Minutes - 07/08/1958 - Board of Trusteesfir' � ': ; •� � � t
PreFident Whlman called the July 8th nesting to order, at 7130*
Roll was calledl Mra Krueger being absent. Mrs* Ps7ton made the
motion to approve the zi�utes as read. This was seconde4 by Mr. Carlson.
Upon the advice of Mr. fty Einarson,, -,oting four Might and OompaW
and in Gol• Wight's absence, the clerk wag directed to approve and sign
Illinois Bell Telephone ?emit #R.O+ 8429.
tae clerk read a letter from Mr• George 0. Logis asking for the
reaction or comments of this board toward their projected retreat grounds =
for the West Buburban "Hi- Crusader MO." Before kuW action was taken Mr«
Mohlraen telephoned Mr. Talkus Plank of the Hinsdale Qozunity House who
gave his whole hearted approval of this group and seemed to Seel this was
x, 11 planned project. The clerk was thereforer directed to write a letter
to,Mre Logie stating that their project had our approval providing it was
adequre ly oupervisede
A map of the Ginger Basin Area was displayed and bore Mohlman
brought the Board up to date on the progress of this development.
Following a short discussion regarding a treasure for the Village
and not coming to aqy deciaicn, Mr. Carlson made the motion, seconded by lire
Qalhoun and voted uupon by the Board, to adjourn the meeting at 8Rg4e
After the meeting was adjourned but with several members still in
attendence, fir. r+atler urged the Board to act as soon as possible an a
Village Palice Department.