Minutes - 07/22/1969 - Board of Trusteeswair� �y§�,ec'ygzo'" AY4"ti
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JULY 22, 1969
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. bq President Dean.
All trustees were present except Trustee Howell.
Trestle Rrssnsen moved - neconded by Trustee O'Brien.—
'aiZtl'u i:iiE ldi_n;; «; i:iiC �lii:'E'� P_ o:: tt�r, re�;ils.ax• ��aetih c
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Trustee Hoveld_ reported rat szepa °aouLd be taken to
solicit quotes for a new fire truck and if the resuLt s
were eatisfaetwey board approvraL would be requested
to issue a letter of intent to purchase some at some
future date at a quoted price."
voice vote - all in favor.
So ordered.
That Ordinance 8.189 Limiting the number of licensees isFued
witbift the Village of Oak Brook to sixteen (16) and iecre�aa-
tug the penalty fox° violation of said ordinance to not more
titan Five Hundred Dollars ($500,00J►, be passed and approved
by the village board
ROLL Call Vote: Ages - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Nowell, O'Brien,
Roeswu and President Dean.
Hayes - None
Absent - Trustee Mush So ordered.
B. Amepdmentc to Ordinance 0,.60 ., hoof SeKegnin - 0-105
Each trustee Was provided with a copy of a proposed ordinance,
which President Dean read, emending Section V of the present
Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes. , .
That Ordinance 8105 be passed and approved by the village
Roll Cell Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve; Hayes, Howell, O'Brien,
Rossmasn and President Dean.
Mayes None
Absent Trustee Ruch So ordered
C Chateaux Wouds Subdivision - Final Plat
Each trustee was provided with a copy of a letter from Plan
Commission Chairman Swain, dated July 22, 1969, recoaaaending
approval of the final plat of the Chatems WoodF Subdivision,
together with supporting detail and a Letter from Engineer
Rainer, dated April t0, 1969, etipmtati.ag bond requires a nto
and fnepeetion fees Payable. Trustee Howell objected to the
fact that this material was not in the Mande of the tMoetees,
for study prior to this date. (Due to the fact that the
Muth of July starting on Tbesd ®, the rs-CsLar plan comission
MWtfng EaL l on the day before the regular 'tru atee a meeting.
C. Cho eaucx Woods Subdi ell - Jri L EL-4 t' o d
Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman...
That the Chateaux Woods Subdivision pLat be approved And
that the village treasurer and +tlexk be authorised to
affix their eipatures thereon subject to "the regeipt of
payments as indicated in the village engineer's letter of
April 109 1969, and a board in the amount of $9L9032.54.
Roll CaLI Vote: Ayes Tr+astees Cot�g�eve, Hayes, O'Brien,
Rossman and President Dean.
payee Trustee RowelL
Absent - Trustee Raab. So ordered.
D. ARLPIdepJLt to Ordinance 0-60 - sumtsre Height
This matter was unanimously tab%ed due to the fact that
recoaendatioas from the Platt Commission and Planning
Consultant were Rot received until this date.
A. nt to Dkitter£ield Fire Protection District
an ®ccordence With an agreement between the Village of
Oak Brook and the Oakbrook Center, dated April 26P 1$669
Sure, Fields and Draper R Mramar have sttbklitted to the
village their aremittancee in the amounts of $2,240,q L5,
$59202055 and $9,253,56, respectively, totalling $L49696,06.
The Village of Bak Brooks payment is $538.068 rapfteiedting
a total of $►159234.L2 due to the Butterfield Fire Protection
Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Timtetee Coagreve.. .
That the treasurer and clerk be authorized to submit a
payment of $15 234.12 to the fttterfLetd Fire Protection
District covering the eontractural cost of fire service
to the village.
Boll Cali. Mote: Ayes Trustees d*algreve, Reyes, Howell,
O'Srien, Rossmsn and President Deans
Noyes - Done
Absent - Truetee Rush So ordered.
B. YfLl$taa CoattributicM to Police Pension Find
Each trustee was provided with a valuation balance sheet and
a Letter from W. Edward A. Skebe, Supervisor. Pension lid
Division, State of Illinois stating that the emMUt ®seesssry
to amortize the actuarial deficiency of the pension fund is
$2,33296. DM to the fact that this amount is not payable
until the and of the fiscal year, it was Unanimously decided
that this matter be pLeaed on the agenda in M&rrb, 970.
C. Polk" Do, t $emaaF ®Lies
Eacb trustee was provided with a retomauaadation and tabralaation
of bids for remodeLing the Uce departusot from Administrator
U rbausen, dated ju� Lti, L969.
Trustee HOM11 gloved - seconded by Trustee Rosman...
Tbat tbft trecommeaadation of 2&. Urbaseen be approved and
that the contract be awarded to Fired Rohr in the amont
of $6,125.000
ROLL Call Votes Ayes - TM8tees 0"B reve, lie e g RMeLL,
O' 8rfen t Rossmat and Cesident Dean.
Noyes • some
Absent - Trustee Poeb So orderad.
Page 3
A., Y.ak �*.., own
. .D.�r.. eW.i. nafe GingLr Cre k
Each trustee wes provided t, Letter written by Administrator
Urbausen to Dr, Ralph E. Ransford, dated July 19, L9699
regarding the status of Lhe drainage improvement an Baybrook
Trustee Roseman moved a seconded by Trustee O'Brien..
That Mr. Urbausen be authorized to proceed as outlined in
his Letter upon receipt of confirmation of same from the
Ginger Creek Comimnity Association.
RoLI CeLL Vote: Ayes Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell,
O'Brien., Roseman and President Dean.
Nayes None
Absent Trustee Rush So ordered.
A. DuPaste Count_ 2 *n1nB Notice #2089 _-_ Schweadener Pro
grtheast Corner of Adams & Osd ett
Each trustee was provided with a DuPage County Zoning Notice
#2089 stating that a public hearing will be conducted on
Thursday, July 24, 1969 at the Hinsdale Memorial Building
at 7:30 P.M. Trustee Congreve and Ada rLaistrater Urbausen
will attend this meeting.
B. Building ermit- StopMork Comfits
��WIArF� .M.IM. •WA.R rA.
Each trustee was provided with a copy of a letter from
Administrator Urbausen, date;; July 189 L969, regarding
various stop -work orders tamed by Inspector Pearson
Mr. Wilfred Barry, D'Abar Builders,, Inc. and bra Frank Wiercoch
of Western Terrace Builders gave testimony supporting their
request that the stop -work orders be Lifted from their construe -
tion Jobs at 85 Baybrook Lane and 20 Camelot Drive
After discussions, the following motion was made.
Trustee O'Brien moored -p seco;Wed by Trustee Rosman,,,,
ThSt the stop -.cork orders on Permits Has. L309 and L526 be
Lifted subject to the receipt of letters from the respective
homeowners - stating that the use of felt paper its Lieu of the
copper flashing requirement is acceptable to them.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Hayes, Howell, O'Brien,
Roseman and President Dean.
Noyes -- Trustee Congreve
Absent Trustee Bush So ordered.
C, 56th -nnual ILLiMis Maanticit>al 148M Conference
Each trustee was provided with a notice of the 56tb Anm&l
Conference of the Illinois Mthicipel Yaegtae to be bold at tb®
Conrad Hiltote Hotel on September 6-9, 1969. President Dean
requested that any trustee itttereated its attending this
cossferettce Contact Mrs. Fr£cek so that advance reservations
can be made
D. PLatt 2gSdasion Res ndati tt m I-at SLE outside Village
Each trustee was provided with a Letter from Plash Comission
Chsfrmn 8asafui, dated July 237 L9699 recomendinttgg the adoption
of an os'dirtence a ditog the +subdivision regulat� ms ordinance
to provide for the ales of lots to be used for residential
ptrpeaea in centivotg territory.
Trustee O'Brien mscred - seventleal by Trustee Roseman...
Page 4
R, Plan Comission ReCOMeendation - Lott Sise outside
That a public bearing be scheduled for August LStb, l.sd9 and
that notice of same be pubLisbed,
Voice vote. • all in favor. So ordered.
E. Heart' Or! &-- Curb Coastructfo® Kermit
Maser Barner' reported OR i violation of a curb twstall.ation
In Woodside Estates, He stated that the installation complied
with village requirements and was an asset to the roadway
Tutee Rossmen moved seconded by Trustee Hayes...
That tbr. village board approve the issuance of a permit
for this ctarb LestaLLation after tba facto
Roll Call Vote? yes Trustees rl"greve, Hayes, U melt,
Q`Rrfen, Roseman and President Dean.
Noyes - None
Absent Trustee Rush So ordered.
President Dean adjourned this meeting at lodes P. I.
Lorraine R. F rieek
Village CLerbk