Minutes - 06/14/1988 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING June 14, 1988 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Cerne in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7 :30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: r.%:1 ABSENT: PLEDGE TO THE FLAG President Wence F. Cerne Trustees Garry J. Barte. -ki Karen M. Bushy Walter C. Imrie Ronald P. Maher Joseph H. Rush H. Richard Winters None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 24, 1988 be approved as presented and waive reading of same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. III. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. ORDINANCE NO. 5 -637 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING VARIATIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION XII B 2 b AND SECTION VII D 8 c OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RELATIVE TO REQUIRED REAR. YARDS T16 Robin Hood Ranch): Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meeting of May 24, 1988. Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To pass Ordinance No. 5 -637 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: Trustees Bushy and Imrie. Absent: None So ordered. B. ORDINANCE NO. 5 -638 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING VARIATIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION XII B 2 b AND SECTION VIi D 8 c OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RELATIVE TO REAR YARD REQUIREMENTS 3814 Washington Street): Discussed and direction given at the Regular Meeting of May 24, 1988. Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Rartecki... To pass Ordinance No. 5 -638 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None :^o ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -1- June 14, 1988 IM 1- M IL ORDINANCE NO. S -639 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12-405 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RELATING TO LANDSCAPE SPRINKLING: Proposed ordinance provides for additional restriction:, on landscape sprinkling, including the total ban should it be necegoary. Trustee minters moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To pass Ordinance No. 5 -639 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie Maher, Push, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. IV. FINANCIAL: A. Payouts: 1. Pressure Mitigation Project (2915 Oak Brook Road) 31st Street Booster Station - Payout 3: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize payment of Payout #3 to Mola Construction Company for construction of a booster pump station, water distribution mains, and all related work in the total amount of $48,303.00 subject to receipt of waivers. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. 2. Pressure Adjustin Stations (1915 York Road 2710 Meyers Road 1400 35th Street ) - Design & Construction Services - Payout 1: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To authorize payment of Payout #1 to Harza Environmental Services, Inc. for design and construction services in the total amount of $6,337.08. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Push, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. 3. Traffic Study Report - N. C. Roden & Associates, Inc.: Authorization of contract given at the Regular Meeting of March 22, 1988. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... To authorize payment for services rendered to N. C. Roden & A39ociates, Inc. in the total amount of $7,070.11. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and president Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. VILLAG? OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- June 14, 1988 rnL tv VILLA!` OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- June 14, 1 088 B. Approval of Bills: Warrant Register by Fund dated June 6, 1988 presented to reflect payment from the following funds: General Fund $312,702.49 Water Fund 108,330.85 Sports Core Fund 98,632.34 Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... C To approve payment of Warrant Register by Fund in the total amosnt of $519,665.68 and authorize the Village President to affix his si4nature thereon. President Cerne abstained from voting on the bill from Pepsi Cola due to corporate ownership by his employer of Pepsi Cola General Bottlers, Inc. Trustee Maher abstained from voting on the bill from Maher Lumber due to ownership of same. Trustee Winters abstained from voting on the bills from Illinois Bell due to employment by same. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie and Rush. Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: Trustees Maher, Winters and President Cerne. So ordered. V. OLD BUSINESS: A. Drivewav Entrance Gate Standards - Recommendations from Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals: At the Regular Meeting of March 22, 1988, this subject was referred to the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. On April 18, 1988, the Plan Commission commented that since a gate is simply a swinging part of a fence, it was recommended that driveway entrance gates be no higher than 42 ". One May 3, 1988, the Zoning Board of Appeals discussed the relative merits of driveway gates of 5' to 7' and though a recommendation was not made, their comments and concerns, as well as that of persons in the audience, have been submitted for consideration. Staff submitted information on existing gates in memo dated June 8, 1988. There was a consensus that a 42" height limit be put on gates as part of the fence standards in a Front Yard, and that the attorney prepare clarification of this matter for the Zoning Ordinance. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Winters... To concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and allow driveway entrance gates to be governed by separate standards and direct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary document to effectuate same. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy and Winters. Nays: Trustees Bartecki, Imrie, Maher, Rush and President Cerne. Absent: None Motion fails. B. Souman - Fence Variation (2215 Oak Brook Road): Tabled at the Regular Meeting of February 23, 1988. A brief presentation was made by attorney for the applicant. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- June 14, 1988 W% L. VILL , OF OAr BROOK Minutes _4 _ June 1 1, 1 q 3'n , To concur with the reommendation of the 'oning Board of Appeals and deny the request for a variation to allow i Driveway Fntrance Gate- to bo aspproximately 7'0-" higgh. I I ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Tmrie, Maher, Rust, and President Cerne. Nays: Trustees Bushy and Winters. Absent: None So ordered. C. 1988 Drainage Project No. 88 -1302 -3616 Spring Road Culvert, Jorie Boulevard -North of Kensington, Lot 73 -Brook Forest, Lot 84- Forest Glen, Lots 103 -107 - Saddle Brook - Bid Recommendation: Authorization given at the Regular Meeting of May 10, 1988. Eighteen (18) contractors were contacted, thirteen (13) had plans and two (2) submitted bids on June 6, 1988. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To accept the bid of and award a contract to Marconi -Band Paving Company, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, for drainage work at the subject locations in the total amount of $33,100.00 with the condition that certain bid items be deleted from the contract if necessary easements are not obtained from the property owners. President Cerne abstained from voting on this subject due to his residence being adjacent to Lot 73 in Brook Forest. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush and Winters. Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: President Cerne. So ordered. D. Pavement Management System - Approval of Contract - Engineering Department: Authorized at the Regular Meeting of April 26, 1988. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To approve a contract and authorize the execution thereof with Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) to provide the Village with a comprehensive pavement management system report in an amount not to exceed $24,125.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: Trustee Rush. Absent: None So ordered. E. Public Works Equipment - Bid Recommendations: 1. Air Compressor: Authorization given at the Regular Meeting of May 10, 1988. Five (5) bids were received on June 6, 1988. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To accept the bid from McCann Construction Specialties Company, the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, to furnish a Sullair Portable Air Compressor per bid specifications of the Public ?forks Department in the total amount of $9,835.00. VILLAG, OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- June 14, 1988 m l.. c • VILID, OF OAK BROOK Minuts -5- 0 June 14, 1'88 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. 2. Street Sweep: Authorization given at the Regular Meeting of May 10, 1988. Three (3) bids were received on June 6, 1988. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To accept the bid from Stanton Equipment Company, the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, to furnish an Elgin Premier Street Saeeper per bid specifications of the Public Works Department in the total amount of $55,0130.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. 3. 3 -ton Dump Truck: Authorization given at the Regular Meeting of May 10, 1988. Four (4) bids were received on June 6, 1988. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To accept the bid from L. LeMay & Sons, the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, to furnish a GTIC 3 -ton Dump Truck chassis per bid specifications of the Public Works Department in the total amount of $20,799.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. 4. 1 -ton Pick -up Truck: Authorization given at the Regular fleeting of May 10, 1988. Four (4) bids were received on June 6, 1988. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To accept the bid from L. LeMay & Sons, the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, to furnish a GXC 1 -ton Pick -up Truck chassis per bid specifications of the Public Works Department in the total amount of $10,450.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. F. Report of Activities: 1. Finance: Trustee Bartecki - New statement formats being developed for the Bath & Tennis and Golf clubs. 2. Personnel: Trustee Bushy - Commended staff during water shortage crisis. 3. Public Safetv & Traffic: Trustee Rush - Introduced newly appointed Lt. John Meyers of the Fire Department. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- June 14, 1988 ML VILLA"'OF OAK BROOK Minutes -6- June 11, IV9 4. Public Works n Library: Trustee Imrie - No report. 5. Sports Core: Trustee Maher - Oak Brook Day was very succes,C-il. 13at'i & Tennis Club has been spruced up. 6. Zoning & Planning: Trustee Winters - Seven (7) of sixteen (16) easements for Reaches 2 and 3 have been received. VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ratification of Proclamation Regarding Water Ban: Proposed proclamation confirms the actions which were taken as a result of a water ban, as well as the partial lifting of said ban, which was: 1) Total ban on watering yards, lawns, etc. (NOTE - Automatic sprnkling systems must be shut off until further notice.); 2) Total ban on washing, cleaning mobile vehicles, equipment and buildings; 3) Total ban on filling of swimming pools; Total ban on withdrawing of water except for normal household and commercial usage. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To ratify and confirm "Proclamation of a Local Disaster Emergency" effective June 6, 1988 and shall expire June 13, 1988. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. Proposed proclamation that a disaster emergency exists due to the extremely hot and dry weather. The Village must require its citizens and water customers to reduce their usage of public well water as follows: 1) Total ban on watering yards, lawns, etc. (NOTE - Automatic sprinkling systems must be shut off until futher notice.); 2) Total ban on washing, cleaning mobile vehicles, equipment and buildings; 3) Total ban on filling of swimming pools; 4) Total ban on withdrawing of water except for norman household and commercial usage. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To ratify and confirm " Prolcamation of a Local Disaster Emergency" effective from June 13, 1988 and snall expire June 20, 1988. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. B. Employee Health Insurance: Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To approve the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative (I.P.B.C.) rate increases plus the Cost Containment Programs and Benefit Changes effectively reducing the I.P.B.C. rate increase to the Village of Oak Brook from 41'/10 to 38.7% effective July 1, 1988. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. C. Water Service Request Extension - Terrace View Park (17 W. 110 22nd Street. Oakbrook Terrace 7: First Amendment to Agreement accepted at the Regular Meeting of June 9, 1987 extending the completion date from June 24, 1987 to .June 24, 19aa. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ;Minutes -6- June 14, 1988 Y4 I.- VILLA! OF OAK BROOK 7•11nutes -7- 0 June 14, 1388 Tnig request is to extend it for an additional year to June 24, 1989. Trustee imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To grant the applicants request for a one (1) year time extension. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. D. Water Service Request Extension - Anvan Oakbrook Terrace Corp. - Phase II 1871 South Meyers Road, Oakbrook Terrace): Water Service Agreement entered into April 3, 1987. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To grant the extension requested to June 1, 1989 to pay the fees due under the Water Service Agreement recorded May 12, 1987 as Document R87- 067085. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. E. Aerators for Ponds - Approval of Quotes (Golf Course and Bath & Tennis Club): Two quotations were obtained. Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize the purchase of one (1) Otterbine Phoenix 500, 230 volt aerator from Century Rain Aid at a cost of $4,254.00 and an installation cost not to exceed $1,950.00 for the Bath & Tennis Club; and to authorize the purchase of one (1) Aeration Industries Aero -02 from Century Rain Aid at a cost of $1,858.86 and an installation cost not to exceed $300.00 for the 17th Hole Pond at the Golf Course. ROLL CA'L VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. F. Unit 507 Repair - Public Works: Eight (8) vendors were contacted and only three (3) quoted prices. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To approve the issuance of a purchase order to Pollard Motors, the second lowest responsible vendor, to install a new RD450 International engine in Unit #507 in an amount of $5,800.00 and not to exceed $6,000.00, due to the compatibility of the vendor with the equipment. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. G. Hydraulics for Three (3) Trucks - Request for Authorization to Bid: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize the bidding for a new dump body and for rebuilding the existing head lift hoist on Unit #505, a dump body, hydraulic system and plow for new Unit #509 chassis and a utility body for new Unit #601 chassis; bids to be received Monday, July 18, 1988 at 10 :00 A.M. VOICE TOTE: All present, In favor. So ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -7- June 14, 1988 mL- VILLaIR!' OF OAK BROOK Minutes -8- 0 June 14, 1` 88 H. Rizzoli International Bookstore (14 Oakbrook Center) - Liquor License Request: Tru,3tee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... To concur with President Cerne, Local Liquor Control Commissioner, and authorize the issuance of two (2) one -day Class D Liquor Licenses to Rizzoli International Bookstore to be used in condunction with the Grand Opening at the Oakbrook Center Mall on June 17 and 18, 1988. VOICE VOTE': All present, in favor. So ordered. I. 1988 Water Main Extension Project No. 88 -1202 - Grant of Easement - Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To accept the "Grant of Easement" from Thomas L. and Janet B. Keck for the above stated project. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. J. Ameritech Communications Inc. (ACI) - Request for Contructin a Fiber Optic Line (McDonald's Corp.): Discussed at the Committee -of- the -Whole Meeting of June 13, 1988. Request from ACI to allow Fiber Optic Corporation of the United States (FOCUS) to construct a fiber optic cable in conduit in an area about six (6) inches wide for approximately 7,000 feet in Right -of -Way adjacent to existing cable from McDonald's Plaza, 2111 McDonald's Drive, east along 22nd Street, then south along Jorie Boulevard to the newly constructed McDonald's office building, 2915 Ronald Lane. Trustee Bushy moved... To authorize execution of a License Agreement with ACI for a one -time fee of $201000. Motion died for lack of second. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To authorize execution of a License Agreement with ACI, in an acceptable form, for a one -time fee of $35,000 plus costs incurred with said agreement being brought back for final action. Trustee Winters abstained from voting due to employment by Illinois Bell. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Imrie, Rush and President Cerne. Nays: Trustees Bartecki and Maher. Absent: None Abstain: Trustee Winters. So ordered. K. Oak Brook Storm Water Management - Award of Contract: Discussed at the Committee -of- the -Whole Meeting of June 13t 1988. Seventen (17) consulting engineering firms were contacted of which six (6) respondea with proposals. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To authorize the Village Engineer to negotiate a contract Frith 4. J. Bauer, C.E., for a preliminary analysis on the effect of the Village of Elmhurst Flood Control Plan, including berms proposed along Salt Creek as designed uy Harza Enviornmental Services, Inc. would have on the Village of Oak Brook. VILLAGr OF OAK BROOK Minutes -8- June 14, 1988 VILLME OF OAK BROOK Minutes -9 - 0 June 1 -� , i?�3 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trust ees Bartocki, Bushy, Imrie, "taher, Rush, and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: None So ordered. L. Referrals: With no objection3, President Cerne made the following referral3: 1. Falco - Flood Plain Special Use (2901 Oak Brook Road) -- Referred to Plan Commission Meeting of June 20, 1988 and Zoning Board of 4ppeals Meeting of July 5, 1988. 2. Engel's Subdivision - Final Plat -- Referred to Plan Commission Meeting of July 18, 1988. VII. ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To adjourn this meeting. TIME: 11:35 P.M. VOI'1E VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. ATTEST: Mari ne Lakosil, _CNI C Village Clerk u.K t.. a 4 q s Approv l VILLAG" OF OAK HOOK Ainutes -9- June 14, 1968 Y%A �-