Minutes - 06/25/1968 - Board of TrusteesLtOAKBROOK
June 23, � lgg
The meeting was called to order at BROO P.M. by Presi.:$nt Dean.
ALL trustees were present.
Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman...
That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of
June 11, 1968, be suspended And that they be acz;epted as
Voice vote - all in favor. Sep ordered.
A. Annexation - North of 0,gdenj'West of Adams Roud - Ordinance S -M
President Dean rc od n aropnsed ordinance provieing for the
annexation of property north of Ogden Avenue and West of
Adams Road. After d1 rcussion the EoLlowing motion wan made.
Trustee Barton moved r-econded by Trustee O'Brien...
That Ordinance S• -Lill be adopted by the village board subject
to the inclusion of "also all of Adams Street, lying ast of
and adjacent to the above described property" immediately
foLLowing the words "DuPrage County, Illinois" in the legal
description on Page 2.
!loll Cell Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Howell, O'Brien.,
Roseman and Rush.
N'eyea - Trustee Hayes and Preside;. Dean.
So ordered.
Trustee Barton moved seconded by 'Trustee O'Brien...
That the grillage president and clerk be authorised to affix
their signatures on the Piet of Annexation as beingg approved
by Ordinance 8.46t, and that these documents be fed in the
recorder's office of Wage County, Illinois.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Mayes, Howell, O'Brien,
Rossmano Rush and President Dean.
Noyes - Nona - So ordered.
B. Christ Church, of Oak Brook -- radon Ordinance S -162
Each trustee was provided with a copy of a propored ordinance
granting a variation to the Christ Church of Oak Brook to
permit the construction of a church sanctuary and steeple to
be erected to a height of seventy feet and eighty -eight feet
respectively on property described ae Salt Creek Highlands
Located west of York Road and south of flak Brook Road.
Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman,
That Ordinance S--162 be approved and adopted by the village
RolL Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, O'Brien,
Roasmanv Rush and President Dean.
Mayes Norse
Abstainex - Trustee Hw®11 So ordered.
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I* Page
Ill OUT CES, 0=100, ETC. (Continued)
C. W. _J. Weekley_ - Variation ordi� ace S� 163.
Each truGtee was rovided with a copy of a proposed ordinance
granting variation to W. J. Week ley to permit the reduction
of the front yard require.m set -back to thirty feet six inches
on Lot L its the Windsor Subdivision.
Trustee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee Barton...
That ordinance S -163 be approved and adoptt.d by the village
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Arie►n,
Roseman, Rush and Provident Dean.
Mayes - Done So ordered.
D. Joseph Poshko - Variation quon Reest •• Lot Size
r r � it s. I I.wA.o�.+•...+w.rw.e. rw.q.
Mrs. Margaret 0. E:DPf in requested that thin variation requert
be reconsidered by the aillAge board. After discassion the
following motion was rode.
Trustee O'Brien moved - acconded by Trt:stee Rs;nh .. .
That this variation request be reconsidered by the village
hoard and that the village attorney be f notructed to prepare
an ordinance granting this variation as recommended by the
plan commit lion and zoning board of appeala.
Trustee HowelL moved to table this motion. This motion died
for went of n second.
Roll, Call mote: Ayea Trustees Barton, Hayes O'Brien,
Rosaman, Rush end President Dean.
Mayes Trustee Howell So ordered,
B. Salt Creek Hl yhLande .. Vacation-plat
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President Dean reported that a vocation plat of the Salt Creek
Higblande Subdivision we filed with the vittage clerk eal
instructed that it be referred to the plan commission for
their recommendation.
�'. Saetrn Air ]pines A Plat
Tr -istee Howell moved „ seconded by Trustee Hayes...
That the Ssettern Air Linea subdivision plat be approved
subject to the restriction that access be Prohibited to
and from Harger (toad except for emergency fire and police
Roll Call Vote: Ayes W Trustees Barron, Hayes, How ®11, Roseman,
and Rush.
Wayea - Trustee O'Brien and President Dean.
0. OBDCo. Commerce Plaza Subdivision plat #Z 9ti ordered.
Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the grillage board deny approval of Commerce Plaza
Unit L contingent upon a study of the traffic problem involved.
ROLL CaLL Vote: Ayes - Trusteeu Howell, O'Brien and Rush.
Noyes - Trustees Barton, Heyee, Roseman and
President bean. Motion not carried.
Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustees Roseman...
That the OBDOo. Commerce PLevie Subdivision Plat #1 be approved
and that the proper village officials be authorized -to affix
their signatures thereon_
Roll. Call Votes Ayes • Trustees Barton, Harks, Roam ma and
President Dean.
Reyes - Trustees Hoe11, O'Brien and Rauh.
So ordered.
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Page 3
H. OBBCo. - Comm:rga Plaza Plat #2 ,
Trustee Bartt,n moved .. seconded by Trustee Rceaman...
That the 0800o. Commerce PLa2e Subdivision flat #2 be
approved rnd that the proper village officials be authorized
to affix •:heir signatures thereon.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes w Trustees Barton, Hayes, Roesman and
President Dean.
Noyes - Trustees Howelt, O'Brien and Rueb.
So ordered.
I. Sums+ Hi Is - Annexation Regaest
Presiden: Dean reported that he had received a letter from
Per. Jay k. Canal repreaenting W. "am Betietich of Sunny
HiLLs requesting annexation to the Village of Oak Brook and
requests d that this matter be teferred to the Plan Ccmission
for the :r recomendation.
J. Oak Brook Terrace - Annexation
Pxlesi.di nt Dean reported that two diFscuseione took place vi.tb
the aldermen of Oak gook Terrace and the truaveee of Oak
Brook e-agarding a poeeibl.ae merger of these two ounje 1patities.
It was decided that all further di.scussi.00 regarding tbia
merger or annexation would be discontinued.
Trustee_ Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brian...
That Attorney Un versagt be ina",ucted to withdraw the
Village of oak Brook's a peaxance in the matter of
annexation of the City d ask Brootc Terrace to the Village
of Oal, Brook.
Voice vo :e -- all in favor. So ordered.
A. �,�d i- ?ems hoed Maintenanee Bids
Trustee HayQa reported that tbice bids had been received
for the Ma-69 Road Maintenenee Program= vibiel. ware as
George W. Hartong $29084.70
Superior Kock Top Go. 25, 916.32
I n Laud Paving Co., lime. U9375.50
Engineer Berner recommended that this work be awarded to
the Superior Black Top Oompany.
Trustee Hayen moved a eecoaded by Trustee HoaeU...
That the vItlage board approve this recommendation and
award the L968 -69 Road Mmintenance Program work to the
Superior Black Top Ca
DOLL CaLL Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Mayes, Howel.i,
O'Brien, Rossman, Ruch and Pros.
Nages gone So ordered.
Page 4
IV OLD BUSIRM (Continued)
B. Officer Gaideik Suit
Attorney Unvermagt reported that the Continental National
American Grou? insurance company advised that the Mbnieipal
Police Indemnity Policy which the village carries is limited
to an obligation to indemnify the Village of Oak Brook for
alt sums which the insured rhall pay in damages by reason
of Section 1-4 -6 of the Itl£nota Municipal Code. however,
the policy doe& not provide tLa defense of the insured or
for the defense of any police officer.
Trustee O'Brien moved -- seconded by Trustee Hayes...
That Attorney Unver$egt be instructed to defend the
Village of Oak Brook and Officer Caidmik in this pending
Law suit.
Roll Cell Vote: Agnes w Trustees Barton' Hayes, Howell, O'Brien,
Roseman, Rush and President Dean.
Neyeo Nona So ordered.
C. Villan hJ Re z:
President Deem requested that this be tabled.
D. Fire Hv irants
Attorney Unvereaggt reported that he had been in contact with
tthe Chief Water Ugineerc of the Ilitnoie Commerce 0oimajesion
regarding the lack Of sufficient fire hydrants in the village.
It was decided that Trustee Rosamen and Attorney Unvereogt
meet with a repres entative from the Oak Brook Utility Company
on June 27th, 1964, and report their findings tv the board.
R. Dr.__Geor a Nachiich - 2onios violation
Dr. Nachich and his Architect appeared regarding an apparent
&ovina vi station regarding the side yard setback 8s a house
addition planned for the Naehieh home. After discussion,
tbm follOw iDS motion was made.
Trustee HoweLt moved seconded by Trustea Roseman...
That the viLLage board make an exception in this matter
6me to the unique circumstances 1090 ,ved and permit
Dr. Nnehich to continue constaruetioa providing that he
apply for a vex cation thrnnah the mooing board of appeals
and that the variation fee for this hearing be waived.
Rott Call Voce: Ayes Trustees Barton, Mayes Howells O'Brien,
Roseman, Rush and President Dean.
Neyes - None So ordered.
R. Dr..,.Josekh D. Cece Nuetler Oal brook %bdivision
President Dean read the Letter mf Dr. J_ peph D. Cece dated
.htne 21, 1968. requesting app:^nvral to keep three horses on
his property located at 3104 Midwest Roid. It was uganimouely
decided that duc to the fact that Dr. Ceco 4 s property is not
a recorded subdivijion, rnd that imfs µxopercy ronsiat- of tea
acres, it is permissaaie for him xo do so.
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Page 5
V NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
C. Search Li s Announcing "Grand D enin ee."
Trustee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee O *Brien...
chat tk a Attorney Unversagt be instructed to prepare an
ordinaanre forbidding the use of reareh Lights for advertising
purposes within the Village of Oak Brook for the boaard'a3
Voice vote - a&l to favor. So ordered.
D. Hinsdale Tr tic Stud - Plan Commissi n
President Dean requested that this matter be tabled until the
next regular meeting of the board.
E. Federal SW and Moat Corp. - A lication for 'variation
President Dean reported that an application had been filed
with the village clerk requesting a reign variation for the
Cinems LSO Theatre and requested that it be forwarded to
the Zoning Board of App~.aal s for as pubtic hearing on August
6tb , 1968.
F. Chateam Wo ds - Preliminary Subdfviae oa Plat
The Oak Brook Development Cc. presented as preliminary Sub.
divisir-i Plot of Chateaus: woods, an area looated on Mayers
Road north of 31st Street. President Dean regrestad that
this be forwarded to the Plan commission for their recommend -
a. Fire tment Hose Purchase
Trustee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee Howell...
That Chief New be authorized to purchaaaae otm thousand
feet of tiro hose at a cost of $1,993.20.
ROLL Call Vote: Ayes - " ,::nte4es Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien,
Roseman, Rush and President Dean.
N ayes -*lone So ordered.
R. Fire De art t - l m 10 a Resi, east£ n - Kenneth R. Trout
e — aa.ar
Trustee Roseman announced that a resignation had been
received from Fireman Kenneth R. Trout, and that the Fire
and Police Commission have recommended replacing this vaacaaney
with Air. Richard Arling of Melrose Pork, ILLinofs.
Trustee Rosaswan moved - seconded by Trustee Howell..
Thant Lit emen T'rout's resignation be accepted as of June
27th. 1968, and that Mr. Richard A Alog be request-ad t-i
report for duty as an Oak Brook Fireman effective .abne
28th, 1968.
Roll Call Vote: Ayers - Truateea Btartoo, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien,
Roasmen, Raab and President Dean.
neyes - gone So ordered.
Page 6
V NEW XMINISS (Conti=ed )
1. Treasper Van D&& lief Msement for Services
Trustaa O'Hrien moved seconded by Trustee Howell...
That Treaswer Van Dyke be quAmlwzsed for bia services
for the fiscal year ending ApAL 30th, L968, in the amount
of $400.000
R*I ° 0811 Vote: Ayes - Trustees Heston, Hayes Howetl, 093r %p,
Roseman, Rust, and Freeldent Deco.
Napes - None So ordered.
President Dean adJourned this meeting at L2:Ol A.M.
Village Oterk