Minutes - 06/09/1987 - Board of Trusteesl� kd VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING June 9, 1987 MEETING CALL: The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Cerne in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: President Wence F. Cerne Trustees Garry J. Bartecki Karen M. Bushy Walter C. Imrie Joseph H. Rush H. Richard Winters ABSENT: Trustee Ronald P. Maher II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 26, 1987 be approved as presented and waive reading of same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. III. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. ORDINANCE NO. 5-609 AN ORDINANCE ASCERTAINING THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES FOR LABORERS, WORKMEN AND MECHANICS EMPLOYED ON PUBLIC WORKS IN THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Required by State Statute during June of each year. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To pass Ordinance No. S -609 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: Trustee Imrie Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. IV. FINANCIAL: A. Payouts: 1. 1986 Paving Project - Timber Trails Subdivision - Project No. 86 -1106 - Payout #3: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To authorize payment of Payout #3 to K -Five Construction Corporation to furnish and install Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Class I, rehabilitation asphalt pavement by heat - scarify overlay, remove and replace failing sections of pav anent and curb and gutter in the Timber Trails Subdivision in the total amount of $10,390.73. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki., Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays. None Absent: Trustee Maher Su ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -1- June 9 1987 �N VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- June 9, 1987 2. Pool Deck Repairs - Bath & Tennis Club (800 Oak Brook Road): Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize payment to The Concrete Doctor, Inc. for leveling and stabilization of the Bath & Tennis Pool Deck in the total amount of $3,708.60. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. 3. Tennis Court #9 Repair - Bath & Tennis Club - Payout #1 (800 Oak Brook Roa ) Execution of contract authorized at the Regular Meeting of April 28, 1987. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize payment of Payout #1 to U. S. Tennis Court Construction Company for repaving and resurfacing of tennis court #9 at the Bath & Tennis Club in the total amount of $5,312.70 subject to receipt of waivers. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. B. Approval of Bills: Warrant Register By Fund dated June 2, 1987 presented to reflect payment from the following funds: General Fund $280,437.46 Water Fund 112,360.77 Sports Core Fund 105,900.22 Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To approve payment of Warrant Register By Fund in the total amount of $498,698.45 and authorize the Village President to affix his signature thereon. President Cerne abstained from voting on the bill from Pepsi Cola due to corporate ownership by his Employer of Pepsi Cola General Bottlers, Inc. Trustee Winters abstained frcm voting on the bills from Illinois Bell due to employment by same. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, and Rush. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher Abstain: Trustee Winters and President Cerne. So ordered. C. Investments Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To approve and ratify the following investments from the Corporate Fund: One federally secured Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $506,715.81 to mature at Standard Federal Savings on May 31, 1988 at a rate of 7.50 %. One federally secured Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $629,374.21 to mature at Standard Federal Savings on May 31, 1988 at a rate of 7.50 %. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- June 9, 1987 l a ® • VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- June 9, 1987 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. V. OLD BUSINESS: A. Bid Recommendations - Equipment - Public Works: Authorized at the Regular Meeting of May 12, 1987. 1. Asphalt Roller: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To accept the bid from the lowest responsible bidder, Howell Tractor & Equipment Company, in the total amount of $20,381.00 to furnish an Asphalt Roller per bid specifications of the Public Works Department. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. 2. Flat Bed Trailer: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To accept the bid from the lowest responsible bidder, Howell Tractor & Equipment Company, in the total amount of $2,371.00 to furnish a flat bed trailer per bid specifications of the Public Works Department. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. 3. 3/4 ton and 1 ton Truck Chassis: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To reject all bids on these vehicles and authorize rebidding when the new model prices are available to the dealers. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. 4. Vacuum Unit: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To accept the bid from the lowest responsible bidder, Schuster Equipment Company, in the total amount of $68,635.00 to furnish and install a new vacuum unit on a truck chassis furnished by the Village. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- June 9, 1987 VI OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- Ju ne 9, 1987 B. Request for Purchase Order - DuPage Metropolitan Enforcement Group (DUMEG) - Annual Fee - Police Department: Resolution No. R -413, A Resolution Authorizing lbe Execution Of An Agreement To Participate In The Metropolitan Enforcement Group (DUMEG) established the expenditure of a $3,000.00 annual fee as provided for within the Agreement approved at the Regular Meeting of May 13, 1986. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... To authorize payment of $3,000.00 to DUMEG for 1987 -88 (July 1, 1987 - June 30, 1988) annual contribution. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays. None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. C. Oak Brook Hyatt Hotel (1909 Spring Road) - Temporary Occupancy Permit: Extension granted at the Regular Meeting of May 26, 1986. President Cerne stepped down from chairing the meeting and from discussion on this subject due to business relationshiip of his employer, I. C. Industries, with Hyatt Hotels. Trustee Rush chaired the meeting on this sub3ect. Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize an extension of tune for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy to Novanber 1, 1987 sub3ect to receipt of periodic reporting within two (2) working days of dates listed in Schedule For Completion Of Precast Panels And Louvers For The Parking Structure At Hyatt Oak Brook as stated in the memo dated June 9, 1987 from Hyatt Hotels Corporation. Staff to review Letter of Credit or bonding and present at the next Regular Meeting of June 23, 1987. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher Abstain: President Cerne So ordered. D. First Amendment to Agreement - Water Service - Terrace View Park (17 W. 110 - 22nd Street, Oa rook Terrace): Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meeting of May 26, 1987. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To accept First Amendment To Agreement Recorded July 15, 1986 and authorize the Village President and Clerk to affix their signatures thereon. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: bone Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. E. Breakenridge Farm Unit I - Street Lighting and Subdivision Gateway: Request from the developers, The Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts and Alvin W. DeJong, doing business as Mohaska Company, to delete the Oak Brook standard street light and install a subdivision gateway with lighting in the southwest corner of Adams Road and Breakenridge Farm. Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To deny the request as presented. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- June 9, 1987 f i t T 0 0 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- June 9, 1987 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes. Trustees Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: Trustee Bartecki Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. F. Report of Activities: 1. Finance: Trustee Bartecki - No report. 2. Personnel: Trustee Bushy - No report. 3. Public Safety & Traffic: Trustee Rush - 350 of all calls to Fire Department are for paramedics. 4. Public Works & Library: Trustee Imrie - Library sign to be illuminated. 5. Sports Core. Trustee Maher - Absent. 6. Zoning & Planning: Trustee Winters - Buck/Ernie Pyle rezoning continued to reconvened meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on June 22, 1987. VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Junior Golf Membership - Restrictions - Oak Brook Golf Club: Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... That the Code of Ordinances relative to the Sports Core, Oak Brook Golf Club, and Bath & Tennis Club be amended to allow a minor child (17 years or younger) to play without payment at the Oak Brook Golf Club. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush. Nays: Trustee Winters and President Cerne. Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. B. Request for Purchase Order - Unit 307 - Police Department: Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To approve a purchase order to Celozzi - Ettleson Chevrolet in the total amount of $14,750.00 for the purchase of one 1987 4 -door Caprice Chevrolet Police Package vehicle to replace Unit 307, a 1987 Dodge Diplomat, which was damaged beyond repair on April 20, 1987 and to waive bidding process due to emergency nature and difficulty of meeting specifications. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered. C. Request for Authorization to Bid - Kensington Road /Kensington Court Paving Project: Trustee Imrie move:, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To authorize advertising for bids on the above stated project; bids to be received on or before Tuesday, July 7, 1987 at 10:00 A.M. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. D. Recommendation - Orlando - Rear Yard Variation (821 Red Stable Way): On June 2, 1987, the Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval of the variation to permit an existing roof overhang to be extended 7 inches into the required 30 -Foot rear yard thereby allowing a proposed enclosed patio to be constructed i8.5 feet from the newly designated side lot line. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- June 9, 1987 v" i r 0 6 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -6- June 9, 1987 Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and grant the requested variation and direct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary document to effectuate same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. E. Referrals: With no ob3ections, President Cerne made the following referrals: 1. Angelos - Lot Area Requirement Variation (3016 - 35th Street) -- Refer to Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of July 7, 1987. 2. Palme & Wilkinson - Fence Variation (736 & 739 Forest Glen Lane - Forest Glen. Subdivision Unit #2) -- Refer to Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of July 7, 1987. VII. ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To ad3ourn at 9:50 P.M. to Executive Session to discuss personnel and land acquisition. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher So ordered The meeting reconvened at 11:37 P.M. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... To ad3ourn this meeting. TIME: 11:38 P.M. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. ATTEST: MaDianne Lakosil, Village Clerk I Appr ova VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -u- June 9, 1987 (I %1_ Y,