Minutes - 05/24/1966 - Board of TrusteesThe meettng vsL 4atted to order at baOtt PR 114. by Vilta a Vrteldant
T. A. mobtuan. All truxtaaa voro prr4san ,,
That the reading of th* fti#1060 Of WAY t -066 bt acc+aPt*d
aad approvad as cubs t ted .
voice vote - alt in favor,
So ordered
Prtr.Uant W4L%an and amebae Hortao sported tbat, at the request
of Mr. Pent antler, tbey sttande.d a 4mating with Maosre. buttar,
nut: anick +sad HeDsdo of the Oak brook UtUity Cwpany. . The Oak
Brook UtUtty span ar4a4 *-he vide a of tciota to act as ra idLy
00: possiuto in arriving of a aaciaion a# to the ft of and
tompany. it was decid*4 that ay�ys io ttib � frm Mr. a a noon arge
Wight of Wight consu ,t ag logtaters, Harrington, 111tools. tt was
also anrtouneffid twhot Attomor bra ltd ahead an 11 tinots
Co ma Manisa haarlag on Way 2 th coosoervinj the orthv*ot
Utititiaa Ompany (Oak Sro6k Developmnt Company) and the Oak Brook
Utitity 00w,61.
IV ? IMM9d, RK U)TIONS a, ASOMMUSt U200114t M.
President WhLwon rssd Rasotution -52 revctnOag eartain setton
taken by the boatV on Horeb O, 146, in regard to an agrtownt
betreea the Stots of t 11inAs aad the Vittaliv of qak Rook
covering F. A, Rmto 02 (ILL. 00) sad Slat Street.
Trustee O'Brien moved - o"obded by Trujitee Ro" t t * x .
That the vi.ttap board adopt eotat p R-52 and that the
vittaxe prosideat a poiat 4 ca ittee to StU4r said vtons,
and further# deter of seti*a too be taken to a imiasto
traffic probtems at both York ad and Rm-te 083 and 31st Merest.
ROLL CSIL 'dote: Ayes - Trustess , r Key **,Hwett,
V t OAF ten * s e a and ftes. t4wo b
Noyes - 30 +smeared.
B. Scavenger-Live dian s t q 5+
Preaia� -rat iHohiman read ordinance 0 -59, manding ordiasuces
t-L5 sou 1-22, stipulating that scavenger Ifeaaaea are noa-
trannferaL ' A .
Tr &tae Roseman moved - aeeendsd by xetee Hoye s , . .
That ordiamAce 0 -59+ be edoptad by the vittage board
Roll Call Vote: Ayoa Trustees Barton, Hav+ey t Heyowt ftwe l
O'Brien. Roavown and Prev. Kohl***
Noyes - None Vo ordered.
IV 001ta8t. PxWUjT1M'� & =' (011tiodl
Pike 2
Utto Z-13
twctton held qatvr4a . My 21* 19$6* r0t t t questli; of
wb # th nr th* Vitt* o � brook should ado tl tt t* 3 ot the
111i"Ot4 rematch sta tnx to the arnntton of a 04t1oft
0*64too toad,
Trustee Hoye* movad - ane'Wnd by Tmatea bnrtnn; , t
Tbo t 04 v t t tap boSVd 6dopt B oa lUtinn 443 eovtrtag the
t&4* *ff# of tho #pattot ote ttoift oft the rwlo; at n tte*
Ponstan tend h014 00 Sotur4ay. Way Ulit, 1'90,
at, -,' f, Cott Vote: Aye* UU6060 rto#, Kenny, Ray*#. Homt'.t
'ftrto , 40AWWO and Pro *. 'fit sib.
loft A ordtrnd ,
rolWnt "owl**" rood 4. r sntutiou Oats that the untilp of
O*k grook to 4*ftraue at 4140t,t6 to pltrtiitpate in the pro o
UO3' or th6 't Mnotf i0a atot, Acts as en led by the arch
tmrai A0 ,04 bty at t�-§ StAtn o 1 xi,nnt e"
Truatot a rt vnd - so sadnd by Trvatte 4a. , r
That tint vino a board adopt Rosolution R -S4.
Poo L Cott Votti Aye@ - Est * *# Haman, ftsvny, Koja *, Howt1j,
01nf Aoamsn ant Pros,, WoMemos.
soy &* * "in& 86 nrdornd 0
Bide were openod frou Pollard Motor# and jeek Ti ter chavrojot
for the purchase of a damp truek.
Trustee Barton moved - aecoaded by Trustee vey...
That the bids received b4 referred to the road camittna
for study and recomeodation at the next regular boar
VOice vote w OLL in favor. So arG'd *rad.
A. - �1d l4n -... ' d ad Car xrchnag
Chief SlUd zivtki advi'3ed the b*srd tb*t the Present wmer ed
pv-' Ice v&r could be purrha ved from the l anaste A11to 8a 14,T
company for the amount of $ L O8 0.
Trustee HowelL moved « seconded by, Estee Have,
That tht viltn, purchase this ter at the price *f $10850,00,
Roll Cott Vote: Ayes - Trustnns Barton, Havey, Hoy *fir$ Howel1c,
008rien, Roseman and Pro&. %*Luau.
Noyes - None So orcde .
Page 3
A. Hinsdata Plan sior� i atirr t a4� ok .South Doune�
Attorney Bove.rs rtported on his attendance at the Hinsdale
Plan Covalasion -meeting ndaay. May 23rd, 1966. He jotoraisd
the hoard thAt tht Vi LLa a of Binhdaia had a gene ""rat Plan
under study *ad an 40nexation petition pending with voriations:
lies ,foot that a cooparatty# effort abould be made by rAtting
with repzrestatativos of both plan oo iasioaa and viLLap
authorittas� It Waa decided that prosidept Mr btoon and
Tru+atsas Barton and Roseman constitute such a committee.
Preaidant MoMmen advisod the board Coat he had receivad a
Map Ateow W. Qhtrti,s A. Parestad, Viltage Clark of Weatwoat,
ahowtaq the propossd bouftdArfaa of thot villager it won
6401de thAt than co ittea namad Al va should 4100) atudy
this Matter.
C. $ooh m. �.�it
T stoe O'Brien queation6d the po #ft i1jili,tyi of raocial
security coverage s or viii rapt employct a . Attorneys howera
reported that he would furhiah the; hosrd iaforaation
ragardlag W6 subject at the next regular board .mating.
D_rrd a1a:a di,fiatit�n
Treaate+e i 15rion reported that he had studied the ordioancs
006 fi.oation 0*terial praaeaate.d to him by Attorney Bowers and
fal,t that this watt-,%r ahou14 be he14 in abeyance.
Thft 810" 'tet of engineering fees eras diatuased by all all viam ra
of the Loard. This will be can tht agenda of! the next regular
P. Road and.8rigal Additiop to Fire Haase
Trust** towel t vad - seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the village pay invoice No. 72BLO frols the ICCoLLuIM
Hoist h Mfg. Co. in the amount of $922.98 which covera
a 3-ton capacity electric hoist and that this seam be
deducted from the final payment of A. P. Viren wits the
approval of said company.
It CaLl Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Havrey, Hayes, Howett.
O'Brien, kossman and Pre,. Mohtman
.Mayes None Sir ordered.
A. Qfa er `reek Re-Subdivision
The re-subdivision of two Lots facing midwest Roak' at the
entrance to Ginger Creek was presented to the board. The
Oak Brook bleats Commiesion had approved this resubdivi,sion.
Trustee HoweLL moved seconded by Estee Raesmanr...
7bat this re- subdiv..sion be approved by the president eod
board of trustees and that the silage c a erk be euthori Zed
to sign gna sense .
BOLL CaLL Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Havey, Hayes, Howell,
O'Brien, Roseman and Pres. Kohi n.
Nayes - None So orftred.
10 #_ 1966o _X*tU
U%,* t*!jU44t fros- tho ,ward, -ot- Goytroor-o
the "qbp* Cvo*V.- 4stn y MaktAtibu-
canMiesis and tray 44 .ras Is, Q'i"pr 4ttau, -- Atkomy" 3**4ro
*t iitto
woo roq"utcd to vrita to t
a qsa At lk,
poattisin 6t. the vilks I , 'tbO�'�i4t4r, Sigus say W i mattd
but apy. cmVl*tn-4,* wait be otoid U or4or 'Ur tho 0AVage to
take 10841 actigoo
C. FA:Affip w UU-16P.-Va-p-9 li J�l& M94 i
Prostdant Whtmu r*oa*ftv4o4 the o�outa, potatmint of 14r,, Georgo
S. Tro*a to aorve pa the 0,*U Rr"k g #*#rd of Apr *al#,,
Mr. Tr*44 *a* fitting th* u4ox-pirod ttre'vt Mr. RoWrt Lone,
Wificb Cora tftst#4 11"t t3t 1966,
Truatee Roanwi moviid - 4400tided by Truatte HavatV.2v
Twit tb& board spptvve. thay proxidorst's ra,,*p poi ntatat of
*o, C*orgo S., Tr "s to aerve 60' the Oak arook Unit% U*r4-
of At*"ale v
Vote* **to - *Ll ift f4vor. Sa ordtrtd,
President soluto-4 at rjob4ou tiamo oubvitted to
him covapriloing the Waskant bqpr4 of OA $rook PL#a Cosutoigfoo.
Th i totlowbill tewas were *aaip*d to the am"* 4rovpF
C, x. ;OA** to J, H. Audtrsoo to 4, V*Vitt 34 W. S. ajnUtto 44
M. a. bAhose n S* and T. 8. ofurim 6.
Truout Ummll moved - eacorWed by Tmutoo Royce...
Th'st Cho mettiog bt adjournod.
Vale* vote - 41 In tavur.
Thiar atattag adjmraad at WAS P, Ml*
So or4erud*
Rep",ctftlly eubeitte4
Vitlese Mark