Minutes - 06/13/1978 - Board of TrusteesI CALL MEETING TO ORDER
JUNE 131 1978
The meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
President Howell in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons.
Roll call -
Present: Trustees Frederick W. Brown
Wence F. Cerne
Eldon K. Glaves
Arthur W. Philip
Barbara F. Reynolds
Joseph H. Rush
President George B. Howell
Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves...
To approve the minutes of May 23, 1978, and waive reading of same.
Voice vote
- all in favor
The minutes
of May 31, 1978,
were deferred to the next meeting of June 27,
A. Lawhorne /Vaivada - Final Plat of Subdivision
On March 20, 1978, the Plan Commission recommended approval of the proposed
plat subject to certain conditions pertaining to culverts and drainage. An
appeal of the Building Commissioner's decision was filed relative to the de-
termination of Lot Width as it related to interior, or flag lots. On June 6,
1978, the Zoning Board of Appeals ruled that Interior Lot 4 did not meet the
width requirement. Mr. and Mrs. Lawhorne both requested the Board to allow
for the subdivision of their property. Trustee Brown stated that he would
abstain from voting because of a personal interest in the matter.
Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Cerne...
Based upon the determination of the Zoning Board of Appeals that a
variation would be necessary for Lot Width, that the plat be returned
to the owners without jeopardizing their right to re -apply after taking
any necessary action to achieve this.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds, Rush,
and President Howell
Nays: None
Abstain: Trustee Brown So ordered
A. Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's Cash and Investment Report for the month of May reflected
the following:
Corporate Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Revenue Sharing Fund
Water Fund
1976 Revenue Bond Fund
Sports Core Fund
Revenue Balance
$347,557.76 $1,888,755.81
171.96 6,088,675.39
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 1 - June 13, 1978
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Nunnutes - 2 June 13, 1978
A. Treasurers Report (continued)
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Philip...
That the Treasurer's Cash and Investment Report for the month of May be
approved as submitted.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
B. bouts
#9 - Mayfair Construction Co. - Reservoir York Road
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Brown...
To approve payment of $42,265.50 upon receipt of all waivers of lien.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
Harris Trust & Savings Bank - S oorrts Core Bonds
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Rush...
To approve payment in the amount of $358,303.98.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
Packard, Inc. - Architects's Fee - Golf Course Expansion
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves...
To approve payment in the amount of $10,000.00.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference - Dues July 1978 -June 1979
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Reynolds...
To approve payment in the amount of $800.00.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
C. Approval of Bills
Accounts Payable dated June 13, 1978, from the funds are as follows:
Corporate Fund $170,342.59
Motor Fuel Tax Fund 4,456.85
Revenue Sharing Fund 71768.47
Water System Funds 22,358.83
Sports Core Fund 392,995.30
1976 Revenue Bonds 50,550.61
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 2 - June 13, 1978
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK lutes - 3 - 0 June 13, 1978
C. Approval of Bills (continued)
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Brown
To approve for payment the Accounts Payable as submitted in the amount
of $648,472.65.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
D. Investments
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves...
To approve and ratify the following investment from the Sports Core Fund:
One federally secured certificate of deposit in the amount of
$382,493 to mature at the Great American Savings and Loan on
September 15, 1978, at a rate of 7.5 %. This certificate of
deposit is drawn on the following accounts:
Golf $247,994
Bond & Interest 722000
Bond Reserve 2,499
Administration 60,000
Total $382,493
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Brown...
To approve and ratify the following investment from the Sports Core Fund:
One federally secured certificate of deposit in the amount of
$130,000 to mature at the Great American Savings and Loan on
August 11, 1978, at a rate of 7.36 %. This certificate of
deposit is drawn on the following accounts:
Golf $100,000
Administration 302000
Total $1309000
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
E. Approval - Purchase Order - Drill Tower
The contract awarded to C. P. Voightmann on May 9, 1978, was voided
because of problems with insurance.
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves...
To award the contract to the next lowest bidder, Elliot Construction Corp.,
for the sum of $3,120.00.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 3 - June 13, 1978
(,nl f C ni ircP
- 4 - 0 June 13, 1978
Mr. Packard, Golf Course Architect, presented a final revision to the
design of the Oak Brook Golf Course.
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Reynolds...
That Mr. Packard complete the design for an 18 -hole golf course, includ-
ing bike paths through the interior of the golf course and along 22nd St.
and along York Rd., and to include the following alternates:
1) An alternate design for the 5th hole to accommodate a potential
exchange of property with Butler National Golf Club.
2) The potential deletion of the putting green.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Broim, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
A. Water Service Agreement - Lake State, Properties, Inc.
Request for Water Service from Lake State Properties, Inc., 1 S 666 Summit Ave.
(Midwest Road), Oakbrook Terrace: to be charged at a rate equal to 12 (1.5)
times the rate established by the Village for water provided to customers
within the Village.
Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves...
To approve the agreement with Lake State Properties, Inc., as presented,
and authorize the President and Clerk to affix their signatures thereon.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
B. Bid Recommendation - Telemetering System
Only one (1) bid was received on May 11, 1978, for the Supervisory Control
Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Cerne...
To rebid the Supervisory Control System, with bids to be received on
July 14, 1978.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
C. Bid Recommendation - EMS Ambulance
Bids were opened on June 1, 1978, with seven companies submitting
thirteen proposals.
Trustee Glaves moved - seconded by Trustee Brown...
Based upon the recommendations of Staff and with this proposal representing
the best value, that the contract be awarded to Northern Illinois Fire
Apparatus, Inc., for a 1978 Horton 450 -m/r demonstrator Type 1 Module
Ambulance for the sun of $32,240.00.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Rush,
and President Howell
Nays: Trustee Reynolds So ordered
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 4 - June 13, 1978
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 5 - June 13, 1978
V OLD BUSINESS (continued)
D. Village - S.E. Corner Midwest Rd. /31st St. Rezone from INST. to R -3
Both the Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals at their meetings
of May 15, 1978, and June 6, 1978, respectively, recommended that the
property of approximately 40 acres located at the S.E. corner of Midwest Rd.
and Oak Brook Rd. be rezoned from Institutional to R -3.
Trustee Brown moved - seconded by Trustee Reynolds...
Based upon the recommendations of the Plan Commission and the Zoning
Board of Appeals that the rezoning of this parcel of land from INST. to
R -3 be approved, and that the Village Attorney prepare the required or-
Roll call vote.- Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
E. Hunter Trails - Public Improvements
Acting Village Engineer Durfey enumerated the deficiencies relative to
erosion control, relocation of a sanitary sewer easement on Lot 49, and
the landscaping that was to be completed by June 10, 1978. Mr. Tom Healy,
representing Oak Brook Development Co., presented a schedule of completion.
Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Brown...
To grant an extension of 30 days for completion of the subdivision improvements.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
. Appointments
Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Reynolds...
To appoint Joseph Fullen, 122 Timberview Drive, to the Zoning Board of
Appeals to fill the unexpired term of Edward Fraser, with the term to
expire November 17, 1981.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Reynolds...
To appoint Henry Marcy, 12 Heather Lane, to the Plan Commission to fill
the unexpired term of E. Clifford Marquardt, with the term to expire
May 20, 1979.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
A. Fireworks Display -_Ginger Creek Community Association
Request received from the Ginger Creek Community Association to display
fireworks from Island No. 2, which is in the center of Ginger Creek, on
July 2, 1978, with a rain date of July 33 1978.
Trustee Glaves moved - seconded by Trustee Brown...
To approve the request as presented, subject to satisfactory receipt of insurance.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 5 - June 13, 1978
VI NEW BUSINESS (continues)
- 6 - June 13, 1978
B. Authorization to Bid - Seal & Chip various Streets
The following streets are scheduled for seal & chip: Hunt Club Dr. and
Hunt Club Lane, Grant St., Washington St., Acorn dill Lane, 35th St.,
Birchwood Rd., and White Oak Lane.
Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Brown...
To authorize advertising for bids for the above streets, with bids to be
received on July 6, 1978.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
C. Authorization to Bid - Dump Body, Snow Plow, Hopper Box Spreader
Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves...
To authorize the advertising for bids for a Snow Plow, Dump Body,
Hydraulic System and a Hopper Box Salt Spreader for the Truck Chassis
that is on order, with bids to be received on July 6, 1978.
Roll call vote - Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, Philip, Reynolds,
Rush, and President Howell
Nays: None So ordered
D. Hedvika Lestak - Final Plat of Subdivision
Refer to Plan Commission meeting June 19, 1978.
E. Christ Church of Oak Brook - Special Use Amendment - Parking Lot
Refer to Plan Commission meeting June 19, 1978, and Zoning Board of
Appeals meeting July 18, 1978.
F. Trinity Lakes - Preliminary Plat Amendment
- Final Plat Unit I
- Final Plat Unit II
Refer to Plan Commission meeting June 19, 1978.
VII ADJOURNMENT Time - 9:35 p . m.
Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Rush...
To adjourn this meeting.
Voice vote - all in favor
Respectfully submitted,
Maridnne Lakosil, Village Clerk
So ordered
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 6 - June 13, 1978