Minutes - 08/11/1981 - Board of TrusteesI. II. III. IV. :F- N CALL MEETING TO ORDER VILLAGE OF OAR BROOK 40 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING August 11, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by President Cerne in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons. A. Roll Call APPROVAL OF MINUTES Present: Trustees Absent: President George Congreve Walter C. Imrie Robert E. Listecki Arthur W. Philip Joseph H. Rush William R. Watson Wence F. Cerne None The minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 28, 1981 were deferred to the next Regular Meeting of August- 25, 1981. ORDINANCES, RESOLUTION, VARIATIONS, PLATS, ETC. A. ORDINANCE NO. G-302: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING �TERLICENS THE FCODE THE ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RELATIVE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR. As directed by the Board at the Regular Meeting of July 28, 1981. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Listecki.... To approve Ordinance Number G -302 as presented and waive reading of same. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None So ordered. President Cerne indicated approval of-the motion. B. ORDINANCE NO. G -301: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2-225 OF THE FCODE FOF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK AND ESTABLISHING APPLICATIONS FOR ZONING OR FLOOD PLAIN RELIEF. Trustee Watson moved - seconded by Trustee Philip.... To approve Ordinance No. G -301 as presented and waive reading of same. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None So ordered. President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. FINANCIAL A. Treasurer's Report Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Philip.... To approve the Treasurer's Cash and Investment Report for the month of July, 1981 as presented. Revenue Corporate Fund $6029765.81 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 89838.47 Revenue Sharing Fund 149057.86 Water Fund 1349426.42 1976 Revenue Bond Fund -0- Sports Core Bond Fund 169003.61 Sports Core Operating Fund 931,222.99 Voice vote: all in favor. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES -1- Fund Balance $3,593,898.00 94,953.21 14,608.79 198009305.19 .07 473,043.55 225,025.83 So ordered. August 11, 1981 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES -3- August 11 1981 Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. F. Approval of Bank Resolution - Harris Bank - Collateral Safekeeping Tabled until next Regular Meeting. Voice vote: all in favor. So ordered. V. OLD BUSINESS A. Bid Recommendation Replacement Snow Plow - Public Works Three bids were received on August 5th at 10:00 A.M. for a replacement snow plow for Unit #503. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Rush.... To award the bid to the lowest qualified bidder, Hoyle Road Equipment, in the amount of $2,371.00 with a 30 day delivery schedule. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. Asphalt Recycling Unit - Public Works Three bids were received on August 5th at 10:00 A.M. for an asphalt recycling machine. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Rush.... To award the bid to the lowest qualified bidder, Arrow Equipment Company, in the amount of $8,478.75 with a 10 day delivery schedule. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve; Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. B. Bid Recommendation Bath and Tennis Club Tennis Courts and Parking Lot Three bids were received on August 4, 1981 at 1:00 P.M. for Parking Lot, three (3) Tennis Courts and including alternates as summarized by consultants, Balsamo /Olson Group, Inc. in memo dated August 61, 1981. Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Congreve.... To award the contract to Superior Blacktop Co., of Addison, Illinois for the Parking Lot and three (3) Tennis Courts plus the alternate for the tennis control structure in the total amount of $2999684.85. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. Bath and Tennis Club Watermain Relocation Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Congreve.... To approve the proposal for the watermain relocation at the Bath and Tennis Club in the amount of $19,632.00 with Del Ricco Brothers Construction Co. of Bridgeview, Illinois, and waive competitive bidding on the basis of unit prices being consistant with prices for other work currently under contract and less than the price received from other contractors. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. VI. NEW BUSINESS _3_ August 11, 1981 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES V VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES -2- August 11, 1981 B. Payouts Payout #1 - 1981 Watermain Project #80 -1202 - Del Ricco Bros. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Rush.... To approve the payment to Del Ricco Brothers Construction, subject to receipt of waivers, for the 1981 Watermain Project in the amount of $52,186.50. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. Payout #3 - Yorkshire Woods Watermain Replacement Project #80 -1102 - John Neri Construction. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Rush.... To approve the payment to John Neri Construction Co., subject to receipt of waivers, for the Yorkshire Woods Watermain Replacement Project #80 -1102 in the amount of $41,934.50. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. C. Approval of Bills Accounts Payable, dated August 11, 1981, presented to reflect payment from the following funds: Corporate Fund $2929091.50 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 29278.09 Water System Funds 989951.46 Sports Core Fund 1,749.57 Sports Core Operational Fund 1032882.53 TOTAL $498,953.15 Trustee Rush abstained from voting on payment of bill to his employer, International Harvester. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Listecki.... To approve payment of Accounts Payable in the total amount of $498,953.15, and authorize the President and Treasurer to affix their signatures thereon. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. D. Investments Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Imrie.... To approve and ratify the following investment from the Corporate Fund: One federally secured certificate of deposit in the amount of $275,000.00 to mature at First Federal Savings and Loan on November 30, 1981 at a rate of 17.25% (123 days). Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson.` Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. E. Request for Funding - Police and Fire Pensions The Police Pension Fund requested funds in the amount of $197,185.00 and the Fire Pension Funds requested funds in the amount of $277,712.00 to be contributed for FY 81/82. Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Listecki.... To approve the funding request in the amounts presented for FY 81/82 for the Police Pension Fund and the Fire Pension Fund. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES -2- August 11, 1981 0 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES -4- August 119 1981 A. Authority to Bid - Phase II - Unit 918 - Fire Department Trustee Imrie moved - seconded by Trustee Watson.... To authorize the advertising for bids for one (1) Modular Body for Fire Department Unit #918. Voice vote: all in favor. So ordered. B. Acceptance of Storm Water Drainage Easement - Saddle Brook IV The Easement Documents are necessary for regrading which will take up more of the rear yards than previously dedicated for Drainage Easements. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Philip.... To accept and execute the two (2) Drainage Easements for Lots 276 and 277. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Congreve, Imrie, Listecki, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None President Cerne indicated approval of the motion. So ordered. With no objections President Cerne made the following xeferral. C. Jerry Nerad (305 Midwest Club) Structure Height Variation Referred to Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of September 1, 1981. D. Adjournment Time: 8:05 P.M. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Philip.... To' adjourn this meeting. Voice vote: all in favor. Respectfully submitted, Marianne Lakosil Village Clerk ..t6r• Ff Approved So ordered.