Minutes - 06/27/1967 - Board of TrusteesI j • Ask 6 --;� -4 -7 VILLAGE OF OAX BROOK MINUTES OF Jute 2 7 1967 a E ROE,, CALL %jd13—A4T_M4fj. The meeting as cal Lad to orSer at 8:00 P. M by Pre.s det;c Dean. ALA trustees were precent except '.0 iistet Nowell. II READING OF, MIZ4UTE.S Truatee Rossman moved b seconded by Trustee O'Brien... '?fiat the minutes of the regular meeting of June 13th, 1957, be accepted as aubmi ttea . Voice vote all in favor. So ordered. III PINAN"CIAL A. Gasoline Bids Trustee Barton reported on his findings regarding the various bids received for the purchase of gasoline. Trustee Bart &n moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes_. . - That the Pure Oil bid (Premium 22.35, Regular 21.5) be accepted for the ensuing year. Roll Call Vote: Ayes a Trustsee Barton, Hayes, O'Brien, Roseman and Rush*. Napes None Absent y Trustee Howell So ordered. B. x.+957 Road Maintenance Contract Bids for the 1967 Road Maintenance Contract were opened at the illage Hall on Monday, .pane 26th, 1957 at 3 :00 P. H. Trustees Hayes, O'Brien and Rossman and V_" !age Engineer Darner were present. A tabulation of bids, prepared b! Fair. Barger, from Superior BLsoktop, Arrow Road and highway Construction, was presented to each trustee. Mr. Berner recommended that the contract be sworded to Superior Black Top Company, the lowest sesponei.ble bidder, in the amount of $32,618.22. Trustee Barton moved - seconded by `trustee Hares.. That the recommendation of the village anginee r be approved, that the contract-be awarded to Superior Black Top Company and that the resident and clerk be authorized to sign said contract. Rook Celt Voie: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, O'Brien, Roseman and Rush. Nayes 140ne Absent v Trustee Howell So- ordered. C. ftdgets All trustees were supplied ditch a copy of the 1967 -8 proposed budget and appropriation figures, along wi'tb the estimated revenue for the current fiscal year. After two hours of discussion, ( Trustee Bartow left this meeting at apprasrimateLy 8;40 P. M.) the following motions were made, seconded and carried. 41 4 -7 p8ge 2 III FINANCIAL (Continued) C. Xudmts (Continued) Trustee U ° Brien moved ., seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the Administration budget and appropriation, including the Engineering Department and the BuiLding Department, be approved in the amount of $130,750.00 for the appropriation and $110,000.00 for the budget. Roll CaLL Vote! Ayes Trustees Hayes, O'Brien, Rossmaan and Rush. Waves w None Absent Tvustees Bar%.on and Howell. So ordered. Trustee O'Brien moved m seconded by Trustee Roesma'an... That the Fire Departmen�: budget be appro7ed in the amount of $79,197.00 for the appropriation and V"68,860.00 for the budgo -t. Roll CaaLl Vote: Ayes w Trustees Hayes, O'Brien, Rossman and Rush. Nayres None Absent ry Trustees Barton and Ho;vell. So ordered. Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the Road and Sridge Department budget, including the Street Department,-be approved in the amount of $183,445.00 for the Appropriation and $128,250.00 for the budget ROIL Call Vote: ,ayes w Trustees Hayes, O'Brien, Roseman and Rush. Noyes bone Absent w Trustees Barton and Howell. So ordered Trustee O'Brien moved 4 seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the polico Department budget be approved -in the amount of $294,129.00 for the appropriation end $225,OOO.00 for the budget. Roll Call Vote: Ayss a Trustees Hayes, O'BriengRuah and President Bean. Hayes - Hope Absent - Trustees Barton and Howell Abstainer v Trustee Roseman So ordered. D. Financial Statements ALL truatees were presented with a cosy of the financial statements for the Village of Oak Brook ev of April 30, 1967, aax prepaare4 by Vi.lLaage Auditor Raymond Dolen. Trustee Haayes moved ed - secor ded by Trustee Rcssm a€e... . That the president, cLark and tressurerc be aukhorized to aflUx heir signatures tb :reon for proper distribution to "roe State Auditor of FutaQic Accounts, the County Treasurer and % -be pubLic€ Lion of same in the Focal p-zess . Roll Call Vote.: Ayes Wastea:s Hayes, O'Brien, Rossmaan and Rash. Nayeaa Noae Absent. -- Trastees Barton and Howell. 5o akdered. 6/x/67 —- ��.°'�•�� seconded rage 3 E. o :� a s 166 -: 7. 0 _ by Trustee RF��w�69O Trustee 0 T i49TI moved That the village attearney be directod to draw an ordi>ta6 twe for the ° xneiewring of cwtain funde aap ;ropriated by ordinance for the floral ywr 1966 -67 roll Call Vote: 1yen w Truct000 Hayes, C 00rieno Rosssman and Rush. Ilrayr s - Mons, Abaent:- Truatemz Berton and Rowell. So crdw,ed. F� It tam unanimously doelded that ar oatesty box be retained by the villla-,,c for the safakespi ng of deeds m titles a etv, o and that phatoxtate be made of such doetm eats for village hall files, -V ORD? rra llCES 0 RESOLUTIONS 2 VARIATM-1S o AI �ENDi�L•'t•ITS, PUTS. Preastdor ate D to rasd c proposed ordirAnoa gmntlng a variation for 'Lot 6 an t 1w Centxtal, Industrial 'Reza 3-nbdtviaion. Trustee Rush .advi, .4s4 ttmt front yan°d set -tack revirement should read "redneftg mald requirmunts from 100 feet to 50 feet," Truatee Ruoh awed - sccrcded by Trustee Heyes.. That Ordinance S -133 he approved and adopted by the village E rd subject ►:o the above correction. Roll. Call Vote: Ayes True-teas Hayes b O cUrion, Roseman and Rush, ilaya s s None Abu* nV a Trruareas Bat -ton and Howell. So ordered. 0 President Dean read a proposed ordinance granting a vaelatcion to reduce the front yard set-back requirements from 100 feet to 140 feet for Lot 7 of the Cantra 1. Industrial Plaza- Subdivision. Trustee Huyes tromrad - secanded by Trustee Push.. That Ordimnes S-134 be approved and a.doptad by the village btosrd, Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Ttrustew H yens s Mriern9 Rossman and Rush, Nayes - None Absent - Trustees Barton and Howell, So ardered. C, Oaf ee�LAw_.. ,C 2021 S14fr,, &&Xg -. 4JJM a 5135 f'eoldwit Dean reae? a proposed ordinance grantiN a front -yard vat-back requIremant reduction from 100 feet to 65 fact on FreFert:y 7eeated rag 2021 Swift Driver, T,nistee Harem moved « seconded by Ttustee Rush,.. That Ordf nance S -135 be approved and adopted by the village board. Rill Call. Vot3: Ages Truarees Hayesg, 0103rien, Roseman and Bush, Ryes - None L% gAbsent 0 Truetees Barton and Howell, So ordered* Wj L.3 Front -dent Deana read a proposed ordinance Smating a vsarlati6n for lot width in the Nuallor Oak Brook Stfodivis ion of not less than 145 facts Trustee Rosen adv1sed that the last line of the first h should be carr&-xe d as follows: "front yard sett- back" abould be delete* and "lot vidth" aboul.d be Jusartwed o T'-rugfte Ryes =weds - swondezd by Traastse Rosemn. . V That Ordlnatce S -1.36 be armed and adopted by the vil,2age bomwd ssub j e ct to this above cer�e tl en, Roll Crtl 'dote: Ayes - Trustees Rayea, 01Sriesae Rosmmn and Rush, X91* � gone 6127167 A �enst : gone e� Barton a i�w ®ll. So ordered, ed, —X .0 . 4 t 7 -- 01 0 V OLD BUSINESS Page 4 A. Oak 'Brook IkL. Commerce Commission Hearing k�torneyr Calkins advised that the hearings were not completed to date and that further action would probably not take place until late this year. B. Zoni age Board Appointment ao.mW. President Dean recommended that Air. Virgil C. Fuller of Madison Road be appointed to the Zoning Board of Appe&Ls to fill the 14%xpired term of Mr. Joseph R. Rurb which terminates on May S., 1963. Trustee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee Hayee... That the recommendation of President Dean be approve:. Roll Celt Vote: Ayes - Trustees Zaaye s, O'D- aaa, Rossmaan and Rush. Naay►e s - None Absent a Trustees Howell and Bartow So ordered. L. Liaason between Village Board aard Park .District Each trusted was provided with a copy of Mr. David F. Swasin 4 e Letters of June 20, 19677 stating that as joint mee4ing was held with members of the PLaar Commission and Park District and that 'fir. Tam O'Brien will be fforkin* as the li.ason macs between the ,'Ian Commission and Pa. ar Distra.ct. President Dean expressed, oa behaLf of the board, appreciation for the cooperation of ttese boards and Mr. Swcit is statement that he wil.L keep the village board informed of any additional information. D. TeniorarX Sin Permits w E2Mirstioa L. Draper and Kramer A'Tesxdent Dean reed o Letter, datod Juste 15, 1967, from laymond R. Stasais of Draper and Kramer, requesting an e�tewsion of their sign permit for as period of one year. Tn'stee Rossman moored - secondee by Trustee =_ Haayese... Waat the e:.-tension of as permits to Draper and Kramer ftr the continued use of as temporary sign be approved. Void Mote d aaLl iat favor. So ordered. 2. Swift. 2p2aang Presid -t at Dean read as Letter, dated June 16, 19672 from N. X. &%Lo of Swift & Company, requesting an extension of then_- sign permit for a period of three month_ Trustee lossman moved - seconded by Trustee Bayas... That the exten3ion of as sign permit to Swift and Co. for period of three montb. be approved. Voice vote - aLL in favor. So ordered. Vg -EW BUSINESS A • Yz . Frank_ Dvoa,ask Letter Draai na e President Deasta read a Letter from Air, Frank Dvorak of 14 Chatham Lawsae, dated June 9, 1967, which was forwarded to Val? age Engineer Darner for study, said as Letter from Mr. Berner, dated June L9th, 1967, stating that as field Ivey by the property owner or developer would be the only solution to the drainage problem in question. J'rea•i.dent Dean directed thac Yx. Dvorak lee so notified. 6127/6'; 6. g .4 ` t 1W rage jeaeris jm-2,vata yxr wr drivwcay li.gtnta bave been ia, 4clled in t1na adapt` it wwnimealy dccidedd that in toftew be sent to &W. proverty aw zars vlolat .ng this vilUge ardi nee advi. ,wing that the wing of lights for any public uti.11ti es wj.jj be rba pmperty woncre rosponsibilitya, Alto* that he awchitectwal Tevlaw b ale. of the various subdivislo be md-D a =ro of this ta-dinance and tbat f=ther violations will wt be pwUtuad. C. All tmoteez were f=Rdalled With a copy of a lattw from Ur. David Swainb Jr. 0, dated June 20ths, 1967,0 requosting that ait:hm the village eginew or they building inepwtow be olven the responstbili. ty of sertizw, final foundation heights on &I,1 raw b ldi.;�-ags , It w *am the convansaw of the board that this men not a village COmpa nsi bi li ty emapt V&wa flood plain areas ED Au Village 1nspwt*Ac Pearacin rot;aaatad the beardla intecWocation of utili7 pole Village Att omay Calkins i.ndi¢Ated ThatIp Assn a eti *aj uatt r,,, ezLocing uttlity poles be exa Wi. from the Oak Arcolt Ordimance re i.. "VEMts � a�t,6s�+ryp� Ri��evl�,swr —�� .� ,,,,y p a a Ha x That can i.moice F=m R. Id 4, ]D=te McM C@ * ZCX thO FRTki.2%G lot impmve moat in the amo=t ®f $16V729.900 be approved for payment � Rush � Fayes hone Abe =% Tructe s B&L-ftn and belle so ordered. V11 AUR3TTIZI i Thlo moan. ras wau adjet ncd by ftesident Deran at M20 P.M. RcapsetfuXly ssbmiftedg, c village pi a 6-27,47