Minutes - 07/23/1991 - Board of TrusteesV4 ar- �
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The Public Bearing was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Bushy in the SaMtel*
B. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons. The meeting was called pursuant to
Notice given as required by law, copy of wX:ich is attached.
The Clerk called the roll with the following persons
PRESENT: President Bushy, Trustees Bu tecki, yrafthefer, Payovich, Shumate, Skinner
ABSENT: Winters.
President Bushy briefly outlined the purpose of the proposed Appropriation Ordinance
for the fiscal year comencing May 1, 1991 and endim.,g April 30, 1992 as published in
the Oak Brook DOINGS on July 10, 1991. Copies of the proposed ordinance were
available for public wramination, and no one appeared to speak or shit any written
cements in behalf of or against the ordinanca
Trustee Bartecki moved to adjourn the Puhlic Bearing at 7:35 p.m.. Seconded! by
Trustee Payovich. Voice mote: Notion varried.
4 in �i. Cannella
Village Clerk
a :phmin