Minutes - 05/13/1958 - Board of Trustees•�' •� Y7e b • e' - ' �: -t . .1 'b' _ r- •1-Y d �' (V:
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The entire Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook were present
when President Te A. Mohlman called tho meeting to order May 13th, 19580
The minutes of the May, lot and May 3rd meetings were read by the clerke
Mr. Carlson made the motion and Mrs Calhoun seconded the motion to adopt th4
minutes as read.
The motion was made by Mrs Carlson and seconded by Mr. Krueger that this
Board go on record as being against the rezoning of the lwnch property. The motion
also statedp a letter to that affect should be Written by the clerk to Mrs William
Kimball, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, DaPage 0ounty with copies going
to Mr. SoVmimr Waterfallp rJrs and Mrs Robert Stewart.
A petition was filed with the clerks annexing certain Butler O mp m
property. After-the,- reading of the Ordinance by Attorney Bowers# A copra of wn:ch
said ordinance is attached hereto and k-- reference made a part of these minutes, Mr.
Carlson made the motion seconded by Mrs Krueger to adopt this ordinance which shall
be known as S..3. The voting was as followe t Mr. Butler - abstained# Mr. Calhoun -
yes, Mrs Carlson - yezt, Mr. Kolar - abstained, Mrs Krueger - yes, Mm. Parton •- yes*
Mrs Kohlman - yes. Dyes - 3# Kays - 0, Abstained - 2e
After'the petition was filed with the clerk, Attorney Borers read the
Ordinance annexing certain property to the Village of Oakbrook, a dopy of which said
ordinance is attached hereto aad by reference made a part of these minutes. Mrs.
Peyton made the notions seconded by Mr. Calhoun to adopt this ordinance which shall
be known as S-4. The votingt Mr. Butler - abstained, Mr. Calhoun - yes, Mr. Carlson -
. ,.,
yes, Mr. Kolar - yes, Mr. Krueger - abstainedg Mrs. Payton - yes, Mr. Mohlman - yes.
:dyes - 5s Nays - 0, Abstained - 29
A petition annexing certain Butler OzmpqaW property was filed with the clerk*
Mr. Calhoun made the notion, seconded by Mr. &usger•.to adopt the ordinance after hear-
ing it read by Attorney Bowers. This ordinance shall be known as S•.59 a copy of which
said ordinance is attached hereto and by reference made a part of these mitates.
The voting$ Mr. Butler - Abstained, Mr. Calhoun yeas Kra Cat•Ison -» yes, Nr. Kolar -
yess Mrs t ueger
yes, Mrs. Peyton o yea, Mre Mohlmah - yes* Ayes a 6` Mays - Oe 'Abstained v 1•
. ;F,,7t'
Mr. Butlers who Is in touch with people who would bo very campetent at
imming up a corporate Goal for the Village or Gakhrook has consevked to handle
thij for the Board.' It was suSpst*d by Mrs. Poy"n and in agremerlL with the
entire Board that In some mamer the Oak Two which appears as the Symbol of tits
Oakbrook 01vic Association be used an the 1111ago swag
AaUng upon the advice of Wight & QmnpwWj Mr. Xm9ger made the motion*
seconded by Mr.. Calhoun and passed by the board that the clerk sign and approve
namis Ben Teiepmm Project 6m6.
Ure to C. Wagoner of the ibrthern n1inois Gm 0mopsaW azd •ro A. P.
AVi=aU from Us Pablic SemUs, GoMpW wore, lztro&cad by "blan*
VMGSt GWO c short explanatift of their r44ective, orawniWaf. 2*9, Vegaver statiqg
thft the Gas Oftpay OMIA, submit a, sketch and exAnxistion each *and every time before
work was staft*4 within the corporate limits of the village. 16. Agrimontl in-
fbnad us when and if arty* villaqp .mod and operated buildit are established
tbW will receive free services from the electric COMPMW. Mr. Wegener agreed the
a=* field true trap the gmo conqmW.
Mrs- Ps Un madw the motion# seconded 1W Ure Colhoun that these t-vo
orftvanoess the Gas 'Ordinance and 'the Moctric Or4lwwopjs be r6ftrre4 to WW &
Ompka ftr roca --nda-tions and hold In the clerks of for publte inspection
UAU the fall oving meeting.
AtUrOW Borers NA PrOsPent Mah1man will got together wad have som.
thing ready far the next meeting regarding a Liquor Ordinance for the Village.
Mrs. Porten made the motionp seconded by 'fr. Kolar and passed by the Board
to sal. journ the meeting at 9j45 FU,
. - - .,., - - -_' ,r -z: - - -, r`,— Wit,• .. : <. i:... • -; ,— - is M
0�11A ��aex� C�!'ti1 iii [,�alge,(,�StN
mum% t nve. WW -byes filed 110 the tunic W, `he
Qillage of OAVMoits Du ftp. Cowft. -,a. r=W190 • Wtc- unft Dafts
a*iM that the ibUa%vg desa iN d twrit!r ! be aampoe d to the • IUV
or O*bro*l
That part of the eouthreot qusttor of boa! 250 the, south —
out quo;rte r of %Won 960 the sswth InIf of ssati.on 95 ®td
the notrtlxffwt quarter of Section 36, Tand ip 39 -mss age 24
Rant • of the :hard flat. nOtOal MidUms de .bed ss ta11c =+
• .. canwi iag at the center of Section 35s for a place of be.•
��+�' ginYd,naf theme northerly &UM the weetearll Une of the
00:%wo. atthowk g0214A ° of *140tioa 35* to tha mouth Trot of the
na rOwest qst wMi of the .00U hiwet 4urtssr 'of Ift nwbbowt
SEP y s tom. Qf Seo� 35j thwoo� 'eaartor z said e�ouRh line,
1958 Al -ll Off, a: >rlhas"'11y4' -pare114 with the
east asate of the *oft bait of the moats -der of Me
nwtbm t quarter of Section ,35s, it', dlaitm oe: of ;20.041, theme
weeterly and pam1e]l with the south 1100 of the taorthn+sst
quarter of the mftth0eei qiWbdO -of tit h hit qua o!
section 35s a dieftawe, of 40397591 thsona ow herly and para]. a
with the west line of the nortbaset quart flr of section - 35 s to a
Polat on the worth 11ne - of th® WMVII bW of the sortAmsat aaarter
/if of the mudwredt q*artes!� of thi- law MMI &W of ftMoe- 351
ff A®/�' 37 tram@ soutle I7 doaeg coaled east -3lus i'dl !at b7.3is 1 woe
0asta -3J am peril with thm• nuts vab or us ndrvie"t q= %W
of fteticas 35# q" a poie� an the eenteor3l'�ae ot"Adame Streeto ae
vw p3atted and I'MIGN ai "10210 a ►ol�erl ' ;atom maid ewer
Bases to its Satterneotion sdth'the am*ar lgtr of Sprig Road,
am nm platted and r ecordeds thande ®a' 53050° L'almq said
ain r liar
of 8pKag %ad a'di.etawm,'ot 31UPI# theaoe emb.
t I tiavdss along imad 40AZWOM so AMP, * s -a diatano a of
�0.5t, thaasce a tinvi tg abaas etbt� etr `?�Eise, 06 51°5b+
B. a distiu me of II; fteme *40 o' ff i a' �eteite at! 3.66
d' o, to' the awrthw y 21iw of 'PAW -tit preserve
051 thowd 'eat► alatg ,o lea lnt nss � the '-eoet�ltievrly
Una of add "'1F '�v4mig m to t1w out
line of asetion 351. t said adeVWly Una#
w d atoo Wig -thd' adsth aaW oWta W-UM of Ift" OP of to We
Ore" plot of ft Val, it pW*lid
to of said 91_ at %* a � i ii "nib item of nr�'' M
of 31st �t � ' 0~ 'Aid thwaft vestwu awo -
0aid aso�rth pls6►t 'lot- 13�' to tu0 wea< lint et tlte.�s .
quwtAw of 3eotion 2% '.them iOtag mend mat Sines to
Mw south line of %W sank halt df flwr 0or4D bdr of the =-*waft
quarmaar of daaWa 351..E wasoV satd nwW lino to the
saet rLSK of ray line of omits *W ?W h* fftsbe Ohm. 083Io as now
platted roolp t sold out irlgt4 of orq
Ufts to we oo+a* tioi at tut hi % Maiot gtasrw of Seot&n A
alit iefe . y 4!I` �i ' ft lice VUoe of b dr
5 -3
- S"3 127 m. 49
17P. RT'A8, said potition in ai.gned by the oenere -f fiord of
all of the real estate described thereein# and all of the a lecten rni&
fng on said territoM and
x-50 the $aid territory in coniguous to tho Villaage of
frokbrook and its not within the corporate liaeits of my sunloipaaality6 and
Rio the Statutes of the Steno of Illinois ode that
upon the Ziling of mwb patitior the a cavoraate authorities of the Village
of Nkbrock say pass an ordinance a meaning said terrr3tM7 to said village
if said ordinawe is paessod by a two-thirds vote of s�-i d corporate
°GARB,. UZ ?'P nRT3Ai!'M by the rVeAden% and gosatr4 of Twat
of the. Villaage, of Oakbrook, Du Paap,@ County, Tnineriaee
Section le TMt the follow!np dowaribod rtonerty bed aPA they cream
It hereby annexed to the Village of 'akhrooka N Page County, Tllinc4s, to..
That part of the eauthwest gwirt sr of eeotion 215, the south-
east quarter of Section 26, ttea rwrth half of 5aeotion 35 and
the northwest; quarter of Section 36; Town ehip 39 Narth, Range 11,
w.aat of the Third ". nolpaal !median, describes: as foll,.oww:
Commencing at the center of Section 35, for a place of bee.
ginningi theme northerly along the westerly line of the
northeast quart-or of Section 35, to the south lime of the
northwest quartos of the muthmet: quarter of the northeast
quarter of Section 356 theme easterly along said south line„
a distamee of 611.31 6 theme northerly and parallel with the
east luxe of the west half of the southwest Quarter of the
anortheaa+dt q4arter cf motion 35, as distance of lonoo9; theme
wastarly and paar ollwl with the south line of th n northwest
quwter of On southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of
"action 35, a distance of 403*7511 thence northerly and parallel
with the w9st lire of the northeast quazer of 5ecti on 350 to aas
point an the rarth line of the south half of the northwe:t, quarter
of the southrest quarter of the northeast quarter of r4ation 356
thence southerly along said east ling, a dl stance of 67.379t thewice
mmtarly wd parallel with the teoeath lure of the northeast quarter
Of ,,arcti.on 35, to a point on the centerline of Adams ctreart, as
Mw Platted and recorded; thence northerl r along W d e aatear
llnee.a to its S*iteneeect:ion with the aeenUr liar of O-W, net Road,
48 now Platted and rreccrded 6 thence So 53050, ?. alon, said
venter line of Spring tad, a distance of 371.991 thence con -
Unuing Along said oe nterlfnaaa S. 61%69 F., a distance ce
290,511 thence continuing elortg said center line, 5. 51"544
?'o a distance of 34496 therm nofth 2 80151 11r., a dasteanoa of 3.65
&M. to the naathwly line of "Fullereburg Pa*9 Fweet Preserve
051 th avas eeaatearly along a mwMwIng lines beeU* tho northeerl.y
lines of aeaLd "Fulleersburg Pw*," Fax~eaet ?rreseerq Iff5 to the eat$
ling of motion 351 thence eontf iad ig along awl northerly liner,
a id also bef °�g the 'outh and emer yr Jim of T raft 'r' of F. R.
Irmo "lat of .'barmy of Fars thence wrthwly along tho easurly
Uns of said lit hr." extend" to the north 29Itt of iew line
of 31st. Street us n*o platted and raorded$ tieelae uaeter2y 'brag
'Mid narth right Of m' 21"s, to the assert IAgD of the sautbersest
quarter of Section 26l thence southerly a],ang sod vast urns, to
Wt' south lire of the north half of the Wards half or thw xorthunt
quarter of Pennon 351 thence Weewr3y* &IanF.Ztle d north Une to the
*ant ht of ssy lire of Trrl =Late �y �. 0834 as now
platted and wed; than*S e®aathWy aloes said ens., rigi:t of my
linen to the soath lim Of ths ncr$hraaxst gUoter of "fttion 351
thace easterly along said south 21=p to the plan of begimirag,
all In N ftp County, M ino a
ion 21 That a cardfied COW of this osrdimmes together
edge &n accurate sap ol aho deserf.bed teyr$twyg ahal3 boa filest9 by the
of the Village of t! *bftok wilth the ftoosder of N ,•,e Count,
e3.t9. nee.
Passed and approved by the President _ =d Board of Mass of
th® P lUga of Vskbrovk,, rM Page Combys T21tricdejo this 1'". 'eaF or
..a..se..a rs�.
AM 3 u
an d
That part o; the northwest quarter of loction 27 aW the
mrtheast quarter of Section 28, Tos-, ®hip 39 Borth' Range
li, Fast of the Third Principal meridian, described as
follomt Commncing at the northwest corner of the nor%,:# -
vast quarter of Section 27a for a ply of begirmingl th2nce
southarlyr along the west line of Section 27„ to the south
line of -the north 10 acres of the northnnst getter of the
north -.est quarter of Section 271 thence easterly along said
south line of the north 10 acres$ to the centerl+ rw of Mid -
west Road, an now plotted aa±d reeordedl thowe northerly
•.&Teeny said ceterli ne, to the accrue lir,* of the northwest -
quarter of Section 271 the me eastorlyr among said nth
lines to- the teat line of said northwest quarter of
sotion 271 themes southerly along acid sant lines to
the south line of ghee ra rtheast quarter of the north t
quarter of Section 271 theme vest ally along said sov.h
line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of
Section 27, to the went right-of-may lire of Ifidwest Road,
as now platted and romorded; thence northe rIjv along said
nowt rigs- or -Way liftj, to a Point 1=60t sout$9 of the
north line of the northwest quarte- of Section 271 thence
easterly and parallel with said north linep a distanaet of
250.0111 theme southerly and parallel with the oenterlinee
o" Mf est Road as now vlatted and recorded to the north
14- is of the south 35 acres of the ueet half of the northwest
Y. r'tew of 'Section 271 thence westerly along said north line
to tim west line of Section 2?1 thence southerly along said
east Unea to the southeset cohrrar of the nwtheast quarter
of Section .qf thence' westerly along the south line of the
northe "t quarter of Section 28, to the crest lines of the
ncrtheset quarter of Section 281 thence northerly alorg said
went lire a distence or 33.52 a". (2213.329) to a point an
the old conteerline of Butterfleld Road1 dance north 62101411
east along said old centerline of Butteerfleld Roadp 12.55 *he.
(828.31). to the north line of the northeast quarter of
Section 281 thence easterly along said rw rth line to the
plaaea of beginning, all in rn, Page 0ountya rllinois,
FIrR AS, said petition to signed by the oenere of record of all
cif Lte real estate isseribed tharsin. aid €U of the elimtore residing
on said territory; and
WRWAS, tha sale! territory to contiguous to they Village of
Cakbrrook and is not within the corporate limits of any m %nicipa.iity; and
7"TPAS, thO Statutes of the "#.ate of 7111nois M%Ovlide that upon
d- d/ b.,U� a 0-4LA-'*--Q�
5 -4
the filing of such petition the corporate authorities of the Village
of ookbrook say past an ordinance annexing said tamitory to said
village if said ordinance is passed by a two- thirds vote of said
corporate authorities)
TIMMOREs BE T? ORPAINIM by t1w ProddWnt and Board of Trustees
of the VillaCe of Oakbrook, Du Page County# 1115notee
Section le That the folloerirg described property be and the
asa= is hereby annexad to the Village of Oekbrock# Bu Page County#
Illinois, to -wits
That part of the northwest quarter of Section 27 and the
northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 39 )forth,, Range
I.I. Rast of the Third Principal .1h ridian.' described as
follows Cosnencieg at the a eorth4est.�cornsr of the north-
West quarter of section 27# for,;a! place of beginning) thence
southerly along the west Una of ',' Section - 47 f to the south
line of tho north 10 acres of the northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of Section 271 thence easterly along said
south lire of the north l0 acres, to the center line of Mid.
erect Roads, as now platted and recordedl thence nc:r;herly
along said centerline, to the north line of the northwest
quarter of pectlon 271 thence easterly aloriq said north
lino, to the east line of said northwest quarter of
Section 271 thence southerly along said east line, to
the south line of the northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of Section 27 ;- thaws westerly along said south
line of the northeast quarter of the northweet quarter of
Section 27, to the exert right -of-way line of klidwest toad,
4s now ;:latted and recorded) thence northerly along said
west ri sht-of tray li nee# to a point 1000.01 eouu of the
raor h 1 %ne of the northwest quarter of Section 271 thence
westerly and parallel with said north !iris, a distance of
250.011 theme southerly and parallel with the centarline
of Midwest Road as now platted and recorded to the north
line of the south 35 acres of the west half of the northwest
quarter cf Section 271 thence westerly along 9&4-d r.orth line
to the +rest line of Section 271 thenoe southerly along said
erect lines to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter
of Sectim 28; thence westerly along the south line of the
northeast quarter of Section 26, to the erect lime of the
northeast quarter of Section 281 thence northerly along said
west line, a distance of 33,52 ohs. (2212.320 to a point on
the old ceanteriine of Butterfield Road1 thence north 620141
east along said old centerline of Butterfield Road, 12.55 ohs.
(828.31).g to than north line of the nc rtheaaat quarter of
Section 291 thence eaeter -ly along said northh line to the
place of beginning, all in DU rage County, Illinois,
Section 2e That a certified copy of this ordinance, together
sith an accurate nap of the described territory, sihall be filed by the
w 2-
,LIA', U4 3
va11age of nakbrgook with the Recorder or I?u Page Comfy, i1umis.
Passed and approved by the President and Boa ril of Trustees of
the W.11age of nib r odk s flu Pag-9 Gout ys I1Ii not e a this 13th day of May#
p � p
nH TO Uw b 8*
P-rall e:i
Aye- -
way �
% VA w3ffl
I, P'€fiMIS PERKINS, do hereby certify that I an the duly
eleatad, qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Oakbrook,
Da Page County*, Illinois, and the keeper of the records thareofg
that. the Axegai»g is a true, accurate and correct copy of an
ordinance duly passed by the corporate authorities of the Village
of **brook as shown on the legislative minutes thereof g and that
the roll call vote of ayes and nays is correctly indicated on odd
Liven under my hand and seal this [ eY of May,
A, Yin 1958•
Village Oakbrook$ Illinois
W, there has been duly Piled with the Clark of the -.page
of Ookbrocks Da Page Cooky, 1131ois, a pstltion, under oath, aaiciag that
the followiayg described tenvivury be annexed to the 9111aage of Oakbrook,
T14 northeast vmrtarr of antien 26, ftmehip 39 Worths Range I!,
Fit of the Third Principal Nwidians and that part of t" A east
MU of Section 23, Township 39 Warth, Range 11, $eat of the
Third Principal Meridian, described as follow Coarsncing at
the canter of said Section 23, for a place of beginning# thence
southerly along the west line of the southeast quarter of
Section 23 to the southeast corner of said quarter sectioaf
theme easterly along the section lino' to the southeast corner
of Sectica 23; thene* northerly along the east Line of said
quarter Section 231 to a point on the conterline of Ranger
Road, " new platted and recordsdg thence ■esterly along tin
contorUne of ;larger Road, a* new platted and recorded, a
distance of 639.91 to a break in the cent$rl'iut; thence oora
tinuing along said centerlines in a southaeaterly darention,
a distance of 1799842 b thence &00171 wart a dista "s of 551,1211
ths"O S. W%31 -mat a distance, of 4979281; then" M. 00171 woxts
to a"Int on the oentetrline of Salt Creeks said point elato being
the scutbeastw y oorrer of Lot la, in Tisher Trails $states
situated in the east Ralf of Section 23, Toonshp 39
arort bs Ramps U, last of the Tffisd Principal Viridian; theme
masterly along a aseandsring line, said line also being the
southwesterly line of said Ti mbsr Trails Utatoa Anna is to
a point where said lire Intersects the won line of the north-
east quartAw of Section 23; theme southerly along the asst line
►�•. of said DOWthe"t qwztsr of Section 23, to the plane of beC1&WU%X,
an in Om Page Covetys minoiss
said petition is signed by the ewnore of record of all
of the real estate described thorn a, and all of the eleeters residing
on said tern °.cry; and
RMWASo the said territory to contiguous to the Village of
Ookbarook and is not it thin the corporate litadts of atW =udcipalrltyt and
the Statutes of the State of Illinois provide that upon
the filing of such petition the corporate authorities of tint Vi3.iage of
Oakbroaea aag pass an ord! nonce annaailag said te+rr tory to said village
it said ordinance is passed by a two- thirds vote of said cosporae d
asst ho riti ets
t r10 r �`
MORE, BE TT OMWWED by the President and Board at Trustees
of thus Villege of Oakbrook, Do Page Comraty, Illinois:
Sect That the foll,oadng described. property be and the
saaems is he.«eby mood to the Village of Oaidwook, bra Page County# Mirals#
to-vi t t
TV* northaast quarter of Section 26, Township 39 berth: Range 11,
Cast of the Third Principal lferidian, and Hest part of the, east
half of Section 230 Township 39 forth# Pangs 11# East of the
Third Principol Meridians described as f :llosras Commencing at
the center of said Section 23, for a place► of beginningi thence
southerly along the west line of the southeast quarter of
Section 23 to the southeast corner at said quarter sactionj
thence, easterly along the section line, to the southeast cosier
of Section 231 theme north ally along the east line of said
quarter Seazion 23, to a point an the centerline of Barger
Road, as now platted and recardedl thence westerly along the
centerline of Aaarger Road, as now platted and recorded, a
distance of 639s9, to a break in the centerline; ttaace can-
tinuing along said centerlino, in a southwesterly diirection,
a di stance of 179o$41; thence S. 00171 east a df staaesme of , 551.122 ;
thence S. 890101 west a distance of 497.281; thencs'% 0017, west,
to a pe,int on the centerline of Salt Creek,, said point, also being
the southeasterly corner of Lot 10# in Tuber Trails Estates
Annex; aaituutod in the seat half of Section 23# Township 39
north, Range 11, Last of the Third Pori nc ipaal Heridianf thence
westerly along a ,ananderi ng line, said line also os sag the
southwesterly line of said Timber d'rails Estates lmaez, to
a point where said line icteraects the neat line of the north -
oast quarter of Section 23; thence. southerly aleag the west line
of said northeast quarter of Section 23, to the place of begi wing,
in in 0u Page County, 111inci.s#
ll on 2s, That a certified copy of this ordinance, together
With am aa"urate map of the described territory, shall be filed by the
Village of Oakbrook with the Recorder of Da, Page County# TlUnois.
Passed sad approved by the President and Board of 4ruste" of
the Village of Oakbrook, Du Page County, Illinotes this 230 day of !fay,
A. D. 1958.
Apsr ®Tema _ -
� E