Minutes - 05/29/1970 - Board of TrusteesT 45 -4 -70 V08-'e00r,-M;W at V lLLwW E 0? OAK BROOK MINUTFS OF May 26th, 110 I ROUL GALL The o , -it ng was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by President Dent. AD t rus tee a were present. 11 RUDING OF HxNUTES Trustee O'Brien marred - seconded by Trustee Roseman... Thtt tbe reading of the minutes of the regular fteetfng of May 12th, 1 °70, be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted. Voice vote - all in fwror. So ordered. III ORDINANCES, RFSOEUTIONS , VARIATIMS , PLATS, M. A. Resolution Prctvidinv, for Piling of Plumbing Code - R-108. Each trustee was provided with a copy of a ad resolution prong for the filing of Sections 400 to 412 of the Dgpage County Building Ordinance, knows as the PlumbiW Code, with the village clew for the purpose of adootiM same by refer - ence pursuant to statute. President Dean read the proposed resolution. Trustee Rush moved seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the village board pass and approve Resolution R -108. Roll Call Vote: Area - Trustees Congreve, lWyes, RvmLl, O'Brien, Rossmen, Rush and President won. Nayes - mane So ordered. B. Resolution Frovid {tg for Filing of Electrical Code - &.109. Bach trustee was provided with a copy of a pr®po� the mostion providing for the filing of Sections 500 to S144 ag Cmet°y Building Ordinance, krxr4e► as the Cl.ectriral Code, with the village clerk for the purpose of adloptlag ear by refer - ence purmiant to statute. President Dean read the proposed resolution. Trustee Rush waved - seconded by Trustee Congreve... That the village board peas and approve Resolution R-109. Boll, Call Votes Ayes - Trustees Corqpremrrra, Hayes, 'Howell, O'Brien, Rosman, !hush . efed President Dem. 'iayes - 'None So ordered. C. Ordins ee, Amending G_0.8 - Two Way Designation of 16th Street - 0_12 Each trustee vas provided with a copy of & proposed ordinance mamding the traffic ordinance to desi�tete. 18th Stet from 'Monterey to Illinois State Route 83 a two -Tray street. !liter di.scu sion the following motions woa made. Trustee Coftreve grad - secosswde4 by TzU*t*e WWSWM. Iq . That Ordi ance G -120 be paoisad w4 approved. !all Call Vat* w Ayes - TrUstees Co revs, 9"oo , *&"l.l t *'Brim Rossawo Rush and P ran idoat Dean. malres - won* So ardereA. P i' " 2 IV 0tv WSINVO&S Pt,esident DFan votoomod Mr. George Utmkirk, wh°P has "mod his t, Les a* v il]l ago oftfoeer on May 18th, 1970. Mr, Dum also intr".totd Mr. that ktrk; s urf.fe, Shirley, who W&A to att ®r4ancE at this N. re»APV0 tt;W of Mr- RMdon K. %lases -Sold of Firer end � ..esUmers. President Dean reco endea tl� i re- aprpoi,>etffe t of W. lMdon K. Clan -ps to 1,, ov. Ord of Piro anA ponce commissioners. # rU, **, kvasm a eroved » ap- tende4 by %I ustee Conger... 't'lz�at the rec- ,x=endation of President Dean he approved for thip n*.,:c« three year term. Voice vote - all in favor,. So ordered. a. Re- Apoointm�- of lax. Robert l.espke - Platt Comiasion. ++... r Y.r�Th.NbMwMye+ P'resideat Dean recomended the re-appointment of Mr. Robert Lempke to khe Oak larook PlAn Co mission. Trustee Aaah toa ed - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That tine recomeodation of President Dean be approved for the Ott three, year terns. Voice vet e, - all in favor. So orderers. C. lutersect %oat Study - Sp,!±, n erect IlaMer Roads. Each rrustee was provided with a memorandum from Administrator tTrha usen, dated May 21st, 1,0170, toget.'ber with a study prepared by Traffic Safety Sergeant Janik and conducted by the Oak Brook Police Department. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trastee, Hayes,,, That Attorney Unw -r2a -gt be directed to prepare an ordinance des$pnrtit the intersection of Harer Road and Sp hoed as a four -way stop in accordance with the reco ndat on of Administrator Urhaiesen as staffed in his memorwrAnz dated May 21, 1470. Roll Call. Vote: Agnes - Trusteea Greve, Hayes, Kwall, O'Brien, Roseman., Rush and President Num. Na7ea Nora: So orde ed. D. &proval of Fire De rtment E!Mchase -► Radio ftut out. Each trustee was provided with a Maminzaftm from Administrator ixrbausen, dated 'May 22, 1970, regarding a fire department rasllto purchase. T . ae Roasman moved - ae4onded by Trustee Coftrave,.. That` - n strntor Vrhxauspr b� authortzed to parrhase additional eight Motorola UL 4pproved Solid. -State Alert- Monitor W, Receivers at a co$t of $►1,660.0o Roll Cell Vote* 04a Trustees Co r i Harmo X11# o,2rjea,0 , 1h Brad Prealdent ftm. N07e8 -'None to t . S/ Z-5/70 70 Page 3 IV SOW 039110 M. (P-vnP'itstedt E. wLnca or tLye gna tom Read - PEgM ComeetkgRoa d y. Each trustee was provided with as mmoravfta from . nistrator Urbausen, dated May 20th. 1970, rega rdLng a proposed ca me4ting roadway between Windsor Drive wd York dal north of Cat% A Road. After discussion the following motien um made. Tmatee Rcamll awed - seconded by Tmstee Cage... That Admftlstrator Urhmsen be autborized to attoWt to resolve this traasf f f c improvement on the basis of obtaatini. eassem is of right -of -way with no implication of fia�cial assistance ova the part of the village. . Voice vote -rill In favor. too ordered. F. To rehouse Deyelowent - Ogden and Each trustee was provided with aa! memorandum from Administrator Urha user, cued May ZZ, 1970, regarding as pre-annexation zoning ap-eement for sultiple family dtellingas at the northwot coiner of and Ogden prv.aently before the Village Board aay.A Zoning C issi n of Hinsdale. Estee Howell moved - seconded by 'Trustee Bush... ' at the village board of Oak cols meet with the off feials of Hinsdale an two subjects (1) the particml.ar pro-asmexation zonlag asreemnz referred to in Mr. Uthmmen ° s m- ot May 22nd, 197a, and (Z) broaider aspects of Cash BreaVe interest in vine boundaries. votes vests - all is favor. go ordered. 0. B l jgrf:.eaid Fire Protection District Trustee ®°Trion mmed - seconded by Trusta s Ca ngreve... That the trvamrer and clams be a uthoriaed, to forward a check in the aunt of S15,568.61 to the Butterfield Fire Protection DUtrict. Roll Casll. ®'ote$t Ayes - Trustees C , , R= M115 O"BrIeno, Roaamm, Rush and President Dam. N&786 w 1' Me go ordered. Presidamt Dean adjourned Mias taaetting at 9t101 P.M. 4 1_ AA-��4 Villages clerk 5/26/70