Minutes - 05/27/1969 - Board of TrusteesVI LLAGB OF OAK W=K MINUTES of I ROLL CALL The meeting was ca L Led to order at 8:00 P.M. by President Dean. All trusteed were present. 11 READING OF MIMMS Trustee O'Brien moved seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the reading of the minutes of the regulaa meeting of May 13th, L969, be suspended and that they be accepted as sub- mitted. Voice vote -- all is favor. So ordered. III ORDIN.G ad&S , RWOWTII ONS , VARIATIONS, PLATS , 970. A. Tax and License ForetM lneurance Oo anfes Ordinance S-186 Each trustee was provided with a copy of a proposed ordinance t:; tax and license foreign fine insurance companies. Trustee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That Ordinance S-186 be passed and approved by the village board. !toll Call dote: Ayes -• Trustees,Congreve, Ha es, HomeLl, O'Brien, Rossman, Rush and President Deere. deyes Hone So ordered. B. 2% Fire Dear Tax Resolution Each trustee w as provided with a copy of a proposed resolution authorizing the Illinois Municipal Lead to act as a clearing house iu the collections and distribution of the 2% Fire Depart- ment Tax due municipalities and in the recording of permanent information as to such collections. Tr'u.itee Nowell moved -• seconded by Trustee Rassmsn... That the grillage attorney be directed to determine the mechanics of this operation. Roll Caa.l Vote: Ayes W Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Hornell, O'Brien, Rosman, Rusin and President Dean. Noyes r Bone So ordered. C. Plan Conaission Ordinance — 0104. r. n as r ..... President mean read ae proposed ordinance amending Ordinance G-S which established a plan commission for the Village of Oak Brook, and a letter from Mrs. Rath Test, dated Icy 26, 1969, in opprrsition to passing saw. After discussion, the foLLowing Motion was made. Trustee HoveLL moved! -- seeded by Trustee Hayes... That Ordinance G-LO4 be passed and approved by the vilLo e board subject to fta following addition to be inserted of ter the word Oakbrook in Section 1: - "but oust not be ae resident of any other municipolityt'. Roll Call Vote; byes Trustees Con eve, Hayes, HoweLL, Rua , and President Dean. Dyes Tmatee O'Brien. So ordered. .�AUh " page 2 171 IV oRDIURM, RESOIJ MOWS a SIC. (Continued) L. 1969-70 Ae onriation Ordinance 9-187. m s ■ ` Each trustee was provided with a copy of the L969 --70 Approm priation Prdinance. Trustee 0' Brien moved W seconded by Trustee well .. . That Ordinance S -L87 be passed and approved by the village. board and that the village clerk be directed to publish sue. Roll Call Vote: Apes - Trustees Congreve, KOyes, HWGLl, O°g'ien, Rossmata, gush and President Dean. Noyes n None So ordereJ. E. Off iciaa L Com o rehana i va Plan & itrd LUGUM This utter was tatbted . OLD BUSINESS A. Report on Public Hear k re DtaPa a C*ugt Notice 30. Trustee Rush} reported on this hearin., which took place cm May 32nd, 1969, at the tabard Village Hall, apes --ecot nded that the vi.11.aagz go on record as opposing this a tiAotsm rezoning ti request for the construction of a gas station ane. saar wash B -4 near Butterfield and Midwest Roads. Trustee lush moved - seconded by Trasetee RaVes... That the village attorney be directed to prepare a resolution protesting DuPa ge County Zoning Board Petition loo. 5050• Rolt Call Vote% Aaes - Tructeeas Congreve, Hayes, RWeLl, O'Brien, R.osamaa, Rush and Presidont Dean. Hayes « None So ordered. B. Fire a� Degrtment .• tirr zr: L. Station Wagon The following bids were received and opened Davis Pontiac , . . $5,830.00 Granger Oldsmobile • R 31655.00 Ogden Avenue Motors . 39635.00 Ti -astee Rossmon moved - seconded by Trustee Congreve... That the bid of Ogden Aveme Motors, in the aMMOt of $3,635.00, be approved and accepted. subject to the fire chief's review of specifications. Roll Call Vote: Ayes m Trustees Congreve, lea s, Howell, O'Brien, Rosman, Raagaud President Dean. Noyes a Done So ordered. 2. washroom This matter was tabled until written bids are received. 3. K11t_Dryer Trustee Howell mowed - seconded � Trustee Ross... That bids be requested and presented to the board for f$naL conewrence. Voce wrote - salt in favor. So ordered. 5/27/69 r, 6,9 Page 3 IV Ow MUMS (Continued) B. F ,re Dep r (ContinuLW 4. Television Set Trustee Howell :coved -- seconded by Trustee Rossmon... That prices be obtained and that a television set for the fire station be purchased not to exceed the sum of $600.00. RoU Call. Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, lean, Rush &YA4 President Dean . Noyes - done 3o ordered. C. ADur.,vmL of !miscellaneous Village Ha _ &_Fide Department I.__mwovenents The following list of expenditures were recomm rdo.d by Building Inspector Pearson: Paiatia" ory and Administrator's Cfftee $ 740.00 Exterior of Village Hell 695.00 Exterior of Fire & Street Dept. BUSs. L,300.00 9wgSqtrX, Electrical A Air Conditioning age m ra straator s &Free 29500.00 cam tins Library & AdmLni strator's Office 925.00 Add' L. row off Library 275.00 TOTAL $ 69435.00 Tft ®tee HoweLL moved seconded by TrustAtee Roseman.. That the village board approve the abo*ie expeaditume totalling $6,435.00. RoLI CeU Vote; Ayes ,- Trustees Congreve, Hayes, H watt, Rossman, 9.ush and President Dean. Hayes - Nona Abstainer Trustee O'Brien So ordered. D. Kan COMiBSion - Re- BMAntment of Robert DeWitt Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trusta3e Cou rave... That Mr .. Robert B. DeWitt be re-appointed ar member of the Oak Brook Plan Commission for a period of three years. Roll CaLY Vote: Ayes - Trustees Coopeve, Hayes, Howell, Rush and President Dean. Keyes - Trustee O'Brien Abstainer- Trustee Rosema. So ordered. L. Mayaalak .age &aartments Each trustee was provided with copies of correspondence between .Attorney Unveraagt and Father Hegener dated'May 16th and 20th, regarding the intention of Franciscan Fathers to construct high rise dweLLings on property lopaated on 35th Street. It was unanimously decided that Attorney Unversagt contact Father Hege.ner to determine whLther or not a special meeting wiLl be called on June Stb e, 6th to discuss this matter. 5/27/69 1, W W r• =�• �v �z ii , -. ` _ _ i��t Y_L_ r - ° r01 a` d,� - -'�- � ,r •1 �.1.L �. {' 4%i'-. t. _ � _ �i .4" Page h M BUSINESS A. Police Pension Fund Trustee - Rey- a.gRoiatmeat of John - Blank - - Trustee Rvah moved -- seconded by Trustee Congreve.. ,. That Mr. John Slank be re-appointed as a trustee of the Oak Brook Police Pension Fund board for a terra of two years. Roll Ca 1 L Vote: Ayes .. Trustees Congreve, es , Howe LL, O °Sr %Q, Rosamen, Rues and President Dean. Mayes done Sao ordered B. Duegg —e Casn oni,��Roa rd., of # peals Notice x`2068. Each traus °.ea was, provided with a copy of Notice No. 2068 from the D;iuft a County Zoning Board of Appeals requesting a spe3cia L use pe:f t to construct ra nursiag have on the southeast corner of Adams and Ogden. Vve. Rnth Test requested the board 4 s cooperation in attempting to retain its present mooing. After discussion, President Dean reptortud that he would attend the hearing on the subject at the Hinsdale Memorial Ruilftng on May 29, 1969, at 7-.30 P.RC C. DuPage County Zoning Sward of Anveaaals Notice #2069. Each trustee was provided with a copy of Notice #2069 from the DuPsge Cmmty Zoning Board of AppeaLs requesting a special use permit to conattruet an automobile aaaLe+s agency ate the D2ortb -east corner of Pa;xfietd and Roosevelt. go action was taken. D. Amea fist to 0-60 - Roaf Screening IIIY�P4 ..RSI. f..�.'w�....F�.. Prasident Dean directed that a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance G-60 regarding roof errreening be forwarded to the Plan Commission for their recommendation and to the mooing board of eppeaLs for a pul.Nlic hee"ing on July t, 1969. ..t 60 .. Structure Ka,,.. izht 7linsetse Bush recomended that an amendment be proposed to Ordinance G~-60 regarding structure heigbts and presented two a"terrnastives . Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee ConWeve... That broth of these alternatives be forwarded to the Plan Cceunlasiion for their recomendatLon and to the Zoning Board of Ap►pea Ls for ao public hearing on July 1, 196;. ADJOURMCNT Presidents Dean adjourned this meeting at 9 =35 P.M. tbrrcaiwe �. �r$celc Village Clerk 5/27/169