be increased to Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brian, Rvssman, Rush and Pres. Dean. *one So ordered. J. Volunteer Sal!. v schedule Trustee Barton move4 -- s 2ce tided by Wustee Howell... hnt the volunceer r'!ix-cmen aataries be increased to $4.00 for respanc3ing. to a fare and first hour or traction thereof; to $3.00 for each hour at a fire after tho= first hour; and to $5.00 for each drill attended effective with the present quarterly pay period. Moll Call 'vote: eyes - Trustees Barton, Noyes, Lowell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and Prev. Dean. Nayes M Hone So ordered. K. PiLice_Degartmant A Merh&wist Trustee Barton moved w seconded by Trustee O'Brien... Met Mrs. Betty v. Pivo, Westchester, be employed in the 8olice department as clerk /typiat at as weekly salary of 02.00 effective. April 25, L969. Roll C81L Vote: Ayers - Ti,,stees Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Rosaaman, Rued and Pares. Dean. Rayes - Hone So ordered. V -MW BUSINESS A. O.A.A.Co. Request for ©fffc all V' W e mag r rri President bean reed a letters from ZnxLneer Darner, dated April. L6, 1969, stating that the O.R.D.Co. had made inquiry about the possibIlitg of obi eining a sepia of the officiaL village map. Anyone wishing to purchase some may do this dire:tly from Wight and Co. B. M6tE -r- Spr.. in"aad jMr o�rpt. Trustee Reyes presented a street improvement program oe 16th Street and Spring koad. "Prustdee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Mayen... That the Street Department be authorized to spend the sum of $5,510.00 for road repair and improvement on 16th and Spring Road. Roll CaLL Vote: Ayes W `l uBtses Sancta, Hey+es, Hmell, O*BgieR, Rosemont Rwh and Free. Dean. Mayes a Hone So ordered. 4/22/69 • a page 9 V MEW BUSINESS (Continued) C. Y3oa., +ebsyera Alinois� tro oLita Area lPla Each trustee was provided with a 1.p_ttpr from ik. john W. Baird, President of the Northeastern iLLiaols Metropolitan Area Planning COMMission, dated April. 3, 1969, requesting an sppropriation of $LOO.00 ltirm the Village of Oak Brook. Trustee O'Brien moved a seconded by Trustee 98rten.. . That the village policy of not supporting this organix9tion be continued. Voice vote -- a,l in favor. So ordered. D. L9, 69 70 Bu ets President Dean called a special meeting an Saturday, 9g, 3rd, 19690 at IL;00 A.M., to administer the math of office to the three elected truatees and to discuss the budget for the ensuing fiscal. ye&x, VZ AWOUR196WIF ,President Dean adjourned thus meeting at 9:30 p M. ° i O Lorraine E. yrieek Village Clark g /22/69