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Minutes - 05/08/1962 - Board of Trustees
MR YW Sa- va B06M 80T_ M VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes of Max a 2 ,. ' 2 1 ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 8 :15 PM by Village President T. A. Mohlman. All Trustees were present. 11 PYADINO OF MIMffES Mr. O'Brien moved - seconded by Mr. Owen that... The minutes of V 1, 1962 and April 10, 1562 be approved aL submitted. ' (0. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. I I I AI►1NUAi IONS There was a general discussion of petitions presently on file with the Village. Further, spokesman from Yorkshire WoodR and the area immediately south of Oink Brook (Court Order 256 62) presented information sarporting their requests. Mr. Ed New stated there would be 191 homes, 3 taverns, and a riding stable in this area (but dares not include the Cities Service Station) - with 381 eligible voters. Mr. Rossman moved - seconded by 14r. O'Br ?en... That the Board of Trustees have a special meeting on the 22nd of Mny, 1962 at 7:30 PM for the sole purpose of oettling and discussing this matter. Roll call votes eyes - 7; nays 0 So ordered. IV ORDINANCES AND USOLUTIONS. A. Approgri.ation Ordinance To to presented at the June, 1962 meeting, B. Fire Association A Resolution and an Agreement were presented to the Village Board relative to the transfer of the assets of the Oakbrook Volunteer Firemen4s Association to the Village - fire protection being provided by the Village in return. On the recommendation of Village Attorney Bowers, the following wording Is to be inserted in the proposed contract with respect to areas annexing to a munici- pality... "any municipality, including the Vfllege of Oak Brook." Mr. O'Brien moved seconded by Mr. Omen.., To accept the contract as proposed by the Oakbrook Volunteer Firemen's Association with the Village of Oak Brook. Roll call vote: ages • 7; nays - 0 So ordered. Mr. O -Brien moved - seconded by Mr. Calhoun... To accept the Resolution yes presented by the Fine Association Group. 5;�j62 Roll call vote:_ ayes - 7; nays - 0 So ordered AML AM16 IV ORDINMCES AND MS©LUTIONS 2. C. lochinvar m Change in Street Name (SO42) W. Owen moved - seconded by W. Dahmlow... To approve an ordinance changing the name of a street within the Village of Oakbrook, Du Page County,.Illinois (iockinvar to Lochinvar). Roll call vote: ayes 7; nays - 0 So ordered. D. Tollwav Ramp President Mohlman read a letter from the Illinois Toll Highway Commission dated May ?, 1962, relative to the subject ramp. President Molilman is to confer with Wight & Co. to obtsin are estimated cost of the proposed pro j° = , V FINANCIAL A. Treasurer 0 s Report Village Treasurer lien Dyke presented a report for the month of April. 1962 showinr' "cash on deposit_" at the eqd of the mont', of �'Ll,607.+4 Vx- Otsea laoVee - - econtief! by Mr. 0 "Arlen... That- the Treasurers Rephr,t be accepted as read. Voice vote -- all in Faith.. So ordered. a. Approvol of Bills All Trustees having been furnished with a list of bills to be paid for April, 1962, Per. Ot$rien moved w seconded by Mr. Owen... That the bills ne submitted by the Treasurer for the month of April, l.Q£2, in the total amount of $7,468.36 he nsi.d. Roll call vote: Ayp.-, 0 7; naps « 0 Sep o"ered. +3. Transfer of Fir 1 s Mr. Carley moved - seconded by Mr. Calhoun... That the Treasurer transfer from the Bond Account to the Corporate - �uxxd, the mra of $5,000.00. Roll call vote: ayes - 7; nays - 0 So ordered. D. Change in Pay Roll Period Salaries! Lmp1r o Mr. Owen moved - seconded by Mr. Carley... That the Treasurer be author {zed to pay a11L salaried Village employes on a biweekly basis, effective May 10, 1962. Voice vote all in favor. So ordered. C. Insuranoe Mr. Dahmlow moved - seconded by Mr. Carley... That the Board adopt a fringe benefit plan which will include health and accident insurance for the employes of the Village. 6/8/62 Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. V FINMCIAL (con+:inued) 3. E. Insnrence (contz rued ) Further, Per. Dgimlow to arrange a group discussion with all salaried employes and iras.trance representative relative to available i.nsura:u.e plans and then present a detailed report including cost - to the Village Board for their action. VI REPORT OF OFFTCFKS A. Police DeDartment 1. R. ort resildgntr Mnhlman real the report of the Police Ocpr. *,Went activitlen 0o, tie month of April, 1962. Said report att:a -ihod tLu t,ese m ;wxtes. Ar. Carley moved - seconded by W. Owen... To accept the Police Department report as presented. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. 2. Gasoline .A.r. Rossotan mo v -1 - secon led by Mr. Carley... To rescind the hoard tactl.on of the April 10 meeting co acce:, t the. Will- DuPitre gasoline proposal. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. Mr. Carley moved - seconded by Mr. Owen.... To accept the offer of Cities Service Oil Company dated April 13, 1962. Roll call vote: aVP3 - 7; nays 0 So ordered. 3. Squad Car An e- n W. O" 6/.2/ 1. - Mr. Owen moved -- seconded by Mr. Calhoun... That the 4illa a Board accept the recommenda- tion of the Chef and Police Commission to enter into a lease agreement with Peckat Leasing Systema, Inc. in accordance with the following plan,. 12 months at $140 per aaonth, plus 1¢ per mile on L11 mileage driven. Roll call vote: ayes w 7; na.q - 0 So ordered. 4. Security Personnel Sears Roebuck Co. Tabled and deferred until next meeting. S. Chief's Letter - ley 8, 1952 Tabled - Chief ordered to che,;k with other departments concerning vacation leave. o7 g P e- coo r ` �`� ii? et nraoee eme s /a/62 4. b'il OLD BUSI., 1%'4SS A. Clcsin�,q of 151-1: Street Tabled. H. Electrical Commission Mr. Owen roved a seconded by Mr. Daiunlow... To reject the proposal of tir, Gurney for an Electrical Inspector. Voice Dote : All in favor. So ordered. Vill MEW BUSINESS A. 16th street Signs Mr. O'Drien requcNtc�d thn., eigns for 15th Street to ret'arned to their pi•oper place, having been removed dur' ng the construction of the road . The President stated that he would (ht :k th-ig with Colonel Wight. B. Pt an Commieaxon Bonin, Rc•ard of A Fpeals Aopointmente Mr. O'Brien moved - seconded by Mr. Dahmlow.. . To rescind the mo-.ion to giyotnt Mr. Chnrles Rhodes to -he Plan Commi ssiun &r:d eppoLnt him to the Zoning Board of �.,�,; r�lc�, and appoint Mr. Clarence Ramm to the Plan Catalykission, efr_ective immediately. Voice vote - all is favor. So ordered. IX MMOURMENT Mr. Owen moved seconded by Mr. Calhoun... That this meeting be adjourned. V,jico vote M all in , -nvor. So order,ad,. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 PM. Respqctful f ted o Helen R. De Witt Village Secretary ATTEST r ffi�p_�O P O ABrien 1age Clerk 5/6/62 72-T jet ). 6 O U702 414/0 4 U *00 sider-P l""mmi "W"O OftV6 Aigm ft" 1651 4/4 164.05 nor As 42a Auys 651 4 14 866 76- 6 A3aw coo i00i 41416 5666 10mmUvmv&vq & Ovayo twee 04kmm & MR X161 20" 61 i ftu 19370 613162 52e4O aldlews Rogow vtmbim owe lb8b GTO QW162 10000 3146 2w " luk nftu ftud"j; ' mhaftlmk. 41U162 10.00 Al I Illectrio t 19�1 4/U/ $000 21 " l s ftO Fash W17 4 /fi $ 000 S1 1 91" oldrtdp 19V' QU" Sem ARM IN= IVAUM M a 78-0 VGA sm Gua Vok 049 4lub 4lU 45,®0 T UP 69 4- ikmssb&IA 6+ 3136/61 %040 ®T t �" t �� G� TA • rN- 0 I� o� ey, I� O r� N. r� M C- �Oo �a y it El 5-<I.ia IF4 , �J i 1 i