Minutes - 05/09/1961 - Board of Trusteest � y � � _ _ � r �. � _ _ . �- YR���7 Y t r � , -Gn +. , y, _ r _ _ _ � .�'Y; S�"r; •'i � u _ 'ri •,w "'y' � °,rRRlC4i • - °�py7'17Rru�malTlv'r t-�r - 1. `+ VILA.aGR of OAK BROOK M11?UTES OP 4 MAY 9, 1961 `V Imew 160TOW %. Hol1 Cali: s The May 39 1961, Hoard of Trustees, Village of Oaf[' Brook Meeting was called to order at 8 :02 p.m* Roll call was talcon. j0I trustees were present* The Village President, T, A. Moblmon, requested a motion to appoint Mrs, Agnee P. O'Brien, Clerk, Pro Tom, In lieu of Mrs., Phyllis Perki,na l absenoe a Mr. Oahmlow so moved and Mr. Calhoun seconded she motion. Motion waa earriedd 2 Readf.ng_ of Mlnutes The minutes Of the Continuati.On Meeting of April 21. 1961, were read* In paragraph three, the fourth tine of page two roads ng, "A Fie e- olution was drawn up by the Village Attorney regarding insurance cover- age for the West Shore Pipe Une ComPany," was changed by Mr. Bowers to reed as follows: "A Resolution was drawn up by the Village Attorney granting West Shore Pipe Line Company permisoion to construct a pine line along Route #83 within the Village limits." Mr. Mohlman ordered that the oorrection be made. The minutes stood approved as oorreoted 3. Ordinances and Resolutions: � None 4, ►innexations: A. Mr. Mohlmen presented before the Board an Annexation for the Woodside Estates area which he believed should be foin7arded to Mr. Bowers ° attention for lega! work. Mr. Moh.luan suggested that an order from the uuPage County Circuit Court signed by Judge Atten, also be forwarded to Mr. Bowers for his attention. The President entertained a motion that • • 5-9 -G� • r Urn firers abook the legality of the petition to 'snuex to the viliese or Oak Snook, an area commonly known so Woodside Estates* Mr. Rosman mad$ the motion and Mr. O'Brien asoonded it, Voice vote . all ayes« ,10 ordered by 'Village President Pal' � Jd Be The president entertained a motion that the pet itton for annexation to the Village of oak grog commonly called the Madf eon Street Patition, along with an annexatl on plat be re rred. to Nr* Boyers to dheok the legality of acid petition. Ure O'Brien made the motion and it was s000nded by Mr. calhotk38 voice vote - ail eyes. [40 Ordared, 60 a+�iwYr.b � AYe �p�d Treasurer sui er to Report Mr. Owen, village Treasurer$ presented a report for the month or April, 1961, (See page 5) o Mr. O'Brien moved that the Traanurer ®s Report be aceeptted and Mr. Rosaman seoun6ed ito voice vote - all eyed. ft order" Nro Owen, Village 'ftrosourer, presented the following bills for the month of April, 19611 ..g.. SR APPROVED AND PAID Adminlstretive 1- The Press Publications 6.0c) 2. The Marr111 Printing Cos -- 7 u.CU 3o Theo TA re Printing and Publishing Co. -� 30 060 46 V1a nae V. W8gGM&nnr County Clerk 3150 so Petty cash 25056 6. Rau.Iin Be Wlght. Jr. "' 1054.150 Police Depertment 7o Illinois bail Telephone CQ. M 24 -89 So Standard Oil Co. a eb"72 9 • Jack Douglas Chevrolet, Inc. m s-04 10. Harner Photo Service 1000 Ile Charlee Ca Thomas Publisher p 103.43 12. David E, Ott 650.00 13. Motorola Pinanae Corps 4 11.96 14. Soliweidler and Mewherte r, Inn, - 35 077 15, John Allen Ford o 11014 IS. Ed V. Price and Company 131,39 17. West Suburban Tire and supply 3.65 T i'AL # 1� U ..g.. 40I 2-!7,w- v a . � WQ `n' 'i 9.. • ' - ii�.. 711 Mr,, o ° Briva moved that the bills be saaepted and paid. Mr. Roseman ve o,=&4 the motion. Roll as 11 votes ayes 8, nays - O. So ordered. Pollee mpartmeTA .. ue►pta in Ott reported the soti,v ity for the month of Apr11, 1981, of the Osic Brook Pollee Department. Report or. file with the Po i loe :-e- ps rtment y Building Ommlefion - Building Inapeotor Br. R. B. Wight, Jr. was exoused by 'Village President Moblasn, and no report was given. 7. Urn m Bv� ese f A. President Moh1man real a letter from the Cystic Fibrosis Researoh d Drive theeaking hits and the pillage Board ror permission to allow them to oanvues September 16, 17 and 18, 190, in the Village of Ca k Brook. B. President Mohlman directed the Clerk Pro Tem to write letters thanking L. Je Kueber, George L. and Ruth Le Clements and John be Temple- . ton, for their generous voluntary oontri,butiozae to the Oak Brook Police Department C. Oak Brook Terraea (Field's correspondence) Mr. Mohiman read a letter Prom Oak Brook Terre se Incorporated oar oerning the widening of 18th street and SprizZ Road. Mr. Mohiman entertained a motion to table the Field's Correspondence. Mr. Calhoun wooed and Mr. DeM:Low seconded that the Field's Correspondence be tablod a Voice vote - all eyes. So ordered* , ,!: - - r ,. i4'1 �s��.r��A��•{- „lr' '.. +�; " ?;s.`• *. �; �r�S _,.,�.�esK�=,..�;�;,..,.���., i;r:-H_Cr'�x�;,�, °.; I,b = � � I •� r� ::�;P:��s ,;•�•T,t...r Mrs, Moh1man reed a letter oonaerning the renewal endorsement on Policy Noe RD- 99"-489 in the account of 0 i,04 a 00 a Mrs, ROs sman made a motion to approve the bill in then Mount of $1OOo00 for the renewed, of this poi ioy, Policy Noe RD- 9978489 o Kra O'Brien seconded It e, Hall call votes ayes - a, nays - 0a So ordered e, Mr, O'Brien noted a reaeut article in the Oak Brook Doings, aritr- ical of the Village Board for its halndlIng of pulics matters* For a tauter of reeord, the Village has spent in excess of $90000.00 in a fifw teen-twnth period to maintain the 'Village Police Department idre Mohlmen read a letter from Mrs, Phylll.ie Perkins, dated May S, 1981, offering her resignation as Village Clark,of the Villages of Oak Brook. She stated that she enjoyed working for and with the Village Boards, ( See attached letter of resignation) Mrs, Mohlwan entertained a motion that Mrse, ' 1hyllis Perkins' res- ignation be accepted o Mrs, Roseman made a motion that the Board accept this resignation of Mrs. Phyllis Perkins and that the President be author- ised to write a letter to her expressing-the Village of Oak Brook Board's aPOreaiation for services rendered. Mr., CalhO n seconded the motion, go ordered, Mr. O'Brien made a motion that the pillage Board of Oar Brook pay Captain David Ott a salary of $68Q.00 for the month of Maya 1981, for his out stand ing work, Mrs, Rosaman as oonded the mtt tone Roll call vote ayes 6, nays - 0, So ordered o c Ad 44u ubirm..er nt.so mro ,081houn moved„ Mr. Dabmlow seconded for a jouxnment e, Motion was earriede Meeting-adjourned at 9 :17 pe. ffis, Res'peI �r U :gin tteds, A �s 0 village :��e, �� Tuts u', "I — --tv 5' TRICASMMIS RICIP01iffe V"AGIC Or OAIK BROOK IOU PAGIC CO .v ILLIMS Date r0it THE MONTH OF APM l9n. ftfts Receles,ft Ngab Cash an Deposit Irises & Disburse- Cash on Fund Last General Sales For- Monte Deposit end lure ?axes Tax 4.1consee ftituris __Ww"04� Total for mouth 0"=="Wwm� of Month vp O19 *59077 ft 348o43 #165113980 445 e00 09,161.05 61JOTWIN *74 074 29922*00 502 .1 ti Druge wo-ROMOMM-Umem $3916360Y avmwwww� Now"em 48 0167,77 49,08990452 12$4531902 sgt Oven Sr. Treasurer of the Village of Oak Brook, being first duly sw3rn, upon oath and says Mat the going report accurmely shows the state of the treasury of the VILLAGE OF OAK HOOK AS of the date of said report. Subscribed and swoto to before me this day of 19 Notary Public Remy C# Owens Jr. vilmse T 01surew U1 Z J J