Minutes - 07/11/1961 - Board of Trusteest.�' .it.. ,.,. � . _ .. _. - -Fi nN41'f7�����' _'ii ".?i.° _ .. t...,,. -v 5i. "s =ly fYIF `_„ _ ~I,, .! �,— ,•_ �i,_ t,r �t?>'ti.. ��s`.. . —— _ .. _S.i_ .. ti.,I "�'r 'J i`w�;_t`,,�: r�,I!
QTLY 110 1961
V 0 --"%0Tww M i We
1. Roll Ca. l a
The meeting was called to order at 6126 pome by Villege Presi-
dent T. A. Vohlman. All ttvetees were present except Mr. H. Owen, jr.
or minutes:
The minutes of June 13 and June ZV 0 1961 were reads There were
no oorreotions or additlone and by order of the President, stood approved
as read.
31 Ordinanee® ensoi}utiop:
A. Mr. Mohlaan read a letter from the Planning Commission$*
Cha i rmar r Mr. San Desn , dated June b, 1961p ro oommendi ng
a obange in the Zoning Ordinance on property known as
the Drake Hotel Property. Said change approved by the
Planning Commission*
Mr. MohImen read a letter from the Zoning Board of
Appeals' Chairman, Mr. McHenry, approving 9 change or
property known as the Drake Hotel Property.
A Public Daring Notice was duly posted May F, 1961 and
was notarized. Mr. Roseman mowed and Mr. O'Brien
seconded the motion as follows:
Special Ordinance No. 8 -32, known as the Drake
Hotel Property be adopted. Said property is
looeted at 22rd Street and York Roped.
f�- tto.y.. 4'�' h.y: 5 : of %'w -. ..•a ;i , - -.i . tn',i•>•4,�.1�J;trL. o... ::� � _ _ _ F L a A
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Roll 0011, votes oyes - 6, nay* - 4. So ordered.
regal de®oril►tion of Property found in BPoelal
Drdiasnoo 649.
Be Kr. M'mhlmen invited gr. Robert Dyer to speak rogord-
ing the disaonneotion of PropoL ty bwlmgir4 to the
Bntte'rflold Country 03.0 from the Village of Oak
stook. Bald Prorerty extends greet of the right of
way of Midwest Road to the Village boundsrloo for
s di*tonoo of ane"half (1 /9) wile.
At President Mohlasnss diroation, MrO Dyer will
Present a oorreot petition form at the AuVot ®,
1961 Doord meeting.
C. brvnewlck Assessment Plat -
Mr. Mohlman entertained a motion to authorise the
President and Village Clerk to 9160 an Assessment
Plot, known as the Brunewlok Corporation Assess-
ment plat. Mr. Carley moored and Mr. Calhoun seoonded
the motion. Roll *all votes ayes - 60 nays - a0
So ordered.
D. Reuben S. Donnelley Assessment Plat
Ur. Mohlman entertained a motion to autho rlae trio
President and Tillage Clerk to sign an Assessment
Flat, known as the Reuben 8, Donnelley Assessment
Plat. Mr. Roseman moved, Mr. Carley seoonded the
motion. Roll oell votes eyes - d, nays - a.
Bo ordered*
B. President Mohlman presented two (2) Ordinances
known its the Oak Brook Utility Ordinances to be
etwlied and sated upon st the August 8, 1961
.Board meting.
d. An; eaations:
Annexations were discussed end tabled for the August 8, 1961
64 88iil1 s • Village
Treasurer's Report -
Village Treasurer, Mr. VanDyke, stated that the Treasurer's
Report for the month of Junes was not available due to the annual audit.
Mr. Carley moved and Mro Dehmlow seconded that the June, 1961 Trees.
urar' a Report be presented at the August 8, 1961 meeting.
Voice vote - all ayes. 8o ordered.
Mr. VanDyke presented the following bills for the month of
June, 1961, to be approved and paid: ( see page 6) . Mr, O'Brian
revved, Mr. Roseman seconded to pay the bills as presented.
Roll call. vote: ayes - 6, neys • 0. So ordered.
6o Report of Officers:
A. P of i oe Department -
President Mohlman publioly commended the Polioe Department for
their reoent outstanding work. Mr. Mohlman stated a letter of
oommendation will be on file and asked Captain Ott to thank the
entire department.
3 _
Captain Ott reported the activity for the mouth of :'une, 1g�31.
Report on file with the Police Department
C spts ir. Ott reonded that we proceed with the purchase of a
station wagon to serve as an emergonal embulouoo, as well sw o
Police o ®r. President Mohleon, advised him to make the neosexury
arrangements and present the matter before the Auguet 9, 1961
Board meeting,
M. Building Commission -
Mr. Wight reod a totter from Mrs Dean of the Planning Commission
regarding the numbering system in oonneatlon witty the Oinger
rr"O Plot. Aftftr Ro #rd dl ocussion, Mr. Mohlinrn referred the
plot's numbaring system back to the Planning Commi seion with
suggestions as to Its adoption.
7. LM finished _Aua neeg
A. Appointment of police Chief -
Mr. Mohl,man Is giving this matter further consideration..
R. President Rohiman read a letter from Mr. Paul Butler authorising
the use of the forcer Sutler School as a Village Bell.
Kra Moh]man directed the Village Attorney to check on a lease or
agreement authorising the W l age 0 s use of this property on a
dollar a year basis.
Trustee Roseman reported to the Village Board as to the poten-
tial use of the Village Rail. (Diagrams, attached to these
minutes). President Moh3man requested that the committee oontin-
us their work and report at the August 8, 1961 meeting.
C. President Kohlman reported that scavenger licensee were being
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billed. Bealthway 360aengsr Service has paid $500900 at the
present ti've.
B. The Vill ase Clem rwoorted tnet Krc. C. W. Mohlasn o Village
W464 Co iesionor, had been eenteated regarding the cutting of
woods on vacant property. A letter was sent to sir. A. V.
deidter regarding this nottere
B. Trustee Corley brought ter the Board's attention that Polloo-
w n , Mrs. t-
to was not r000lving pay of the rote of $2000
per hour. Pr#s1dont Bohlmsn d1reatod Captain Ott to present a
aorreat Lail1
F, br. U* C. Wegener, Dintriat Nparin,tondent of por%hem Illinois
Ces Company, spoke to the Village Board and stated that possibly
pa ®ervlae for the now Village gall could be oupplled.
®. Adjournment:
Mr. Calhoun moved, Mr. Dehmlow seconded a motion tor ad*-
journo►ent. motion 4orried by v►oias vote. Meeting adjourned at
10:28 p.st.
Respectfully submitted,
e/ -
A es P. O'Brien
Village Clerk
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