Minutes - 04/25/1967 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK April 25, 197 Yoe& lam- Pa14 . I ROLL CALL Sae uteecing was called to order sit 8:02 P. M. by PresIdent T. A. MobLman. All rrus"Cees were present. IT READING UP MINUTES Trustee O'Brien toned seconded by Trustee Barton... That the miau es of the regular meeting of Aps it 1.16, 1967 be accepted as submitted. noire vote- - a1 s. ? n favor. So ordered. 111 ORDI?taNCES, IRESCLUI'1011S, VARIATIONS, ETC. A. El- -etion uanvaja Ordinance •- S -L24 Village Attorney Ce kins read an ogdinaace of eLection canvass naming Samuel E. Dear. as President, Lorraine E. Frieek as Clerk and Fred ?iayes, G. R, Rosa aaan as 4 jaogeph H. Rustz as Trustee -. Trustee Havey, moved seconded by Trustee o c br ien.. . That Ordinance S -129 be approved and adoptee by the village board. Roll. C'aLL. Vole. ASres - Tru3tees Parton, a a,%Fre , Ffsyes, Howell, O'Brien and Rossman . Ivayes u Nave So ordered. B. Board of Fire and Police Cart asigll Canvass Resolytioq R-66 President Moh .man read a resolution declaring that the pr or. fii born providing for the appoia:tment of a Fire and PoLice Commission Board had been passed and adopted be eLattion. Trustee Haveya moved - seconded by Trustee Hayep ... That Resolution Rw69 be approved and adopreci by,? 'Che v.iUc,,ge board. RoLL CaU Voce: ryes Trustees Da=toncHavey, Hayes, HOW21L, O'Brien and Rossman. , ayes None So ordered. C. Firms -men's Pension %'tend Canvass Re.sol.ution R-69 President A`.ohlman read a resoLution declaring that the propoa tion of adopting a Firemen's Pension f and had been padaled and approved. Trustee Barton moved -= seconded by ir.stee Roxiell _ 't'hnt R.esolu'Cion R,69 be approved and adopted by the village iaoard. ROIL CaU i+ove; Ayes `yrusteef Barton, Havey, Hayes, liotfall, O'Brien and Rassulan. Nayes None So ordered D� Minois Bell Talepho;ae Ordinance LAB President MbhLman ,read an ordinance amending Ordinance S-58, grantin=g to the Illinois Rely PteLephone Company, its less€tcs, s,sccassors and assigns, certain right,­ in the Village of Onk Brook. `T`Mst -ee O ° R-rien moved - seconded '07 I$" stee Ros sman.. . That Ordinance 3-130 be approved and adov. ted by `Ine village board. RoLI 004.1 Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton- tgavey, , p? .syves, Hot_:eli, O'Brien and Rusaman. Kaye None s - So ordered. � ' r r i • r r i r Rage 2 III ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, ETC. (Continued) Ito Designation of Arterial. Streets w Resolution R -70 President Mohlman read as resolution designating Spring Road, Hrarger Road and 95th Street from Meyers to Route #83 as arterial streets. Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee Barton... That Resolution R,-70 be approved and adopted by the vitLage board. Roll Goll Mate; Ayes Trustee& Barton, Havey, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien and Roseman. Hayea M Hone So ordered. IV OLD BUSINESS A. Brook Forest Subdivision Unit 2 President Mohtmaan recd a Letter addressed to the viLL&ge, dated April 21, L9679 from Mr. Duane F. Stout of the Oak Brook Development Company regarding Brook Forest Unit 2. Truste Howell mowed w seconded by Trustee Barton... That tae• vLliaige beard approve the final subdivision plot for Prook Forest Unit " and that the village treasurer and dLerk be aauthoriced to affix their signature thereon subject to the receipt of the required permits from the States of Illinois . governing the installation of grater mains and sanitary sewers and the receipt of a $200,000..00 bond. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. B. Brook Fo-est Subdivision Unit 3 President MchImen read' to letter addressed to the village, dated April 21, 1967, from Mr. Dane F. Stout of the Oak Brook Development Company regarding Brook Forest Tait 3. Trustee Barton moved seconded by Trustee Reesman, , , Ibaat the village board approve the final subdivision plat for the Brook Forest Unit 3 a rld tLaat t ho- village treasurer ande Mark be authorized to aaff$-c their signatures Vaereon subject to the receipt of the requirsd permits from the State of IlLinois governing the installation of water mains ind sanitaaty sewers nand 'the receipt of a U66.000.O0 bond. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. C, Yorktown Shoegias Center Drai.r;�e All Trustees were provided wl_th a report prepared by the village engineers, Haight and cc., dated February, L967, on the storm drainage for Ginger Creek Subdivision Phase 1. Trustee Bartean moved - seconded by Tru6 ee Roseman... That Mr. Robert Stevens of Lord, BiaselL & Brook be directed to explore the possibility of sattlemes+t or negotiation with t ,a Yorktown Si,opping Center regarding e a 4ifferant drainage plan and tbat, if needed, authorized to citl capon the .vilLage engineer gor professional assistance. Voice vote h all in favor. So ordered. x`/25/57 Pane 3 It, OLn tl;xvt!:`3S (Con�.lniyad) 0., Sep( i,on Dumb „�ssl,L.ttard -1111age A`ttckrnsy Nr 1, Kiteob i`3pCtxt. on ti'�a: ststus of the suLt Tiled. on Febrtmry 21, 1967, regarding t'ki- C':_1;L? ►! Ditrip. Fe Mate i that tho defendants must f).1e a res»oiisc to Vne pleading on May ls:; and that daposi -lops trould. 'be taller. ir_ his office on Apri.l 27th and 28th. Tfus toe Morrell +aotr<ad - seconded by Trustee Barton.,. That a stE +.i,cment from Nicholas T. Kitson In the amount of ' 2 t 5OO.00 for services rande -ed to April lot, 1967, be approved for na y-ment. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trvat;ees Barton,. HEalres o Howell, O'Brien and Hassman. Nrayes - None Abst.a3 n- Trustee Hovey send President Mohl*:an So ordered. ?rus `ce Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Barton... That Assistant Village Attorney Klt:soq provide Village Attorney gower4 with a me3ntbt1y report on the status of this case, as tsell Ps a monthly statement, In lyder that the board may be eogni.zanc of the progross of this ease and the charges incurred. Hold. Call Voter Ayes - Trustees Barton, Haveya Hayes, Howell, O'Brien and Hossman. Nayes -- gone Abstain- President Mohlma.n So ordered. 7resident 14ohl.man, at this time, recommended that this suit be dropped and Lho t negotiations be c arTled on with the Sexton people to control this operation. He requested that this recommendation be made part: of record. E. Soy th ArneZatjen Trustee Barton requested Village Pubtoniey Calkins to briefly report on he status of this proposed araiex.ilan. Attorney Calklns state that a pabItion to ir.terveim h&d b "n filed and that further action would be dependent on the board's decision. Due to the faet that a. question as to the provision of water acid sewer service had arisen, yt was unanimously decided that Atto�ey Call- iiis explore these questions and the possibility of aagreed settlement with the parties. the Village ce Hinsdale and the Hinsdale Sanitary Dlstrlot:. Trustee Howell reported that as of this date no official notiee has been r000lved from the 1111nots C:ommarae Comujasion regarding rate increases. Attorney Calksns reported that the Illinois Commieroe Commission had been alerted of the village in -cerest In this matter. G. PraDosed Amendmean „to 34,11^A1.W1,s Trustee Hayes reported that this sub jfyet will be on the agenda of the next: regular meeting. e a ueller ° g 10ak .Snook SYi XLg jgn Mr. George Mueller presented a preliminary subdivision plat shown ng sewage and water facilities. This plat was approved by the Oak Brod',r Plan Commission on July l9v 1967. Mr. Mueller was advised that it ill be neeessary for him to request a variation as the front lot width requirements do not oamply with the Oak `,rook Ordinance,. 4/25/67 'AOL Pegg 4 IV OILD WSINESS (ContLnued 1. Road 4 Bride De- iartment Purchase of Paylonder. Trustee Mayes recommended that tyre village purchg -e the Michigan Tract -car Shove?_ Model 55117 from McCollister Eaui =; m nt Co. Trustee Barton movet: - seconded by Trustee Howell... That the recomrend9tion of Trustee Hayes be approved and that he be authorized to purchase the Michigsri Tractor Shovel, Yodel 55111, from the McAllister Equipment Co. at a price of $16,672.00 less a discount of 5% for prompt Payment. Roll Call Mote: yas - Trustees Barton, Havey, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien and Rossman. Nayes None So ordered. V Na1 BUSINESS A. Treasurer Van_ Dy :e Bond Ro;:newal 1AW. Bernard W. Roos advised the board in iris latter of April 19, 1967, that the pabli.c official bond in behalf of Ragzond a. Van Lyre, Jr. is expiring on May 1, 1957. Trust «e O'Brien moved m seconded by Trustee Barton... That this coverage in the amount of $L50,+0O0.O0 be e:cteaded and renewed at the date of re-appointment or appointment of the office of Treasurer. ROLL Qall, Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hovey, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien and Reesman. Neves - None So ordered. R. WACP. -DuPaE County klranch ALL trustees were furnished with a copy of a letter addressed to President Mohlman from Mr. Kennard R. WiLLiams, dated April 9, 1957, concerning a fair housing ordinance. President Mohlman —1—f--quested Trustee O'Brien to study this matter further and report to the board. C. D. F. 57,,T13!1 hr7rman�_ Commission. Plan i ssivn. - Zoning Amendment All trustees were fu ni.shed with a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. . Samuel E. Dean, dated April 19, 1967, from W. nawid F. Swain, Chairmen of the Oak Brook Plan Cormj a.�'�qn, regarding an amsindmerz is the present. zoning ordinance regardint safe bae amen: floor elevations. it was unanimoualy decided that this su;ges%i on be referred to the Zoning Board for their recorameodation . D. Police BRket Ench truster was eupptied with 9 copy of the proposed police budget, along with a covering letter darted April 25, 1967, for their review. E. Elr ::ran Jud e's Salaries Tru: Lee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Howell— That each judge who served at the resent village election be paid the amount of $30.00. Roll, Call. Voter Ayes «Trustees Barton, Haver, Hayes, Howel.L, O'Brien and Rossma Y. Ryes hone So ordered. I- dPm7 Page P. Budget M Insurance Trustee Earton recommended that all ,insurance expenditures be budgeted under an Insurance category instead of, under each separate account C. Road & BridLe Dien t R&Lart.Lncre a Trustee Hayes moved -- seconded by Trustee o' Brie,n.. a That the board approve: an annual salary - inciresse Of $700.'00 for John S. Hagan and an annual salary incxerse of $520.00 for Walter Buckner, effective May 5, 1967. ROLL Call 'Vote: Ayes m Trustees Bruton, Hovey, Hayes, Nowell, O'Brien and Rossman. Hayes w None So ordered. H. Spey Stuft --..Police Dev artment Trustee Barton requested that this ratter be placed on this agenda. Truatee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Rossmasn... That the village board abandon the proposal to coe:duct a survey study of the police departmemt. Voice vote - ail in favor emcept Trustee Q' &-ien. So ordered V1 ADJOURNMENT Wustee H avey movc.4 -- seconded by Trastee Barton... That tbia 'meeting be adjourned. 1 Voice Mote all in faver,. Say ordered. Thia meeting adjourned at LO:45 P. X. RespectfulLy bubmitted, *100srraine E. Pricek } Village C;la +rye 4/125/6?