Minutes - 06/12/1990 - Board of Trusteespw ":- 440S.- SOT— Pit a ai
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June 12, 1990
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President
Cerne in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7:30 P.m-
PRESENT: President Wence F. Cerne
Trustees Karen M. Bushy
Ronald P. Maher
Barbara A. Payovich
Joseph H. Rush
H. Richard hinters
ABSENT: Trustee Garry J. Bartecki
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Maher...
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 22, 1990 be approved as
amended and waive the full reading thereof.
VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor.
Grua(? - 10ardater, b!r
Direction given at the Regular Meeting of May 22, 1990 to approve the
application for a permanent Special Use Permit for a heliport and
direct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance granting
relief subject to the conditions noted as well as any future amendments
to the Village's ordinances and direct the Plan Commission and Zoning
Board of Appeals to review all present heliport ordinances Within the
next year.
Trustee hinters moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To pass Ordinance No. S -693 as presented and waive the full reading
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Payovich, Rush and President Cerne.
Mays: Trustees Maher and hinters.
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
A. Pis:
1. Ill« innofa- Udreullo Co, nstrructicn q2MHM - Pa out #2 - Preasrure
!�d uat 3tation1 1� Torlc Road A 5th Street /Otaute :
Trustes Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy...
To authorize payment of Payout #2 to Illinois Hydraulic
Construction Company for pressure adjusting stations for DuPage
Water Commission Lake Michigan hater in the total amount of
$30,807.00 subject to approval of waivers by the Village Attorney.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Truster, Barteeki So ordered.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -1- June 12, 1990
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Min e's -2- 10 June 12, 1990
2. Harma Environmental Services - Pa out #1 --En ineerinServices -
Reservoir B Construction Ina ction - Pha a III 2 14 Me ers R d):
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy...
To authorize payment of Payout #3 to Harza Environmental Services,
Inc. for construction services in the total amount of $136,696.07.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Minters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
3. DUE NO Water Com fission - Fixed Costs - Pa out #17:
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy...
To authorize payment of Payout #17 to the DuPage Water Commission
for the Village's portion of the fixed cost requirement for the
month of May in the total amount of $73,744.98.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Minters
and President Cerne.
Mays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
4. Chriato her B. Burke - Pa out #9 - Lower Salt Creek Study;
Trustee Payovich moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To authorize payment of Payout #9 to Christopher B. Burke
Engineering, Ltd. for preliminary engineering analysis for the
stormwater management planning of Lower Salt Creek from Roosevelt
Road to the Tri -State Tollway in the total amount of $8,390.00.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki.. So ordered.
5. Marino Construction gggeg, Inc. - Fa out #$ - Reservoir B
Construction (2710 Me era Road):
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy...
To authorize payment of Payout #8 to Marino Construction Company,
Inc. for construction of Reservoir B and all appurtenant items in
the total amount of $222,168.91.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
6. Marino Construction 52MM,, Inc. - Payout # - Reservoir B
Construction 2710 Ke era Road 2:
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Payovieh...
To authorize payment of Payout #9 to Marino Construction Company,
Inc. for construction of Reservoir B and all appurtenant items in
the total amount of $395,521.11 subject to approval of waivera by
the Village Attorney.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- June 12, 1990
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- Jine 12, 1990
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Minters
and President, Cerne.
Mays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee minters...
To authorize payment of Payout f3 & Final to Ellas Construction
Company, Inc. for the construction of a transmission/distribution
grater main extension at the subject location, including appurtenant
structures in the total amount of $8,49€3.50.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Minters
and President Cerne.
Mays: None
Absent: Trustee Barteeki. So ordered.
8. Jacobs & Son Inc.--- Pa out #1 - 1290 Crack SealLM Project
No.- go- :
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy...
To authorize payment of Payout #1 to Jacobs & Son, Inc. for the
1990 Crack Sealing Project which includes the routing and cleaning
of cracks and joints and the application of a crack sealer on
various Village streets.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Minters
and President Cerne.
Kays: None
Absent: Trustee Barteeki. So ordered.
B. A royal of Bills:
Voucher List of Bills Presented for Approval on June 12, 1990 to
reflect payment from the following funds:
General Corporate Fund $310,226.95
Motor Fuel Tax Fund 25,204.81
Water Fend 922,258.43
Sports Core Fund 96,076.25
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To approve Voucher List of Bills in the total amount of $1,353,766.44
and authorize the Village President to affix his signature thereon.
President Cerne abstained from voting on the bill from Pepsi Cola due
to corporate ownership by his employer of Pepsi Cola General Bottlers,
Trustee winters abstained from voting on the bills from Illinois Bell
due to employment by same.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, hinters
and President Cerne.
Mays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartooki
Abstain: Trustee minters and President Cerne as noted above.
So ordered.
VILLAGE or OAK BROOK Minutes -3- June 12, 1990
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VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minu els -4- June 12, 1990
A. Discussion Rexardinx Rehabilitation Alternatives ftr South Roosevelt
The Illinois Department of Transportation and the Timb =,r Trails
Homeowners Association have requestea that the Village of Oak Brook
assume the jurisdiction of the existing South Frontaga Road of
Roosevelt Road (Timber Edge Drive) between the Village's west corporate
limits (the east bank of Salt Creek) and York Foad.
Timber Trails resident Steve McShane addressed the Board with concerns
of safety on Roosevelt Road by requesting a barrier be installed on the
It was the consensus of the Board to direct Staff to coordinate with
the Forest Preserve and Trustee Rush: 1) assistance in the cost of
maintaining the roadway, 2) State assistance in the road maintenance,
and 3) to request the instailation of barriers by the Illinois
Department of Transportation.
B. Bid Recommendation-- Triple Combination r - Fire De rtment:
Authorization given at the Regular Meeting of February 13, 1990. Four
(4) bids were received on April 19, 1990.
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To award the contract for the purchase of one (1) 1990 Triple
Combination Fire Pumper to Able Fire & Safety Equipment, the lowest
responsible bidder, to purchase an Emergency -One pumper, in an amount
not to exceed $196,636.00.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
C. Re nest to U25rade Puglia Works Gar a vehicle Hoist:
Authorization given at the Regular Meeting of August B, 1989. Six bids
were sent out; none were received. Bids were again sent out in
November; again none were received.
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Winters...
To authorize the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of
$7,356.40 to Pickus Construction & Equipment Company of Waukegan,
Illinois for the upgrading of the large Public Works truck hoist.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
D. Re nest for Purchase Order - LUDLigq for Ponce Firing Ra e:
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To approve a purchase order to Tesco Electric Specialty Company in the
amount of $6,767.00 to provide the lighting for the Police firing
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- June 12, 1990
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Mints -5- � June 12, 1990
E. Discussion of Oak Brook's blood Mitigation Program:
Preliminary draft "Oak Brook Storm mater Management Plan Flood
Mitigation Plan" presented at the Regular Meeting of January 23, 1990.
�. Trustee Payovich moved, seconded by Trustee Winters...
To approve the Flood Kitigation Plan and direct Staff to forward said
Plan to the Illinois Department of Transportation.
70ICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered.
F. Chagge Order Re gent - Reservoir B - Terraced hall:
Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy...
To approve Engineer Change Order #4 for the terraced wall at Reservoir
B in the credit amount of $202,754.58.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Barteeki. So ordered.
G. Report of Activities:
1. Finance & Library: Trustee Bartecki - No report.
2. Public Safety: Trustee Bushy - Police Department presented a Home
Safe Project with Butler and Brook Forest Schools and also
participated in the Oak Brook Day with the Crime Dog program.
3. Public Works & Personnel: Trustee Rush - Well #7 is on line and
operating. Well #1 motor installation occurred Monday. The
Mosquito Abatement Program liability insurance has been resolved
with Clarke Outdoor Spraying Company and spraying has begun.
4. Sports Core: Trustee Maher - Western Open parking had somF
problems due to wet fields and an alternate parking plan has been
implemented for next year. The Bath & Tennis membership as of May
31, 1990 is 142 residents as compared to 1989 and 130 residents.
Non- resident has increased by one. Membership golf increased to
837 as compared to 817 last year.
5. Stormwater Management: Trustee Payovich - Attended the Mayors &
Managers Conference in Springfield.
6. Zoning & Planning: Trustee Winters - No report.
A. One -Da Li uor License Request - Rizzoli Bookstore:
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To concur with President Cerne, Local Liquor Commissioner, and
authorize the issuance of a One -Day Liquor License at a cost of $100.00
to Rizzoii Bookstore for their event to be held June 16, 1990 on their
premises at 294 Oakbrook Center Mall.
VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered.
B, Request to Purohase-Drivisa RnAe Golf Balls orta Core:
Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy..,
To waive the formal bidding process due to the specialized, nature of
the equipment and approve the purchase of 12,000 driving mange balls in
the total amount of $6,320.00.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- June 12, 1990
VILLAGE OF OAK; BROOK Minfe's -6- � June 12, 1990
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees 'Bushy, Mather, Payovich, Rush, Minters
and Presidenc Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki.
So ordered.
C. Re nest to_Upgrade Fire Self- Contained BreathIM A jwparatus - Fire
De artment:
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Maher...
To waive the formal bidding process due to the specialized nature of
the equipment and approve the purchase order to upgrade the Fire
Department's seventeen (17) M.S.A. self- cono-w-ained breathing apparatus
to Air -One Equipment Company in the total amount of $11,322.00.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Minters
and President Cerne.
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
D. Re nest for Approval roval of Annual DaP a Netroe2litan Enforcement Grou
(DUNEW Contribution:
i In May, 1986, the Oak Brook Board of Trustees joined with a majority of
Du Page County communities and approved an intergovernmental agreement
with DUMEG. The Village has made an annual contribution to DUMEG since
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To approve a purchase order in the amount of $16,341.00 for payment of
the Village's annual contribution to the DuPage Metropolitan
Enforcement Group.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Payovich, Rush, Winters
and President Cerne,
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Bartecki. So ordered.
E. Request to Obtain--guotes for Police De rtment Pistols:
Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To waive the formal bidding process due to the specialized nature of
the equipment and authorize the Police Department to solicit quotes for
the purchase of 45 Gloek 9 millimeter (mm) calibre semi- automatic
pistols and direct Staff to prepare information on the pistols for the
Board's review.
VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered.
F. Referrals:
With no objections, President Cerne made the following referrals:
1. Knoppers - Flood Plain Special Use (53 Baybrook) -- Referred to
Plan Commission Meeting of June 18, 1990 and Zoning Board of
Appeals Meeting of July 3, 1990.
2. Brush Hill Acres - Flood Plain Special Use Permit -- Referred to
Plan Commission Meeting of dune 18, 1990 and Zoning Board of
Appeals Meeting of July 3, 1990.
3. Brush Hill Acres - Final Plat -- Referred to Plan Commission
Meeting of Jude 18, 1990.
4. Zundel - Side Yard Variation (339 Hambletonian Drive) -- Referred
to Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of July 3, 1990.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -6- June 12, 1990
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Min e's 1-0%7-w
June 12, 1990
Village Manager Berley announced the Census Bureau is sending out the next phase
of the census - "Were You Counted ?" and requested residents to please complete
their census forms.
Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Rush...
To adjourn this meeting. TIME: 9:28 p.m.
VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered.
Lind K. Gonnella
Village Clerk
Ag o ed as amended
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -7- June 12, 1990