Minutes - 08/23/1966 - Board of TrusteesVILIAGE OF OAK BqOOK
11nNMz8 OF
06 - SOT- MIN.
The meeting was caLted to order at 5:03 P.M. by ViLtage Prealdent
T. t,. 14,ohlwan. All. Trtisteei; were priaotnt.
Trustee Ovhrleo moved - secoaded by Tr stet, Hayes...
That the siftkites of the regular meettag of August 9tl%,. 1966�
be accepted aiW appraved an submitted.
Voice vat- -- all in fovor,. So ordered.
11 ( F IRA Nk!i A L
A �2r
Equirnanat Company dAerial Tower Fire True!S�
Trustee IteesmAn repo-ted on the llltaoiv %nap--ctfon and
Rating Bureau acceptance tent of the Sutphen Aerial To4er
Piro Truck.
Trustee Ronaman vu)ved - netanded by Trustee Howell...
That the amount of $33�000.00 be paid to tho Sutphen
Fire Equtpmeivt Compnoy leavistir, an unpaid balaoco of
ROLI CaLl Vote: Ayeo h, T niate6s Barton, Hovey, Hayts
Nometl, 016rien, Ro,2awan ind
Preaid,nt fthLwan.
Neyes Hopt So ordered,
2. W. S. DrrIev & Co. U.000 Gallo
Utmm-L -Fire xramk.)
Trustee Rossmin wov%d - seCended by Trustee 019rieu...
That the araount of $30,825.00 be paid to the W. S. Darley
& Co. in fuLL payment of the L9000 gaLton per fire
tiuck deb vered to the fire deparWe*t early Chia awmer.
Roll CaIL Vote: Ayes Trustees Rartono Haney, Hayes,
Howell, O'Brien, Ras swag ,and
President Mohtwan.
None So ordered.
3. WchaeL Fetreikie & SD
Truatec Howell moved - seconded by Ti-astee 010rfen...
That the statement Prow, Micheet Fetreikin & Son in the
amount of $450-00 for tackpointing the vMage hall be
apWraved fer payment.
RoU CeLL Vote -0 Ayes Trustees Barton, Hervey, Ha►es,,
H*vaLlv O'Brien, Rcaama and
P"ea ident Nohlman.
Hayes N00.10 So ordered.
A. Francisc an Faitherr�s Rezoning •• Ordinance S. -Ll4
..,...�.�.....�... ,.,�....w.. �, ....�,.,.......... M
President Mohl.uaa n read an ordinance amending that toning
orrdinanoe of the village by rreetnasifyitng the Franciscan
Fathers s property from R. L Gingle Family Detached Residence
District to Institutional ]District.
Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee Howell....
That Ordinance S -LLO be approved and adopted by the village
?SOIL Call. Vote: Ayes, Trusteas Barton, flavey, Hayes, Rowell,
O'Brien, Roseman and Prrea dent Mohlman.
lta y :a %' v So ordered
Frosident 1I*h1arnn rand an ordinance a utending Ordtnaace S41,
designating cex thin depoa ttorries ,Coax anin tcipanl funds.
'Trustee Roseman moved • neco nded by Trustee Hayes...
That ordinance S. -LLI, be approved and adopted by the village
Roll. aall Vote: Ayes - Truateec Barton,, Harvey, Hayes, Howell,,
O'Brian, Roseman and President Moblman.
Noyes « none So ordered.
0. Ordinance Rela �.��� al. ,Traffic and Veiileles
This item will be on the next -regular meeting agenda.
U. Oak Brook DeyeLo asnt Co. ReMMU
President MohLmamen read a letter from Per. Samuel E. Ilea ng
Chairman of the Oak Brook Plan Commission, recom andfng
the approval of the rezoning request of the Oak Brook
Deve'.r pment Company for the property west of Ratite 83 bete.eaen
31st Street and the East -blest Tollwaay. This request will be
forwarded to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a public bearing
an September 6th, 1966.
A. Aesthetics Co maittse
Mr. Wilson %;onneLl reported on the progress made by the
aesthetics committee in regard to the lighting problems
within the village. He was confident that the Comamealth
�pAisen company* was Mehins every effort to comply with this
committee'a wishes. Also, Mr. Connell reported an Pbaase l
of the village hall improveftedta, which concerns par<kLng
facilitivas and the necessary work to be donee in regard to
this project.
B. Wendell, Woods
` is item will be on the next regular meeting a Bends.
C. Officer Clark's Resignation
President Kahtmen recd a report franca Chief Sluftineki stating
that Desk officer Mark had resigned from the Cask Brook Police
Department as of August L2, 1966.
Pao 3
V OLD f4CSY S (Continuod)
Do Police Dee rtment XvaXuatl2a _S &M ft
President Mohlma►n read the report of Chi, ®f Sludslaski regarding
roplIes ionaerning a police doWtoment evaluation surrey reaetved
f rora the University of 1111nol o p Indiana Unive3 ra lty, Worthwes to rya
University Fans: Michlacm State Univeraltyo
Trustaa O o Brlen moved - eacondeed by ` matoo l qee n
That the village board authorl -mo an expenditure not to agoead
$40000 *00 to be used at the d1co ration of f4w pollov a &uIttes
for. a. police departmeiat o vaivaitlin ataadta
Roll. Call Votes Ayeu - Trustass Fartanp Heve;r® layee ® O e Brleng
Roseman and Preeldeent Kohlmano
Nayeta w Trustee Howell. so ordered.
A. 'eta„
1. lo o Subdivision
Prsal.deat Hohlmn mad the request of the estate of sftbn Bn
Templetonp smlfIcally for the granting of a building pomit
to Biro Fred Ja Iozzoo He also read the Oak Bro *h Plawk
Coffoalselonts Letter of F860mordati+one Mro Fred Jo I425* 66
letter of cooltanas and Hvso Ruth Tootte letter of e81ealpr i.
tiro ik ph Thompson stated his dloa pproval and Mro William La
Llttle johav reprseenting the Teemp2btun Estate and M.'9 loss®®
spoke on thaIr behalf*
After diseuoatong It was a majorltf opinIon of the board that
Mrq leas* be amnted a building pomIto Bawevero it was also
felt that the t000ptance of a 33 toot easommat would not
aonstltute vllUge board approved. of 66 foot roads in the
Teeapleeton Estato area; ands therefore& the Rellewing notl.an
was made to reaA "not to ozoeeead" 33 fcoto so a lesser road
width could be s000ptod at a future date b7 the village
board if so deeal.red®
Trustee OtBrien moved - seconded by Trustee Haveey t m p
That th3 lozzo Sub&vlsion plat be approved an the tea* ®n -
tIon of the Oak Brook Plan Cominsion subjeat to the village
Being provided with written assurance of a right- of -owa:y not
to e=eeed 33 feet; Coat this be made part of the f1ml plat;
and that the trustees of the gestate of Join Be Tsmpl ®ton be
notified that no furs -her subdIvIsion ulll be pemitted unless
roads are in sonforrance with village board requ$r %ents
Roll Call Votes Ayes - 'Trustees Bave7c Hayes® Bauer.$ aeBrloulp
Rossman and President Nohlaa,
Mayes m Treateo Barton So orderedo
20 T&mbs _Fson
Frealdent Xahlzman read a letter from Mrs W. Lo Littlejobtn®
representing the ®state of John Be Templetan® dated July 29p
1966v requesting oxmination of ra plat of survey relating
to property sold to Mr® George We Lambemong and reslueestIng
conf.1 matlon eaf the interpvetation of Oak Brook Subdivision
Regulations Ordinanae: G-37, section lie Be, 28,. ae it pertains
to thia partloulcar property*
Preeeidsent Mohlmn also read a letter from Village Attoimsy
Sworn dated August 8. 1966c, stating that Ifinsithe4r tba oak
0k Regulations Ordinance 0-371, nor the statutes of the
State of Illinois attGapt, to control the diviaion of property,
where neither dlvidsd parcel is ILess than five news in size,,
ThO Lamb -IF190n PPOPerty is over five aores in rive and dens
not lnv®lvee easements for right of way, and thereforso does
not come within the purview of the PAat Act or the Subdivia l w a
Regulatlew Ordinance,%
Page 4
VI NEW BUSIMES (Continued)
We T4 A. Berner, representin Oak brook vM496 eaflp4tr f1m,
W4tht and Company, informed t e baud Of eMMVPting and flood
control conditions in Bxoakftivest - Phase 11. After t3soussion
the lao4rd agreed that this would taut come under their - %riedtatfork
unto L plans were subiritted and o.pprovec.
xstan, Hayera moved - aormtided by Trustee Rossman , ,
That this meetfcg be cad jow egad.
Voice vote , alL in favor. So o;¢c iered .
`Oil & mepting adjourned tat: J tI: 05 P .H.
RespeetftLly supra itted
Village Clerk