Minutes - 05/08/1990 - Board of Trustees1 V�13.8 OT— MiAd VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING May 8, 1990 I. MEETING CALL: .. .. q The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Cerne in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: President Wence F. Cerne Trustees Ronald P. Maher Barbara A. Payovich Joseph H. Rush ABSENT: Trustees Garry J. Bartecki Karen M. Bushy H. Richard Minters FLEDGE TO THE FLAG II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 24, 1990 be approved as amended and waive the full reading thereof. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. III. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Discussed at the Regular Meeting of April 24, 1990 to direct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance relative to the requested Side Yard Variation at the subject location. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich... To pass Ordinance No. S -691 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: None .Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Winters. So ordered. IV. FINAAN,CCIAL: A. EUouta: 1, Christo her B. Burke ineeri Ltd. - Pa out #8 - Lower Salt Crook Study: Trustee Payovich moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize payment of Payout #8 to Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for preliminary engineering analysis for the stormwater management planning of Lower Salt Creek from Roosevelt Road to the Tri -State Tollway in the total amount of $20,164.25. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Minters. So ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -1- May 80 1990 W'`` V0 a - BO*T - M i VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- May 8, 1990 2. James J. Hanes & Associates Ine. - Payout # §Nine eerring Services - Gi er Creek Road Im rovement Devi n: Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... -a To authorize payment of Payout #4 to James J. Benes A Associates, Inc. for professional engineering design services for the Ginger Creek Subdivision Street improvements in the total amount of $19,453.17. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Winters. So ordered. 3. Allied As halt Pavi Company R Pa out # - 189 Pavigg Project No. 89 -110 Robin Hood Ranch Birchwood Road Canterber Lane : Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To authorize payment of Payout #3 to Allied Asphalt Paving Company for repair to Canterberry and Robin Hood pavements and overlay using Bituminous Concrete Binder and Surface Course, Class I; rehabilitate Birchwood Pavement as a flexible pavement using Bituminous Concrete Binder and Surface Course, Class I and regrade/ reshape Birchwood Road parkway area In the total amount of $14,374.75 subject to approval of waivers by the Village Attorney. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich; Rush and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Winters. So ordered. 4. Dqt e W ors and era Conference Membership Dues: Trustee Payovich roved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize payment to the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference for FY 1990/91 membership dues in the total amount of $5,025.90. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and hinters. So ordered. 5. DuP a water Commi.asion - Fixed Costs - Pa out #16: Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To authorize payment of Payout #16 to the DuPage Water Commission for the Village's portion of the fixed cost requirement for the month of April in the total amount of $73,744.98. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Haher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nuys: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Winters. So ordered. B. Approval of B1128: Voucher List of Bills Presented for Approval on May 8, 1990 to reflect payment from the following funds: General Corporate Fund $264,371.82 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 4,653.60 Water Fund 373,458.49 Sports Core Fund 169,503.82 Trustee Payovich moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- May 8, 1990 B. Bid Reco>amendation - Fast Side Pavers - Tillue Hall: ........... Direction given at the Regular Meeting of April 10, 1990 to authorize Staff to solicit bids for the rehabilitation of the pavers located at the east entrance of the Village Hall including the installation of a water proof membrane. Specifications were sent out to fourteen (14) contractors, and one (1) bid was received on May 1, 1990. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich... To award a contract to Frank H. Stowell & Sons, Inc. of Evanston, Illinois for the east side paver rehabilitation project for the Village Hall in the amount of $52,524.00. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes "3- May 8, 1990 5 -9- 916 0 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minus -3- May 8, 1990 To approve Voucher List of Bills in the total amount of $811,987.73 and authorize the Village President to affix his signature thereon. President Cerne abstained from voting on the bill from Pepsi Cola due to corporate ownership by his employer of Pepsi Cola General Bottlers, _ Inc. Due to a 1.ck of a quorum for approval of said bill, the bill will be presente to the Board for approval at the May 22, 1990 Regular o Meeting. ROLL CALL. VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: hone Abstain: President Cerne as noted above. I Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Winters. So ordered. V. OLD BUSINESS: A. Landscave haste Proposals: Direction given at the Regular Meeting of March 27, 1990 to authorize Staff to obtain bids for landscape waste collection for the Village of Oak Brook. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To direct Staff to coordinate with the existing contractors the necessary equipment, stickers, toters and informational program to notify residents of the landscape waste collection program and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary documentation to amend the existing waste hauler contracts to include the collection of landscape waste material: Sticker Price $ 1.28 Toter Rental (Annual) 117.32 Unbundled Waste 12.33 per cubic yard The Landscape waste collection services encompasses the following options: 1. Use of a 30- gallon kraft paper tag, and sticker obtained from the contractor, which would be used by the resident for disposal of miscellaneous landscape waste including grass and other debris. 2. Rental of a 90- gallon toter for disposing of landscape waste. 3. Using a sticker attached to bundled branches 4' long by 2' in diameter. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and hinters. So ordered. B. Bid Reco>amendation - Fast Side Pavers - Tillue Hall: ........... Direction given at the Regular Meeting of April 10, 1990 to authorize Staff to solicit bids for the rehabilitation of the pavers located at the east entrance of the Village Hall including the installation of a water proof membrane. Specifications were sent out to fourteen (14) contractors, and one (1) bid was received on May 1, 1990. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich... To award a contract to Frank H. Stowell & Sons, Inc. of Evanston, Illinois for the east side paver rehabilitation project for the Village Hall in the amount of $52,524.00. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes "3- May 8, 1990 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minus -4- May 8, 1990 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and hinters. So ordered. C. Re ort of Activities: 1. Finance .& Library: Trustee Bartecki - No report. 2. Public Safes: Trustee Bushy - No report. 3. Public Works & Personnel: Trustee Rush - No report. 4. Sport, s Cam: Trustee Maher - The Bath & Tennis Club Was booked to capacity for Easter and Mothers Day dinners. 5. Stormuater Manage: Trustee Payovich - The stormwater mitigation plan is being formulated. The evaluation of the Wooddale- Itasca reservoir is being analyzed. 6. Zoning & Plannn Trustee hinters - No report. VI. NEV BDSINM: A. Environtal Mos uito ManmLementlro : Mr. Larry Erickson from Clarke Outdoor Spraying Company gave a slide presentation to the Board detailing the proposed mosquito control program for the Village of Oak Brook. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To waive the formal bidding process and award a contract to Clarke Outdoor Spraying Company for an Environmental Mosquito Management Program in the amount of $46,724.80 for FY 1990/91 and $49,528.00 for FY 1991/92 subject to a two (2) million dollar ins }:ranee coverages ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne. i Nays: None Absent: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Winters. So ordered. B. Re nest for Variation Fee Waiver - Urban: Application has been made for a waiver of fee for zoning variation. Trustae Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To deny the requested waiver of fee. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. C. Li uor Lloense Request - Oak Brook Polo Club: Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich... To concur with President Cerne, Local Liquor Control Commissioner, and authorize a Class "D" Liquor License to the Oak Brook Polo Club for their 1990 season on May 10, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and June 1, 2, 3, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 2:1, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and July 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31. All listed events to conclude at 9:00 p.m., except,for June 3, June 24 and July 22 to conclude at 10:00 p.m. and June 22, July 4 and July 20 to conclude at midnight. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- May 8, 1990 VILLAGE OF OA:', BROOK Minutes -5- May 9, 1990 D. Referrals: 1. Sisson - Driveway Variation (10 Robin Hood Ranch) -- Referred to Zoning Hoard of Appeals Meeting of June 5, 1990. 2, Wegner Woods Subdivision - Final Plat -- Referred to Plan commission Meeting of May 21. 1990. 3. Cantore - Accessory Structure Height Variation (160 Forest frail) Referred to Zoning Hoard of Appeals Meeting of June 5, 1990. 4. Cantore - Flood Plain Special Use (160 Fo -est Trail) -- Referred to Plan Commission Meeting of May 21, 1990, and Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of dune 5, 1990. 5. Urban - Lot Area Variation (55 Glendale) --- Referred to Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting. of June 5, 1991. 6. Institute in Basic Life Principles - Cburch- Related Special. Use (Adams Road) -- Referred to Plan Commission Meeting of May 21, 1990 and Zoning Hoard of Appeals Meeting of June 5, 1990. VII. QJ : Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To adjourn this meeting. TIME: 8:40 p.m. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. ATTEST: _ea'- Linda K. Gonnella Village Clerk a �r10 Approved VILLA09 OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- May sr 1990 I