Minutes - 08/08/1961 - Board of TrusteesIT
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AUGUST,$$ 1961
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The meeting was called to order at 8;16 poms by Village Presift
dentle A, Koh1mano Roll *all Was tikeno All trustee@ were presents
2a Readins RILKIL es:
The minutes of July 11, 1961 wore read* There were no oor"
reotione or additions and by order of the President,, stood approved
3* Ordinances ga.d
so Mrs Koh2man read a letter dated July llp 1961 from the Depart-
ment of Revenue# Springfield, Illinois,, which stated the pro-
vi,sione of Imposing a municipal Service Occupation Tax at the
rate of one-half (1/2) of one (1) per cent of the cost price
of all tangible peraoiiil property transforredt or the sale of
services within the Village of Oak Brooks
Mr. O'Brien moved that the Ordinance imposing a municipal Serv-
Lee Occupation Tax rGr the Village of Oak Brook be approved as
reado Mr. Roseman s000nded the motion.
Roll call vote: ayes - 7fi nays - 0. So ordered.
This Ordinance aball be Imown as 0-27,
b. Mr. Moh1man brought to the attention of the Board a suggested
Utility Ordinance concerning a matter of sewer and water. The
stated desirability of sewer and water in any proposed annexed
territory was discussed. This proposed ordinance wag fcrwarded.
to the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board or Appeals for
their opinions,
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o. Mr. Bohlman brought to the attention of the Board a suggested
Utility Ordlnenoe concerning the expediting of building per -
alto by the Oak Brook Utility Company* it was felt that a
more eampYete explanation was needed and that a rep*_Pesentative
from the Utility Company present this matter before the Board.
d. Mrs Moh1man read a letter dated Ane 27p 1981, from the Oak
Brook utility Company concerning agreements to be nude with
the Yorkfield Sanitary District. Board requested that the in-
terested 'parties oome before the Hoard and explain Vain matter
In detail•
as Mr. Mohlman stated that the Ginger Creek numbering System had
been approved by the Planning Board and this matter was ready
for Board action. Ur. Carley moved, Mrs Calhoun seconded the
following motions
Dire at the Village Attorney to draft an ore Lnance for
a numbering system as approved for the Village of
Oak Brook. Said ordinance should include the sug-
Seated numbering system for Ginger Crook Property.
Voice vote - all in favor, So ordered.
4. Annexations:
a. President Mohlman called to the Board's attention a proposed
annexation. This annexation will be known as the Larkin -Henke
Properties, This Area is east of Midwest Road, north of 82nd
Street, south of Butterfield Road and encompasses approximately
fifteen (18) acres. There are two (9) residents on this prop.
erty at the present time. The remaining property would be
as 2 M
zoned industrial or business. This matter shall come before
the Board at its next regular meeting.
b. Representatives from an area known sa Butterfly Lake Estates
prevented t'aeir proposed annexation to the Board for considers -
tion. Mr. O'Brien wade a motion and Mr. Roseman +seconded,
tb^t the proposals from the But-tartly Lake Estates Proportion
and Dr. Adrian's Properties, bo Forwarded to the Planning Com-
mission for their. opinions
voice vote - all In Favor, so ordereds,
d. i la s l
as, Troa surer' a Report -
Mr. VenDyke presented a report for the mont<he of June and Zu1j,
19619 Said report attaohed to these minutes. Mr. Oren moved
and Mr. Roseman seconded that the Treasurer's Report be accepted
as reed.
Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered,
Mr. VanDyke presented bills for the month of July, 1961 for
approval and payment. Lints totsled $3,250.61. Said report of
bills attached to these minutes. Br. Owen moved and Mr. Roseman
seconded a motion to pay the bills for the month of July.
Roll Gall vote; ayes - 79, nays - 0. So ordered.
Mr. O'Brien presented a report on the &antral audit as prepared
by Kr. Dolan. Mr. Owen made a motion that the program for the
services of a Public A000untant (Mr. Raymond Dolan), as amb-
mitted by Mr. O'Brien be approved. Said services not to exceed
$250.00. Mr. Carley seconded the motion,
Roll Gall votes ayes - i, nays - 0. So ordered.
b. Scavenger Billing "
Mr. Mohlman was informed that all a cavenge r licenses
have been paid for the onrrent year.
8* Report of Officeres
aA Pollee Department -
6aptain Ott reported the activity for the month or July, 1981•
This report in on file with the Pollee Departments
Br. gold Walthere was introduced as a probationary policeman*
Captain Ott: explained to the Board, the purobase of a station
wagon squad ear and its total cost* Mr. Owen moved, and Mrs
Dahmlow seconded that we purchase the squad oar and equip it
as re commended *
R*11 awl1 vote: ayes - 7, nays - d. So Ordered*
be Building Comadssion
Aire R. Be Wight's report was presented and a copy is hereby
attached to the ce minutes*
7* Unfinished. Business:
a. The committee responsible for the activity or seouring a now
village hall had no short at this time.
be A letter from Public Service was read by President Koh1man ex-
plaining their Policy on extending free utility service to the
as The road problem in cOnneotion with Oak Brook Terrace Shopping
Center was discussed at length. This matter shall be under
further discussion at a continuation meeting.
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We O'Brien Moved and 11r. Roseman seoonded that chi& meeting
to continued to Augu!it lb, 1962. at OF s3® p.m,,
Voice vote - 611 ayeso se ordered.
Meeting continue'. an ordered at MOT p om •
Respectfully submitted,
,11 P • O'Brien
Village Clerk
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