Minutes - 08/12/1958 - Board of Trustees914 r --:-- - - ,'U' ." rir — "3''j - , e -�— a % UAlk Ki The August 12th meeting of the Village of Oak Brook Trustees was called to order at 7A0 PH* The roll was called with Mr. Butl,6r "d Mri,,AX-r1jo%i brim' absent. Mrs. Peyton made tne motions seconded by Mr. -Kolar to adopt the minutes of the July mmeting as read. A short discussion regarding the appointment of a Village Tr-vasurer took placogr with no definate action being taken except to think about it and discuss it again, next meetings Attorney Bowers informed us it was, the fluty of the President with the approval of''the Board to make the appointment The ordinance establishing a fiscal year for the Village was reads and shall hereafter be referred to as G43* Mr. Kolar made the motion seconded by Mrs. Peyton 7k3to adopt this ordinances a copy of Which said ordinance is attached hereto and by reference made a part of these minatese The voting as followst Mr. Calhoun - yess Mr* Kolar . yeep Mr. Krueger - yeso Mrs. Peyton - yea$ Kre Mohlman - yes. Ayes Nuys - 00 z", `ft Approj#atibn Ordinance which shall be known as S-�p a copy of which said ordtpmos -,is attached hereto and by reference made a part of these mliputess, was ro%d• Mr. Krueger made tho motion to adopt this ordinance, seconded by Mr. Cale hour. Tho.votings Mr. Calhoun. yes# Mr. Kolar - yesp Mr. Krueger - yes, Mrs. Pay- ton - yesp Mr. Kohlman - yes* 4.2a - 5# Nays, Oe The ordinance creating the office of Police Chief and providing for a Police Dopoftmat was readv a copy of which said ordinance is attached hereto and by lie I r9forencia mWe n,rrt of these nimtdo. Mr. Solar made the the motion# seconded by 1 1(n. Peyton' to I ado pt -this oriinanoe'ahiah shall' be Imown as G e Th6 voti ngi Xre Calhoun - y*sj, Mr. War - y6st Mr. Imager - yea,. Mrs. Peyton,- yes Mr. Hohlaan yes. kres 51# UYS 00 + _ .. _� -Y�is r +�?i`y'i".�^ -r' ,, , �ryr,, t =;� i -'��r �[•r_,Y,,trr,� , -r. .r t , r i Fresident Mahlwan appointed a committee of 3g Mrs KM$pr, U'. Kolar and Was Payton to consider a suitable peroon Per the Office at poliaa Cbiofi and raport at tho wwt Board mooting. f1,00 0181.0 �e Mru, Payton w4da the wtion, oecanded by Mrs Kruegarpnd peueeed by the board to havo the clerk aI M oad approve Illinoi® Bell Tolophono Perdt #KO 84189• The Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 9f10 M the motion being wide by Mrs War and seconded by tire Cul hom, t r� AN ORDIffAfDCE BSTABUSH116 A FISCAL YEAR FOR THE V'IUAGE OF OAKBROOK* TLLIVOIS A-rTACMSS MIN THERM.. the Village of Oakbrook is a newly incorporated village under the statutes of the State of Illinots; and SAS, the President and Board of Trustees have the power to establish a fiscal year other than that created by statute; and WIMUS, it is the vpiaton of the President and the Boated of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook that they should establish a fiscal year accordingly; Neff, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook= ;section 1. That there is hereby established for the Village cat D brook a fiscal year govarrdng the accounts and finances of said village] which said fiscal year shall oonmence on the first day of f y of each and evert year and shall end on the thirtieth day of April of the following year. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Passed and approved by the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrooki Illinois, this 12th dap of August, A. D. 1958& 5 ent *1 LJOSQi 9-546 1 $ 7 Gas (�'7 wffi� q oa ima cameo = affzz of Pro= WV AHD PROVIDINO FOR L POLICE WARTWW wiTHiN Tian vlLLi s OF OA[S8O0S, LAOIS r� ■r.i.r�ri ■i�.r�r� AITACR • S, the Tillage of Oakb"sk is a nary formed =d of wl soaporati,am in the County of Dos Page and State of Illinois; and , it is the opinion of the President and Board of Trustees of the said Pillage of 0*broek tMb It, to noaessary to Wevide for a pslYae dspartmemt for the presoMticn of pseblio peaces hoalth and general woltars rdthin said village= Wf, T==iMs BR IT ORDA RE by the President AM Board of Trusetess of the said Tillage of Oakbrooke Section U There is hereby created in and for the Village of Oakbareo e o ice of Chief .r Police" shich office shell be filled by aPPOINtment by the Preside- of the Beard of Trustees and confirmed by a majority of the sabore dx said Board of Truste®s. Section 2, In addition thereto the President, •itb the con - ourremae'! �a 'Am" a ioa jority of tho ambers of the Board of Trustees, shall tarn the porter to hire and eaploy additional persons as shall in their opinion be necessary to ac -„ as policemen or patrol- men within the Village of Oakbrook# it beirg the intent of this ordinance that such policemen or patrolmen shall not be doomed to be "officers" of the Village of Oakbrook and sbaU wt be required to reside therein. Section 3a The Chief of Police and poliaemen or patrolmen shall wee Mir time said attention to the discharge of their duties required by law, and the ordinances of this Village. They shall Mve the power and it shall be their duty in said Village to serve and oxscato warrauto and other processes, for the appro. kension and co=%Ltmant of persons charged with a violation of any village ordinance, or any crime or misdemeanor, or offense against the peace of the village or state, or held for examination or trial, or taken in execution for the cosmdission of any orlon, or misde» aeanor, or violation of arty laws or ordinances of this Villago• The Chief of Pekoe and policemen or patrolmen shall havo power and authority, and it shall be their duty to serve and execute aTpr civil process, issued by any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, in say case wherein the Village is a party. And stile serving or execating any such warrant or pr*e*ssc they shall be vested with and have all the powers and authority conferred on Caanstablus at cowman law and the lairs of the State of Minois. Section 6 The policemen or patrolmen shall be ander tds 4irectlon M supervision of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be under the direction and supervision of the Village ('resident. The Chief of Police shall have such further power as nay be conferred on his by the ordinaanees of this Village. It shall be his duty to have general charge of Village property and to keep the same clean and ready for use, and to have charge of persons confined in the Jail during the hours he is on duty. (:Orji l An ot • 9- IX.-53 IW0 N • Section St, The Chief of Foliose and ell poliowen or F►trelsn ohsl sem a the pleasure of the Proaident ad Beard of Trustoos9 Section b. %' person who shill in this Tillage resist the Chiet aR oo, or peli seam or pa..robnn in the discharge of their dutys or sloth offer to attempt to & so, or ohs shall is any maomor assist wW person in mstody of the VIIIAgo palioe to esoapea aor attr-opt to rose%* Iwq person in such oustodys shalt be fined duct loss than Thm ($3* 00) Dellara, nor nere than one Humbvd ($100900) Dollars far each offense. Section To It sbAll be that duty of all persons in this Villages when oa 41 irm by the Chief of Pallas, or my poliasman or patrolman# to preoptly aid and assist then in the execution of their duties in pratservirg peace and good orders and in the apprehoasion of offenderal and any person eie shall neglect or refrse to give ouch old and essiot- a000 ate.1 be Zined a ma set wnse ng Ono %unilred ( 9A0) DoUars for oaolt offonee9 Section d• Any person ob.o OAU within said VIUAge fel.sely re- press sM3e i to be the Chief of Polioo9 or policeman or patrolman, or fte shall aalicl ounl y or with intent to deceives use or imitate say of the signs, signals or devices adopted and %sad by thaw is the tie- charge of their duties, or shall mar In ppiblie the uniform or badge adopted an the wiforn or badge for mob Chief of Follow or peliessyan or patrol a s or after oewping to be sasses, ohmll be svb jest to a fine of not loss than Five ($5.00) DaUerns nor stars than One Beom&sd (1100600) Dollars. Section 99 UnItac sooner teraeinated by action of the President and/ermTe-a-r-FIT Trustees any appointment to the office of Met at Police shall be for a period of ono year from date of such aMintmsnt. Pmssd and approved by the President and Board of Trustees et tho Village. of Ok brooks DU Page County# 1111noi s, this day of k. D. ]9589 1. ibl ! c fmi by tie undersi-ned Ayes by rc+ets �,or,irs t�- :�oi� i tfree conspicuous gap thi s� _ -rir_y of dia LO&JL_ s 4. D. 1 V8. Abvtain odd i) • V i l ! 2- WJZUI N 4)6-4z—" 1 & L coo y A i AO r ✓� 0 R D I N A N C 9 The following appropriation ordinance to only a listing or state:ssnt A: expense requirewnsrs for the year and such list, when properly adeptmd by the President a W the Board of Trustees, b®coan a legal 1 %it beyond vidah officials caret legally inter eiqmnses For the current Tear covered by the erdinaneeo AFMPRIATION Oi'.lil FA= AN ORMNANCE VWNG APPROMATION ?OR. 4111E CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THP ' TLLAW OF OAKSHOOIT, DU PAOE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR "E FISCAL YEAR COHMMM 3 THE FIRS' JAY OF BRAY, A. D. 19 8, AND MMKO THE THIRTIETH DAi OF AML. A. De 19590 BE IT ORDAT IED by the Preeident and 9eaed of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook, Du page Ccunty, Illinois: Section 1, That the following sumsp or as :such thereof as may be authorized �+d F-law$ be and the same are hereby appropriated for the eot- porate purposes of the Village of Oakorosk, Illinois, to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, as herein- after specified and for the fiscal year comencing with the first day of Way, A. D. 1958, and sending the thirtieth day of April, A. fl. 1959: 'ITSM I PUBLxr. AW ' Saslori. ®s: Police Servri Les: Insurance premises, an bonds for President, Claris and Treasurer Contingent Fund: TOTAL -IT= I IM TI OFFICE sMW= AND EQarPWMT Office ;applies P09t8g'� Stationery and printing TOIL —TTF.N IT I TZH 171 PLECTIONS Ballots one election supplies Rent fir polling places TYPAL -1 TEM I t i TO B9 PAID FROM "- AL IVtERAL JOURCIPS AMOUNT TAX OINER THAN (WERA L TAX S 5000 50.00 VIM.00 a 5o.00 5000 25.00 86 00 00 T TRM TV tg sr. 1,PLLANiFUS'" rorT f nN —an t -f' a—n-A vi sZellaneous -gate expenses 45.Ou TOTAL: -I TEV TV TOTAL APPROPRIA'PIONS MFM S 50.00 S 50.00 5.00 25�eOG "6 _.W W25.00 25.00 UO.00 8 2s;.n.v r I` i s r f a i 5 -9 Section 2, All unsscpended balances of any item or item of an; genera -acpp priation made by this ordinance may be expended in &&king up - jeficiency in any item or it=& for the a&-as general purpose or arum Ace appropriation made by this ordinance, Section 3. Thia ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and a tee r its approval and publication, and all ordina mmaa or parts of ordinances !.n conbliat hereeith are hereby repealed. Passed and approved by the President, and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Nibraookd Illinois, this 12th day of August, A. D, 1956, Attest: 0&4". Villse Clark Ayes ways C sle. - o_ red ent - , a This erdi name published by the amlersigned by posting ceps a,'$ thereof at three conspicuous places within the Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, this day of j2fiLj&r , A. D. lS, . � s TIQF 8g A Clerk