Minutes - 06/27/1961 - Board of Trustees®, • VILLA609 OF OAX $Rook moms op FONT uau,�Ofi:e� of P►T& jW3 M7, 1961 , V 6B- BOT- 1. Roll Cali.: The meeting was veiled to order at 8:14 p.m►. by Mrs E. Ks O'Brien` Village President T. As AdhIman requested Mrs O'Brien to conduct the meeting in his absence* All trustees Present. Mrs No Owen trade a motion to approve Mr. O'Brien Village President Pro Tom. Mr. Carley seconded the motions Voice note - all ayes. Mr. Raymond J, VanDyke, Jrs was sworn in as Village Treasurer by Mrs O'Brien. Mr. Calhoun moved and Mfr. Dahnlow seconded the following motion: Any two (2) of the following three (3) individuals i are duly authorized to sign Village voeAchers. The individuals are nod noted: o s President T. As M ®hlman Village Clerk Agnes P. O'Brien Village Treasurer Raymond Jo VanDyke , ire Voice vote - all ayes. So ordered. The First Rational Bank of Hinsdale, Hinsdale,, I111nois, will be notified and a copy of said authorization is attached to these minutess So ordered by the President Pro Tom. 2. Reading of Minutes: The minutes of June 13, 1961, were read. The following correc- tions were noted: A. Mr. Henry I a name should read Mr. McHenry . B. Use the words "In view of*, instead of, "In lieu c f" , in referring to Mrs VanDyke's absenos C. The Electric Commission meets, "the first Monday of each month ", should read, "the first Tuesday of each months" Br. Owen moved, Ure Carley seconded that the minutes stand approred as corrected. Voice vote carried. 8o ordered. S. Annexations: 6-30 mr. Julius Fe Trefa, representing the Butler Company, eresented a petition foe the innexation of property known as the York Cemetery Assaoiation Lund. ]fir. Owen moved and Mr. Golhoun ®eoonded the following motion: To adopt an ordinance to annex the territory known as the York Cemetery Asaooiatione Said territory Ilea loath of the East -beet Tollway, wrest of salt Creek and north of 22nd Street. Legal deeorlVtion found in Special Ordinance S -30. Roll call vote: ayes - 6, nays - 0. So adopted.. 4. Unfiniehed Business: A. fir. Carley made a motion to pay the following judges of the election of Aptiil 18, 1961, the sum, of $2'S *00 esah: Irene T, . Le Sour Ann C4 Krueger Celeste We Kohiman Margaret A* Payne Leue lla R. Carley Mr. Calhoun ,seconded the motions Roll call vote: ages 60 nays - Oo So ordered. B. Oak Brook Terrace Shopping Center Incorporated had made a formal preposition on June 13, 1961 before the Board concerning the paving and financing of 16th Street and Spring Read, adjacent to their property, At the continuation meeting there were no representatives 2 .4 Po 3 from the Oak Brook Terrace Shopping Center Incorporated preseist. After a lengthy discussion, Mrs Owen moved -that the proposition submitted by the Oak Brook Terrace Shopping Center Incorporated be refused. Mrs Carley seconded the motion. Voioe vote - all ayes: So recorded. 0, Ordinances 1. The Appropriation Ordinance for May Is I961 to S-3 I April 30v xS62 amounts to $259,3' 6.00. After a report from the Finance Committee, Mrs Carley moored and Mr. Roseman seconded that the Appro- oriation Ordinance for 1961-1069 be adopted. Roll call vote: ayes - 60 nays - 0. So of dered. Village Clerk directed to pest three ( 3) copies of the Appropriation Ordinance. Said Ordinance to be known as Special Ordinance S -31. 2e Ifte adoption of the Drake Hotel Ordinance concern- ing tkrj rezoning of land was ordered weld until the July 11, 1961 meeting. 3. The Assessment Plat for Rapietan was ordered held until the July 11, 1961 meetings D, bro O'Brien requested twat the following Trustees, Mrs Owen, Mrs, Dehmlow,, and MIS. Roseman serge as a aammittee to survey and report the acceptanee and housing in the new Village Hill. The T'rustes. named, agreed to serve on this committee, and will report at the July 11, 1961 meeting. 1® Mr. Dehmlow questioned. the Village Attorney concerning Per - sonal ldabil ity trseuranoe involving suits against Village W 3 .. Ofliaiais. Ere Bowers stated that the Village Attorney uaual ly defends such suits at Village expense* Po Mrs Carley moved, Nr* Repeman seconded a motion to employ Mr. Raymond Delon, 10e South York, Rlmhur ®t, Illinois, Certified Public Aooeuntent, to audit acaennts of the Village of Oak Break, Mrs Dolen' a fee mot to exceed *150 *00 a Roll call vote: ayes - Ca, nays m 0. So ordered 5# Ad 1 outent : Bar. Calhoun moved, Kr. Dahu:lei; aeocended the motion to adjourn. Voice veto carried. Adjourned at 9 :24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Agnea P16 O'Brien Village Clerk go4� 00 Aorroka, TMS COPY To On RZTJUMW BY THE CORPORATION Trustaos �i a e ofs �roa� I�° inoia Be it Resolved by *a Board of of .t., �..�..� , . _..�.. - ..,.,......... _.11- ,�.. i s "AA4 t4 1. That the laltigig,66E. ILLINOIS be and it is hereby designated as one of the depodusies of the funds of this Corporation, and that the officers or employees of said Corporation are hereby authorized to endorse, in the nine of this Corporation for the purpose of deposit and Collection in and with said Barak, chi, drrefts, notes and other like obligations, issued or drawn to and owned by said Cor- poration, and it is further resolved that endorsements for deposit and collection may be icy the written or stamped endorsemen. of the Corporation without designaiion of the party makiasg the endorsement I That said Bank be and it is hereby authorized, to pay out the fC ids of this Coorpon4ion on deposit with it from time to time upon cheeks drawn capon said depositary and, signed m the name of this Corporation by i or .lill_u. °ate...._......_ and counter -fined by i i a e Y°e g sure os so whethar said checks are payable to cash, bearer or the order of the Corporations, ar to any third party, or to the order of any signing or cosmter- signing officer of the Corporation or any other Corporation officer, in either their individual or official capacity. 3. That the _._.�.....�one and .....�....._ ........ or and of this Corporation be and they are hereby authorized from time to time to borrow money from said Rank in such amounts, for such length of time and at such rate of interest and upon such other terms and conditions as said officer or officers may deem expedient, and to evidence the indebtedness thereby ranted uy executing and delivering in the name and on behalf of this Corporation promissory notes, joa promissory notes and other like oblip- tions of this Corporation, segued in the masse ®f this Corporation by the officer or dicers designated above; and to plcdge an security for the payment of said notes and other obliga- tions any property or 9semwq now or hereafter belonging to said Corporation, -vhide notes or other obligations shall Nt in such form and shall contain such terms, provisions and condi- tions as may be deemed proper by such officer of officers; and Wd officer or officers is or are further authorized to discount to said Bank the notes and other obligations issued to or awned by said Corporation, and to endorse the same for such purpose. 4. That the said Bank shall not be in say manner whatsoever, responsible for or required to see to the application of any of the funds of this Corporation deposited with it, checked out or borrowed from it, or secured by the discount of notes and other obligations to it as herein - b--fore provided, and all such transactions dWft be conclusively presumed to be legaally bdnd- ing upon this Corporation. Vi l l e e Clerk o f Oak Brook S. That C §_Q._.�..- O B� the shall file with the said Bank a certified copy of this Resolution under the corporate seal of this Cbrpagation and shall also file with the said Bank A certified list of the persons at the present time bolding the offices of_._ FresidGnt,�.`°„* 4, ,.�$0�1h �,a � Village Clerk. Agnes _F o__, ManDyke _._....._..._......� _....__...,.., ._.. ... ..................... ...._... and .. ».._...._ __..._.. ....�. in this Corporation, and it shall be conclusively presumed that the persons so certified as holding such offices continue respectively to h41ti the same until the said Bank, in otherwise noted in writing by the Secretary of this Corporation. 6. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect and binding upon this Corporation tenth it shall have been rescinded, and written notice of such recission sunder the corporate Seal shall have been delivered to said Bank. Von" 547 -2 o"Vanw butts a OPWICI ev"Lr