Minutes - 04/27/1971 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MIMES OF Anri_1 ?7. 1971 I WOLL CALL The regular board meeting was called to order by President Dean at 8:00 P,M. All trustees were- uresent. II READING rye' MINUTES Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... That the reading of the minutes of the regular greeting of Anri.l 13th, 1971, be -suspended and that they be accented as submitted. Voice vote - all in :favor So ordered. III ORDINANCES,, R£SOI,UrI } Sl . VARIATIONS, PLATS f ETC. A: Election Canvaus ` FreRident- Clerk -- Trustees _ Ordinance S -220. President Dean read a Proposed ordinance of electron canvass founding and determining the following: Office Candidate Votes President Sam--el E. Dean 602 Edward Kelly O'Brien 494 ' Margaret 0. Coffin 3 Clerk Lorraine E. Fricek 11033 I Trustee Josaph H� Rush 728 Fred Haves 663 John W. Baschen 490 Carle WuRderlich 475 William F. Isar 459 George C. Dueller 184 Miles Remea 2 And founding and determining that the following. having received the highest number of votes, were elected: Preaident - Samuel E. Derr Cleric - Lorraine, E. Fricek Trustees - Joseph H. Rush Fred Hayes John W. Baschen Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... That Ordinance S -220 br nasse.d and app vved. Roll Call dote: Ayea _ Tniatees Congreve, Napes, Howell, O'Brien, Rossman and Rush. Nayes - None So ordered. B. Election Canvass - $4 OOO 000 Revenue Bond R Resolution R -119, President Dean read a canvassing resolution founding and determining that the following number of votes imre cast in con,, xetion with the Question as to whether or not the Village of Oak Brook should issue revenue bonds its the amount Of $4.000,000 for the aenuisition of the Oak Brook utility ComPany and that the proposition be declared as having beers not passed. Votes For Votes Ag inst 231 988 PW 2 111 ORUIUMC ES . RESOLUTIONS C . (Continued) B. Election Canvass - $4,000,000 Revenue Bond • Resolution 8--119 •ono nue Trustee Nowell moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... That Resolution R -W be passed and approved, Roll Call Vote» Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Hrwell, O'Brien, Roesman and Rush. NayeF- - None So ordered. C. Election Canvass - $2.000 00C General O 11 ation ye Zo. Me - so ut on -1 President Dean read a canvassing resolution founding and determining that the following number of votes were cast in conjunction with th4*: ouestion as to whether or not the Village of Oak Brook should issua general obligation bonds in the amount of $2,000,000 for the purpose of paying part Of the cost of acauiaition of the Oak Brook Utility Company, and that the proposition be declared as having been not passed. Votes For Votes Against 245 877 Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Ibeh... That Resolution R -120 be vassed and approved. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien. Rossman and Rush. Nayes - None So ordered. D. Blight Variation -- Drake - Oakbrook Request for Time Extension Each trustee was provided with a letter from Attorney Nicholas T. Kitsos, dated March 17th, 1971, reauesti a time extension on the expiration date of the variation Ori nonce S -199, granted on March 24, 1970. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Ros=an... That the re4uest to extend the tame limits be granted for a period of two years from September 24, 1971, to September 24, 1973. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Rsyes, Howell, O'Brien, Rossman and Rush. Nsyeo - r ine So ordered. E. P.esolution - Closing Windsor Drive - Cub Scout Pack #176. Each trustee was provided with correspondence from Mr. Carl G. 8anke, Jr., requesting official action regarding the closing of Windsor 'Drive for a short period of time during the proposed Annual Soap Box Derby sponsored by Cub Scout Pack 176. Trustee O'Brien mowed - seconded by Trustee Rush... That idndsor Drive: north of 22nd Street be cloeed frm 12:00 Noon to 5:00 P.M. an Sunday. May 2nd, 1971, or Stinday, May 9th, 1971, in order to aceomodate the aumnal neap box derby sponsored by Cub Scant Pack 0176. Voice vote - all in favor. 8o orderud. 4/27/71 44m;67 ilo? j Page 3 111 ORD INAMES► , MMOLUJCIONS , ETC. (Continued) F. n __tan - DeJoM Stable - Ordinance 3 -22 Each trustee was provided with a cosy of an ordinates grants a variation with respect to the rear lot line setback romir� ments :^egarding con.4txuction of a horse stable on Lot 1 Wang's Jos t Plat not leee than 4 distance of 24 feat from the pro property y adjacent to the subject realty arA in the event the P 1, property ad scent is ovor sought to be build upto and Its Omer object to the stable placveant or the adjacent property is to be sold, the owners of the subject realty shall remove said stable or comes its rr-lacewnt to be in full emplime e with the existing ordinance.. Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That Ordinance S -221 be passed and approved. Roll 0*11 Vote: Ayes - 'trustees Cottreve, Hayes, Howell, O' Brien, Rosswan anti Reh. Hayes - Norte So ordered. Q. Vi 1 e Green Subdivision Plat Each trustee was provided with correspondence from the Plan Commission and the Oats Brook Development Company on this elate, regarding the Oak Brook Village Grema Subdivision. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Ro® ... What the village boards aMrove the Village Grimm Subdivision subject to the stipulations Wired 1, 2 and 3 in Plon COMI siort swain's letter dated April 27th, 1971. Trustee Congreve moved - sectmded by Trustee Hayes... That this matter be tabled due to insufficient time to review same. Roil Cali Vote: Ayes - Trustees Cosgrove, Hayes, Howell, and Ruch. Noyes - Trustere O'Brien and Hoso m so ordered. H. R Ws envision Each trustee was provided with a copy of the proposed anb- division and with a letter from Plan Commiesien ab iman Swain dated April 27th, 1971, rec:ading that lots 2 and 3 be combined into one lot. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Tutee Hayes... That the village board approve this subdiv abn plat subject to the recomendetion contained in Plan Commission Swaft"s letter dated April 27th, 1971, and that the viliage treasurer and clerk be authorized to affix their sIgnatures thereon. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees C ongreve, Key", Aovall, O'Brien and gush. Mayes - tme Abstainer - Trustee Rassemn So ordered. 4/27/71 Pig! b III ORDINABOM, RLSOLM1016, Ow. (Coatilmed) Y. Loud Limit Ordinance Ama ftnt - Ordinance 0-1�4 E.zh trustee was provided with a cony of a paopagsad ordinance amending Section 3.37 of Ordinance 0-93, beieg the Traffic Ordinance of the Village of Oak Brook of 19639 and resc:indift Ordinance 0 -58. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... That Ordinance 0-130 be pissed and approved. Roll. Cali Vote: Ayes - Trustees Covgrewe, es, H,ovelL, O'Brian, Boom= and Rush. Mayes - None So ordered. IV OLD Bi)SEN12S A. Saute 83 • 35th Street - Ordinance 3 -20_. ....r.n..u.i .w o r.rs raw rr �. �m � w ■ .o.r� Each trustee was provided with a copy of a letter from Engineer Dunkirk, dated April 22nd, 1971, warding the vacation of certain portions of 35th Street. Trustee Howell mowed - seconded by Trustee Rush... That the village attorney be directed to prepare can ordinance rescinding Ordinance 5 -206 for Bible adoption at the board's next regular meet. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. B. Oak Brook I 3.EM Each trustee me provided with a oaestionnaim prepared by Administrator Urbausen presenting the various alternatives regazAiugg the Oak Brook L.ibr+ery and requesting resided to state their vivre on am*. President Dean directed that Administrator Wumsen eAntact, the library board regardiug thU guestiowneire and upon their App rovaE directed that it be mailed to all residents of the El1At6. V M BUSINESS A. McDonald *s Corvoratim - Baace Allocatiaa Variation Each trwMee Wes provided with amore fsvm A erator Urbouseo, dated April 22nd, 1981, re that a ecowdttee be s "Inted to review tide variation, Trustee O'Brien moved - seceded by Trustee Rush... That a committee composed of Building Inspector Peorsaa, Fire Chief Ehle, Lt. H nger, lbs. Richard H. Selamon a the village's fire protection engineer, and a consulting structural engineer be appointed to rev this matter in accordance with the aporaved practice of the Chicago Building Code. Roll Call vote: Ayes - Vast ®es Congreve, Hawes, O'Brien Rossman and Rush. payes - done Abstainer - Trustee Homll So ordeaude VI AWOURTUM Presidwt ®ease adjourned this weet3ag at 900 0 P.M. k "C bf37/?i Trftek cleft