Minutes - 05/10/1960 - Board of TrusteesMav 10, 1960 r edr— M 114
u S1rEF-S
The meeting of tha 13oard of Bireebaws w o r&1161 to 1 ^4er 9t
8:00 P.M. by President Moh 1man,
Roll wag called with everyone but Mr. Krueger present.
The minutes of he April 12th meeting and the April 14th con -
tinuation meeting were read . Mrs. Peyton gsked that the
price of the new squad car be incoroorated to the April. minutes,
On a motion made by Mrs. Peyton and seconded by Mr. CArlev
the minutes were approved with the adittion of tl-e squad car
price. The • ote was unanimous and the motion oar -i-�d.
President Mo'ilman read a let`er from Mr. Paul Butler requesting
a zoning variance on certain p-onerty on Cermak road.
On a motion made by Mr. Kolar and seconded by Mr. Cal',oun ".he
ease ®e��ge� a�pAie�a�3st�- Sev-- a- v$ ��a #ioa- bv- tbe- �11e1Q��Co�eaa?f-
go*- a- setbaak application for a variance of the set..baek
zoning by the Butler COTDany was referred to the Zoning Aoard
of Appeals. Motion car ied unantmousl•,.
A petit; on for a- nexation to tha Vi' Inge of 0R'' 13•- k T,ra4 Tend
by Mr. Moilman, said netition accom-oanied b • a plat of the
land in question. The board discussed the -equest at length.
On a motion by Mr. O'Brien and seconded by Mr. Carlev the
request for annexation submi`ted by Mrs. Cate Ane F. Menke, dated
Meg 9 , was referred to the Plan Commission, the Commission
being requested to act upon it immediately and forward a d66i6666
recommendation to the board sit` -in CO days. Motion carried
Mr. Owen Piled a treasurer's report for the month of April with
the clerk. Bills submitted were as follows:
E.V. Price -------- 103.8)+
S. L. Healy -- ------------------------- 1.18
Active Seal and Stamp Works --------- 1r Ka
Federal Laboratories Inc. 49.29
H. H. Harris Co. 31.44
J. Douglas Chevrolet 38-90
B`. V. Price Co. 29'7.1
West Sub. Tire Col .86
Puller Service Station
214 .01
Tallman Robbins X9039
Illinois Bell Tel.eohone 25.39;
On a motion made by Mr. Farley and seconded by Mr. Cal'-nun
the treasurer's report was accepted with the bills to be raid.
Motion carried.
On a motion made by Mr. Kolar and seconded by Mrs. Peyton Mr,
Bowers the village attorney was directed to prepare an ordinance
covering. Village purchasing. Motion carried unanimou4lr.
Mr. Mohlman directed Mr. Owen and Mr. 0 °Brien to prepare a renuegt
to Have the Viltago boiks audited annually.
Mr. Mohlman directed Mr. VWen ftrther not to submit anv bil q
that are in excess of current budget br item, or not provided for
in the current budget voith the su"Restion t at those -ills mist
be presented vo r1le board by the person taking the resoonsihilitir
of the purchase,
Captain Tyrrell gave the police report for t e month of April.
After lengthy discussion by the board, the report wrs approved
Regarding the Macintosh property the board discussed what if
any action should be taked, in view of the protest '-,sing made
. "19 A about the re- coning, A motion was made by Mr. Kolar that the
board reconsider the reasoning of 1*1d property. ��s,
Mr. Sydney Gorham and Mr. Sebastian, reo esenting Henricile
resppeectfully requested information pertaining to a liquor license
to be used when the Oak Brook Terrace shopping center is comvle *ed.
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MAY 1.4, 1050-Con'd-
On a motion rude b • Mr. OlBrien and seconded by Mr, Cavgep
Mr. Bowers * e Vii" age A¢tornav was diirecfed tI n *mare
an arienilient t-) t'l -,V Ilage 0*d4naoce ti Inelude 1 pore class
A License, saki ordinance to be presented t6 t e board at
the next rF �ular mepting. 'fie !notion carried tirmnian,isiv.
Mr. O'Brien requested an eNecutive meettn%? before t'!e heart
nee ttrip of the Village Trtasteas to dtsengs t'le paiice brigot• and o
�oL�ther aooaroDr „i Pa�tRion�is. The ' •roe of t'�e m¢eting was set P ,),- T1ze9d9v
Mav 749 A t 8jon- r. .
On a -notion ?av Mr. Calh ,)un and seconded by Mr. Kolar t” meettnR
was ad l ounned at 10:25 P,'�. Motain carded.