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Minutes - 07/26/1966 - Board of Trustees
• V06— BOT— wij, VILLA CS 4P IA6KBROOK HIM-P OP July 269 1966 The Mooting was oohed to order at 0905 PM* by V111ei ProaId nt Te Aa Wohlmans All trunteeavero present except Trustee Bartoar, 11 OING OP "IMITES Tli%1stoe OtBrien Loved - 804andod by Trusts* MayeaeOe That the miumtes of the Span gal Mastins of cluly Ile, 1966e and the Regular Woeting of July 12o 1966a be accepted and approved as submittoda N0108 Veto 'm all In favor* Sty or+ored, III AN�OIWMEIV OF TM.100MRY MEW T atoe O'Brian 1' ov6d f- 9e0euded by Trustoo 9008 120 * 0 That Rather Mcftersou bo appolfated temporary oleA far thle atlas* +fig@ "p�'a�106 vote yay��all r�avord Sri or do Iii APP01WHAJf�V , O P11M E by President KahUanv who aftftlster6d the oath of 0$'fleea Kra Rand Dolan submitted the Annual AndIt and Trustee 0,2 Sri an reviewed It. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Savoy. a o That the V111ase Mpartment Heads ass the res ponSibilIty of reviewing their six month and tea rondo 'budget figureea king this a atim4ard ,poM7 of the Board* Roll call 'vote: A -yen m Trusted Havoyp Ha7eoo Howell. and O+BrIen Wales Prealdent Mobban Absent o Trustee Barton+ Abstained Trustee Rona n Be orderede VI 0-RDI NAVOES a RSO'LUTIOPS s VA RIATIONo ETO a Mra W118on Connelle ChAI .. of the Aeutbatlas COMItteep gave the statue of the -itreot 3.10t propoaula o Pass 2 Bo VUb , &arAvarmonts F king, Lai, Hro Wilson Gannnll presented a layout of a Propooed Parking lot* ..-0 also submitted coples of U* grroposed budgeto show - Isg the InItIal expanditurs to be $15 2. 53 for the first phase of the d-evelopmenta which would easentlally develop a d through from, bid© half porUon of Sprang Rosd clear thro agh to the drlvemin at tho east s1dEe of the Firehouse with park ing for e`i spaceso Truatee Novell moved - sacconded by Trustee Hayes,*,, That the Village Inagaaast at least four blda for p1me anep�e not ta��/�{exceed and budgeted amount ra�pJ�'4 the g�reo�oy x� » tion e. ft" 96009000 find to Wai a the requ JivYq� nt for advartlairtgo Roll call vote: Ayes Troateen Haveyas n ayea& Havello O'Brien, Rosawn and brasident Koh1man PSmy�a � 1�eanc� A'bsont TrustGao Barton so ora9e1`e i. C, '�oadeai�� �e tatea 'fi�►�l'�r. as �xrar "� Trustea Hs grey reported that he hardo thr*ugh the Chlef g been In contact with the :Mate and hoped to resolve the problon. In the near future. Do ng_�n®arr �onl�r�aac�: Trastee OtBrlon wIll report on this at a later dated R. weadd., Oaks. Re-,$L16121ftblon Prealdent n stated that King V -Sudol ha o agreed to e1e4n up this property for the past three years and has never dune Ito Tmatee Ray" asked that rre hold thla matter In abo7anoe until be bad a ahance to check the layout. No errtich to kano Fo Kmal sres ©sY broak Strbt .vie on Trustee Rosman moved A seconded by Trastes Hawe2l That the 14U6 .lor Subdfvlsion Plat be turned over to than VIII&SO Attonoy for his ®pinIon as to its compllaraae with exle'ting vil ap ordinances, Voice vote -Z�- all in ft1vo:.a Go losse Plat of Su rvev- so ordered. Prealdent Mob`' as Instruated the V111age Clark tq forward the 10220 Plat of Cu"ey to the Plan Ca%misslon Rory Its rocowmn+da- t ton. ®r- diaaants tar rain Ing nartarin striaets In Nana ear Creek. V111age Attor-aay Howem read an ordlnance !-®neraing aertain atrests in Glnpr ameko Trustav C e 9rla A moved - seconded by A rustoe Hayes... 7/26/66 - Page 3 R, ordinance -For Rene, Streets 000tinuedl That olodinaanea S -10 a:hakiging the news of Arden load and Whtrtaway Drive to Saybrook Lane; a ud that portion of Daybrook Lane extending North of the South line of Lot #9 to harden Court, be adopted by the village board. ROLL 09LI Vote: Ayea - I'matees Raveyq Hayes, HawalL, 0"Brien, ssmau and President Moh1man. 1413yes � None 6ba ent M Trustee Barton So ordered. VLXI NEW 10331 NESS A, Oak Brook Poutal �,rv:%ce , wtwere.n..v...,w.w,r,s..rtw This iteaa wi 1 l be deferred untit the next regular board meeting. B. Slump Iff-rification of Row cp - Hobby. .2a ion Attorney Rowers ready to opinion sty hied to qtr. Pearson an toles. ° 119 L965, regarding this rmaxttor. Estee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the board accept the village attorney' a opinion that this activity be cLassifted as a home ortupatioa+ in a single family renidettke diotricta Voice vote - a Ll in favor. �r So ordered. C. V`'� ft Plat r€*�a:� gaa'�d_,a. JwC3" amr � «.�.�nx.�— tow.i.rwMw t�wa.+,eeiwrww:o President biohLman presented the plat stating that there woo Ego regtr3st for format action but he wanted the board to be apprised of the fact that there was as Pending sate to a cbureb group and if that sate were constaaeaa'ttd there wotald be s request £or ou . -ha vacation. Trustee Mayes ta►aaved - seconded by Trustee Howell.... That this meeting be adjourned. Voice vote - a l L In favor. So ordered. Thismesting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. ReepectfuLly submitted, Kathryn L. NePhermon Clerk. -Fro Tem , {;', 7/26 /66