Minutes - 06/28/1966 - Board of TrusteesT ' , : r ms 'S fi41S
Jaua 1
The meeting was a Ottetd to hrder at 8:06 1'.M. by '7i1loge presideet
T. A. N'aah'lna;aan. ALl Wusteea were preaarent.
Trea,st% Barton moved - seconded by Trustees Ronaaaen...
That the minutes of the reg tdrr w0sting of June Meth, 19660 be
accepted and appra vihd as oubmitted.
Voice mate - Ott in favor. So ordered.
A. Oak Br k 0 -6-0
Mr. Nv maan Steazaa nhof, chaaair n of the Oak brook 7 -oning loord
Of Appeals, advised the board that copies of the uew nonin
Rardinsuceat paaassed on March 22, 1.966, war* as w eavaeail.aaabl.e, *"
would be in effect on July 6, 1966.
Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Vustoo yet...
%0t thra V'iLL686 of OA Brook sohuss;ge a fee of $5.00per copy
for the now Oak brook 2ohing Ordinanee and that complimentary
coples be issued to the board oi' twUhteeds the ma mbears of the
zoning board and plan commission 066 to the preoideante of aaLl,
civic and property owners, a associaatiean$.
Voice vote - all in favor. ft
B. Sign- tr mentaa
Mr. St4e"h0f ra gUested the boaard' as assistance in resoLving as
zoning variation problem rtgaarding eras. •alter di.aauussfaa, it
was una kilmously decided that any alga in existence, at the present
tiff In an OPA -L, pRA..2 or o «S district be ollmed to ra iaR aaa
18; however, any future: signs mutt adhere to the Cask aftak poring
Ordi ace; and further, the Building Inspector was requested to
advise aLl Prospective building pertiit holders of this fact.
Building paaML" must Include Sign approval before the actual
sign to erected.
Ca 196667 Appropriation -_s
Trustee CtBrieen read the L966-67 Appro iation Ordinance. Total Gen:raL Corperate Fund w $647,905 and tsl
road and kridge Fund
Trustee Bear moved - ceeanded by Trustee C °Briean...
That the 1966-67 Appropriation Ordinance S -W be adopted by
the village board.
Volt Caall. Vote: Ayes Trustees Urtan, Hovey, Hayes* Rowell.
C*Brien, Roasm an and Free. Whleuan.
Naaayeas - None So ordered.
Pap 2
A. x 1noY* gste Isubtl 0fJhd1912rA0 , 12MR&R,
Presidant Mohlmn read a lsttor from 14ro Robert MOCartys
ttneral Chaligion of "Faftologlo Toohnologtstes Woek "t dated
Jane es 1966; rrequesttng Oak brook's part.lelpattnge
Trustee fta amAn `r'aovod - s000nded by Trustee ftrtoner,
That the Village of Oak BrooU proolatm the week of
Septembers 25& 19668 as "% dialogic TGohneologiat f s Woah os
Vsaiaaa vaate - all to 10.svor4 So or4o reds
President MohLman read a lottor fran Me,* gduarrd Se Akins
Ooardtnatorp dated guns 10 19660 reequouting an obsery noe
oa r'Wle oa Indepeadsrr<4s toy" an WY 4& 1966'
Truatee d o H rien roved - ovooad@4 by Troatte
Tkat the V1116 of Qok brook sound I t fill olr n at
Itoo PQ,4r, for two "minutes to abservanee of a Bolls on
Independence Da
V0108 vote - 611 Ln tavar a So or terodu
Prooldent MohItrs M rood a lobtor fm NAVo A& He DeNraytor
or Christ Churob of Oak Hrooko dttod Une 23rdo ),966#
Requesting p*mleretion to *toot per two tempo elgn00
coo feaing Tork ash and the other 3 t strosto
Trustee kowoll auoved - seconded by Trustee 010rrr1e no d
TbA t< the Chrlet 0bureh of Oak Brook be pemittod to s at
two tee►r rarary DIVA for the poriod of me year's
Vol** vots - all in favor# So ordered.
Do 04k- �,
That Rossman moved -* seconded by Trusts* Barton,.,
That the regular meeting be receas *d In or4or to conduct
a public hear1rfiige
Voice vote - all In favor. So arder ede
Kra, Pr anais We Ooldesrng wasp of the 0ak nrook-O'Naxv
Mnousins Serr<rvice# appeared before the based to seauro a
cortifiaats of neoseiaityr ant - convertnlonoe for the addition
of four vehtolas
Trustee O4Srien ramped seconded by Trustee Ross man,,,
That the regular meattng be convened,
V'oiaae vote m all in favor. So ordered.,
President Mahlman read a rosoyutioan autborrlsing the
Oak Brook-098are Limousine Servias to add four llve
ears to big prosent fleet of fourm totalling eight
livery Gave,
Trustee gages =wad m e1e0nndeed by Trustee Haveeyp„ o
'fMt itesolutfon 8-55 autborrislag four addltiea l ltvory
care for the Oak Brook- 0111atre UMM31nerr Servlero be
Roll Call Votes Ayes - Tarutess Urtons, live S Ha as He"110
MrUmv ea:ann and has a ffohl wn
6®28/5 Naves - Noose go ardevedd
OLD auslass
A. �s�.rao% tt 3.t' Cas an
Trustee Barton advised that copiea Of Mr. Georgre Wigbt f s
fe "sibiLity study was delivered to each trustee and reep ended
e ®�yspeelat executive meeting fya herd for the purpose of discussing
it was unaantmauely decided that a spec lot executive meeting be
hetd at 1 «30 P. X., A+Ionday1july Uth, and that Mr. George Ulatt
and Attorney Doworaa be requested to attend.
B. p �. a e Y�aaLL J� moire
L. i r 8leetr c powa r
Trustee Rowatt reported on his study of auxiliary electric
power ',ogether with Building Inspector Paaaraaaan.
Trustee Howa Ll moved d - seconded nded by Wuntee Heyes....
That formal bidding requiewmAt+a be waived and thacat
two (40 W AND 15 f) units w leb will be re wvod from
the ftIlL Srstam be V=4chssed from the Peoria Tractor and
jc4ulp"nt ,, for the suns of $6 000.00. This wilt include
c« pieta instaltantion - automatic asqIaipeant, transfer
itch. coptrol panel and the taraanafer at the prevent
fire airan.
RoLl CalL Votai Ayea - Truetess Herten, Haavey, MaYe+ac, Bow+nLL,
olerien, Rosamon and Pres. VehImn.
Bares - won* San ordered,
2. &Lk.
Trustee Clow It moved W saeoaded by Trustee O'Brien..
That the bid of MUhnat Petreitis of 3916 yaairview Ati+aat. ,
Dowums Grova, to oteepted for t"Upoitnting the viLt,aige
hoU building where headed, is the ,gnat of $450.00
Roll Celt Vote% Aires - Tmattaas Bartms Mayers Bayoo, Howells
otbriatko Rosman and Pros. MahlWa n.
Mayes d Wom 8o ordered.
3. Steam Boiler M Qas Lonveraa12g
Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman...
That the formal bidding requirements be waived and that
McCarty Bros. f -- utpoent Oeip. of Bra ikdvi.ew, 'LLlianois be
awarded the con roct to ouppLy and in►stelt a new bolter
in the village hall for the sum of $21,685.00.
Roll Cott, mater Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hovey* Hry*s. Howells
otartans 1kaacsman and Pros, ti Uma.
Mayes - None So ordered.
0. PoLiM. , ,Degartmeat
L. Ba5►iicaat lPattaafon_ FuDd Ordinance SMLOS
.w iwa ws�aaeers�4 b se 'i aa- a- •
prealdkent Molblean read an ordinance establishing a polite
pension fund.
Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee
That Ordinance S -408 which established a police pension
fund in accordance with the special election held on
May 2t., 1968, be adopted by the vUlaage board.
Roll Cott, V*te: Ayes a Trustees Dwton,, Hav*y, Maayes, Marvell,
O'Brien, Roseman and Ves. Iftbim an.
Mayes .. some So ordered.
cc pi. Dirt, mte
10 PulL4�e Pension Pund.j.0ont;Lnjedj,
President :aohIman resoma xded the a solatmeent oil Trustees Barton
and Havel to sorvle on the Board of Truotees of the Police Pension
Trustee OvSrten loved .& seconded by Trust** Rossmanoov
That President Moblinan's reewmendatxon '�a apprarre4 and that
Trustees Barton and Hovby be app*IA god to aarr►e On th0 Ord
or Trustose of the Folloo PeUelon ?undo
Holl Gall vote t Ayes o Trustees Sertons 94VO O Halt$ # ROW0110
4' %4rlons Roseman and gees o MahUMI to
Noyes o Nono Bee ordarado
Pn Illinois Police Training Aat
P realdant Moh.lma►n read a letter tram lira ►4ervIn 0o OsMe►lleso#
Ejectitiwe Di roctor of the 1111noto %al Governmental L4V
Enforceetont Officers Tralulur. Boardv dated June 10th# 1966&
acknowle'd(rin,° reee elpt of our Rosolution R-54,
1F F r„re ge AdditIon Pa ent
Trustee fio;rol.l -novod - seconded by Tutee O'Briee> v o t
That a payment of 46561 #32 be made to A* He Vireo & Son*& lnoo
subl of to the MOW of a lion wafter to a OVIr same@ leaving
a balonao of f1s00040 after the deduction of w4 MS paid to
MOC411um Hoist & Mfg* Coo
Roll Call Votes Alves Trustsos Bartong Have �0 Seyesa Howellm
O' Brleenp Roseman and Ire* @, - .9hImang
way** None So ordered*
20 Road M>esieteeenea<hcee Pre ire �► tae nt
Trustee Hovey i6ree4 - seeeonded by Trustee HowoIL.,
That a pa". ent of ',r26#485o60 he mods to Superior Block Top Cog
as per contreat approved an `lay 10s 10660
Roll Call Votas Ayes - Trustees Barton, Haveys Hayeesp Howells
lion e:nan and Prove "OhIt ufte
Absta ln- Trusteeee O' Brien
NuIes # gone Sea ordeeree3d.o
3o Illinois Haute ,;
9A-�- - I� r� 1 •n,_ r5 to
I t
Pop 5
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At _