Minutes - 06/25/1991 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Kinut-es Jane 25, 1991 UNOFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED BY BOARD APPROVED AS WRITTEN OR APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS BY VILLAGE BOARD ON Ila , 1. MEETING CALL: The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Bushy in the Samuel E. Dean Board Roost of the Village Commons at 8:12 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was given. 2. ROLL CALL: The Clerk called the roll with the following persons PRESENT: President Bushy, Trustees Bartecki, Krafthefer, Payovich, Shumate, Skinner, and Winters. 3. AffliOUNCEMENTS AND OPEN FORUM: Lucia Sutton, 321 Canterberry Lane, requested assistance from the Village Board for completion of the bicycle path on York Road. President Bushy stated the State now has funds available for assisting the acquisition of land, construction, or maintenance of a bicycle trail. Village Engineer Durfey stated several easements have been unobtainable on both sides of the road and the County maintains all easements must be available for proper safety. It was a consensus of the Village Board to direct staff to work with the County in assisting the Village on this project. William Krause, President of the Brook Forest Homeowners Association, requested installation of security lighting for the underpass tunnel of Route 83. Village Manager Berley stated the State does not have fundE, to assist in this project. He stated staff will again discuss this matter with the State. 4. CONSENT (OMNIBUS NOTE) AGENDA: Trustee Krafthefer moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki to approve the Consent (Omnibus Vote) Agenda. Roll Call. Vote: Ayes: 6- Trustees Bartecki, Krafthefer, Payovich, Shumate, Skinner and Winters. Nays: 0 -None. Motion carried. CALL TO ORDER MOLL CALL A. Minutes of the Regular Board of Trustees Meetinj of June 11, 1991: MINUTES Approved Omnibus 'Note. B. Ordinances R22arding-approval of Annexation figreementc Annexation of ORD. ISTHA Certain Territpry, and Zonin NewlX Annexed Territo ME . ISTHA - R est to table to August 13, 1991 Board Meeting: Approved Omnibus Vote. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -1- June 25, 1991 L6 07 5PCj 1 0 C. RESOLUTION NO. R -533 RESOLUTION FOR R ROVMMNTS BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER RES. R -533 THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE (MFT - Me ers Road 35th Street MFT -Signal - First & Final Payent): Approved Omnibus Vote. MEYER S /350 SIGNAL D. Bid Authorization - Pick YE Truck ##501 Re lacement - Public Works BID. RUTH. Department: Approved Omnibus Vote. ,'501 TRUCK E. Referrals: REPLACEMENT REFERRALS: 1) Druzak - Rear Yard Variation (on ThMah Lot) (4066 A.,� -- 406 ASCOT LN. Referred to Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of August 6, 1991: PEAR YARD Approved Omnibus Vote. VARIATION 2) FJS & BGS - Resubdivision of Lot 1 in Sitzber er's Subdivision 318 318 CANTER - Canterberr„ La, n, -- Referred to Plan Commission Meeting of July BERRY LANE 15, 1991: Approved Omnibus Vote. RESUBDIVISION F. Payouts: PAYOUTS: 1) Marino construction Comnanv - P R, ad a��outie #16 ° Reservoir B (27I0 Meyers RESERVOIR B o,� • Approved Omnibus Vote. 2) DuES a County Convention and Visitors Bureau Ladies Professional DCCVB Golf Association R29�ional Advertising: Approved Omnibus Vote. LPGA AvVERTIS, 3) Dupgge County Convention and Visitors Bureau Motor Coach DCCVB ING Familiarization Tour: Approved Omnibus Vote. MOTOR COACH 5. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: TOUR A. Illinois B ®11 Telephone Campan (mod related companies): PAYOUT: ILLINOIS BELL President Bushy requested Illinois Bell. Telephone Company payment being removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on "Items Removed from Consent Agenda" due to Trustee Winters abstaining in voting. Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Skinner to authorize payments to Illinois Bell Conwinications and Illinois Bell in the total amounts of $894.00 and $4,930.28 respectively. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: 6- Trustees Krafthefer, Payovich, Shumate, Skinner, Winters and Bartecki. Nays: 0 -Nor- Abstain: 1- Trustee Winters as noted above. Motion carried. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS O:r0*jANcES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. ORDINANCE NO. G -469 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12 -9 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO TREE REMOVAL: ORD. G -469 GRANT -TREES Trustee Pa3yovich moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki to authorize BROOK FOREST/ TOLLWAY application for a grant through the Small Business Administration and S-'E SCREENING ENING Illinois Department of Conservation for the installation of trees for screening the northern edge of the Brook Forest Subdivision from the East -West Tollway. Voice Vote: Motf o4 . carrired. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- June 25, 1991 tC BOTH Trustee Skinner moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich to pass Orlinance No. G -469 as presented and swaive the full reading thereof. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: 6- Trustees Payovich, Shumate, Skinner, Winters, Bartecki and Krafthefer. Nays: 0 -None. Notion carried. B. RESOLUTION NO. R -534 A RESOLUTION TO PARTICIPATE IN A STATE -WIDE RES. R -534 ONE -:ALL NOTICE SYSTEM: STATE -WIDE Pursuant to Public Act 86 -674 codified as ONE -CALL paragraphs 1601 through 1614 NOTICE of Chapter 111 -2/3 of the Illinois Revised Statutes) the Village is SYSTEM required to join by July 1, 1991 a State -Wide One -Call Notice System. Presently, the only such system in Illinois is the sus- called J.U.L.I.E. system (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators). Trustee Payovich moved, seconded by Trustee Krafthefer to pass Resolution No. R -534 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: 5- Trustees Shumate, Skinner, Bartecki, Krafthefer and Payovich. Nays: 0 -None Abstain: 1- Trustee Winters. Motion carried. C. RESOLUTION NO. R -535 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - LIEUTENANT JOHN CRAIG: RES. LT. Trustee Winters mo,,!0. seconded by Trustee Payovich to pass Resolution No. R -535 as presented. Voice Vote: Motion carried. D. RESOLUTION NO. R-536 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - CAPTAIN'REID BRISTOW: Trustee Skinner moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich to pass Resolution No. R -536 as presented. Voice Vote: Motion carrier. E. RESOLUTION N0. R -537 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - SERGEANT ROBIN BRAY AYLOR: Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich to pass Resolution No. R -537 as presented. Voice Vote: Motion carried. F. RESOLUTION NO. R -538 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - SM2 RICHARD '. BROWhl: Trustee Skinner moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich to pass Resolution Nor. R -538 as presented. Voice Vote: Motion carried. 7. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: No business. 8. UNFINISHED BUSYNESS: RES. CPT. R -535 'RAIG R -536 BRISTO1y RES. R -537 SGT. AYLOR RES. R -538 SM2 BROWN A. Oak Brook Hotel Convention and Visitors Committee R est to Amend uBHCVC Bud et for Additional 11 000 in Funding for Oak Brook Hotels and ADVERTISING Oakbrook Centell rti g CgMggn; CAMPAIGN Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Winters to approve $11,000 FUNDING from the budget surplus of fiscal year 1990 -1991, to authorize expenditure of $11,000 for gift certificates to promote tourist use of VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- June 25, 1991 /,..c5 the Oakbrook Center as consistent with ite l9go -91 appropriation and to amend the 1991.1992 budget to include this expenditure. Roll Call note: Ayes: 6- Trustees Skinner, Minters, Bartecki, Krafthefer, Payovich and Shumate. Flays: O -None. Motion carried. B. Adoption of Procedure for Dis laving United States F #gs: DISPLAY U.S. FLAGS Trustee Payovich moved, seconded by Trustee Minters to concur with PROCEDURE staff' 6 recommendation that the displaying of the American flag be done for the following days: Memorial, Flag, Independence, Labor and Veterans and that the d splayi,;ig of sate be conducted as follows: Flags would be erected the day before Memorial Day and removed the day after Independence Day. Lnbar Day and Vetera.*as Day would be dove separately. Voice Vote: Motion carried. 9. NEV BUSINESS: A. A.Mintments : APPOINTMENTS: The Electrical Commission performs the following for the Village: Recocmnd electrical codes and standards, regulations concerning permit issuance and fees related to permits. Trustee Skinner moved, seconded by Trustee Payovich to concur with the ELECTRICAL appointment by President Bushy of Mr. Michael Hughes, an electrical COWEISSION contractor; Mr. Arthur Ludwig, a journeyman electrician; and Mr. Timothy McInerney, a representative of an electrical supply company, as m cabers of the Electrical Commission. Voice Vote. Motion carried. Trustee Minters moved, seconded by Trustee Skinner to concur with the OBHCVC appointment by President Bushy of Shannon Linahan and Bob Park as ors of the Oak Brook Motel, Convention and Visitors committee. Voice Vote: Motion carried. B. Recommendation for Institutincm Twice Monthly Billing Program: Jerry Rafacz, Village accounting consultant, Village Manager Barley and r4ICE Village Finance Officer Klein reccunnded automating the ,Accounts Payable MONT11LY accruals to allow for the posting of liability in its month of occurrence ]BILLING which reduces hand- posted journal entries. PROCEDURE Village Board concurred with staff's recounendation to approve bill listings twice a month. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes M -4- June 25, 1991 10. FINANCIAL: A. Treasurer's Rya rt. Corporate Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund Motel. /hotel Tax Fund Reserve /Capital Purchases Debt Service Find Spurts Core Fund Water Fund Dire Pension Fund Police Pension Fund �m %'��i FAMMM $585,,374.70 1.3 r 2.80 15p511.37 �0- 14,W2.01 350m791.55 308,688..98 !A,82{4.73 50j,624.25 $835,414.82 16,452.00 6,623.00 m0- 83,872.50 202,624.48 43,&30.53 12,573.68 15,689.55 TREASURER'S REPORT Fund Balance $5,227,634:.58 305,146.6? 53r5O9.3b 166.31 !10,714.18 183,154.94 3,225,505.84 8,011,696.43 71376,903.63 Trustee Bar tecki awed, second by Trustee Kraft hefer to approve the Treasurer's Report for the Monies. of May, 1991 as presented. Voice Vote: Motion carried. j 11. A3JCURNMU T : ADJOURNMENT i Trustless Skinner sawed, seconded by T=atee Bartecki to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Voice Vote: Notion carried. ATTEST: Lin a K. 5onnalia Village Clerk A:btmn625 VILLAGE OF {OAK BROOK Minutes June 25, 1991 46