Minutes - 05/03/1966 - Board of Trustees�s agl O SPA 14.'ir �0 �6 1 TINS d tthg was called tiu order at 7:30 P.M. Ly "il Cage President %. A. 1�*ah1mtan . A1.! `. ru keen were prresent P =cep 7�'wu�' ee Howell, Trustee" Roseman presented the fire dtpaartwent bxedget P C st*ta H• ,y and Barton prevented the poUce department budget; ' mittee+ 0°1'Irlen presented the administration is get °v and Truaroc Hayes presented they road and l r : °ge departteent: budget. Eneb were discusnee, and revieved . Z,.st the fire department budget to the %mount of 4309000 the reed and 'bridge depaVtmant fidget in the amt unt of $901906, the ads'. istrra,� tion budget in they :mount of $140o000# and the � oace devart pt budget in the amount of $2139240; tote cling $ 57 , ?96 0 be approved by than village board. Roll. Call vote2 Ayes 4 Tme less Rarten, Havey, Naga x, O'Brien, Ros emon and Provident ddhl%an. Hayes -- None Abnent W Trustee Howell So o:°deret'. )rustee t, 9rriett moved - seconded by Trustee D&rton. t . 'What he police eammittee by authorized to neeure an outside evaluation etudy of the poaLfeea dep&rtmant from a source of their choosing and that the sure of $500 be approved for this project. Roll. Cell Vote t. dyes w- Tru8teos Barton s Hovey, Hoye &, O'Brien, g� (6 Rosman and Prevident i ohl a Mayes - None Absent - Trustee Howell Soy ordered V 1UNIVERS111 OF 7 LLIN02S REQUEST P'OR PlU TRUCK DM- MNSTRA3ION Truatee Rosam an moved � seconded by 'goatee Barton... That Chief New and one of his firemen be authorized to take the Sutphen aerial tower fire truck to the University of Illinois, ev requested by the university. for diepLay and +d.►monstratiou for two days . June 11th and L2th - with the understanding that the Sutphen company wilt solppl.y technical talent to explain and demanatrate this equipment and possibly undex°rarite the expense of thia trip. Roll Call Voteg .fares " Trusteez Barton, Raveyq Hayes, O'Brien, Rosman and President WohImen, Hayes None Absent _ Trustee Hboe l t Say ordered. V1 ADJOURME, sir Mrustee Flayes moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman,,. That this meeting be adjourned. Voice vote a L t in f 9vorr o So ordered, This meeting adjourned at 9:50 P .M. R apeetfuLl.y gubmitteds, Lbrraine Frieek Village. Clark