Minutes - 08/09/1994 - Board of TrusteesThe Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was cled to order by President Bushy in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7 : 44 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was given. 2. ROLL CALL 3 . ANNOUNCEMENTS NTS & OPEN FORUM: Resident, Harry Terlecki, inquired into the amount of losses that have been sustained by the Village during the mechanical breakdown of tale Tennis Dome as of January 1, 1994. Trustee Shumate stated the Dome has been repaired and is presently being cleaned. President Bushy said the final disposition has not been made, but it is covered by insurance. Trustee Shumate noted the Dome's forecasted revenue expectations were being met before it collapsed. Resident Terlecki asked if the Village would lose the expected revenue or would the isasurance companies cover this? President Bushy stated there are three insurance companies investigating this presently, and they have not reached a conclusion. Trustee Shumate stated the monies to build the Dome were borrowed from the General Revenue Fund in a ten -year note. The General Revenue Fund is the sales tax revenue. Resident Terlecki asked for the interest rate of the note. Finance Officer Langlois stated the rate is 4.9 or 4.85% at a fixed return. The General Revenue Fund will be repaid from the Shorts Core Fungi. The Sports Core 'TILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 1 August 9, 1994 G MEETING CALL ROLL CALL &NITOUNCEt'ENTS AN' OPEN 'PORtP� Vas-180TO-MiAJ t -- q -q Fund is user fee revenue from the Bath & Tennis Club and the Golf Course. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: P-iINUTES Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Denny, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 26, 1994 as amended and eve the - full reading thereof. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. 5. OMNIBUS AGENDA: Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to approve the Omnibus Agenda. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, Shumate and Skinner. Nays: ®- None. Absent: 2 - Trustees McInerney and Payovich . Motion carried . VIIJ AGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 2 August 9, 1994 TR Voe - %3oa °-. M 411 COVlN'GTON- SUBDIVISION: Approved Omnibus Vote. LETTER OF APPROVAL OF: - A. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Approved Omnibus Vote. ILLS: COVINGTON /WHITEHALL PARR SUBDIVISION COMPLETION: $549,475.43 B . APPROVAL OF PAYROLL: Approved Omnibus `Note. PAYROLL: $213,106.52 C. PAYOUTS: PAYOUTS: 1. CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. -_PAYOUTS 11 8c 12 - UST: PHASE III - ENGINEERING SERVICES - UNDERGROUND $6 , 600.55 & STORAGE TANKS: Approved. Omnibus Vote. I.F $4t107.80 2. JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES - PAYOUT #1 - 1995 PAVING 195 PAVING PROD PROJECT: Approved Omnibus Vote. $ 6 , 508.04 3. JAMES J. & ASSOCIATE PAYOUT #14 - 1994 PAVING & 194 PAVING & WM ,. �r..I.YI...BENES MATER MAIN PROJECT: .Approved Omnibus Vote. $19 , 908.84 4. CIVILTECII ENGINEERING, INC. - PAYOU:'I" #9 - YORK ROAD YORK RD. BIKE BIKE TRAIL - PR1EL� AR ENGINEERING: GINEERING: Approved. OMnibus TRAIL: $1, 252, 31 mote. 5. PRODUCTIVITY POINT - PAYOUT FOR INITIAL COMPUTER COMPUTER TRAINING ON NEW SOFTWARE PACKAGES: Approved Omnibus TRAINING: Vote. $10,950.00 D. RESJUEST FOR V ASSOCIATION - - OAR BROOK LIBRARY WAIVER OF VEES- r: Approved omnibus vote. SEPTEMBERFEST E. RE OEST FOR REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT - COVINGTON COVlN'GTON- SUBDIVISION: Approved Omnibus Vote. LETTER OF CREDIT F. RKUESTF R REDUCTION IN INTER OF CREDIT - CO`'INGTON/ COVINGTON /WHITEHALL PARR SUBDIVISION COMPLETION: WHITEHALL - Approved Omnibus Vote. LETTER OF CREDIT 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS AGENDA: None. i7. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. ORDINANCE 94- BD- BOA` -G -537 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORD. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAR BROOK RELATIVE 94- BD -BOT -G -537 TO FUNCTI N DUTIES AND COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN COMPENSATION - MUNICIPAL Gi 210ERS : VP & BOT Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Bartecli, to pass Ordinance 94- BD -BOT -G -537 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Bartedd, Kenny, Shumate and Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees McInerney and Payovich. Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MJnutes 3 August 9, 1994 Ifo B. ORDINANCE 94-TX-UT-G-538 AN ORDINANCE FURTHER AMENDING ORD. ORDINANCE G -470, "Aid ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A UTILITY TAX 94- TY -UT -G -538 WITHIN THE VILLAGE 0? OAK,s BROOK 2 DU PAGE AND COOK UTILITY TAX COUNTIES, ILLINOIS": C. ORDINANCE 94 -LY-El President Buse requested the last 'sentence of the paragraph to II. GOVERNANCE be amended to read, "Commissioners are encouraged to Participate hi professional organizations and education opportunities for library trustees, with the approval of the Village Manager". President Bushy noted the Trustees had received a revision to IX . GIFTS, that A and B be included in the motion to amend the proposed ordinance. Motion by Trustee Skinner, sanded by Trustee Bartel, to pass Ordinance 94- LY -El -S -779 as amended and eve the full reading thereof. ROLL CAUL VOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Bartecld, Kenny, Shumate and Spinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees McInerney and Payovich. Motion carried. ORD. 94- LY -El -S -778 LIRRAR`1 GENERAL POLICY D. ORDINANCE 94 -LY -G -539 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OP D . ENTITLED "LIBRARY` OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE 94-- LY-- G--539 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK: LIBRARY FEES Trustee Shumate requested Section 2 of Section 7 -2, the mum charge for overdue fines, be amended to rears, "The ma mum charge for any item not returned shall not exceed the replacement cost of such Item plus any overdue fines ( such fines not to exceed ten dollars VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 4 August 9, 1994 Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to pass Ordinance VOTE: as amended and waive the full reading thereof . ROLL CALL Ayes: 4 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny! Shumate and Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees McInerney and Payovich. Motion carried. E. ORDINANCE 94 -BU -G -540 OF THE CODE OF ORDINAN ILLINOIS: M AMENDING SECm. TON 2�-1 0". LAGE OF OAK BROOK, 94 -BU -G -540 BUDGET F. ORDINANCE 94 -ZO —V- VARIATION FROM THl ZONING ORDINANCE t G -60, AS AMENDED. Ii Gate Road) Me ". M Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to pass Ordinance 94- ZO- y -E1 -S -779 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL MOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, Shumate and Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees McInerney and Payovich. motion carried . 9. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS - SPECIALTY AREAS: Environmental Concerns & End neerin : Trustee Payovich - Village Manager Veitch noted the new Ginger Creek water main installation is 10 completed and tested by the State. 75% of the asphalt and 50% of parkway restoration Is completed. Finance/ Purchasing: Trustee Bartee]a - Staff is reviewing the budget process and proposed networking of the purchasing system. LibMa & Hotel, Convention and 'Visitors Committee: Trustee McInerney - Trustee Bartecki stated that Border's Book Store'is having an Oak Brook Library Day on August 29, 1994. Assistant to V111age Long noted Ron Junen m was elected as Chairman of the Hotel Committee, replacing former Chairman Joe Kruvi. VHJ AGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 5 August 9, 1994 0 ORD. 94- ZO -V -E1- S -779 OAK BROOK PARK DISTRICT - STRUCTURE HEIGiiT- LIINTS DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Personnel & Public Safety: Trustee Kenny - The Police Department has announced, in the near future, there will be a road safety check for intoxicated drivers in our community. Planning .& Zonin : Trustee Skinner _ Both advisory commissions am preparing for potential hearings on the IBLP project. Public Works & Calm Television: Trustee Shumate - Superintendent of Public Works Meranda has stated the Village is now pumping gas from the new underground tanks. iTM Clerk: Clerk Gonne]la - 395 vending machine licenses have been issued with fees totalling $10,160; 32 tobacco product licenses have been issued with fees totalling $90; and 33 ` licenses issued with fees totalling 1, 650. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. ,10. NEW BUSINESS: A. RECD DATION - CEWZZI'S OAK BROOK SUBDIVISION s LOTS 14 & 15 AUNT CLUB LANE .. PRE "tY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL: Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to direct the Village Attorney to draft the neceseary resolution for action at the August 23, 1994 Board meeting. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 72 L August 9, 1994 GELOZZI'S OAK BROOK SUB.- PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT ,I B. ggL;EST FOR USE SPORTS CORE FACILITIES FOR EMGENCY DISASTER F.XRR0TSE _ DRILL Trustee Kenny voiced a concern on the use of the Tennis Dome for the drill. President Bushy said there is complete insurance coverage of the event, since it is a State and County organized activity. The disaster people are military people fimm. the Great Lakes base. The Trustees will be contacted that Sundal naing; t® participate in the drill. Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to make the Tennis Dome facility available for the emergency exercise described in the memo dated August 4, 1994 from Mark Fleishman,, Assistant Emergency mint Coordinator. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. C. 1995 BUDGET CALENDAR - ACCEPT AND PLACE ON FILE FOR 1995 BUDGET PUBLIC INSPECTION: CALENDAR Villlap ManaVr Veitch, in his memorandum dated August 4, 1994 to the Board of Trustees, stated that the document provides a schedule, in appropriate detail, for the goals and objectives, fina planning, budgeting and auditing elements of the Village's annual planning cycle. Motion by Trustee Bartecki, seconded by Trustee Shumate, to accept and place on public file the 1995 Budget Calendar. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. D. APPOINTMENT & OATH OF OFFICE: President Bushy formally acknowledged Trustee W. Deily Skinner had tendered his resignation and graciously commended Trustee Skinner for his years of dedicated service to the Village. A recognition dinner is planned for September for your employees and elected officials . Trustee Skinner will be recognized at this event and be given the Paul Butler bronze medallion for his dedication to the Village. President Bushy gave Trustee Skinner a small token of appreciation from the Village. A copy of the mmc:ciallion in the foram of a lapel pit was given to Trustee Spinner. ' VILLAGE OF OAK BROOD Minutes 7 August 9, 1994 16 APPOINTMENT: CALZAlRETTA Motion by President Busily, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to appoint Est R. Calzaretta, as Trustee of the V91age of Oak Brook to complete the unexpired term to April, 1995. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. 11. OTHER BUSINESS PERTAINING TO VMLAGE OPERATIONS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Bartel, seconded by Trustee Shumate, to adjourn the meeting at 9 ° 29 p. as. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried . ATTEST pw- Lan&-A. Village Clerk btmn894 VULAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes n August 9, 1994 CULTUM / RECREATIONAL FACITMIES A JJOMTr.ENT