Minutes - 04/26/1966 - Board of TrusteesVILTAGE OF OAK BROOK HIS OF Ap Z11,26. L966 I ROU CALL The ineeting was calted to order at 6%04 ?,X. by Vitlese President T. A. Hotelman. AIL truste^s were pmeent. II PRATUNG OF MIDPJTES Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Tmatee 063rieri... That the reading of the minutes of AprjL L2thv L9660 be suspended oid that the mfnut('m he Accepted and approved as sullmaitted with the folLowing correctiona: -Page L, Item 111, fftfth Itne - that "war, 14ventigating pocoible" be inserted inatead of "warld inatigato.-.11 Page- 2,2Item IV, 11, - the the words "be approved" b,-- added er Voice vote - aLk in .savor . So Ordered. III OAK BRIMX UTILITY CMIPANY Mr. George Wight reported that he had attended two meeting with Mr. Wayne Poran of tba Northwest UtiLity Cramp any and Mr. Thomaf$ McDade of! the Oah. Brook Utility Company and feLt that the imediste problem woe nearing an sm2lable compromine between the two companies involvcd. Ile also adviscA that his written report regarding the obw,vo,e would be. presento.d to the t)oord at their next regular meting. It was the unanimous opinion of the board that after this report In received and rovie-wed, that Mr. George Wight be retained to make a further detaiLed study to unable the boa -d to conuider t1m poneibility of purchasing the Oak Brook utility company. V IV Ll M-USITM 'E3MVIECE A. Oak Braak-O'Fara Lir:)Usihle Servige w I Trustee Rossmall moved - etconded by Trustee Hovey... That this weeting be convened to a pubLic hearing to dis&.ues and hear from anyone wishing to PxPrean themseLvea on the matter of Umounine service in Oak Brook. voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. At this time, Mr. Francis W. Golden, owner of the Oak Brook- O'Hare Limousine Service, pret;ented hie progrem to the board. Mr. John Turrel, representing an Oak Brook buainessmen's *rganteation, and bir. John Seastone, representing Stovifier's Oakbro*k inn, spoke in Mr. Golden 's favor. Mr. Donald J. Novotny, representing the Travelers Airport Limousine Service, Ltd., -.-.sresented ble objeetfoac. Kc. Vr-atlk Himz-ert-&, owner of the Travalerc Airport Lf-mousime Service, spoke i1a h c own behalf. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Truatee That the puhtie hearing be gloved and the vegular meeting he reconveneo. Voice vote - oLl in favor. So ordered. 4/26/66 r 6 % 10 q-x -44 0 Page 3 FZL I aveyara w.�x..ra.aru.�v. Troatea 0 G X r1aft Maved � aeeonded by TT Ust'X & Hw*-a L 1. o . o That U. So Tressury BiLts ift the Mount of $209000.000 due Hey Sy X9660 be re-invested for ae period of thirty days RoU. Call Vote: Ayes - Ttvatea s Barton, Havey, Hayes,, Rawaeii, C c B rIab o ReSsMan and Free. Mah tman Nayes - Hobs* So ordered. V11 MICE DEPARTMUT V ��W,.�O// •�� �S4v y FJ1 NNe gil:�iHu7DB Yr Tr uateft Barton moved G seconded by T etee Hayes, That not Less than three propose Ls be obta hied for iurnishittg P80110e tai QFerate poifce department aqmd cars and the t these be reviewed at the next reguLar meeting. Voice Vote -rift in fa v6r a So ordered w mvenMCff icar increase Trust6ft fartoh Muted a seconded by T astee Rowell... That afOieaWe -- �56Wl�OIy, l®�iiW lY�r i1W 0Y`i oA J4a.dgir ventle Officer Donald Shaw and th4t this increase be retroactive to April to. L966a it lall V*tes Ayes 4 Trustees Barton, HayQa;, Hervey, Rmetim ®°Drien, Ros=2n and Fma. M*ujaan. kbres None So ordered. `Ill 11-IRE DSO 4.1/2.6/66 a 0 4 -96 a64J Page 4 6 B, But e Auri;a L Tamer Montinuued ) Ift uatee HH eLl moved - seconded by Trustee aaomn. e e That the ab &ve plans be apprwvad by the board and that an expe" re of $600.0 0 be approved for the drat of hooting the West 5'ubwban Fire Association, and that the village clerk be auto artzed to naat•�fy Aawlated AgAntleleg, Inc. of the delivery of said truck in aver to mover thfe piece n, equip dt with ample ieau>iran a at the tiat it i.® deliver A Roll, Call Votet Ayes - TrusteAn Urton, Hayes,, HHavey, Howello O'Brien, Roseman and preee MILMON, Keyes w None So ordered,, C. Fire Hose Puar*hc�ae .,�,dae Trustee HHowe.1, muvead .. seocaded by + atee 013rian. n A-hac tc• i viUage board aaeept the qu atatiea of Americon fire alpment Ssfea and approve than pmuhaae of 2000 feet of 2 §1Wh firo base at $1.46 per foot and 600 felt of L inch fire, home at .95 Her foot,, LL Cell Vate s Ayes N Trustee no Drton, Hayes $ JISVe o HHaWe11, O'Brien. 448=4 and des Mahivan. yea - Hone Sao er dered a D. Fire Dartment Salaries Trace tee Rosman aid - seconded by Wmatee Nowell... That the fire depart nt payroll as SULMItted by Mier new in the esvmt of $1,107.00 be opprr ved for pa7wat. 2011 Ca lL Vote: Ayes T a tea Drta m o Hayes, Have .. MamLl. O°B8 ieft, &mama aad Free, Assn. Iftya' None Be aasrdered , 3. Fire TRvak IPA , La Trustee Ummman swed m eeaanded by Troafte Hayes..,, That Chief Has be s�,utkh ari d `#-% reqMmt the autphen C ny to -0ff the proper i.gaaignia ao the MW a 6rial fire truck. Voice vote - all in fa ®c So ordered. F : �aa3,r�it� a�f 7t1�® et f r�r s�a* �trat Trustee 093ries sowed - oar: clod by Tmates Hueams.. That the 'University of ILLLnoiaa be advised th t a written raa at fW the aerial tout° fire trqueU dmanstration wiLl bas given the ecnaideretion of the bird Voice vote s914 in favor .�n+.wreSno — Trudtee ROV47 wed - seconded by Tnaetat Howell., That the Head & DrUp Ha rt. nt b a autboyrixed to adver'tis e for bide for w additiamatodump trftk. Voice vote - aLL in favor., Sr. arde d„ 4/26/56 tl ULD BUSINESS A. It Oae the 15canimouo opikon of the board that a spa -cial c+.361:uas should be conaidored tbie fail.. B. Vim g Hal 0 emen s It was the unanimous op pion of than board that the premidont mnd cLerk b4a euthorized to sign the contract as submitted to the board by Wight and Co,, after tim ground* co i.ttee and the president hava studied the contract for which an axpenditure of i 6 C #i9 wma proviouely authortwed. C. AL.Adc"i'alte Ma boArd agreed to caaL L a spaoiax meeting OD t8y 3a L9660 at 7:30 P.24., to 41 SCIAgin the bub sect o2 the X966 -67 b bets. X 12 MM RUSZ.1M.&S A. But �i+ 0 . rid FA .o _ �e OrAs A. �S arld g (�ac� ,7► wq+ tiR rYb/i++M'yfVea Wygw+�' Am'e Prealdeat tahit n rea4 a utter dated April 23th o 196fi a from •. Mhom4 H. Lynch. rapresenti.n& the fttltr Company, raquesttmg gaavaieeion to construct a ttmporaryr parking facility at %lie tarthw,ast corner of 31st meet: and York Road. ViL ap. Atterne!y Dowors odvised that thin reqmat be fomarded to the Muning ward of appeals for a iV4bt+ic hearing,, President Huhtman read a letters dated Atwil 21st, 19 ". frr,,ar Mr. ftoold A. Do ;.d,, Superintendent of the DuPa a County xigbvev party att, advising the hard of light instal aati.ona at the Inttres tiona of Mayers Road and Sumit Pmad on 31g;t atreet. Trtaiat-i a Hayte roved - Gecoaded by Trustee Haavey.. . 2%ait t; president rarite a Let:. -er to -. Vold approving; the t lLued installations. Voice vot* - .211 in favcr. 11 A-D.101lltM " Estee $F(rF4 FiVea cl riepondet! by Trucrtan Rowell... That this wzet ing be Pad o �ued . Voice Vote - aLl in Raver. Thia M-acking adjourned at U -0 10 P.M 4126/06 So ordered. So ordered. Respectfully submitted, p 01crk