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Minutes - 07/14/1959 - Board of Trustees
e . • v05-BcT M o Kip Mr. Mo4man called the Oak Brook Board of Trustees July 14th meeting to order at 7;30 P14. Roll was called and the minutes of the June meeting approved as read with this exception being noted.. In place of I.T^. Calhoun as a, third signer for the Village checks - the clerk, the president and the treasurer will be the three signers. Mr. mohlmat,, read the ordinance creating the Office of P.l Treasurer of the village. Mss. Peyton made the motion seconded by Mr. Krueger to adopt this ordinance, inich shall be known as (Sr-6 G-6, a copy of which said ordinance is attached hereto and by reference made a part of these minutes. The voting: Yx. Calhoun - yes, Xr. Solar - yes, Dix'. Krueger - yee, Mrs. Peyton - yes, Mr. Carley - yea, Mr. O'Brien - yes and Mr. Moh,,man - yes. Ayes - 7, Vays - 0. The Appropriation Ordinance was read. by Mr. Mohlman. M.r. Calhoun made the mot.Lin, seconded by Mrs. Peyton to adopt this ordinance Which shall be known as 8 -17, a copy of which said ordi.n- enos is attached hereto and by reference made a part of these minutes. The voting: YT. Calhoun - yes, Mr. Krueger - yes - Mr. Kolar - yes, Mrs. Peyton - yes, Mr. Carley - yes, Mr. O'Arion - yes, Mr. Mohlman - yes. Ayes - list Naps - 0. The ordinance snnexing the Oak Brook Hills and Ginger Creak axes, was read by the president, a copy of which seld ordinance is attached hereto and bk reference made a par-4 of these minutes. Mr. O'Brien made the motion, seconded by Mr. Calhoun to adopt this oa d.inance which shall be known as 5-16. The iroting$ Mr. Calhoun- yes, Imo°. Kolar - yes, Mr. X=eger -• yes, Mrs. Peyton - yes, Mr. Carley - yes,, Mr. O'Brien - yes and Mr. Mohlman - yes. Ayes - 7t Nays - 0. 8 ATTACtt . °1 ®14 —S ct PA tAl4 r AN ORMNANCE CRWU NO THE 0MC1 OF TREASURER OF THE VILLAGE OF W BROO& DU PAIN, COUNTY, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the preaiderit and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brooks Du page Countyo Illinolo' as follows% m Section 1 there is hereby created the Office of Treasurer of the Village of Oak Brooks 111inois. Sec.. lion 2. In addition to the dutlee imposed by statute upon the Village Treasurer, it ohall be his duty to adopt such bookkeep- ing forme and office methods as may be from time to time prescribed by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook. Section I@ The term of office for Village Treasurer shall be for two years commencing the first day of May of each odd numbered year and ending the thirtieth day of April of the succeeding odd menbered year. Section-he The salary of the VMage Trer%mwer shall be from time to time determined by the Board of Trustees of the V111ape of Oats Brook. Section l. Before tontering upon his duties% the Village Treasurer shall first file with the Village Clark a bond with surety approved by the Board of Trustees of the ViUaage of Oak Brook in an amount deemed appropriate fram time to time by the Board of Trustees. The amount of such bond until further changed by the Hoard of T- astees shall be Three Thousand and No/ 100ths ($3000.00) Dollars. Section 6. This ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its passage and sporoval. Passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oats Brooks DuPage County# Illinois, this 144th da f of July, A,D. 1959. At4 President Ayes Nays* Q r 1 `° 1 4-°- Sq �! o 1 A,`I �;�01 :►CE P!? '!i?1II' i FCR THE A±RMUMON r 7Ar. MaT-= Tf:i?': TC THE VZ L°A. ",E CF OAK ?ROOK, A i,iUIMPAL CORPORATIO1., DU PACE CrL1gTY xLx NO1S WEFtWt it appears to the President and Board of Trustees of the Vi.11afa of Oakbrook, a municipal corporation, that heretofore, to-- wits an the 4th Oay of dune, A. A. 1959, there was filed in the County Court of Du Page County, I11inoia, a verified retition requesting that the hereinafter described territory be annexed to the Village of Oakbrook, Illinois; and AHER AS, it appears that the said petition was signed by it majority of the owners of record e17 Land in the within described territory, by the owners lof record of more than fifty per cent (50%) of the land in said territory, and by a majority of the electors residing in said terri- te>ryi and ME'RW, it appears that the said territory is not. within the zarporete limits of any ether municipality and is continuous to the Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, and that the said petition requested that the said territory be annexed to the Village of Oakbrook, any in all rep spects conformed to the provisions and requirements of Article 7, Charter 24 of the Illinois Revisad Statutes, 19.557 Edition, and was valid; and ' 119ERFAS, it further appears that after :he !piling of the said petition as aforesaid, and pursuant to the order of the County Judge of Du Page County, due notice having beese riven as by statute required, a heaping waY had thereon and such othr -r nrocee*din -s sera had as is !rjro- vided by 1arr3 and that on the 29th day of June, 1959, an order was sntered of reeor,' in the County Court of Du Pare County, x114 nods, fixing the location and ::�owadaries of sai� territory as ..cscrzbed in .aid oetition. and o Hering that t: a question of annexation c: 3aio ter--f 0'[-y. as her -- - ira_ter described, to the 'Y all a ,e of C -LK ,)roc.; re smell Gted to the e: rpc:^ate aa,,rorities of the Villa-,e of Caxorcuk for final act.,-on thereon; asid 9 VW AM '1�H' QUS, it further a - >paar s that a crrt: fted copy of said order rras sent to the Village Clerk of the Villa;n rf 0,-W.brook, 1111noLs, and is presently on file with ss,id Village Clerk; NOW, 'rliMM -ORE, BE IT ORl1ASIM by the President and Board of Trustefts of the Village of Oakbrook:, Du Pa -e County, 11' ois: That part of Section 28, 'township 39 North, kanaa 11, Fait of the Third Pr• ncinal Meridian, described as follows: Coramenciag at the center of Section 28 for a place of beginning, thonci easterly along the north line of the southeast quarter of said 3ecti.on 28 to the east line of Lots 1 and 6 of Oakbrook Hills Flat of Survey situ: ad in the southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 39 North, Range 11, Ernst of the Third Principal Cbwridian; thence southerly along the east line of Lots 1 and 6 to the southeast corner of said Lo', 6, thence westcxly along the south lilts cf Lot 6 to the west line of Lot 6; thence northerly along said west lima of Lot 6 to tree southeast, corner of Lot 2 in said Oakbrook Hills Plat of Survey; thecice westerly along the south tine of said Lot 2 to the west line of said Oakbrook Hills Plat of Survey; thence southerly along said west line of Oakbrook dills Plat of Survey to the ecuthwest corner of Oakbrook Hills Plat of Survey, said corner also teeing the southecst co-nor of said southwest, quarter of Section 28; thence we- terlty along the oautn line of the southwest quarter of Section 28, said line also bein,: the center line of 31st Street as now platted and recorded tc a point on the center lino of tde ers Roar' as now platted aivi recorded; thence northerly aon, the center line of Meyers Road as now platted and rec, rdel to its inter- - seW,on with the center lire of Old Chicago Road (now Known as 'Sutterfiel.d Road) before Ydderun?; thence nclrtheasterly along the center line of said Old Ch_c,.go Road aefare widening wo its in "ersectik+n with the east, line cf ...e northwest qua-ter of Section Z$, Towrs;,ie 39 north, 'Za =,e 11, East of �.ne Th .Lra Principal Meridian; thence southerly along said east line to the place of beginni -g all in Du Pa ;e County, ?11; rois, be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a ,art of the said Vi:' a,e of Oakbrook, a municipal corn-ration. Section 2. That a ceruifiod cooy of this or(U nance togrtiler rA th an acelu ato :sap or plat of the territory herein described be recorded Ath thA Iaeurder cf Decks of Du Page County, 111-_nc,s, ire whz-', a cartrfiewd coon► of this ord : w ce be f it ed in the offi ra cf t; .� Clerlt of Au Pa -e County, 111'nois. Ser.t;_un 3. Tr,---t this or• i -w cc . -i. be in full force anal effect from and aft,,r its passage and anDroval in Uecor 'a ;ce with the law; and 2- R that all ordinances or partin of o •-0 - ponces car t•lictinr, with the provisions of this ordirar.ce are hereby repealed. Paosed and aooroved cy the President wid the $oars? of Trustees of the Village of J+dcbrook this f y•• day of /rlg A. D. 19 -9. Attert! Ayes Na. 7 e I � { . 5 -17 j .17 ,0 oRDINAN.E The folloraing appropriation ordinance is only a ].istirg or statement of expense requirements For the year and such list, when properly adopted by the President and the Board of Trustees, becomes a legal limit beyond vihich officials cannot legal%v incur expenase for the current year covered by the ordinance. Ai°PR MATION CRDI NCE AN ORDINANCE xq0 A�PRopRIATION FOR THE CORPORATE FMPOSES OF THE VILLACF OF OAK RMMt DU PA13E COUNTY, I&I NOIS, FOR THE FIWA1 YEAR CQWWCI N0 THE FIRST DAY OF Wo A. D. 1959s, AND ENDING THE THaRTIM DAY OF APRILq A. D. ig60. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook, Du Page County, Illinois: Section 1. That the foUawing some, or as much thereof as may be authoriiW'GjMw9 be and the same are hereby appropriated for the cor- porate purposes of the Village of Oak Brook,, Illinois, to defray all necessary e;penses si d liabilities of said ViLl,age of flak Brook, Illlinois, as hereinafter specified and for the f iscrl year commencing mith the first day of Bialy, A. D. 1959, and ending the thirtieth daV of April, A. D. 1960: TO B% PAID FROM SOUMSS TOTAL, ©ENMUL OTWR THAN MUNT IAA SAL TAX ITEM I POBLIU-MIns Series: Village Officers S 39000.00 S 3,OOO.00 Services: Insurance premium on bonds President, Clerk and Treasurer a reassurer 50.00 50.00 Police Department 10,900.00 10,900 -00 Zoning, Building and Planning 1,000.00 4,U00.00 Publication Costs 500.00 500.00 Contingent Fund TOTAL I 12000.00 519j450.00 1,000.00 419y 0.00 —ITEM ITEM IX QF'r'IC�FS AND EQUIP mhT Office Supplies 300.00 S 30.3.00 Postage ltk :.00 100.00 Stationery and priming 300.00 300.00 Miscollarwaus office expenses 1001.00 100.00 TOTAL -ITEN II 3 800.00 .0 f To BE PAID FM l SDURC$S TOTAL MERAL TAX 07M THM AMOUNT GAMML TAX Attest: v ago Clerk Ayes Rays This ordinance publishes by tl�e undersea ed by p.*tirq copies thoreof at three conspicuous placas within the Viiiage cf Oak Brook, Illinois, this 4 day of V �..� D. I3. A�J -P2,"-a== ff illage Clark 1 � ; 2