Minutes - 04/25/1989 - Board of TrusteesL4 -A. 5'- V VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING April 25, 1989 MEETING CALL: The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Vill Lakosil in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7:30 I. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Trustees Garry J. Bartecki Karen M. Bushy Walter C. Imrie Ronald P. Maher Joseph H. Rush H. Rickard minters ABSENT: President hence F. Cerne II. APPOINTME*f OF TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN: Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To appoint Trustee Joseph H. Rush as Temporary Chairman for this meeting due to the absence of President Cerne. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... That the Minutes of the Committee -of -tire -Whole feting of April 10, 1989 be approved as presented and waive reading of same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 11, 1989 be approved as presented and waive reading of same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor with Trustee Maher abstaining. So ordered. IV. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. ORDINANCE NO. 5-666 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK tSouth of 188 and Wes�ffffers Road): Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To pass Ordinance No. 5-666 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Barteeki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush and hinters. Kays: None Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. B. Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meeting of February 14, 1989. Trustee minters , soved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -l- April 25, 1989 "f... VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minus -2- April 25, 1989 To pass Ordinance No. S -667 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush and Winters. Nays: None Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. C. ORDINANCE PO. S-"8 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FLOOD PLAIN SPECIAL USE PSEUT PURSUUff TO SECTION 1O- OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAE BROOK, MINOIS 390o York Road): Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meeting cf March 14, a 1989. Trustee hinters moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To pass Ordinance go. S-668 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush and Hinters. Tay s : gone Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. D. MB AL AORMOW BETWEEN TBS VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK AND CAPITOL UK & TRtaST 39QO Yorker Road).: Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meeting of March 14, 1989. Trustee: Minters movod, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To approve the Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Oak Brook and Capitol Bank A Trust and authorize the Villages President and Cleric to affix their signatures thoreon. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Zane, Maher, Rush and Minters. [days: None Absent: President Come. So ordered. 9. MMMMONNO. ,"71 A O1[ A!P rS 111 PLAT: Application required to create a wL9t of Record ". Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meeting of March 28, 1989. Trustee hinters moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To paws Resolution No. R -471 as presented and waive the Full reading thereof. ROLL CALM. VOTE: Ayers: Trustees Sartecki, Busby, Inrie, Maher, Rash and Winters. Nays: None Abut: President Cerne. So ordered. IF. ffpmox NO. 3-4L2 A lRNZAN APB TU IML PLAT Z?ITLLD 12 AM 13 IN OW OU NOW: Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meting of April 11, 1989. Trustee hinters moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To pass Resolution No. B -472 as presented and waive the full reading thereof, VIU AGS OF OAK BROOK Minutes •2- April 25, 1989 r^t.. AAA �'4�i►— ��T -I��N/ April 25, 1989 VILLAGE Of OAK 'BROOK Minas s -3_ ROLL CALL VOTE:: Ayes: Trustees 6artecki, Bushy, 1941e, Maeher, Rush and Linters. pegs: Kane Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. r . MuS Hd. R - #7 A p�,gTli'� A1PF T P'ISAL PLAT t'R<' SI0� K AS H�4gtI'Y1�39 (OAKS U IT II: Discusse3d and direction given at the Regular Meting of April 11, 1989. Trustee Minters moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To pass Resolution 190. R-473 as Presented and wsive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTF: Agnes: Trusters 8artecki, gushy, Isarie, Maher, Rush and Winters. Ways-, gone Absent: President :erne. So ordered. H. D„sMased and direction given at the Regular Meting of April 11' 1989. Trustee 'Linters mved, ,seconded by Trustee Rartetci. -.. TO paws Resolution ma. R -474 an Presexsted and waive th* f111 reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ages Trustees Bartetc�i, why. Iawie, Maher, Rush and Winters. Nay*: None Absent.. President Ceres. So ordered. I. Truete9 Wmh moved, seconded by Trust," SartOeXi... To table this matt*r. VOICE VOTE: All Present, in favor. J. So ordered. Disouss,*4 at the Committee -of- the - ftol+e Meting of March 13, 1949. Trustee Bartecki Raxnved, seconded by Trustee Mgb*r. • . TO pass Resolution Ho. R -Vf'r` as Presented aDd Naive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VATS: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, BushY, Inds" 1e, fir, Rush MW Hinters. s ways: !lane Absent: President Cerne. V. EINMAks 4 A. Trustee Inris wood, 66006604 by Tr"t*s BuAW.. April VILLAU or OAK a Misrut+es -3April 250 IS8'g v F ..mow- ezw.a,...+..r• ..... a ___... ...... Lf °".81 VILLAGZ OF OAK BROOK Minu s -4- 0 April ?5, 1989 To authorize payment of Payout 43 to V. J. Barger, C.S. for additional professional engineerilig services relative to various hearings and Public meetings associated with the proposed levee in Elmhurst and the ElmhurstlIDOT Oublic Hearings in the total amount of $3,780.00. ROLL CALL 'VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Busby, Iarie, Maher, Rush and minters. P, fi�tt,,,,,� X0 Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. H. TreaAwxer'ae Report: Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Inrie... To approve the Treasurer's Report for the Month of !larch, 42.989 as presented. Revenue Expenses Fund Balance Corporate Fund $989,602.04 $572,084.85 $4,781,458.63 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 15,426.67 -0- 369,696.80 Reserve For Capital Purchases 2,758.34 19,860.00 442,309.9T Debt Service Fund 22,330.69 -0- 135,744.64 Sports Core Fund A '-3.82 66, 510.00 785.40 Water Fund "0,1413.50 209,524.54 6,493,210.T3 Fire Pension Fund Z5,707.26 6,183.97 6,919,284.61 Police Pension Fund 31,418.90 14,371.58 6,528,741.29 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Bush and Minters. F lays: mne Absent: President. Carne. So ordered. VII OLD : A. Old Be namme-duation - laservoir 9 Construction - kmrd of Contract: Authorization to bid given at the Regular Meting of December 13, 1988- sight (8) -Contractors submitted bids on Friday, April 14, 1989. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee hinters... To accept the bid of and award a contract to warlaeo Construction Company, Inc. in the total aunt of $4,018,500.00 (for Alternative n *) and waive the requir+em at that the listing of *wr jor Subuontvactors Ulst)* and the "Contractor's Certification (Hid PrOPOsal)* are to be subsitted at the time of bid ding, and accept the two (2) d0cw*nts as they were received on ftmday, April 17, 1989. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ares: Trustees Bartecki, &ashy, larier, Mkkher, Rush and Winters. Slays: Now Absent: President Cerrm. So ordered. B. ?�ra"for of ftn" fran General Corporate Fund to Capital Projects The purpose of the transfers is to a►Culats funds over several years for large- Capital purchases and aecm t for the expenditure within one designated bold. Trustee Barteoki moved, seconded by Trustee Busby... To authorize the transfer of $260,435.00 of If88 General Corporate Fund bOISnOs two tbQ Capital Projects Fund for Fire Department ladder trucks and to authorise the transfer of $31,000.00 for Police Department firing range and $T5,000.00 for Fire Department ladder truck from the General Corporate !Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. YILLA08 OF OAK 922 Minutes -4i- April 25, 198$ %*^6 I° a VILLAISE OF OAK BROOK Minus _5.. 0 April 25, 1989 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imfte, Maher, Rush and Minters. Nays: None Absent: President Cerne, So ordered. C. 1989 !dater Main W esmion Pro,kat No. 89 -1202 Cie Order No. 2 _...� .� (Roosevelt Road Smith Pray Road Forest Trail to ftclid Extended Stafford Law Water Mein Bztension : "&s- built" information abet the existing water main on Woodland Drive was not available since it was installed in 1963 by the Oak Brook Utility Company. Also, on the Stafford Lane crater main extension portion of this project the existing storm sewers were inadvertently damaged because their existence was unknown and therefore had to be repaired. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee BU3hy... To approve Change Order No. 2 with Trine Construction Corporation increasing the contract price of $137,726.75 by $2,803.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Aires: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, lari.e, Mauer, Rush and hinters. Kays: None Absent: President Cerne. FMITULT SPORTS: A. Ambulance B. Enagineering Department C. Fire Department D. Iaspection Bureau R. Legal Departmrent E. Library G. Planning A Zoning f. Police (Department I. Public Works J. Sports Core All department reports were discussed and accepted. So ordered. VIII. see : A. dttM . a- (an2l 3 Resle DNA): Both the Plan Commission, at its Marsh 20, 1989 meeting, and the Zoning Soard of Appeals, at its April A, 1989 meeting, unanimously recommended approval of both the rezoning from R-1 to R -3 and the preliminary plat of subdivision.. Subject property is approximately 5 acres in area and is proposed to be subdivided into seven (7) lots of at least 25,000 square feet each. 1. BMW" ftem It -t to 2-3: Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To direct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary documentation relative to a raining ordinance amendment rezoning the subject property from R -1 to R-3. ROLL CALL NOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Pushy, Iarie, Maher, Rush and Minters. Nags: None Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. 2. Jorge•s, Second Subdivision - ProU r Plat. r Discussion ensued relative to the proposed preliminary plat. Applicant was directed to place certain conditions on the Plat for approval at a subsequent meeting. TILLAGE Or OAR 8R= Minter -5- April 25, 1989 "#nn %- V46 --80T1 I►UM VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minut7ss -6- � April 25, 1989 B. Village of Oak Brook - Teat Amendment RE: Open fences: The Plan Commission, at its March 20, 1989 meeting, recommended that the existing zoning ordinance text remain unchanged, in that it was appropriate to continue to allow six -foot (61) high solid fences surrounding swimming pools, patios and terraces. The Zoning Board of Appeals, at its April 4, 1989 meeting, recommended that the current standards with respect to "Fences, Solid" be eliminated, thereby establishing the forty -two inch (42 ") open fence standard as the only fence standard for the entire Village including surrounding struct:ares such as private pools, patios and terraces. Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... That Zoning Ordinance Section V,G,3,h,6 relative to solid fences remain unchanged. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trusteee Rush and Wi,^.ters. gays: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, larie and Maher. Absent: President Cerne. Motion fails. Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To direct the Village Attorney to prepare an amendment relative to fences in Section V,G,3,h,6 to read "Fences, Open and Gates - Not more than six feet (61) in height may be erected only adjacent to patio or terrace areas and private swimming pools, and (a) shall be not less than five feet (51) from the nearest lot line or (b) in No- Access strips.0 ROLL CALL: VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush and minters. Mays: bone Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. C. 1989 Vestern Open - Western Golf Asmmiation bequests: a Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee TArie... To approve the requests of the Western Golf Association for: a) tem pora-y fencing; b) temporary si,gnage; c) a temporary Class D Liquor License; d) use of the Oak Brook Golf Clubhouse for the Courtesy Car Headquarters for the period of Monday, dune 26 through Sunday, July 2, 1989 and any necessary extension of not more than two (2) days as might be required due to inclement weather. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Marie, Maher, Rush and hinters. Nay &: Rhone Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. D. 19R$ Audit PropoW: Trustee Bartesaki moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To accept the Ernst and Whinny audit proposal for fiscal year 1988 -89 in the amount of $10,500.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush and Minters. Mays: None Absent: President Carne. So ordered. E. 12H PU! C:mtraOt: Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... VTLLAAS OF OAK BANK Minutes -6- April 250 1989 "VV%%. 0 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes dda -8oT -Al iAA 4-15-81 -7- fa April 25, 1989 To approve the Polo Contract with the Oak Brook Folo Club for the 19890 1990 and 1991 seasons for a rental fee of $40,000, $45,000 and $50,000 for the respective years subject to review of the contract by the Village Attorney. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Inrie, Daher, Rush and Winters. Nays., bone Absent: President Cerne. So ordered. F. leferrals : With no objections, Temporary Chairman Rush made the following referrals.: 1. York Lake Subdivision - Preliminary Plat -- Referred to the Flan Commission Meeting of May 15, 1989. 2. York Lake Partners - rezone from R -1 to R -3 (3415, 3505 York Road) -- Referred to the Playa Commission Meeting of May 15, 1989 and the Zoning Board of Appeals fleeting of June 6, 1989. IA. AWOU : Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To adjourn this meeting. TIME: 10:30 P.M. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. ATTEST: Marianne Laekosil, Village Clerk Ct Approve VILLAGE* Or OAK SRO= Minutes -7- April 25, 1989