Minutes - 08/09/1988 - Board of TrusteesI VILLAGE OF OAK BRO MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING August 9, 1988 CALL MEETING TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Cerne in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: President Wence F. Cerne Trustees Garry J. Bartecki Karen M. Bushy 4%c Walter C. Imrie H. Richard Winters ABSENT: Trustees Ronald P. Maher Joseph H. Rush PLEDGE TO THE FLAG II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 26, 1988 be approved as presented and waive reading of same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. III. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. ORDINANCE NO. G -415 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5(a) OF ARTICLE II OF PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK: Discussed and direction given at the Regular meeting of July 26, 1988. Proposed ordinance allows for non - exempt full -time police and 'ire employees who work on a holiday to be paid at time -and -a -half. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... To pass Ordinance No. G -415 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. B. RESOLUTION NO. R -458 RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE: Proposed resolution using Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the 1988 Paving Project (Brook Forest Subdivision Units V & VI) consists of the resurfacing of Kimberly Lane, Kimberly Circle, Charleton Place, Pembroke Lane, Shelburne Drive, Kingsbury Court, Victoria Court, Regent Drive, Hamilton Lane, Kingston Drive using Bituminous Concrete Binder and Surface Course, Class I, and the repair of existing combination concrete curb and gutter and drainage structures. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To pass Resolution No. R -458 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. NaY3: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -1- August 9, 10,88 m16_ �A 0 0 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- August 9, 1988 IV. FINANCIAL: A. Payouts: 1. Pressure Ad usting Stations (1915 York Road 2710 Meyers Road 1400 35th Street ) - Design & Construction Services - Payout 2: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To authorize payment of Payout , #2 to Harza Environmental Services, Inc. for design and construction services in the total amount of $11,081.18. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. 2. Flood Mitigation Study - Payout #1: "Modified Proposal for Study of Flooding in Oak Brook" dated June 16, 1988 accepted at the Special Meeting of June 18, 11;88. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To authorize payment of Payout #1 to W. J. Sauer for plan submitted in the total amount of $15,904.89. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. 3. 1987 Pavement Rejuvenation Project #87 -1115 - Forest Gate Road, Saddle Brook Subdivision, Trinity Lakes Subdivision, Yorksnire Woods Subdivision, Woodside Estates Subdivision, Adams Road, Commerce Drive, McDonald's Drive Clearwater Drive Avenue Loire and Camden Court - Payout 2: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To authorize payment of Payout #2 to Midwest Tar Sealer Co. to furnish and install Bituminous Pavement Rejuvenator (BPR) on the subject streets in the total amount of $9,978.16. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. 4. 1988 Pavement Rejuvenation Project #88 -1116 - Bradford Lane, Brighton Lane, Chatham Lane, Croydon Lane, Dover Drive, Hunt Club Lane, Sheffield Lane Stafford Lane Windsor Drive Bliss Drive Swift Drive. Windsor Drive (N), 35th Street, Commerce Drive - Payout 1: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To authorize payment of Payout #1 to Midwest Tar Sealer Co. to furnish and install Bituminous Pavement Rejuvenator (BPR) on the subject streets in the total amount of $26,230.47. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- August 9, 1988 wn �- Z L3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ;linutes -3- Au.;ust 9, 1988 5. Pressure Mitigation Project - 31st Street Booster Station - (2915 Oak Brook Road ) - Payout 5: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Winters... To authorize payment of Payout #5 to Mola Construction Company for construction of a booster pump station, water distribution mains, and all related ;cork in the total amount of $152,128.41 subject to receipt of waivers. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Tmrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. 6. 1988 Crack Seal Project No. 88 -1123 (York Woods Subdivision Windsor Drive N Bliss Drive Swift Drive 35th Street - Route 83 -St. Stephens Green ) - Payout 2: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To authorize payment of Payout #2 to Jacobs & Son, Inc. for crack seal at the subject locations in the total amount of $13,296.32 subject to receipt of waivers. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. B. Approval of Bills: Warrant Register by Fund dated August 1, 1988 presented to reflect payment form the following funds: General Fund $437,480.18 Water Fund 255,811.40 Sports Core Fund 186,137.66 Trustee Bartecki moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To approve payment of Warrant Register by Fund in the total amount of $879,429.24 and authorize the Village President to affix his signature thereon. President Cerne abstained from voting on the bill from Pepsi Cola due to corporate ownership by his employer of Pepsi Cola General Bottlers, Inc. Trustee Winters abstained from voting on the bills from Illinois Bell due to employment by same. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy and Imrie. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. 4b9tain: Trustee Winters and President Cerne. So ordered. V. OLD BUSINESS: A. 7CS Traffic Signal Controller Replacement - Project No. 87 -1703 - Bid Authorization given at the Regular Meeting of July 12, 1988. Seven (7) contractors had plans and five (5) bida were submitted on Monday, August 1, 1988. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Minters... VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- August 9, 1988 m ►- VILL* OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- • August 9 1988 To accept the bid of A.A. Electric Company, the lowest responsible bidder, in the total amount of $163,900.97 for traffic signal controller replacement without the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Route 85 traffic signal system and in the alternative, to connect our signals along 22nd Street with the Route 83 /22nd Street signal system. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Maher and Rush. So ordered. B. Well #6 - Booster Station (2915 Oak Brook Road) - System Pressure Differential Mitigation Contract - Change Order 2: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To approve Change Order #2 from Harza Environmental Services, Inc. in the amount of $3,702.54 for associated changes per contract. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. C. Owner's Subdivision (3616/3618/3622 /3624 Spring Road) - Request for Reduction in Securities Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To reduce the subdivision security for Owner's Subdivision by the amount of $31,441.75. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. D. Well #6 - Booster Station (2915 Oak Brook Road) - Pressure Mitigation Equipment - Request for Acceptance: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Winters... I. To accept the pressure mitigation equipment as of Friday, July 29, 1988: A. Pump No. 2 and Pump No. 2 Controls B. Pump No. 3 and Pump No. 3 Controls C. Main Controls D. Main Switch Gear II. To accept the pressure mitigation equipment as of Thursday, August 4, 1988: A. Pump No. 1 and Pump No. 1 Controls III. To Hold Any Liquidated Damages In Abatement. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So orderea. E. Oak Brook Stormwater Management Plan - Update: Discu3sion on Report No. 2 from engineering consultant, W. J. Bauer, regarding the flood effects study of Salt Creek giving i revised opinion on the effect of the Elmhurst levees upon Oak Brook. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- August j, 1988 w�! � s VILLAG1" OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- Au „ust 9, 19£38 F. Water Emergency - Update: 853 warnings have been issued with 113 resLdents hiving their water shut off which requires a `52-00.00 service charge for restoration of water service per Ordinance G -413 passed at the Special Meeting of June 18, 1988. As long as the drought conditions continue, the Village's restriction program will continue. G. Report of Activities: 1. Finance: Trustee Bartecki - No Report. 2. Personnel: Trustee Bushy - Police Department personnel is at full staff. 3. Public Safety & Traffic: Trustee Rush - No Report. 4. Public Works & Library: Trustee Imrie - No Report. 5. Sports Core: Trustee Maher - No Report. 6. Zoning & Planning: Trustee Winters - No Report. VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Water Service Re nest - Shell Oil Company (17 W 621 Roosevelt Road Oakbrook Terrace): Request for water service to serve an existing service station on a 0.743 acre parcel on the southwest corner of Roosevelt Road and Summit Avenue. The parcel is outside both the Village limits and the certificated area of the Oak Brook Utility Company, but within the Oak Brook service area. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To authorize the Village President and Clerk to execute the Agreement with the owners of the Shell Oil Company for dater service to the subject property. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. B. Bid Authorization - Exterior Painting of Oak Brook Library: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To authorize advertising for bids for painting the exterior wood trim of the Oak Brook Free Public Library. Bids to be received as soon as specifications are ready. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. C. Bid Authorization - 1988 Paving Project: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To approve the "Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code” for the Brook Forest Subdivision, Units V & VI, so that a portion of this year's paving project can be paid for utilizing MFT Funds and authorize advertising for bids for the 1988 Paving Project. Bid3 to be received Tuesday, September 6, 1988 at 11:00 A.M. VOICE 'DOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. D. Bid Authorization - 1988 Chip & Seal Project No. 88 -1119: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... VTLLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- August 9, 1988 -rAt VILLOOF OAK BROOK Minutes -6- 0 9 August 1 8g August , 9 To authorize advertising for bids for the 1988 Chip & Seal Project for Wennes Court, Luthi.n Road, Washington Street, Wood Road, Acorn 11111 Lane, Bath & Tennis Drive, Hunt Club Lane, Hunt Club Drive, Coolidge Street, Grant Street, Lincoln Road, White Oak Lane, 35th Street and Glendale Avenue. Bids to be received Monday, September 6, 1988 at 10 :00 A.M. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. E. Acceptance of Salt Creek Dredging Easements - Reaches 2 and 3: Trustee Imrie moved, seconded Trustee Winters... To accept the following seven (7) permanent easement-3: Kartha, 910 Red Fox Line; Kosowski, 909 Merry Lane; Ng, 905 Merry Lane; Small, 901 Merry Lane; May,rood Bank Trust, 817 Merry tone; Straus, 815 Merry Lane; Western National Bank Trust, 807 Merry Lane. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustee:; Bartecki, Bushy, Imrie, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustees Maher and Rush. So ordered. F. Amendment to Health Care Plan: Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To approve amending the Village's Health Care Plan to include coverage for expenses such as lab work and office visits related to a weight loss program for obesity in conjunction with another diagnosis that is covered in the plan. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. G. Referral: With no objections, President Cerne made the following referral: 1. Czuba - Rear and aide Yard Variations (25 Glendale Avenue) -- Referred to Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of September 6, 1988. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Bartecki... To adjourn this meeting. TIME: 8:21 P.M. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. ATTEST: 'r -i? I MQLX'-N- --� it� Mari nne Lakosil, GNgC Village Clerk 6 3 �-aa Approve VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minute-3 -6- August 9, 1988 �i ,! i